Homemade Meatloaf - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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having folks and welcome back to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making a real southern favorite meatloaf now a lot of people don't like meatloaf because they've ate meatloaf it is soggy greasy or just plain old bland this meatloaf is not soggy and it's not greasy and it certainly is not bland and we start out with two whole eggs here at our Bowl we're going to beat them up a little bit no need to go crazy and the purpose for your eggs is to bind everything together I'm going to add about a quarter of a cup of regular ketchup and I do buy this all-natural stuff here with no high fructose corn syrup in it and then we're going to add about a quarter of a cup of barbecue sauce and again I find barbecue sauce that does not have high fructose corn syrup in it and I really love the honey barbecue this special edition stuff does not have any high fructose corn syrup in it but regular crack does so if you're shopping for barbecue sauce don't get the regular look for the special edition we're going to add about a half teaspoon of salt and salt it's always to taste as is any spice I'm gonna do about a quarter teaspoon of pepper and about a half teaspoon of onion powder and I'm also going to put in some flaxseed now I had flaxseed to stuff like just about everything I'm fake because it makes it more moist and I'm going to do about half a cup of that and I also put flax seeds and stuff that I bake because a lot of y'all know that Brett is diabetic and flaxseed has a lot of health benefits especially for diabetics because it helps repair the nerve damage that the diabetes causes mix your spices up just a little bit I have a whole onion and a green pepper that I've chopped up and you want to chop those up pretty fine you don't want giant chunks in your meatloaf put that all in there give it another little stir to mix that around and kind of bust up your onions okay meatloaf also has to have a filler that flaxseed helps but I just use saltines this is one sleeve of wheat saltines you just squeeze the package you don't have to get these super fund like you do the fried chicken just chromium good give that another quick stir all right now you can use any grade of ground beef that you have in meatloaf but the leaner the meat the better you can use just a regular old 70/30 ground beef if you do that though you're going to have to drain the grease in the middle of cooking it and I'll tell you when to do that but I happen to get lucky today and I found some 93% lean ground beef on sale and that's what I'm going to use and this I will have to drain when I'm cooking it and it'll be really lean so you just dump your beef in there that's about two pounds and you stir it all together some people use their hands for this I am not fond of the way we're all meat fields so if you want to use your hands at this point you could even use a mixer with a dough hook on it but it don't take that long to mix it up ok that looks pretty good now I'm going to bake this meatloaf in my iron skillet and I've always used it iron skillet to bake meatloaf in because it's bad to burn and the iron skillet helps cook it because the skillet itself gets so hot and it also helps protect it from burning I'm just taking a tiny bit of grapeseed oil and pouring it in my skillet and then I'm going to wipe that around with a paper towel to kind of help keep it from sticking and make it a little bit easier to clean my pan because if you use iron skillets you know how hard they can be to clean and this will help a little I'm gonna dump my meatloaf into my skillet all my onions out of all there now I'm going to kind of mash this down in the skillet and I'm going to push it in from the edges a little bit that also helps to keep my pan from burning and it makes it easier to add we're going to pour barbecue sauce on this when it gets almost done cooking too and it gives you more area to cover with the barbecue sauce which gives you more flavor and if you're using a ground beef that has more fat in it this also gives the grease somewhere to run so you can drain it off when you get ready to drain it and you do want to mash it in the pan mash it together so it holds together and it's done and you can cut chunks out to serve it okay that looks pretty good at this point all you do is cover it with some aluminum foil stick it in a preheated 350 degree oven and we're going to let it bake for about two hours before we even check on it so we'll be back in two hours to pull it out of it okay fellers it's been about two hours you would not believe how good it smells in here and you can see our meatloaf is starting to brown at this point it's pretty much cooked this meat here like I said I don't have hardly any grease you can see that I don't even have enough to try to drain it but this is the point where you would want to drain it if you had a lot of grease but since I don't now I'm gonna add my barbecue sauce to the top again and I've seen people who put brown gravy out of a can on it and all kind of bizarre stuff just ketchup on it but the barbecue sauce gives it a lot more flavor and all you do is just pour the barbecue sauce on it and I'm probably going to use close to a half a cup at this point I would think just start in the middle and kind of let it run all down the edge because you know you mashed it out when we started I was talking to my dad and his wife today and she's really concerned that the world is about to end she says it's just like what revelation says all the earthquakes and floods and natural disasters well there is a lot of scary stuff going on right now I'll agree with that but people have been preaching that it's the end times ever since Jesus was here the last time and the fact is rather than worrying about that we need to worry about our last day not whether or not it's the last days there are six billion people in the world and 485 million of those people this is gonna be their last year on earth the next second two people are going to draw their last breath and that happens every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of this world two people every second draw their last breath and I don't know when that last second is going to come net you're going to spend a whole lot longer dead than you do alive so you really ought to be sure about what's going to happen when you die and the fact is you cannot be good enough to get into heaven if we could be good enough to be saved and spend eternity in heaven that would have been no need for Jesus to ever come and die so you need to stop trying to work your way into heaven trying to be a good person because that's never going to happen and you need to confess your sin to Jesus and ask him to forgive you but you have to have faith that he is real that what he did he did for you because your salvation comes when you ask and when you believe that Jesus died he was buried and he was resurrected and that death was for you so when you want to be certain of your eternal home open up your Bible look at it read it what if the next second is your second what you have to do is admit it you've sinned that you've lied that you cheated that you've been jealous that you've been mad and hated people that's it everybody has I'm not an angel trust me ask my husband if you don't believe me but it's just that simple people you gotta admit what you've done wrong and you've got to ask for forgiveness and you got to believe and then the next second won't matter even if it's your second but we're going to stick this back in the oven farm 45 minutes maybe even up to another hour but about 45 minutes is plenty long enough and if you're in a hurry 30 minutes will do long enough to make your rash taters and your green beans and get them all ready and then we'll pull it out I'll show you what it looks like when it's all done all right it's been about 35 minutes or so and you can see that this barbecue sauce that we put on top is really thick and gooey that's what you're looking for right there and I promise you this is gonna be the best meatloaf you ever ate let's see what it looks like you do want to wait just a minute before you cut it because when you take it out of the oven it'll still be really really soft and you want to kind of unstick the edges a little bit with a knife or you'll never get it out even though we've wiped it with oil we are baking in a cast-iron skillet and we use barbecue sauce so that's extremely sticky all right let's see what we've got here my goodness that looks good and it smells so good I'm not going to have to call them to dinner they're going to come run and here any second now so thanks for joining us again in the hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe and remember if we could be good enough to get in heaven that wouldn't have been any need for Jesus to come so stop trying to work your way there be good enough and just go ahead and ask him for his forgiveness
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 427,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meatloaf (Dish), prepper, health food, survivalist, dinner, recipe, Cooking, supper, culinary, the hillbilly kitchen, food, Kitchen, cooking with, country, country cooking, southern cooking, country kitchen, homemade, how to, baking, mother daughter, jesus, alter call, GOD, bret and becky, meatloaf recipe, betty's kitchen meatloaf, iron skillet, perfect meatloaf, BBQ meatloaf, homemade meatloaf, best meatloaf, meetloaf, beef meatloaf, ground beef, ground beef recipe, comfort food
Id: 8PU8kUcpX6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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