Could Milo Actually Become Champion?

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this is milo the first gym leader in pokemon sword and shield although this grass type expert looks like he can bench press two register without breaking a sweat he does not make it very far into the champion cup finals since he is the first gym leader he's supposed to be the weakest gym leader but what would happen if milo was unshackled from this role and gave the galler gym challenge everything he's got there's only one way to find out yup that's me no no down here you might be wondering how i got myself in this situation the last thing i remember is a very angry ghost guy with a glowing eye and then i woke up as a wulu broke down a fence and got lost in a spooky forest that has dogs howling as its theme music and i'm terrified of dogs thankfully milo came to my rescue and now he's bringing me back the turf field although does it look like someone's waiting for us by the entrance wait milo can we ask you a couple of questions of course now that all the gym challengers have passed through the first three gyms we hear you'll be having an exhibition battle with kabu that's right which pokemon do you plan to bring with you for this battle well i'd like to show off the grass types local to turf field so i'm thinking of bringing along the lambre from the pond just new here apple and are also very cool alombre bringing in a water type to a fire gym does that mean you're finally aiming to win an exhibition match i'm just here to have fun that's a shame well thank you for your time milo rude did did that talk so i'm a woo so what kill i think the stress is starting to get to us yeah let's go take five have a wonderful day low is there a reason you don't take these matches too seriously kapu has had a lot of ups and downs in his career as a gym leader i don't want to uproot his current position by showing off too much and besides chairman rose likes to send the winner of the local exhibition matches out to stowe inside for follow-up battle it's supposed to provide more entertainment for the crowd since there are less challengers left by that point but i've got my hands full with the upcoming harvest and now you as well me yes you mister talking boulu that caused trouble all over wet shirts and broke into the slumbering world i told you my name's vasco and i'm not a wulu ah my pokedex would like to disagree anyways we've got to figure out what to do with you have you managed to remember anything else just me oh well there's a lot of wulu in turf field maybe your girlfriend is somewhere around here is wulu all you have in your head mayhaps think milo are there any gym leaders like yourself named bey or anything similar nope we've got milo that's me vanessa caboo piers rihann alistair aleister he's the ghost type gym leader in stowe inside take me there no can do hulu why not well i still have my duties as gym leader and a ton of farm work that needs to be done what about the exhibition match then why not try to win it then we'll have a great reason to go see alistair i suppose so although i doubt lambre alone could take on kabu's team well then bring more pokemon like the oddish in sharona you got on the way back and your elder goss from the gym challenge alright alright slow your go goat i'll give it my best just for you now that i've got his team together for my very vague memories let's see what milo can do before his match with kabu milo actually had an exhibition match scheduled with nasa his laundry did okay against nessus goldin but still took a fair bit of damage before managing to knock it out her arakuda flinched out lambre twice in a row with its bite but milo used his once per battle healing item to heal up and finish off the fish with a seed bomb nessa was starting to get on edge but managed to knock out lambre with her dynomax dreadnought milo followed up with his aerogas even though he was also dynamaxx he didn't manage to one-shot turtle but all he needed was one more turn what the where'd you switch out your dino-max pokemon and why me well at least i have a grass type move so i don't gotta worry about nessa this time she was also kind of shocked by that little maneuver milo just did but also seemed kind of happy to see her rival trying something new nessa even gave him a water stone as a parting gift which he promptly used to evolve his laundry into a ludicolo i guess he does at least intend to try and win against kabu the battle starts out with a fake out but kabu holds nothing back and instantly sets ludicolo on fire lowering its physical attack two waterfalls later and his nine tails was knocked out but then kabu's arcanine lowers her attack even more with its intimidate since ludicolo couldn't do much more damage it got knocked out after taking several flame wheels milo followed up with chairman which planted some leech season to arcanine's fur while i was busy rolling around the ground like the dog it is then he followed up with aplin which apparently scared cabo enough to make him use willowism seems like cabo should have been more worried about apple's defense which helped it bulk out a flame wheel and then let it knock out the arcanine that's right this baby apple astonished us all by landing the finishing blow on the hot dog sadly it could magically bulk out a dynamax attack from santa scorch i'm getting a bit worried here because kabu's ace pokemon has an absolute advantage over our team have a little faith in the friendly farmer mr games i'm used to dealing with droughts wildfires and pesky bugs i made sure to give gloom and aquaberry from our farms near bridgefield they are especially good at resisting flames and this next part won't be very organic but we often use toxins to take care of invasive bugs trying to consume all the crops i guess our problem isn't as big anymore but it's still there oh right we still haven't used our dynomax yet it looks like our attacks won't be doing much damage but that poison sure is i'm a bit surprised milo was able to pull off a victory here cowboy was surprised as well even gave milo a sunstone as a congratulatory gift which he used right away to evolve his gloom into a blossom he also asked the trainers at his gym to cover for his farm work while he's away and then he made his way to hammerlock he noticed a distressed boy near the park who was looking for an appliance apparently there's this whole tradition in gallardo if you give the one you like an apple in you'll be together forever i wish i had someone to give an apple into anyways his crush was going to be moving to a different region very very soon so what does milo do he just hands over to one from his team you know that wonder was strong enough to knock out an arcanine he asked for help so nicely how could i possibly say no besides once we talk to alistair and get you all taken care of i won't need a tough nut team come on milo don't say that we all saw what you could do when you give it your all why stop as soon as you've helped me out the cheering crowds the intensity of high stakes battles the hopes and dreams of your opponent it's a bit much for me i prefer having battles for fun and i enjoy the slow life in turfield as long as i can have a good time with my fellow gym leaders i don't really need the spotlight the sunlight is just fine for me hey milo how'd things go well i couldn't just give away your app onto her but then she said i can tell from the smile on your face yeah anyways thank you for giving me your apple and out of the blue like that but uh could you tell me where to find one on my own of course they usually end up rolling by the huge berry tree south of the daycare on route 5. thank you so much milo and um i was originally going to give her this sweet apple instead of an apple in and since i don't need it anymore here a thank you gift from me oh how sweet turns out the apple was a bit too sweet for milo's taste but his applein absolutely loved it so much that it ended up evolving into an appleton before getting to alistar's gym there was some sort of commotion happening in stoweon's side turns out one of the gem challengers was attempting to destroy a historical monument and since milo was the first of the scene he had to take care of it his ilikoto made quick work of the devotion which was too busy trying to set up walls a challenger attempted to strike back with a pattern but as it turns out ludicol was quite the bulky pokemon gothita tried to meddle with her defenses with some fake tears allowing his ponyta to finish off the fight while just the ludicolo we still had the rest of our team on hand so milo sent out appleton to get a feel for what his new pokemon could do the ponyta tried to boost its speed perhaps preparing itself for a quick escape but milo easily took out the last pokemon gym leader milo it's not often we see you this far from turf field thank you for protecting galler's history from this troubled trainer and i heard from leon that you also helped save a wooloo that got lost in the slumbering wheel you've really been going all out lately on behalf of galler i owe you a favor if you need something don't hesitate to ask anyways we've got to go and clean up this mess and i hear you've got an exhibition match with alistair best don't be late there is an imposter among us you you did this to me mr games didn't think i'd see you back there so soon wait so he wasn't joking what he said he wasn't actually a wulu nope turn me back please i have to find may i'll pass come on alistair why won't you help this out well uh you see it's not that i won't but that i can't what do you mean you can't bibly wobbly tiny why me space stuff so there's nothing you can do well maybe then do it okay but uh there's two conditions we can do two right first you'll need to catch eternitis i know where to find one you do he do and two you have to become champion oh that's um milo come on you need to be that strong to control eternity's power only then i can channel its energy and send mr games back to where he wants to go can't you do that alistar nope nada not a chance i think that's why i'm in this mess to begin with yup this is all a bit much not even half of it i i i guess it is my job to take care of all the wulu in the gallery region me included you included well then milo your trial starts here alistar starts the battle with his mask bloop mimikyu tries to lower our attack power with its baby doll eyes but loses its disguise in the process it then managed to land not one but two critical hits with a slash attack milo follows up with a blossom and uses a moon blast to finish it off he recovers some health by using giga drain on curse a lot while alastair places a curse on us and bye bye cursilla that left him with just the giant gengar of doom which instantly used max ooze to take out blossom and boost his own stats i have a bad feeling about this milo responds by sending out the gas and uses protect to stall out a turn of course that's never good enough against these dynomax moves the nice thing is that audagas countdown ability helps reduce this monster speed stat after three turns of ooze boosting its special attack the gengar returns down to size and is up against her cherum which manages to outspeed it and plant some leech seeds and then gets obliterated by poison time for appleton to shine with a max guard we're protecting i see why now luckily appleton survived with a few hp despair and manages to land one hit with max wormwind since it couldn't out speed gengar it goes down wait wait me i guess i am the last pokemon on this team but there's no way i can outspeed this dude thankfully those leech deeds pulled off its last bit of health so we won we won you must keep training milo no going back to turf field for the usual training then no go to opal she'll help you out also winner of our match has a follow-up exhibition in sirchester in two days well once the lulu starts rolling we must keep it going when we got to oppo's gym she offered to observe her battle style and give us some feedback on how to improve and what better way to do that than to battle us herself her whizzing was instantly a problem since he could use a poison type move milo sent out eldergas which was kind of slow but bulky oppo then started asking us questions about her something about understanding your opponent in order to have the upper hand in battle i don't think that usually gives us a stat boost though but we'll take it she followed up with togekiss another threat to our team thanks to its flying type moves so we pulled an alistar and put it to sleep milo followed up with cherum which used sunnyday to change its form and give itself a nice special defense boost it didn't help that much milo then tried using blossom which no sludge bomb that left oppo with just the cake which we instantly laced with poison she used up all three of her dynamaxx turns to take out blossom and now we have three turns of giant pie are you team pie or team cake comment below the pie was confused about me saying that no joke all three turns to dynamax it just hit itself in confusion i don't know how we're gonna get the champion at this rate oppo also managed to keep recovering from the poison by using draining kiss a bunch but she could only stall out so much in the end both appleton and all creamy got knocked out during the same turn milo only won because i was still on his team you're welcome after our battle oppo took us to an old friend of hers all the way at the isle of armor for some special soup that would supposedly help appleton by giving it a new dynamax form and a special move i really wanted to try that yummy looking mushroom soup as well but they didn't let me have any it won't have any effect they say having filled their bellies we made our way to the city of snow for the next exhibition match melanie leads the battle with a frost moth as soon as it snapped out of confusion franz moth set up a hail we finished it off with a waterfall but then had to face off with their mana tan blossom was next using its only turn to set up a sunny day lucky for us that was all the setup cherub needed using weather ball in the sun gave us a powerful fire type move her poor ice cube did not stand a chance having a four times weakness to ice type moves meant that appleton had to be very careful so milo used max guard to stall lapras's last turn of dynamaxx and then we got hit by a very strong ice beam and became frozen oh no nevermind the pie was stalled out thoroughly before cooking wink too bad or mac's sweetness move wasn't strong enough to defeat lapras not enough sugar baby usually this is where milo would have lost but i'm here now looks like our time for training was over there were four gym challengers who have already gathered away gym badges so milo had to make his way to winden for the finals which were close approaching i also told him a bit more about alternatives and rose's plans for it so while the gym challengers were duking it out in the semi-finals he went to rose tower to claim that favor from earlier at first rose laughed at milo's proposition to help capture eternities but after a bit of negotiation he agreed to let milo try if he could win a battle against the chairman so here we are rose starts out with his cavalier oh boy this ain't gonna be easy in a panic milo sends out blossom and uses sunny day to set up for cherum's weatherbot take that rose he stand up for circa next which meant the same fate as its predecessor the bad news was that the sunlight had already faded by the time klinkland came out poor cherum was neither fast nor bulky enough to set up a second set of sun and actually get an attack in milo did what he always does when a foe is too fast send out his pokey of the goss every time we got hit his speed fell more and more meanwhile aldegon slowly chipped away at the gears health with its energy balance milo sent out appleton giganamax and went for an all-out attack which still wasn't enough to get the ko the good news was that rose can do much damage either it was time for rose to dynamax and we were almost out of max turns so appleton went for the max wormwind to lower the elephant's attack stat since her foe was a physical attacker milo decided to use iron defense and rely on our bulk to stall his dynomax then he followed up with apple acid a move unique to appleton that also lowers the enemy's special defense stat just like that milo managed to gain rose's approval to try and capture alternatives when it awakens he even gave us a rocky helmet for when that time comes the semi-finals were just about finished so milo and i went back to windham stadium to prepare for the finals looks like milo's first opponent will be right hand since this is a single right hand ladies he leads the battle with sunny day torque milo stalls out one turn thanks to fake out then uses waterfall despite the weather effects right hand responds with a solar beam but lucky for us that doesn't do much damage the sunlight finally faded and now our waterfalls can actually do some damage right hand must be getting pretty desperate because instead of attacking he goes for a yawn bye turtle right hand sends out turdinator i sleep and the ludicolo fell for right hand shell trap since milo didn't want to play around anymore he sound all blossom and used a sludge bomb that ended up poisoning the terminator also since their attack was special his shell traps didn't activate one dragon down three to go flygon wasn't that scary since we also knew moonblast pujo was up next and a knowing right hand he'd waste the turn changing the weather yup that left right hand with just his duraladon since he was fast enough to outspeed blossom milo sent out aldegas you know the draw by now we use protect the stalled and get hit anyways and send her khan spores to slow down the raudan once the dynomax is gone milo could safely send out cherum set up a sunny day and finish off the fight with a hot humid weather ball i think we might have broken his ac looks like pierce won his battle against kabu thank goodness obstagoon entered the main stage and used obstruct to get a feel for the crowd he then ended blossom's non-existent singing career with a throat chop cheering followed up with a dazzling gleam after all we didn't see any signs saying no flash photography piers used throat chop on cherum as well but couldn't do quite enough damage toward the pressed cherry and that left him with the post-show host skunk tank we landed one dazzling gleam but got snarled away oh there's aldergas using hypervoice of all things what are we doing fighting piers at his own singing game looks like we've made it to the final match and we'll be going up against alistair of all people so i reckon we should battle crumbs that was ace now then it's time harvest time no time to go to your eternitis hey milo come to the hammerlock gym asap it looks like leon was also on standby waiting for eternity to awaken by the time we arrived he had already battled with this beast and failed to capture it now it was our turn this wasn't going to be easy considering it's over leveled and a poison type we're screwed we were definitely gonna need to slow this thing down before appleton enters the battle so out guys it is oh boy appleton is all new bud oh no huh appleton live appleton lived and it used a dragon post as well doing just enough damage to knock out eternitis and milo captured it in a friend ball now there was only one thing left to do it was time to answer could milo actually become champion because if not i'm gonna be stuck as a woo for the rest of my life leon's pokemon was completely unfazed by the confusion but thankfully ludi lived with just 5 hp since our health was so low leon didn't try to protect this time rookie mistake and next was haxorus who entered into an outrage right away since he has passed out the goss time milo used protect to stall the outrage while confusion sets in then used congard to bulk up our con ball leon still managed to hit us very hard but milo wasn't gonna take any chances so he used his one time full heal in hopes of getting to lower their speed even more oh so yes that rocky helmet from rose is now in our con ball so every time leon hits us with an outrage not only does he lose some speed but a little bit of hp and just when haxorus was almost defeated leon used his one-time healing item as hard as leon tried to take us down el dorgas took outrage after outrage and slowly finished off haxorus with a hypervoice that was satisfying the joy was short-lived since dragapo was up next not only does it know flamethrower it's also extremely fast and has the clear body ability which means we can not lower its speed since blossom new moon blast it got to go out next i guess it's also pretty bulky since it tanked two flame throwers and finished off the dragonpod on its own mr rime was gonna be another huge hurdle since it knows ice type moves and was also faster than blossom too bad all the gas is knocked out right now let's hope cherum can milo wait me cherum is too slow and not bulky enough to set up properly alright i guess i'll all right i'm gonna use that static from my wool to paralyze him can't catch these hands well hopes ouch it's psychic hit pretty hard i guess i'm gonna hit him with a reversal uh oh he looks angry mr milo i don't feel so good ah where am i leon hilo good morning fluffy head milo what happened last thing i remember is a very angry clown oh the champion cup battle with leon you got knocked out from a psychic and were asleep for three days straight how are you feeling that's feeling kind of fuzzy but i'm okay glad to hear so what happened with the rest of the match did you win looks like i'm still a wulu you lost didn't you champion milo champion milo can we get an interview did you just say champion yeah it was all thanks to you thanks to your thunder wave charon was able to safely use sunny day and take out mr rhyme with a fire type weatherball leon sent out intellion next but we were able to take it out with a couple of solar beams his charizard used to turn to knockout cherum then i sold out one turn with max guard uh-oh how did appleton end up winning the battle remember when opal took us to the isle of armor yeah to have some soup i didn't get any though well she also gave me a very cute fairy type pokemon named merrell told me that i should experiment with breeding methods to transfer its rock type move roll out over to my appleton while we were negotiating with rose one of my gym trainers successfully bred the move onto a chirrubi and then onto an applet and my assistant pia brought it up to windon with her for the semi-finals it was then able to cross-pollinate with my appleton to teach it roll out which came in handy as max rock's fault it turned out to be the only move that could actually deal some damage to leon's charizard if opel hadn't helped us out and gotten me to transfer that rock type move on to appleton there's no way i could have won oi we can hear you talking in there can you open up for an interview please wouldn't they super rude to you last time we saw them but i won't let their rootness get to me wait but if you did become champion why am i still a woo ah well sleep there he is come on in alistar milo mr games preparations are ready you ready to send me back forward forward milo please explain it sounded a bit weird to me too alistar said you were sent here from a different world with some specific goal and that unfinished goal acts as a lock that prevents him from sending you back to your own world so i'm stuck here as a wulu until i get enough information on bae well alistair found someone with that name she's just training in a different region and apparently she's a gym leader candidate in galler for the stone side gym soon i'll be free too you really don't like the spotlight either huh alistair hi the battles are fun everyone staring at me is not i think we're getting off topic oh right so this b trainer is supposed to return to the gather region just in time for the next gym challenge okay but what does this have to do with forward your your soul is slowly filling with other worldly knowledge and uh the more it feels the more threatening your soul's aura becomes like a plant releasing pheromones to communicate with others nearby your soul will start radiating with terrifying force a force that will attract all sorts of legendary pokemon to you once they sense it they will come to um to put out your flame the the longer you remain here the stronger you'll glow while you were asleep a very threatened zashian tried to come after you i just barely managed to subdue it with my team i'm i'm sorry vasco i i barely became champion both leads thanks to your help and that of the gym leaders but if a bunch of legendary pokemon started attacking you at once i don't think i'd be able to protect you we hear bee is very formidable so formidable that she should be able to fend off a few legendaries and buy you some more time to figure out what your goal is the push forward will also dim dim some of your auras glow for a bit well that's some good news but it'll cost you some some of your memories you mean i might forget you and milo well it's it's sad to think you won't remember us but right now you're like an endangered flower wilting in the dusk all we can do is take you to a greenhouse and hope that it's enough to save you even if it means forgetting us anyways we should should begin thank you for everything thank you to vasco you've pushed me to greater heights than i could ever imagined he has a knack for that oh i guess i'm as ready as i'll ever be then let us begin take me home pottswick road to the place where i belong on a sea boat with a trainer she's so strong champion maybe
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 304,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Milo, Pokemon Sword Milo, Pokemon Shield Milo, Can Milo Become Champion, Vasko Milo, Pokemon Wooloo, Vasko Wooloo, Vasko Allister, Milo and Wooloo, That time i got reincarnated as a Wooloo, So Im a Wooloo so what, Pokemon Shield as Milo, Can you beat pokemon Shield as Milo, Can you bean pokemon shield playing as Milo, Milo vs Leon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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