Could Cynthia Become Champion in Galar? | Pokemon Sword

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with the upcoming release of the diamond pro remakes i started to wonder who's the stronger champion leon or cynthia since i doubt the remakes will include all of the new pokemon added from generation 5 onwards my hopes of doing a leon and sinnoh run aren't too high but thanks to the crown tundra cynthia's entire team is available in sword and shield and you know what that means let's see if cynthia could become champion in the gala region instead of just fighting leon to see who is the stronger trainer i decided to do a full run of the game and remind myself just how powerful cynthia is i will catch and add pokemon to her team as they become available throughout the story the two exceptions being gibble and spirit tomb which can only be found in the crown tundra at level 60 or higher so as soon as the shooting stars gave me cynthia and the ability to trade i transferred over two eggs for those pokemon having spirit tomb from the very beginning felt a bit unfair so in order to unlock this ghost i had to talk to 108 different people in the gala region as an additional challenge i will end the run if i cannot win any battle in two tries why two tries you ask because i'm such a dummy that i could probably lose to nessa with a full team of level 100 pokemon but don't worry there is some extra rules i followed to keep this fair and square no held items no over leveling or grinding all battles will be in set mode and finally i can only use one healing item per battle if leon can use a forest store during the champion cup so can i to start off the journey i hatched my two eggs then started talking to everyone i could thinking that 808 is a pretty big number i probably wouldn't get to use the spiritual until halfway through the game unless i talk to everyone of course i started with magnolia and her botanist husband then there was this guy who's basically a breathing signpost this kid that makes me think a game freak was gonna have the ability to select how you throw your pokeballs in battle a feature from sun and moon that i kind of miss the nosy hairdresser asking me when i'm gonna get a real job instead of make youtube videos this alolan tourist who doesn't say alola to greet you ball guy lower guy old guy bathing in a fountain why and before i knew it it turns out i've already talked to 108 different people in the gala region i didn't think it was going to be that easy since both my pokemon were kind of under leveled i tried to catch up to carco and the gal are mine only to be interrupted by bead who kindly reminded me that spear 2 is now weak to fairy types back in my day this boy had no weakness after kicking his butt i went back into the mines with the hope of intersecting the minecart pokemon in the 20 times i've played this game i don't think i've ever tried battling it before the first batch but wait no come back i wasn't on the stinking tracks okay maybe you'll have better luck with the other one any day now any day maybe i'm too far away for it to spawn or something there you go oh cool it's level 18. all right now that i'm done being a curious monkey it's time to run around the golden grass fields of route 4 until a badu shows up from there i head straight to the first gym never mind from there i act like the tourist center would be and go check out the local geoglyphs i feel like she would be tall enough to reach the other face hole wait why don't any of these sources agree well i guess she's tall we just don't know how tall anyways the first up was the buff grass type gym leader milo his gossip floor goes down to three spirit tomb paybacks and then he shows off galler's signature dynamax mechanic spear tomb hangs on by a thread and manages to confuse the elder goss i know better than to rely on confusion damage so i had spirit to me the shadow sneak and then die don't worry it's a ghost but do what's up next because an unspoken row of these runs is to never use the ace pokemon until the very end here i present you with my dummy card where i try to use a spore move on a grass type since there wasn't much else i could badoo i went for worry seed only to find out that milo's edogas has a completely useless ability regenerator only works if he can switch out he ain't switching out anytime soon but it is something i would like to do but can't until this baby plant but dies finally all right gibbo it's go time since i wasn't too confident in our ability to knock out the big fluff with our dynamaxx moves i decided to go for a sand tomb first if nothing else i could count on that in between turn damage gimbal almost died in the process so it was time to go big and do very little damage with our only decent move i used up a dynamax turn to heal which was a good call because milo would have ended a run with a magical leaf why are you so squishy gibble and then my dynomax ran out and i still hadn't killed the edo goss panic i was ready to accept defeat but the ai decided to go easy on me and use the much weaker leafy edge attack allowing me to survive and finish off the battle with a dragon breath it's kind of scary to think that milo could absolutely obliterate cynthia if he wanted to good thing he's also squishy like gibble and likes to go easy on others in battle after exiting thurfield i had a quick battle with the interview crew why can't i speak i stopped by the daycare but unlike the ones in the cinno region this one isn't gonna level up your pokemon also whose child is this team yell fight was actually kind of challenging since spirit tomb didn't have any effective moves and i couldn't switch out stupid rules so i relied on confusion and spammed payback until the zigzagoon went down fivo was just as annoying but at least it was fast enough to hit us first so those paybacks were doing a decent amount of damage this second grunt had spirit tomb's brother from another mother cebula and of course i ran out of pp for payback on this one lucky for me shadow sneak could actually hit this pokemon having acquired the bike i rushed ahead towards holbory completely forgetting to heal before the hop fight and maybe breaking my rules just a little bit by swapping out the gimbal because there is no way in his suit i'm going to waste 15 minutes until hop where i burn through all of our pee-pee and start struggling after finishing the battle and healing at the pokemon center i hopped i got on a bike and rode through to hellbury taking down the office lady that uses her crow gunk for free labor on the way that's no way to treat a sinnoh pokemon having struggled against milo i was a bit concerned about fighting nessa she manages to confuse spirit tomb with her first water pulse instantly putting me in a pickle good news is that we snapped out of confusion the next turn hit hard with payback and finished off the fish with a shadow sneak her aracuda wasn't nearly as bogey so it went down to one payback i like how this is going but i doubt i'll have much luck against dreadnought especially with only half my health nessa goes for the max darkness and somehow spirit tomb lives and manages to land a confused ray i follow up with a shadow sneak just in case dreadnought hits itself in confusion the first time around but blasted me away with a max geyser on its last turn of dynamaxx this is where most my runs would get soft locked having accepted defeat i sent out badoo and prepared for the worst to my surprise it survived one hit however it didn't do nearly enough damage with its absorber i thought this was supposed to be a four times effect of it somehow the dreadnought still hadn't shaken off its confusion and ended up hitting itself the next turn it allowed me to land the second absorb which somehow ended up knocking out the brown ender turtle faith in this useless badoo has been restored after getting the second badge i went right into the second mine to body beat a second time and then got stuck into a double battle with hop against timiel which was once again proved to be a problem for spirit tomb who can't do much damage instead of attacking i went for the support role and confused both of the enemy pokemon while hop did his baby damage with wulu tmeo finally knocked down his sheep and i started attacking with payback hoping they would dare to punch me they didn't having reduced the fight to an unfair 2v1 i watched this hop remind me that this is in fact a fair 1v1 since he doesn't intend to do any actual damage thankfully he used pak under panjam and i finished it off with a hex i need a break after that battle oh hi marnie listen i told you i'm a dummy that's why we have the second tryroll now then kabu okay okay hear me out gibbo is very squishy and under leveled so i'm just gonna give it a little candy to boost its morale now now where was i right kabu first up was ninth house which went directly for the willows a mistake i made during my first attempt was relying on physical attacks from spirit tomb which just was not gonna cut it at this gym so instead i had to remember nasty plot and decided to set up while cabo was doing his warm-ups since he missed the first turn that's two nasty plots for me from there spirit tomb attacked with hex which was a tad too weak to knock out the fox so i finished it off the next turn with a shadow sneak arcanine intimidates us which doesn't matter this time around and i knocked it out with a single hex that leaves the spicy spaghetti bug which got to finish off the spirit tube i tossed out badou to waste the turn of dynamaxx sorry bud and followed it up with gavite we dynomax and spam max squeak for three turns in order to finish off the battle sorry cabo you don't get a second try having collected all three gym badges i pulled a leon went into hammerlock which unlocked the snowstorm weather and the wild area then went back out of hammerlock to look for a ryolu funny enough right after catching our fourth team member badu evolved into a rosalia while watching a battle between a ride-on and a pokemon from cynthia's platinum team i found a trainer who wanted to trade a togepi for toxil welcome home child the other interesting thing is that half of cynthia's team requires love to evolve which meant i got to do a little bit of camping with these guys it was a nice break from the typical rush through this game alright break is over time to fight team yell again of course spirit 2 was once again at a disadvantage but at least i could set up nasty plot having maxed out its special attack i made spiritual muse hex to knock out the stunky why must they have lie noon you saw nothing the next female member had a lie part which stalled out spirit tomb's poison damage went down to a bulldoze from gabite i quickly healed and made my way through route 8. fighting only the metronome lady and the crazy artist and of course hop can't forget about hob he goes for the dive on cramarand which moves faster than me and does a ton of damage this also means he gets to spit a fish on my face and puts spiritual at a huge disadvantage i finished it off with a shadow snake before it tried to pull off any more funny business spiritual was also fast enough to take down the silly cobra but not quite fast enough for monkey rosalia was the next best choice since it was the only pokemon on my team that had something super effective too bad it only does 5 damage just before the monkey dies hop uses his one time healing item to continue stalling this run as much as possible and then continues screeching at me until the monkey finally dies i'm sick of these fights so gabbite is out next to quickly knock out the toxo and move on to the next gym i hear you all big fans of b and that even the anime was hinting to her being a top trainer so let's see how she does here since her first pokemon can't even hit me i decided to play it smart instead of nasty plot having maxed out my special attack i went for the hex sweep she followed up with pangoro who used workup instead of trying to attack and actually bulked out one of the hexes i got scared for a moment when she used nightslash but since she did not land the crit spiritual was safe she tried setting up sword stance on surf etched but it wasn't gonna get a chance to use its buffs and last but not least b sends out her giganomax machamp who knows mag's darkness but somehow isn't beefy enough to one-shot spear tomb so i decided to be a little troll and use my one time heal on spirit home to stall out her dynamax i only had a super potion though so i couldn't do much more i didn't want to waste more time so i send out get bite next and finish off the battle with the bulldoze after bodying beat for a third time i decided to take another breather break and cook with my cute little buddies after all i was about to face the gym that has the one type which could actually pose a threat to most of my pokemon oppo leads off with wheezing which instantly goes for the super effective fairy wind and go for nasty plot setup with spiritual and thanks to her quiz questions get enough of a speed boost to hit the whizzing first having maxed out my special attacks i dropped a hyper potion and spirit doom and started my sweep she followed up with malwa which also goes down to a hex the togiakis manages to tank out my attack with a few hp to spare but wasn't able to one-shot us and since we were just a little bit faster it goes down as well g-max all creamer also bulks out the hex and gets to steal some of our hp with its very type move but not enough to survive a second attack now you might be thinking it's a bit of a fair to max out a stat before sweeping but i tried doing the first battle without any setup and couldn't even get past the toeics so soon an attempt to not let cynthia down i had to result to plotting out ways to win this also we finally have a lucario i found a shiny stone on route 8 and used it as a good enough excuse to evolve both roselli and togetic making our team nearly complete after falling down a couple of holes in the sir chester gym i went on to battle gordy unlike the previous gyms he made it clear that i'm not going to be able to set up having almost lost spirit tomb i went for a sucker punch chako said no ghost this time i went for the swords dance setup on locario knowing that gordy's pokemon packed quite a lot of physical bulk and also because his choco can do much damage to us look at us this is barely tickles having properly set up i swept through gordy's shaco and stone turner but since all of his rock tombs made lucario super slow gordy got his revenge with a max flare attack uh-oh snips was up next with an aura sphere and that did minimal damage gordy countered with his special g-max vocalin and and knocking out togekiss in two turns thankfully he was also out of dynamics turns i sent out rosary then set up a toxic just in case then dynamaxx gabbite and finished off the fight with a max quake you could say gordy was a little shook just as shook as the bike guy was also this is technically the last team yo fight in the game once again spirit tomb couldn't do anything against their lineup you saw nothing turns out the toku kiss was the perfect counter for team yo all along knocking out with their pokemon with an aura sphere and a draining kiss having acquired a water bike i went fishing for feedbacks and accidentally killed the first one forcing myself to waste another half an hour at the same location until i got another one having completed my team i made my way to spike mouth for the seventh gym badge since i knew spirit tomb wasn't going to be able to do much damage i speed ran in the switch out by putting lucario on the lead it knocked out scrafty without any setup but then i did use one turn of swords dance since i knew pierce was going to go for the obstruct the psychic squid was able to bulk out one attack but wasn't able to ditch enough damage in return and even though cindy would appreciate seeing a ceno pokemon as pierce's ace she was not gonna go easy on him he did outsmart me and landed a sucker punch but sadly couldn't do enough damage to knock us out sorry pierce the battle with right hand wasn't much of a challenge either rosa raid took down gigolith with a giga drain and spear tomb went after flygon right hand tried to be funny with breaking swipe but since both of my pokemon were special attackers his strategy wasn't working out too good he also triggered rosarite's poison point allowing spirit tune to do double damage with hex this left right hand was just rattled on which might i remind you has a very low special defense in a desperate attempt to do something he does knock out spirit room but cynthia follows up with the toga kiss and knocks out the power tower with an aura sphere having won all eight gym badges cynthia makes her way through route 10 where she is kindly reminded of the snowy sinnoh region and barely makes it through the first set of trainers after a short camping break she finally evolves gavit into ger chomp and pushes for the final stretch against the interview crew melodic carries the battle with its surf attack and garchomp comes in for the final wave it takes out the noise with a dragon claw and finishes off the target tomorrow with the bulldoze i completely forgot the heel once i got the wind in and went straight into the fight with marnie i i told you guys i'm a dummy then i sort of broke my rules and used a revive on rosarite as my healing item for this battle meanwhile marnie attacks us with snarl which in theory would help her but since melodic is very competitive it ends up boosting her special attack i set up a whirlpool which nearly knocks out her life part and forces her to use her healing item remembering my situation i go for recover instead of attacking while marnie continues to spam snarl deciding enough is enough i used surf to finish off the cat she follows up with more pekko who wasn't able to one-shot melodic and went down to a surf next up was crafty or should i say next down was crafty because it did nothing on the battlefield and then marnie goes for the toxic rope which really should have been her first choice since it has the dry skin ability all my water type moves would simply heal her so i couldn't really do anything else with melodic it took her a long while to knock out my pokemon and since i was getting impatient i sent out garchomp to finish it off with the bulldoze martin was down to her last pokemon which easily killed garchomp and can i just say if this was platinum cynthia without her togekiss ronnie would definitely win anyways they sent out rosary next used max guard to steal a turn and finished off the battle with two servings of max ooze sorry marnie i i know you tried your best do i have to talk about the hot battle though ah okay oh no i forgot i had a lucario at the front of the party whatever shall i do oh no it's setting up a sword's dance oh no it one shot hops sheep and snorlax and pinkerton and corva nevermind pop is gonna be annoying you use scary face and then his healing item then gets paralyzed and then the birds die thank you hop thank you for wasting my time his big monkey knocked out lucario with max quake so i actually had to use my brain for half a second during this battle i sent out togekiss spammed air slash and wow surprise surprise won the battle time to body bead for the fourth time since i've already battled the rest of these trainers many times before let me give you the quick rundown hi nessa meet my rosary bea never learned her lesson and got swapped by spirit tomb and right hand's dragons could not lay a finger on togekiss i love how much coverage cynthia's team has rose faced the same faith as right hand and mylotic whirlpool styled alternatives into submission alright time for the battle everyone came here for cynthia vs leon who would win an affair 1v1 both champions start out the battle with a ghost type pokemon leon's aegislash is faster and lands a powerful shadow ball on spear tomb which just barely holds on after a dark pose from cynthia's ghost being put in a corner leon decides to use up his one healing item but cynthia takes no risks and attacks with shadow sneak pulling the sword's health back down to the danger zone and then finishing it off the very next turn leon follows up with haxaris knowing she can't out speed cynthia lands one last hit with a shadow sneak before losing spirit tomb lucario enters the battle next he tries to use a turn of swords dance but hacksaw lens a crit hit hoping for good rng cynthia tries to attack but the game god said no confusion and no lucario for you so she follows up with a slightly overleveled snips listen i did my best not to let they get so high but since it's a traded pokemon and csp gain is off the chart and it was the main carry against right hand and rose togekiss thinks an iron tail and uses draining kiss to restore some of its health before finishing off haxorus leon follows up with yet another dragon which outspeeds us but snips hangs on by 1 hp using its super effective draining kiss togekiss recovers just enough health to survive another thunderbald and knocks out the dragon ball mr rhyme comes in next to take down togekiss and cause trouble for cynthia she sends out melodic and uses the whirlpool stall strategy freeze drive may be a pretty powerful move but it's not strong enough so we finish off the clown with a surf before it tries to do more damage leon is down to intellion who's pants at reading the room and boosts my lodding special attack with its tearful look cynthia locks it into a whirlpool and stalls the damage while recovering every other turn once intelion's hp is low enough cynthia goes for a serve and finishes it off leon was now down to his last pokemon but this was by no means going to be easy his type coverage is not so poor milotic gets knocked out by a max overgrowth rose raid gets burned to a crisp with a max wildfire and gerchamp well gertrum goes big like sauna it takes a one max overgrowth and hits back with a max rockfall leon's charizard pokes out the attack but is out of dynamax turns means we can finish this off in style how about we show you what a real dragon can do a leon so there you have it cynthia with her diamond and pearl champion team can indeed defeat the unbeatable champion of the gala region just by a hair can't wait to go and fight her a bunch of times when the remakes come out in the meantime who do you think is the stronger champion leon cynthia or someone else entirely let me know in the comments below thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 701,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cynthia, Pokemon Cynthia, Cynthia vs Leon, Leon vs Cynthia, pokemon Cynthia vs Leon, Pokemon Leon vs Cynthia, Cynthia Galar, Pokemon Cynthia Galar, Pokemon Sword Cynthia, pokemon shiled Cynthia, Pokemon Diamon Cynthia, Pokemon Pearl Cynthia, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Cynthia, pokemon shining pearl Cynthia, Who is the best pokemon Champion, Vasko Cynthia, Vasko Pokemon Challenge, Can X become champion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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