Vitamins & Minerals at Walmart - What to Get and AVOID

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we're getting vitamins at walmart check it out walmart actually has a really good selection of vitamins like a whole entire shelf and i was originally going to do protein powders along with this but i ended up doing a separate video for that because there's just so much so i want you to know like what vitamins are worth getting what's worth checking out and we're not really focusing so much on the brands as we are like what is available at walmart and what's going to be a good option for you for whatever lifestyle you're following so let's go ahead and let's break it down and see what is good and what is a waste [Music] all right look at this we're going to be here for about four and a half hours everybody so get your books ready get your notebooks ready no it's good all right i think we need to cover sort of just this looks like the multivitamin section there's something to know about multivitamins first and foremost with adults multivitamins really only come into the equation if you're going to be deficient in something right if you if you are deficient then a multivitamin comes in handy otherwise a lot of times they're water-soluble vitamins that are just getting urinated out and unless you have a deficiency you don't get a lot of benefit the exception kind of comes with kiddos because i feel like kids can end up being deficient in things a lot easier because the rapid utilization within their body the problem is a lot of times you don't find good kid multi vitamins like for example if we look at like flintstone gummies that are right here we end up with glucose syrup as the first thing is this a gummy yeah so glucose syrup sugar is the first thing okay that's completely canceling out any real benefit there let's see if i can find like a regular flintstone vitamin that's not a gummy uh just to kind of give you an idea you just you run into this a lot and here's a flintstone here's a flintstone complete okay this one is sorbitol maltodextrin mannitol so we have a bunch of sugar alcohols and then of course then we get into this stuff carrageenan so you can see that multivitamins are really pretty big marketing game very few multivitamins that i would recommend when we get into this whole world we do need to look at this big equation and like what is going to be beneficial if you're choosing a multivitamin definitely don't get a gummy always go for like a capsule and always go for ones that are not just loaded with a bunch of the water-soluble vitamins try to go for ones that also have some other benefits let's take a look at just like this equate 7.88 multivitamin here calcium carbonate potassium chloride dicalcium phosphate magnesium oxide okay so magnesium oxide is like the lowest bottom of the barrel magnesium that you can get it hardly lasts in your body at all it pretty much goes right through you it's already in an oxidized form microcrystalline cellulose cascorbic acid iron ferrous femurate okay so a lot of interesting things here what we're not going to get a huge benefit out of we still have is this a chewable no because it still has glucose in it which is really weird a lot of just stuff that is not going to be super beneficial sugar sunflower oil so you really need to go for something much purer than this you're not getting a lot of benefit so when you look at a multivitamin um you do want to look for a vitamin a content that is a little bit less than 100 because vitamin a you should be getting from your diet and vitamin a is one of those things that you can overdo a little bit more okay also we see a good amount of the b vitamins anything where you see just like crazy amount which fortunately we don't see a lot of times you'll see like you know a thousand percent or two thousand percent of the daily recommended value the bottom line is it's really difficult with multivitamins i want to try to find one that's going to be like really good here's one that's a men's multi-complete i like that it's in a soft gel because that means it actually has fat soluble vitamins the way that they should be in their true oil fat soluble form so let's see we got here we have fish oil sunflower seed oil hydroxypropol starch calcium yeah bht oh my gosh okay like bht is one of the worst preservatives you can possibly have the bht is like on my list of never touch anything with bht and this is an immense complete multi i mean it's that's what we run into this issue with it's a big problem um am i gonna find anything what's this one a day pro edge complete multivitamin for more men's one a day calcium carbonate magnesium oxide i mean inexpensive it is eight dollars ninety four cents but even this we have blue number one we have yellow number five we have polyethylene glycol oh my gosh like what is going on here this is super frustrating like this that is really frustrating i just want to find one one vitamin like one multivitamin okay let's try this alive men's energy [Music] okay at least this has like a fruit blend this is better magnesium stearate that's that's better chain triglycerides manganese magnesium has still magnesium oxide and that's not if you see magnesium oxide it doesn't mean run the other way it just means they're using a cheap quality of magnesium vitamin a so far this one seems like the best it has a nice eye blend has boron in it which i love seeing borah on some of these trace minerals yeah this one's the best i would say so far out of all of them if you're going to pick a multi i would go with the alive and this is the men's energy there's nothing in it that makes it specific for men if you ask me the women's 50 plus probably very similar might just have slightly skewed ratios with more folate and things like that it's a good amount of zinc how much is in this yeah good amount of zinc in this one 16.5 micrograms milligrams so i prefer to get close to 50. so you could probably get away with taking two of these tabs okay that's good okay so at least we know one that is halfway decent but again you kind of see the issue we run into there now let's kind of just jump through because the multivitamin section is just very difficult because it's a lot of moving pieces i want to touch on iron really quick very seldom do you find that you actually need an iron supplement okay what ends up going on is iron ends up bound up in a different state within the body okay you have iron that is bound iron and unbound iron what happens is when you look and you find out that you're anemic a lot of times it's not that you need more iron it's that you need iron to be unbound okay and needs to be released usually it's a magnesium equation there magnesium copper equation a very complex sort of system of how the minerals counteract each other iron will oxidize just like if you leave a dumbbell or metal out in the elements it's going to oxidize and rest oxidation is oxidative damage iron rusts and oxidizes in our body quite a bit so unless you are specifically directed by a doctor i would not recommend taking a bunch of iron it is not necessarily useful so i would not recommend that just to give you kind of a tip there that's typically a um you know what happens with women are told they need iron a lot and reality is they generally need magnesium when that's the equation let's touch on some of these hair skin nail formulas really quick so in this case we have nature's bounty extra strength hair skin and nails what do we have in it we have a bunch of vitamin a nice biotin i like biotin but look at that sixteen thousand percent that's overkill you don't you don't need that your body's not going to utilize that another thing with vitamin b12 uh you typically want to look for something that's called methylcobalamin so i know a lot of this is just a wide variety of things here i can't really i mean we'd be here forever the reality is when you see vitamin b12 look for methylcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin cyanocobalamin is not as high quality and it goes through a lot of processing in the liver to ever even get to a usable form of b12 and it is bound with cyanide which is already toxic and the liver needs to disarm that to begin with don't go too crazy it's not enough cyanide to hurt you it's just what it has to do to the liver or the liver has to do to it in order to allow it to work so a lot of times these kerosene nail formulas are not the way to go you're better off to just go ahead and just get straight up collagen and i saw some collagen like here's 11 bucks for collagen peptides type 1 and 3. you know it's kind of funny because you can go and you can spend a smorgasbord like your entire life savings on expensive collagens but in reality like a lot of times like here's collagen hydrolyzed collagen type one and three okay we have a 6.7 gram scoop with 6.7 grams of collagen that tells us there's no fillers okay if there was a discrepancy there if it was a 7 gram scoop with 6.7 grams of collagen we would wonder what is the 0.3 grams that's not listed there's a discrepancy right but here we have a nice even ratio 6.7 6.7 tells us this is exactly collagen and it's only 12 bucks at walmart and that's california prices too baby so that could be a lot cheaper somewhere else so rather than spending money on a hair skin and nail formula spend money on collagen and actually get some protein out of the equation too hopefully that saves you a bunch of time and effort melatonin let's touch on this for one second i do not recommend taking melatonin more than one to two times per month it is to reset a pattern not to lean on for a sleep like problem okay you need to get to the root of why you're not sleeping melatonin is still a hormone and you are going to disrupt a natural pattern you are going to disrupt the natural cycle okay so what you want to do is you want to have this whenever you're going through a change changing time zones have it for one to three days while you're adjusting and then cut it off even if it means you have a poor night sleep for a couple of nights you are better off allowing your body's natural diurnal rhythms best way that you can get your melatonin levels in check is to actually just cut off food at like 6 30 p.m when the sun starts to go down or whenever the sun goes down if you're feeding your body while the sun is down it kind of messes up these diurnal rhythms and environmental cues melatonin releases when it gets dark okay so if you're eating after dark what's happening is your body is getting mixed signals diurnal cues or environmental cues from the outside combined with you eating food telling your body you're awake so cut off the food it makes a big deal okay big difference valerian root is actually okay i would rather see you take valerian root in a concentrated form than melatonin because it's actually something that's going to improve a deeper sleep just remember you have to look at your deep sleep and your overall sort of um not just your deep sleep but also your rem cycles and everything like that uh probiotics this is an interesting world okay because probiotics are very very important because gut biosis got that having that totally natural balance in your gut is super super super important but we run into a lot of issues with anything probiotic related most probiotics do not survive getting through the hydrochloric acid in the gut to begin with okay so we have a whole variety of them here okay ranging from daily probiotics well the thing that matters when you're looking at shopping for a probiotic the number of of cultures like 5 billion 4 billion you'll see some that have 20 billion here 4 billion you'll see some all the way up to like a lot like some of them 15 billion 25 billion 30 billion and they charge more when you get up to this higher culture count but the reality is that isn't always a good thing because if you're in dysbiosis adding more bacteria of one kind actually fuels a fire more you don't necessarily know what you're deficient in so just because the count is high that could completely throw off your numbers even more you want to aim more for the types of strains this one's interesting because look at 4 billion cultures less cultures but more strains always go for more strains because it's more diversity gut diversity is what we want and anyone that tells you that a specific strain you need to take a specific strain outside of someone that is a microbiome expert is trying to market to you because a specific strain although they have different benefits and it's very interesting you don't know where your deficiencies land and the best way that we're able to sort of say hey this is what you need to have and this is where you should be is by claiming diversity because our bodies flex and kind of modulate what they need based on how much diversity of microbiome we have it's very hard to get that so i would say within this it's pretty difficult like this nature's bounty is set so many cultures in there it kind of scares me a little bit but let's take a look just so we can see here's ultra strength okay so we have lactobacillus plantarum very common lactobacillus periqsa plantarum heal this is all like a lactobacillus and bifidobacterium a lot of this stuff you're going to see just in yogurt so would i spend 11 bucks on it i mean that's pretty inexpensive but there's no prebiotic effect the probiotic that i would recommend is actually one called seed it's a symbiotic so it has prebiotics and probiotics in it so it makes it very very sort of adaptive so the prebiotics grow the gut bacteria so when you have a probiotic you need a prebiotic to help that gut bacteria grow otherwise the probiotic doesn't have anything to fuel it so if you're not giving that probiotic fiber for growth it's just going to go through you're not going to do anything it's never going to colonize now seed is kind of pioneering a lot of the microbiome research so if you look at it there's a capsule inside of a capsule which makes it really cool so one is the kind of first stage of release then the second stage of release so potentially is kind of releasing over time which is very very important but also the diversity of strings they have in there is phenomenal they're not paying attention to how many cfu they're more focused on the strains so i put a link down below if you want to try them out there's a thomas 15 code so it's going to save you 15 off of seed so check that link out big thank you to c2 they do support a lot of content on this channel and i appreciate that so much so that link is down below for seed again use code thomas15 to say 15 off that hands down the best probiotic that i've ever used and i mean all the way down to like you feel it like you take it and you kind of feel like this digestive thing going on it takes a couple days to adapt to it it's kind of intense but anyhow for what's available at walmart it's still really tough because there's not a lot of you know like i look at this like a line is a very popular one i mean we have sucrose sugar in there like what and then we have one strain one strain like i just i don't even know what to really say here because it's so overly marketed i would rather see you if you can't afford a good probiotic i would rather see you just have some like papaya enzymes or just get inexpensive acidophilus at that rate like acidophilus is kind of one of the more researched ones there is some hemming and hawing over like what it does within the body and certain like kind of how it can allow different strains to proliferate the microbiome is just very interesting with that i don't want to spend any more time on that let's kind of move along a little bit i think fish oils are a very important piece we got to touch on because i talk about it all the time okay pretty much all the fish oils that are here i would just scrap okay they really need to be first of all in a dark bottle which this one is but the quality of fish oil matters and when you're at a place like walmart no defense to walmart they're not investing in the super high quality fish oils so in this case you need to probably skip over the fish oils and go directly to krill oil because krill oil you're getting a smaller krill you're getting a smaller you know sea animal for lack of a better term that is lower down the food chain okay that means it's going to have a higher omega-3 content but it's also going to have a higher what is called dha dosa hexanoic acid content which is really what we're after okay omega-3s have two different forms dha and epa echopentanoic which is like really good for just overall inflammation modulation within the body but dha is really good for the brain and dha is a hard one to get because you have to take a copious amount of these kinds of fish oil to ever get enough dha that's going to modulate any brain inflammation and help the microglia within the brain so i like seeing krill oil i don't think you need to go for a super expensive krill oil brand i don't think there's anything that's necessarily good about those i think that krill oil for the most part is krill oil but the spring valley i just don't necessarily trust this has super super bad super bad ii krill oil okay really low dose though but it has the phospholipids and the astaxanthin which is what gives it the pink structure the astaxanthin actually protects the very fragile fish oil if you leave fish on the counter it stinks right because fish oil is very polyunsaturated and it breaks down and it denatures quick asazanthan is the pink pigment the red pigment in krill and actually stabilizes the fat product of antarctic ocean interesting so that's really cool i like that there's some other stuff in there so okay one soft gel but you're not getting a whole lot of omega-3 so you really need to take like 10 of these so bang for the buck you might not get as much whereas if you go to like a brand like corey which i know they have at costco too we have two soft gels is going to give you yes there we go 250 milligrams phospholipid yeah okay so this one ultra underdosed this quarry you're getting way more so sure you're paying twice as much for half as much but it's clearly better quality so i would go with that one um let's see might feel yeah probably better off like best value would be going with this one going the krill oil 30 for 120 that ends up being best bang for the buck so go for the krill oil now let's jump over to something else that's within that heart health category ultra coenzyme q10 i know there's different brands here i saw a few floating around like here's a coenzyme q10 coenzyme q10 it says that it's for heart health and that's absolutely true because the heart is producing a lot of energy and the muscle that's in the heart is moving very fast and needs a lot of atp adenosine triphosphate now that energy process involves what is called the electron transport chain that electron transport chain is a very interesting system and complex system in and of itself it's where electrons are passed down a specific proton gradient i know i sound like a total nerd but i am okay pass down a proton gradient creating essentially for lack of a better term an electrical explosion that creates energy as it falls down so the uh basically electron falls down boom falls down boom falls down boom within our cell and as it falls it creates an explosion of energy okay coenzyme q10 catches the energy okay it's a catcher's mitt so when we are deficient in coenzyme q10 we are not efficient in harnessing the energy our body is manufacturing which can be very very big problem okay so then you kind of run into this well which one's better which one's this it's a hard one because how they make it is pretty synthetic to begin with i do like going for ubiquinol because this is the active form of coq10 okay now coq10 in a non-active ubiquinol form has to go through a conversion process so i recommend pqq i recommend ubiquinol i don't even know if they have pqq here but this one although it's expensive it's a pretty good product uh so i do like seeing that here but let's see like what's this kogan's mq10 oh these are gummies nevermind just don't bother with the gummies so this coins mq10 mega 21 for a two month supply that's pretty good so like you're probably wondering okay thomas you're giving me a lot of details like what are supplements that you would recommend i guess the basics okay coenzyme q10 is almost always on my list okay good quality fish oil krill oil is always on my list a good probiotic is always on my list and let's just kind of skip ahead into what else i would recommend i'm a magnesium guy magnesium always recommended because we are like so deficient in it i talked about magnesium oxide scrap that all together what is this high absorption magnesium it's a chelated blend magnesium by glycinate key light it's buffered magnesium oxide probably a better option than what's there it says that it's a sleep support one i don't know about that i usually go for dye magnesium malate or regular magnesium malate or magnesium glycinate or magnesium 3 and 8. magnesium 3 and 8 is good for the brain oh here's okay here we go there's so you got to look carefully like right here i see calm these are gummies again calm is a good brand for magnesium i'm just curious what they have in here okay magnesium citrate magnesium citrate will go through you very quick if you have too much magnesium citrate it's going to result in a laxative effect it tends to deposit much more in the intestinal tract and in the colon so calm i would not recommend that one especially in a gummy form i'm stumped i don't know what to recommend out of this selection because i really go for dye magnesium malate magnesium 3 and 8 or magnesium glycinate one of the things that actually is right in front of me that i do recommend a lot of times is acetyl-l-carnitine okay irregular l-carnitine isn't going to help you burn too much fat because you need to have a deficiency in carnitine to actually need regular carnitine okay carnitine is marketed as a fat loss supplement all the time but the problem is that again if you're not deficient in cardiotene it doesn't help out the carnitine pulmonary transferase pathway which has to do with again fat utilization within the body carnitine is needed for fat to get into the cell but if you're doing keto the carnitine pulmonary transferase pathway isn't used because a ketone or a fatty acid can get directly into the cell but acetylene carnitine is unique because it can cross through the blood-brain barrier and if you're going to have a deficiency the first place it's going to lie is in your brain and alpha-lipoic acid operates as a very powerful antioxidant to protect the fatty acid utilization within the brain so i find that fascinating there's not a whole lot of bad things that can be added to carnitine or alpha lipoic acid so i think with something like hcl or alpha uh ala or anything like that you're fine to just go with the cheap brand like there's certain ones that you can get cheap and certain ones you should invest in vitamin b i also think you can typically get relatively inexpensive it doesn't really matter it's so water-soluble let's jump over here really quick to zinc specifically for men 50 milligrams is the perfect number okay the reason that zinc is great for men it's great for women too but the reason that's great for men is because it helps the testosterone receptor okay it helps androgen receptors develop more affinity so that means your testosterone levels matter but what's more important than your actual testosterone levels is what amount of testosterone is getting to the tissue and doing its job okay zinc helps the affinity of androgens to the receptor which means that when you do have testosterone floating around it's not floating in the bloodstream potentially aromatizing and turning into estrogen it's binding to the cell and actually causing tissue levels to be higher so i love cycling on like 50 milligrams of zinc like occasionally i do notice a pretty quick effect from it two more that are very important and then i'll let you guys go uh i'm trying to just cover the super important ones again there's so much stuff here three more actually cod liver oil is very powerful uh vitamin a but again you probably can't find the right kind of ones at walmart you really need to have cod liver oil that's coming from alaska there's a company called jigsaw that also makes good magnesium so they make good magnesium but they also make a good cod liver oil the idea behind cod liver oil is look at nice equal amounts of epa and dha okay but you also have good bioavailable vitamin d not crazy amounts 135 i use but also good amounts of good retinol vitamin a okay if you go and you take a regular vitamin a supplement it's going to deplete your retinol a okay and if you go and you take a bunch of synthetic vitamin d a bunch of it it can deplete your retinol a it's all a balance of vitamin a vitamin d and those epa and dha so cod liver oil in a good form is great again this one might not be one that i would recommend you take per se but okay i'm looking for chromium because this is a big one for me i know they have it because it's one that you can get cheap and it's one that i recommend all the time oh here we go random spot okay 1000 micrograms per tablet okay so you take one to three tablets after having some cheat meals or if you're just watching your blood sugar chromium i think is very underrated very good supplement to have and it's such a simple mineral i don't think you need to have any kind of crazy brand i think just a simple spring valley in this case will do it's not going to matter too much the last thing we need to touch on here is going to be vitamin d i have so many videos surrounding vitamin d when it comes to testosterone when it comes to digestion when it comes to mental health when it comes to vitamin d is so important but there's something that's so important with vitamin d if you not take vitamin d with vitamin k2 you run into a very big issue you end up with vitamin d that isn't getting into the proper place okay so vitamin d needs to combine with k2 so i don't know if we even see any vitamin d and k2 here we want d3 and k2 you can always combine it like here's a k2 and here's a vitamin d3 your best way to get vitamin d however is going to be through cod liver oil or through your diet okay if you are low in vitamin d i would not recommend taking more than 5000 ius some people take a copious amount of them and i understand why because there's a lot of benefit there but i would typically recommend having you know something that's more like 2000 and work your way up and see how you kind of do with that that's going to make a big difference in and of itself um so i don't see anything here i usually like a liquid form but i still wanted to touch on it because it's one of the vitamins that i highly highly highly recommend now there are a lot of other things that i recommend now and then rhodiola rosea uh i really recommend things like cisquadrangelis like i mean all kinds of different adaptogenic compounds lions made things like that but this video would be forever so i wanted to touch on just the basic big things so you can get an idea so i hope this helped as always keep it locked in here on my channel don't forget to check out seed probiotic down below in the description thomas15 gets you 15 off and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 747,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best vitamins, mens multivitamin, supplement reviews, best mens multivitamin, walmart haul 2021, walmart haul grocery, walmart grocery haul, walmart vitamins, walmart minerals, walmart vitamins and minerals haul, best vitamins for men, best vitamins for women, best minerals for men, best minerals for women, healthy walmart haul, thomas delauer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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