Costco Vitamin & Supplement Haul - What To Buy & Avoid

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my studies family what is up it is Bobby back at Costco I just me entered into the vitamins and supplements aisle here at Costco so I want to go through some of the most exciting supplements that are maybe worth your money and some of the stuff you probably don't want to buy because the supplement industry is literally like a multi-billion dollar industry but a lot of these supplements just aren't worth your money I'm gonna walk around and show you what to buy what to avoid and why hopefully no one recognizes me and I get kicked out but I think the Hat and the mask will work for that before we get rockin on rollin like subscribe share that's the only way this channel keeps growing there's also a bell icon right below the video enable all notifications that way to get a push as soon as this video goes live okay let's go around the corner and start off on the end let's start on the end cap here I don't want to go too far so I get seen by anyone but this is one of the better supplements here at Costco and I firmly believe in turmeric and this company is pretty good this is really nice because number one it's high-quality turmeric and a lot of people don't realize but see black pepper black pepper is needed to activate turmeric otherwise you don't really activate the healing property and turmeric really is the real deal you guys it's good for anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic scoop that and the price here is not cheap but it shouldn't be cheap good supplements cost money this is a good one here now as we go down there's just so many things here that in my opinion you can pass either use low quality ingredients or just have other ingredients that are not something you want and here there's a prime example out of the corner of my eye here we go sorry electrolytes are really popular and they can be good but you have to be careful where they come from I've talked about this before and this is a very popular electrolyte mix so obviously on sale right now because the summer is coming before I show you the ingredients what are electrolytes there's central minerals your body needs when you sweat when you workout and you three punish them so this says that does that here's my question to you guys what is the first ingredient in this packet pure cane sugar what's the second ingredient the dextrose another word for sugar then you start going down you start seeing the the electrolyte complex but they also put natural flavors there here's my biggest issue look at these sugars here there's 11 grams of added sugar in one stick my friends 11 grams of added sugar is just about three teaspoons so you're telling me that when I'm depleted need to restore my electrolytes I should put three teaspoons of sugar in my body this should have zero sugar all electrolytes natural flavors are not ideal but a lot of them have it so I would pass on this one there's a pure electrolyte drop on Amazon that has no flavor you can add that to your water I would get that but it's just criminal to get that amount of sugar without even probably knowing it in something that's marketed as a hydration electrolyte mix right next to it is one of my favorite companies vital protein and I'm a firm believer in collagen peptides especially grass-fed it's got to be a hundred percent grass-fed like this one is so good for your hair skin teeth gut immune system but very very good because it also has protein I like to stick to the unflavored one so this is the spectacular the unflavored one is just that there's zero flavours I don't like the flavored ones because they always add natural flavors and in case you don't know how I feel about natural flavors it's really just another word for artificial flavors so that's got natural flavors the vanilla one has vanilla natural flavor so I would just to the endcap they have an amazing deal on a 24 ounce container of unflavored grass-fed collagen peptides and your own flavors but I do believe in collagen this stuff is the real deal but not when they add flavor to that so I would pass on that let's see what else is here so a lot of people can't take collagen in the powdered form so they like tille a tablet form and this is that same company that makes the collagen that makes the turmeric but nowhere does it say anywhere on this box I've looked at many times that it's grass-fed if it's not grass-fed collagen that means it comes from bovine skins that are GMO meaning they eat GMO corn and soy you don't want that it's got to be a hundred percent grass-fed pasture a so unfortunately you got to pass on those I'm gonna write behind me here apple cider vinegar has gotten very very popular and I believe in its one of the things I really believe in the thing is even though this looks clean and I believe the other ingredients are nothing okay there's no other ingredients here it's not gonna be as good as if you get the raw apple cider vinegar with the mother in the middle section whether white pospos a three pack of four all apple cider vinegar best deal ever when they dry it like this they basically spray usually like something like a silicon dioxide which is not harmless but it's not truly raw you want the raw apple cider vinegar put a splash of that like in four ounces of water and drink that you're not getting the same benefit in my opinion when you're getting the pills or the tablets like this hi here we go so I told you the turmeric is very good in the pill but if you start going a liquid turmeric do not be fooled my friends look what happens all of a sudden they're mixing it with xylitol xylitol is a really bad fake sugar that's not good for your gut or your intestines natural flavor and potassium sorbate too many star baits in your body is a bad news so stay away from the liquid version of this stick with the pill or the powdered version if you see a scooper one that's fine too I'm a huge believer in MCT oil medium chain triglycerides are really good for you great for the keto diet this one is organic the only issue with the oil is that it can separate when you add it to a smoothie I prefer the MCT oil powder that being said this stuff is great for energy brain boosting and weight loss I would incorporate that into your smoothie game it is fantastic and the price is really really good too alright coming around the corner here it will stop here a lot of people ask me about pre-workout I have to start researching that but this is a branch chain amino acids really really good for you when you're working out but you have to read other ingredients especially on supplements and workout stuff because even though it has a great branch chain amino acid blend there look at the other ingredients natural and artificial flavors a double dose of bad news there we have carrageenan there carrageenan is a CBD multiplier that's been known to cause inflammation and some people say it's a carcinogen and then there's also food coloring Li number two in a red number 40 guys bad news so even though it's good news up here it's bad news down there and I got news for you for all of supplements I've learned over the course of my research the devil is in the details and it's always down in the other ingredients if you want to know about constipation relief we did a fiber supplement review the other week it's not pretty but there are some good ones but it is scary for a lot of these things like this is a popular fiber capsule here look at these ingredients even though psyllium husk is exactly what you want you don't want caramel coloring that's a known carcinogen you don't want polysorbate 80 a really nasty preservative and when once you start going to stuff like flavored Metamucil and stuff take sugar artificial colorings watch my video about fiber supplements you learn a lot there and there's some good product recommendations in that video we just did a really big protein shake review the other week and they have one of the better ones here this is the best one you can get at Costco it's the organ grass-fed it's all a lot of protein shakes are made with GMO milk this is made with grass-fed a hundred percent pasture raised ah milk the thing is the ingredients are good oh my god it's heavy oh okay the ingredients are good but you can do better once you watch that video you'll find out it does have natural flavors here doesn't have the best sunflower oil but that being said it's very low sugar when you compare that to stuff like or gain or pure protein where's that it's somewhere around here but pure protein is one of the worst in my opinion so I would scoop this one grass-fed it's where it's at the best one on the market is actually from the Garden of Life and they don't have it here oh here's more collagen so here we go even though the powdered collagen has natural flavors the liquid one dozen this is one of my favorite things it's a little pricey but it's definitely a much better deal here at Costco this is one of the best drinks you could probably have this summer and because it's in a liquid form look at the ingredients hold on 800 there we go there's no natural flavors you're using real blackberries they're using real lemon juice and real strawberries you get 10 grams of collagen protein in there so refreshing and so darn good for you so stick with the UH the actual liquid bottles and stay away from those powders we showed you over yonder they don't really have a high quality multivitamin here at Costco we did a video all about multivitamins last week and a lot of the brand-name ones will be a very incomplete vitamin profile meaning it's not very deep it can be a lot better and they put other ingredients there like look at this food coloring at the bottom maltodextrin cornstarch may be the best you can do at Costco would be this one right here by no means is it ideal but check this out what'd I just say about the vitamin blend well there's vitamins on top but I get excited about that organic fruits organic extracts and stuff like that that's the real deal mushrooms - what I don't love about this is the other ingredients the sunflower oil the Malto dextran not perfect but you guys this is actually must be nukes I didn't see in the past I would get this one a casco or watch my multivitamin video aw it's a really good and the nation's on there the good ones are pricey but it really matters what you put in your body when it comes to supplements oh here we go another supplement I actually believe in a lot is fish oil and this is a great one because it's wild alaskan fish oil it's not from farm raised salmon the thing is I think they better be modified the formula because in the past I cut a swore and the other ingredients there was soybean oil in here always read the other ingredients for oil-based vitamins a lot of them will be soybean oil this one doesn't have it it does say it contains soy but that can just be a byproduct it's not soy bean oil so this is actually really good for you because it has those omega-3 fatty acids that are really really nice so oh that price 628 scoop that one for sure just be careful you get these other pills here if anything's based in canola or soybean oil anywhere put it back that should never happen all right family I think that's it for my quick and easy little a supplement run down here at Costco I do have another video from last year going over a bunch of other stuff so check that out when it comes to supplements quality does matter if it's too cheap to believe that probably is using really bad synthetic ingredients and the other ingredients always read the other ingredients is where the devil is in the detail that's it I've been here at Costco all days shooting videos it's been great undercover so no one can recognize me I get kicked out if you get more recommendations leave a comment down below like subscribe share that's the only way this channel keeps growing to more classical videos below me right now but I'll see you soon undercover style peace keep on cooking Madeline later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 104,780
Rating: 4.9327974 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, costco haul 2020, costco shopping, shopping at costco, costco shop with me, costco supplements, supplement haul, supplement reviews, what to buy at costco, vitamin review, costco tips, shop with me, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: Xi_RNozJ0WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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