Keto Sweeteners: List of Approved Sugar Substitutes- Thomas DeLauer

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hey when you first look at the keto diet it seems pretty cut and dry you're just cutting out the carbohydrates cutting out the sugar and everything else is fair game but that leaves a lot to be desired when it comes down to all the different sweeteners that are out there this day and age we have so many different artificial and natural sweeteners and it's just really hard to tell what's gonna kick yet Aikido what's gonna actually be a proof for Kido and what is not a proof for Kido so I've got a nice list of all the sweeteners that you will typically see and we're gonna go on down the list I'm gonna give them either a red X or a green check and then we're going to discuss some of the science behind them and why they're approved and why they're not approved hey if you haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button we've got new videos coming out every single Tuesday Friday and Sunday at 7 a.m. Pacific time for our standard programming and then we have videos coming out the rest of the week as well to give you additional contents then you can always know the ropes of whatever protocol you're following all right so let's get right into the science here we're gonna go right on down the list so I'm gonna start with aspartame or aspartamay depending on where in the country you are you might call it one or the other so aspartame is typically what you will see in diet coke or what you'll see in some sugar-free candies it's it's probably the most popular artificial sweetener that's out there right now and the fact of the matter is as much as I hate the stuff because it pretty much is poison it's not gonna kick you out of keto you see it's very very synthetic in the sense that it doesn't trigger an insulin response and it ends up being something that technically is okay on keto so I'm going to give it a reluctant green checkmark I'm not happy about that but the fact is is that it's not gonna kick you out of keto is it safe for your long-term health no it's not point-blank but it's not gonna kick you out of keto cuz there's not a strong insulin response okay the next one I want to talk about is another one that's pretty obvious okay this is sucrose sucrose is good old-fashioned table sugar okay regular sugar of course that's not going to be allowed on keto let's just go ahead and get this one out of the way just because someone would bring it up in the comments section regardless so nope sucrose is not good to go but what about sucralose you see sucralose also known as Splenda is one of the most common sweeteners that's used on a keto diet and it's kind of a gray area so we have to kind of break some things down a little bit you see super lows it's not quite as simple as it seems because if you get a packet of sucralose or a packet of Splenda it usually has multi dextran added to it now the multi dextran can trigger an insulin response so therefore if you're loading up on sucralose via the little packets then you're probably gonna end up triggering an insulin response and kick yourself out of keto the other thing that we have to be cognizant of is what's called the excitotoxin response so whenever you're dealing with aspartame or sucralose or saccharine or any of these really super-sweet sweeteners you have an excitotoxin response okay what that means is that it triggers a glutamate response in your brain basically from what's called aspartate so it triggers the brain to go hyperactive this can be very very taxing to your brain but it can also trigger the pancreas to do some different things now a lot of this is still under investigation scientists are trying to figure out whether just having something sweet in the first place can actually trigger an insulin response or not but anyway that's a story for a different day so the point is super low syn packets should be avoided okay if you get sucralose that's in a product sure sucralose isn't exactly good for you but it shouldn't kick you out of keto if it doesn't have the multi dextran attached to it I will say though sucralose has been shown to kill off a good portion of our gut bacteria which can in fact affect your ketogenic lifestyle so again it's kind of a reluctant green check mark I just say be careful with it so I'm gonna actually also give it a blue I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna give it a x2 okay just because it is that gray area so just be careful with that one okay the next one is honey and this is an interesting one because people often ask if they can consume honey simply a because it's natural but be because the lower sugar content then say like sucrose well the fact of the matter is that honey is fructose and it's a very sweet fructose and fructose is processed differently in the body so fructose travels through what is called the active transport chain so basically instead of going through the normal digestion process and the normal absorption process honey and fructose get an expedited delivery to the liver which means that when you have too much honey it's very very easy for that to get converted into fat and it happens super super fast so yeah honey will kick you out of keto but more importantly honey is gonna get converted into fat a lot easier so we just have to be really really careful there so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna say no-go honey okay okay so I'm gonna jump around a little bit here so the next one I want to talk about is an interesting one okay it's monk fruit now monk fruit came to light not that long ago in terms of the mainstream so as far as a ketose sweetener we really started seeing monkford on the scene maybe two three years ago but just in the last year that started to gain a ton of popularity so a monk fruit is a resounding yes monk fruit is definitely good to go and I actually wrote some notes down when it comes down to monk fruit so the thing with monk fruit is it's built up of what it's called Moger sides so mugger sides are also very powerful antioxidants in the body so not only are you getting a sweetener you're getting something that is sweetened with literally an antioxidant so any of the sort of toxin effect that you would have or even the excitotoxin effect is actually reduced because you have an antioxidant property so when we look at like aspartame and sucralose you're having this heightened heightened excitotoxin response in the brain that literally is toxic and causing free radicals in the brain when you're literally sweetening something with an antioxidant even if you did have an excitotoxin effect you're somewhat counteracting those free radicals because of the fact that it's an antioxidant to begin with so that's very very powerful but the other thing with monk fruit dramatic changes in the reduction of what is called nuclear factor Kappa B okay this is the main driver for inflammation in the body but also reductions in interleukin 6 but even cooler reductions in what is called the cyclooxygenase enzyme - okay now if you take an aspirin you are reducing cyclooxygenase enzyme one and two okay that's how you reduce inflammation but the thing is we don't want to reduce cyclooxygenase enzyme one because that's what protects the gut lining that's why you always hear when you take ibuprofen or aspirin to do it in moderation because you'll get a bleeding also your stomach will bleed because you're reducing the inflammation that protects your gut well monk fruit is so cool because it reduces only cyclooxygenase enzyme to not cox-1 so that is why monk fruit is probably my favorite sweetener of all and because I love monk fruit and because your love monk fruit - I want to go ahead and offer everyone that's watching this video a special discount on LeConte o monk fruit so not only do they have pure monk fruit and also a couple variations of monk fruit and erythritol they also have chocolate now so we're literally being monk fruit sweetened chocolate that is totally keto friendly so for everyone that's watching this video if you look down in the description you can get your hands on some of this monk fruit that is totally awesome and at a reduced price what you would ordinarily see in a grocery store because LeConte o is all over the world you're gonna see them in whole foods you're gonna see them in sprout you're gonna see them at grocery stores but you're not gonna be able to get the price that you get here on my channel so go ahead and check them out after this video and get your hands on some of the monk fruits sweetener and some chocolate alright now it leads me into the next one which is stevia okay if you've watched my videos before you know that I'm also a stevia fan but there's some things that we have to consider with stevia and some of it is newer research so if you go back through the crypts of all my videos you're gonna see that I was touting the benefits of stevia and monk fruit almost exclusively okay a lot of benefits with stevia but we have to look at a couple things too I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna give it a green checkmark right at the gate so you don't think that I'm gonna throw you a curve ball it is good to go I just want to break some stuff down for you okay so stevia might produce insulin okay there are some effects that occur that might trigger the pancreas to secrete a little bit of insulin through his beta cells okay now it's not anything super significant it's not like what you would get with another sweetener or anything like that but it's still something to be cognizant of and I like to bring you always up to speed with whatever kind of research is out there right now so scientists are looking into that but one of the cool benefits of stevia is that it does increase sodium excretion so if you're feeling puffy are you feeling if you're holding extra water actually a little bit of stevia can encourage the kidneys to expel sodium causing you to drop that extra water weight so it's actually a really cool trick so that's one of the reasons why I like stevia it's definitely got some powerful effects in there all right now let's go back to a Gavi for a second this one comes up a lot people think because a gobby is so low glycemic that it's gonna be good to go well I'm gonna go and I'm gonna tell you right now it is not okay a gobby is a no-go and the reason that Gavi is a no-go is simply because of this I wrote it down here so even though it's only a 9 or a 10 on the glycemic index scale the processing that a gobby goes through to actually make it sweet ends up leaving it at over 80% fructose remember what I talked about with the honey how the fructose goes straight to de novo lipid Genesis almost exclusively like it goes through the body and then whatever isn't immediately used as converted to fat well a gobby is the same way plus we have so much additional processing that's going into place definitely not something you want to use on keto or not on keto for that matter okay now high fructose corn syrup the reason I put it on here it's probably pretty obvious that you're not gonna drink a soda when you're on a keto diet okay but high fructose corn syrup is a huge no-no and the reason I put it on there is just because it's a great explanation after talking about agave and Honey high fructose corn syrup is literally a concentrated form of fructose so when you look at honey agave high fructose corn syrup is super concentrated fructose so the likelihood of that turning to fat is like crazy crazy high okay now the big one that comes up a lot of times I see so many comments talking about erythritol and we see it confuses the heck out of us because when you look on a label a lot of times you'll see carbohydrates listed but then when you actually look down below those carbohydrates you see that it says sugar alcohols or says erythritol X amount of grams you're like wait a minute do I count this or not so it's kind of a gray area but worth erythritol as a sugar alcohol you're good to go erythritol is actually pretty cool stuff it is derived from plants it's not like it's a chemical the thing that's confusing with erythritol is it such a chemical sounding name it throws people off and erythritol is just a plant fiber so it's actually pretty straightforward I wrote some notes down on erythritol because the thing you have to be aware of especially if you're checking out the la canto stuff I talked about they do use some erythritol in mix with their monk fruit but it's not just because they're trying to cut it down they actually have some obvious reason to it and they'll explain it here so 90% of the sugar alcohols that you get from erythritol or absorb before the bowel okay why is that important well normally if you have sugar alcohols like isomalt or maltitol or anything like that you're gonna get super bloated and quite honestly you're probably gonna get diarrhea it's pretty common you don't have to have too much to even have that effect so the cool thing is erythritol usually doesn't mess up your stomach unless you're having a ton of it and the reason is because it's absorbed before it goes into the bowel this is really cool for sugar alcohol passive diffusion is what happens with sugar alcohols water gets drawn into the colon or drawn in wherever this erythritol would be but in the case of a river tall since it's getting drawn in before the bowel the bloating doesn't really occur because not getting stuck in your small intestine or your large intestine happens in your stomach everything just kind of occurs processing continues the other thing that's really cool this isn't talked about in research journals a lot is it's not overly sweet okay so when it comes down to a riff at all it's 0.7 times as sweet as sugar so it's not quite as sweet as sugar it's 70% of the way there which means that when you consume it and a little bit hits your tongue you're not having this crazy excited toxin response betas like this we're talking two to three sometimes 185 times sweeter than sugar literally that's gonna trigger your brain to have a pretty profound effect as far as the excited talk cents are concerned so basically your brain says this is super sweet it gets super excited and it triggers all kinds of inflammatory responses it's a fact it's true it's real it's legit with a RRIF throat all that doesn't happen as much because it's not as sweet of a concentration so actually getting a fiber benefit more so than just a sweet benefit that's what makes it superior to other sugar alcohols so that's definitely a good to go on monk fruit and erythritol combined are a great mix exactly like you can get in LeConte o as well so which brings me to the next one which is isomalt the reason I put in this one is simply because if you look at a lot of like the Russell Stover candies and some of the the diabetic candies a lot of those are sweetened with isomalt isomalt is some sketchy stuff I would go so far as saying yeah it's probably keto friendly but some sugar alcohols do trigger insulin responses okay they actually confirm mint in your gut and they can throw off your gut bacteria pretty wildly so I'm gonna go for the sake of this video and I'm gonna say steer clear of isomalt and maltitol whenever possible you'll definitely feel a little bit kind of bloated and woozy when you consume it too it's definitely one of those that is very notorious to cause a laxative effect in fact most candies that are sweetened with isomalt flat-out say if you consume more than X amount you will have a laxative effect so stay in your toilet okay the next one is glycerol this is a super interesting one glycerol and glycerin technically is not a carb or a fat it's neither it's not a protein either it's its own macronutrient so glycerol is used as a natural sweetener but it has a very unique thing it's very very hydrophilic which means wherever glycerol goes water follows so if you consume something that's sweetened with glycerol it's pretty cool because it gets into your intracellular and extracellular space and draws water there so it's a really good way to get hydrated but it has zero glycemic effect so zero blood sugar response zero insulin response and it's processed entirely differently than any of these other ones so people get thrown off because it has calories in it and then they get thrown off because it technically has fat and it technically has carbs why because it has those hydrogen molecules it has the carbon hydrogen oxygen to make up a carbohydrate to make up a fat but it's it's own macronutrient it's really wild I've done some videos talking specifically about glycerol but I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna tell you that glycerol is okay and glycerol kind of gives you like a syrup you like texture so you could always use glycerol and some yogurt and things like that so this pretty much sums up most of the sweeteners that you will see out there now obviously you're probably going to come up with some other ones there's some other like apple derived ones like dole Chetty there's some other ones that are derived from pineapple and some other fruits we can break those down too but the fact is usually when they're concentrated forms of fructose in any way even if they stay there low glycemic they're so concentrated through processing that is probably not good to consume them because it can kick you out of keto so stick with the ones that have the green checkmark okay use a little bit of caution with stevia and oh one more thing to add with the stevia try to go for the liquid form whenever possible because the powder forms of stevia oftentimes still have the malted dextran added to it just like you would find in the case of sucralose and aspartame and all that stuff and guys please please please do this channel is solid and make sure you check out LeConte Oh down below in the description obviously they're a big sponsor of this video but they're also a product that I use in my house all the time so I'll make sure you check them out as always keep it locked in here in this video and if you have ideas for future videos make sure you put them in the comment section I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,749,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto sweeteners, keto sweetener, artificial sweeteners on keto, sugar substitutes, monk fruit keto, stevia, artificial sweeteners, monk fruit, sugar alcohols, low carb sweeteners, best sugar substitute, sugar alternatives, monk fruit sweetener, monk fruit vs stevia, monk fruit sweetener keto, sugar alcohols effect on ketosis, sugar alcohols keto, sugar alcohols and ketosis, sugar alcohols to avoid on keto, thomas delauer, keto, fasting, ketosis, keto diet, fat loss
Id: UJHxt6mDDic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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