What Supplements Do Vegans Need? | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A on The Exam Room

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's wednesday and you know what that means it is time for the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hi i am the weight loss champion chuck carol and this is the healthiest half hour-ish anywhere online today we appreciate you joining us right here on youtube and on facebook now here is the score americans will spend somewhere in the ballpark of 36 billion dollars on supplements this year alone but the question is if you make big changes to your diet by going vegan do you still need to drop big money on supplements well that is the lead question today as we open up the doctor's mailbag and answering that question for us is dr neal barnard so if there's a question that you would like to ask dr barnard go ahead and post that in the comments or in the chat and we will do our best to get to as many questions as we possibly can here on the show today also some other great questions already in the mailbag like can carbs really raise your cholesterol and then can you lower cholesterol if you don't eat nuts and you don't eat avocados you take those out of your diet also we have questions about lowering your blood pressure we've got questions about omega-3s and fish and then a really interesting one about olive oil and cell health so we're going to get to all of that plus your questions as well so go ahead send yours into the doctor's mailbag post it in the comments the chat you can also send it to us on twitter and instagram just make sure that you use that hashtag exam room live so let's go ahead and open up that doctor's mailbag and welcome dr neil bardar to the show to help us raise our health iq's dr barnard thanks for being here my friend hi richard great to see you let's get right in there my friend the first question in the mailbag today comes to us from somebody who is eating a brand is brand new to eating a plant-based diet and they want to know straight up what supplements do vegans need to take great question uh there's really one that's at the top of the list and that's vitamin b12 and you need it for healthy nerves and you need it for healthy blood the amount you need is really tiny it's 2.4 micrograms not grams not even milligrams just micrograms is very small it's in every multiple vitamin that you ever took but it's also just sold by itself and i would uh really really really encourage you to go to the store health food store drugstore pick up a bottle of b12 get the smallest one they sell because again you only need 2.4 mic programs and that'll have you covered um that's really the one that's essential vitamin d is often used as a supplement for people who don't get enough sun on their skin sunlight on the skin makes vitamin d and it helps you absorb calcium from the foods that you eat but if you're living in a cold place or or using sunscreen all the time you're not making the vitamin d you need so vitamin d supplement will have you covered most doctors will prescribe about 2 000 ius a day and you can get that at any any health food store any any drugstore a third one also not required but one to think about and that's iodine and by the way the the vitamin d and the iodine are not just for people following a vegan like that for anybody anybody who is missing sun should be thinking about uh vitamin d and iodine is something that people should think about because of their thyroid don't just run to the store and get iodine because if you get too much you can run into trouble but your doctor can easily check your thyroid if you're low in energy sluggish gaining weight for unsure reasons um a check of your thyroid is a good thing and many doctors will discover that a person needs a little extra iodine in their diet and that's an easy supplement to take so those are my top three and when it comes to vitamin d and the sun is that to say that you need to spend hours working on your tan every day hopefully not because you end up with a melanoma um no you don't uh what you need is rough the amounts differ a little bit depending on who you are um but the roughly 20 minutes on your face and arms is it but if you slide the sunscreen on yourself that blocks the effect so it doesn't work there it could be on any part of your body you're lying on your stomach and your back is getting a little sun exposure that'll work too all right next question uh comes to us from janus wants to know can carbs raise triglyceride levels um some can sugar which is the simple simplest carbohydrate can raise triglycerides and so can overly refined grains white bread that kind of thing what's happening is you eat this sugar or simple carbohydrate your body might absorb it faster than it would a complex carbohydrate or a food with lots of the natural fiber in it if it's rushing into your blood faster than your body can use it it's going to convert some of it into fat and so that becomes triglyceride that's what triglycerides are blood fats now this doesn't mean that you should be eating velveeta instead because the fatty foods are already fat and that's a bigger issue so carbs in general are a good thing but you want to to choose those that are in their most natural form beans root vegetables whole grains that still have the fiber attached those are your better choices let's stick with cholesterol here for a second we'll take a question from debbie who's wondering whether cutting avocado and nuts and foods like that out of her plant-based diet would that also help to lower her cholesterol it can marginally yes um the the big thing is if you're already thinking about avoiding animal products that is the best step that you can take because animal products have cholesterol in them it's something about animal biology where animals put cholesterol into the membranes of every cell so if a person eats animal muscle which is what we call meat they're going to be getting cholesterol and they're going to get cholesterol in dairy products and a huge amount in eggs if you're not eating animal products that's all gone what's also gone is the animal fat which is super high in the saturated fat that triggers the cholesterol machinery in your body cause you make more so avoiding animal products is good um and if you if you get that far that's great nuts and avocados they have a fair amount of fat in there they've got a lot of fat in them but the portion of that fat that's the saturated fat is much lower than in animal products even so if you've got a high cholesterol what i would suggest is is even skip the nuts and the avocados for a little while and see if your cholesterol doesn't count come down even further than it did by avoiding animal products alone now somebody on twitter is wondering about carbs and weight loss they say that they're transitioning to a plant-based diet and they're worried about eating carbs they say that some people say carbs and weight loss go together like peas and carrots other people say they go together about as well as oil and water dr barnard they're curious where you weigh in on carbs and weight loss uh this will be on the test carbohydrate has four calories per gram so whether it's carbohydrate from bread or from a potato or even pure sugar it's only got four calories per gram that's low fats have nine chicken fat beef fat even even oils really they have nine calories per gram so carbohydrates are not really fattening um where they become fattening is if you get a muffin recipe you put in some flour and sugar that's the carbs but the recipe also calls for butter or oil or shortening or something like that and that's really where the calories really back in no i wouldn't avoid carbs i would eat more of the healthy carbs rice beans root vegetables think about japan back in oh the 1960s or 70s they they had a rice based diet healthiest skinniest longest-lived people on the planet and once uh westernization caused cheese and meat to take the place of rice they started gaining weight so no carbohydrate is is is healthy and you want to obviously choose the healthiest forms uh let's stick with that rice here you mentioned that and we have a question from johnny who says that he's read conflicting reports about the dangers of arsenic and brown rice wants to know what have you heard dr barnard um arsenic is an element it's in the earth and so you have a rice paddy um or grow anything on the earth uh traces of arsenic can get into grains or anything and with rice there's more of it than with others uh other grains because the way it's it's produced that said um the arsenic it's only a trace it's a very small amount i suspect it one would consider it really um of trivial importance the reason i say that is oh i think it was back 2016 if i'm remembering correctly um two big harvard courts put all their research participants together and they looked at how much race they and and the concern was that this um carcinogenic uh arsenic will cause cancer and the short answer is it did it just didn't um there wasn't any association between how much rice people ate and whether they developed cancer it just just doesn't happen um so i think the safest thing or the most reasonable thing is to not worry too much about it but if you do want to take some extra steps um the the arsenic tends to be in the bran coating so brown rice has more of it than white rice so if you choose white rice basmati rice jasmine rice those are going to be your lower forms especially if you got it from india or pakistan or nepal the himalayan region they've just got the cleanest rice there is and finally if you want to soak it the some of the arsenic gets into the water and if you want to cook it with extra water and pour that extra cooking water off at the end rather than waiting for all the water to be absorbed that reduces the arsenic further all right let's go back to cholesterol we have a lot of cholesterol questions here today this one comes to us from patricia wants to know is it possible for your cholesterol levels to be too low i know um a great question um where this comes up is you've got a blood test and the blood test says your cholesterol is i'm gonna make it up it's 170. and it'll say then what's the norm and it'll say the norm is between 130 and 240 or something like that and you think gee you know i i my cholesterol is is pretty close to the low end maybe i need to eat something to add more cholesterol to my diet um the answer is no those norms are just picked to show where the population tends to fall um if you have a total cholesterol of 100 or 110 or something that's really low by american standards not shockingly low if you lived in rural china eating rice and tofu um so no you're perfectly fine the only exception is there are some rare syndromes where a person is very very ill and their liver is kind of on its last legs and they're just not able to make cholesterol anymore in that case you got a low cholesterol but you know that it's it's because you're just very ill let's go from low cholesterol to maybe even low sodium this question comes to us from bonnie wants to know can our bodies get low on sodium when we eat a plant-based diet uh it's a challenge you can have to work at it you do need some sodium in your diet you need it for nerve transmission you know sodium is an electrolyte along with potassium you need a little bit um the amount you need according to nutrition authorities is 1500 milligrams a day but uh if you go too much about that it'll raise your blood pressure for a lot of people so they'll say well keep it between maybe 1500 and say 2300 to stay in there uh most americans are closer to maybe 4 000 so so we're over but not by an enormous amount plants in their natural state have almost no sodium but fruits beans grains they really don't have much sodium at all vegetables have some and if you add a little bit of sodium here or there um in your cooking or whatever you're going to easily get the sodium that you need uh let's uh stick with the blood pressure there so you mentioned that sodium there obviously a big contributor when it comes to blood pressure but let's explore that a little bit further with the question from a viewer on instagram wants to know how else can i lower my blood pressure uh great question because you can lower sodium and that won't bring your blood pressure down humongously it'll bring it down some but you do want to go further let's bring in another concept that's called blood viscosity you think about this with motor oil if you've got a car some oils are high viscosity that means high thickness they're they're more like tar a low viscosity is more like water your blood is like that too your blood can be more viscous it can be thicker and if it's thicker it's harder for your heart to push it you need more blood pressure to move it along um what's going to do that well let's say for lunch i had an apple not much fat in there just some natural sugars and and healthy stuff it doesn't make my blood more viscous but instead i had a velveeta sandwich um with pastrami or bologna or something there's a lot of saturated fat in there it's sort of the equivalent of eating crisco and your blood becomes measurably thicker researchers have taken blood samples after people eat different things and they show that after eating these fatty meals your blood actually becomes viscous and that will raise your blood pressure too so what do you do i take those foods out a plant-based diet grains beans vegetables fruits keep the oils really low no coconut oil please no palm oil ever that's going to lower your blood viscosity and that will bring your blood pressure down too finally don't forget your exercise exercising is great for you in every possible way and one thing it also does is bring your blood pressure down so you mentioned keeping oils low but we have a really interesting question this week from someone on twitter who sent me a message and said i was told that we need to eat oils in order for our cells to helpfully build cell walls is this true um it'd be true if you were an asparagus plant um luckily you were a mammal and mammals don't have cell walls but they do have our membranes and um you do have tiny traces of cholesterol in your cell membranes actually um but your liver makes all that you need and it you need just a tiny trace of it now with regard to oils what you're probably thinking of is that there are actually two oils alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid that your body actually does need it does have to come from diet but you don't need a lot of greasy stuff what you need is first of all vegetables green vegetables you wouldn't think of them as having any fat in them would you but they do they they've got uh on a per calorie basis a surprisingly large amount of alpha-linolenic acid which is great and linoleic acid is in lots and lots and lots of foods you don't have to go looking for it it'll find you where people run into trouble is thinking they need to add extra fats and so they might add dairy fat which has saturated fat and that's that you don't need that that fat um or they'll have coconut oil or palm oil which i mentioned earlier they're high in saturated fat yeah but what you need is are these essential fats ala and la and you'll get them naturally in vegetables also some in beans if you want you can do chia seeds and flax seeds grind them up add them to your morning smoothie but you don't necessarily have to do that follow up to our supplement conversation a little bit earlier this is a question from nawaz sent this in at 12 16 wants to know is it okay to cut vitamin b12 tablets into smaller pieces if the dosage is more than we need in a day aren't you good yes you sure can do that um because as i mentioned earlier you only need 2.4 micrograms and you went to the store and the smallest one they're selling is 5 000. um that's really more like a medication than a vitamin um so yeah if you want to take it every other day or you want to cut it in half you can do that let's talk about iron absorption we have a question from kira who has iron deficiency anemias wondering how they can increase iron absorption uh great question um first of all um i'm sure you're seeing your doctor if you're not pleased to because your doctor first and very rightly wants to know why are you low on iron does this mean you're bleeding somewhere and so in the back your doctor's mind is i hope you don't have colorectal cancer or something like that so your doctor is going to have this discussion with you to make sure you're not bleeding if you're just low for some reason um then you'll you will want to make sure you have iron in your diet green leafy vegetables great source the more you have the better some people kind of give the 1950s prescription which is have some liver or have some red meat and the problem is that a lot of bad stuff comes along with the iron you get saturated fat and cholesterol and and quite often people end up with too much iron so don't you don't want to go that route um last thing when you're having say your green vegetables have something that's got vitamin c in it along with that meal because um lemon juice on your on your spinach for example that facilitates the iron absorption another follow-up to the b12 conversation here boy this is a talker today uh queen logic at 12 20. should i be taking b12 if i'm pregnant yes absolutely um you're taking it and your your growing baby is taking it um you need b12 in your diet and and what we always talk about this for people following a vegan diet it's essential not not negotiable um take it before you're pregnant take it when you're not pregnant take it during pregnancy take it during breastfeeding you and your baby absolutely need it um but i reckon i recommend that everybody take b12 regardless of diet and why is that because a lot of people are low and they're not all all following a vegan diet um for many people they're not producing enough stomach acid to pull the b12 out of say for example meat protein has some b12 attached to it um if you don't have enough stomach acid you can't absorb that very well if you're on an acid blocker if you're over about age 55 your absorption is reduced and for anyone with diabetes if you're taking your metformin medication that interferes with b12 absorption so b12 uh supplements in fairly low doses like 100 micrograms a day good for everybody all right let's take a question now from will he writes fish is widely regarded as a health food because of omega-3s and other nutrients so why should we avoid eating it um lots of reasons the the health reasons are that most of the fat and fish isn't omega-3 at all um there are traces of omega-3 but let's say you get your chinook salmon and you're proud of yourself because it's the fatty fish that you know has good fats in it so far and it does have some omega-3 and it sure does however the cholesterol content of it is about identical to beef and so is the saturated fat content that's the bad fat that raises cholesterol that's that's linked to alzheimer's so you don't want that source you do need omega-3 but we talked earlier about the healthiest sources uh if you decide you just really want a big big dose of omega-3 um and you went to the store and they're selling fish oil capsules the active ingredients are dha and epa and you can get vegan dha and epa without the fish at all just go online and put in vegan epa vegan dha and you'll see it um it's it's um controversial whether you should actually take it or not you may well not need it a lot of the health claims have really crashed and burned studies are now showing that that men who supplement with these things or have high blood levels of them might end up at high risk of prostate cancer so stay tuned the sciences is still not really there with regard to pushing these supplements and dr barnard you and i actually recently had an opportunity to kind of go behind the scenes of that new netflix documentary see spiricy when we had a discussion with kip anderson and that was a member exclusive which i can now happily say we have just made that available to all exam room podcast subscribers as of today so if you head over to apple podcast or spotify you look for the exam room podcast by the physicians committee hit that subscribe button that is the bonus episode that we just released hours ago dr barnard it's your in my discussion with kip anderson who's the executive producer and the man behind what the health and cowspiracy and just what a conversation this was so eye-opening i'm so glad that you mentioned that chuck um eye-opening in many ways um the health aspects are one um that movie really jumps into the environmental aspect that when people choose to eat fish they're supporting an industry that has surprisingly strong and strongly negative uh environmental impact which which for many people was a super eye opener oh tremendous eye opener especially the the talk in there just also about the dolphin safe labels uh with with tuna and how that's kind of uh a marketing gimmick uh for lack of a better word and i'm not even sure that there is a different term to put that in there the just the research that they were able to do as a team kip's team was just absolutely second to none so please go ahead and check out that interview over on apple podcast or spotify wherever you get your shows and we're also going to put that up for you on youtube and facebook tomorrow uh but dr barnard sticking with fish here fish is also widely regarded as a brain food we have somebody else on instagram who wrote in well if you take fish out of the equation what are some other great foods to boost brain health okay well we've mentioned them already but let's put them back in focus um i mentioned earlier that you there are certain essential and uh fatty acids alpha linolenic acid is one of them that's an omega-3 and your body takes that and it converts it through their enzymes in your body they take that short chain shorter chain omega-3 and lengthen it into the dha exactly the thing that you're buying fish oil for but your body actually makes it from the ala that's in in vegetables and in chia and in flax seeds and that kind of thing those enzymes are easily goofed up if you decide to eat a lot of other fats that compete with the good fats then that's not good so keep your other fats low but have plenty of vegetables and so forth if you wish to supplement with dha and epa you can but i mentioned the caveats of caveats about that earlier here's an interesting one from someone watching us right now on youtube wants to know what are lectins and are they bad for you uh lectins are kind of an overhyped thing i gotta tell you uh beans have lectins in them these are our constituents of the of the of the the food product um they're natural they're in there it's not a chemical sprayed on by monsanto the plant makes it when you cook them they're pretty much neutralized this is not a big issue but there are some people out there trying to make a big hoo-ha about i wouldn't eat beans and i wouldn't eat this i wouldn't eat that because of these lectins that i really just cooked away so no i wouldn't worry about them at all and they should not be used as a reason to avoid the healthy beans that our grandparents knew about but for some reason the current generations have kind of forgotten about we've talked about how plant-based diet cleaning uh cleaning up your diet going to a plant-based diet can help to lower cholesterol here but we have a question here from someone who writes if my cholesterol is extremely high should i expect it to take longer as well for my other health markers like blood sugar to come under control after i begin eating that low-fat whole food plant-based diet um the the high cholesterol level is going to come down independently from your blood sugar and your blood pressure and the other things um if you're in that situation though make sure you see your doctor talk with your doctor because um you may need medication you made it you may need other things too and this is not something to trifle with okay so see your doctor do change your diet do it right away and this suggestion i would have for you um is to avoid all animal products keep oils really low and do this just like the diet as a medicine don't mess it up do it exactly no animal products at all keep oils really low um within eight weeks or so your cholesterol should have to come down a lot if it did not you're going to have a serious discussion with your doctor about statins and whether or not they are advisable for you um but will will the high cholesterol slow down your um the change in your blood pressure no um all of these things are going to improve at the same time all right johnny is the number one fan of what is the number one food for a lot of vegans johnny writes i absolutely love nutritional yeast so much that it's practically its own food group but johnny's also wondering how much nooch is too much nooch okay nutritional yeast is fine i wouldn't worry about it it's a beautiful flavoring but but the most important thing is for people who don't know what it is to know about it um the person who decided i want to follow a vegan diet because it's better for animals it's better for the environment it's going to help my coronary writers you know all that is true but their their their big love is cheese pizza so they take the cheese off they add extra sauce and they take this nutritional yeast and sprinkle it in and suddenly it tastes just like cheese so you can do that and see what happens by the way this is not baker's yeast this is not brewer's yeast it's specifically nutritional yeast bright yellow often vitamin b12 fortified as well but have at it this was a really great question from somebody who sent me a dm on twitter and it made me smile in all honesty they write if we stop eating animals and these animals keep reproducing where do they go to live won't they reproduce and take over our living areas since we're vegan now and no longer killing them yes they're all going to move into retirement communities near nearby and you can go volunteer and perhaps sing a song for them at lunchtime um chickens live six weeks um on a typical chicken operation um they are boxed up cruelly and sent off to the market and then new group of chicks takes their place if you decide you're going to be vegan and you're not going to be eating them anymore and they can't sell them then they are going to stop bringing them in and that's true of all livestock so as the demand falls the production will fall they're not reproducing on their own they're reproducing as part of a part of a massive industry so luckily people are understanding plant-based science they're moving in this direction and as the population of of cows and pigs and chickens diminishes the environmental damage that these industries are doing will diminish as well retirement community that baby laugh okay uh oh here's a really interesting question from courtney she writes i've had hormonal acne since i stopped breastfeeding four months ago nothing was helping though until i was giving a topical antibiotic cream she wants to know though will this mess up her gut flora the way she suspects other antibiotics would if it's topical no um and it's okay to take it um if i said right it's something you're putting on externally as opposed to swallowing um you can go ahead and do that that should be perfectly fine what's happened to you is that your hormones have just come off a humongous roller coaster from pregnancy to delivery to breastfeeding yes all of these things affect your hormones and you stop breastfeeding um it's going to take you will get back to your equilibrium but it takes a surprisingly long period of time if you want to use a topical during that time you certainly can doctors have all kinds of other things that they recommend there are oral medications sometimes they'll suggest the birth control pills all kinds of other stuff um but i would um number one give a time number two give your skin a really good diet on this very show chuck i am sure you've had nina and randa nelson on to talk about their uh really amazing journey from pretty bad acne um trying to actually really trouble them to finding that a plant-based diet super low in oil was just this wonderful healthy solution not just a good health but to their skin too uh those the before and after pictures that nina and randa have shared are just they just tell a heck of a story um let's take a a really good question here from mira we were talking earlier about oil and so mira is a mother she has a question is the palm oil in peanut butter bad she's concerned about giving that to her children yes it is bad um somebody somewhere has got a big chunk of turf where they are raising palm trees and they are selling palm oil um coconut oil same story and they make up a lot of mythology that it's healthy and it's natural here's the problem with those oils um all fats are mixtures they have traces of saturated fat in the oil along with other kinds of fats and you mix it all together and you get the oil the saturated fat is the one that raises your cholesterol and it is associated with a higher risk of alzheimer's disease among other problems most vegetable oils are really low in saturated fat palm oil and coconut oil are exceptions they're high in saturated fat coconuts the worst palm oil comes in second i would skip them completely and and you've got as a mom you've got exactly the challenge that so many people have is they discovered that the peanut butter used to be peanuts and now they're putting palm oil and all kinds of stuff in it that you really don't need and it's invading a lot of a lot of products but i would read the labels on and choose the ones that don't have that all right let's go ahead and grab a couple of more questions here before we seal up the doctor's mailbag for the day this one comes to us from colleen wants to know how might you suggest adjusting a whole food plant-based diet if you have both type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease first of all i'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with those things if you are and secondly the diet change that you're looking at here is exactly the diet that you wanted to have no animal products at all that avoids all the animal fat and keep oils really low when there's not much fat in your diet then something happens in your muscle and liver cells the fat that's building up inside your muscle and liver cells starts to dissipate too when that happens those cells the muscle and liver cells can start taking sugar out of the blood and it brings your blood sugar down so that's so amazing that you're getting the fat out of your diet it helps your cells to take the the sugar out of your cells so that's good uh with regard to your kidneys animal protein is rough on your kidneys and not only that but all the things that come from an animal based diet high blood pressure and diabetes that's rough on your kidneys too so for healthy kidneys and for conquering diabetes and turning it around to accept that you can you want to avoid animal products keep oils really low have lots of those four magical food groups fruits vegetables whole grains legumes or beans don't forget your b12 and don't forget to see your doctor doctors may not know a lot about nutrition but they can monitor your progress along the way and our final question today comes to us from jesse who writes for painful menstrual cramps i read your book your body imbalanced and you recommend a low-fat diet how low is low fat and should i eliminate all nuts and seeds uh first of all thank you for looking at your body and balance um i guess i wrote that book for you because a lot of women have well many women have menstrual pain but maybe one in ten has it where it's really kind of off the scale can't function can't get to work today and then at the other end of the reproductive years at menopause there are hot flashes which are super common too and and in your body and balance we're describing how those and many other conditions can be often dramatically changed by by diet changes so what about fat um as i mentioned in that book if you bring fat down your estrogen levels will come down in a really gentle and helpful way and for many women that's the answer to their menstrual pain or endometriosis if you have lots of vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans but you don't add any fat at all you're not adding cooking oils and you're not adding say nuts or avocados the oily foods your diet is going to be around maybe eight or ten percent fat and that's more than enough that's you've got the healthy fats you need you don't have the excess and so that's what i would do i would do that for now do that for about two full cycles a cycle is first day of your menstrual period to the next one and then the next one two full cycles do this diet the way i described no animal products keep oils to an absolute bare minimum with zero ideally and see if your pain doesn't improve um and let us know what happens if you jump back in with us here on the exam room let us know the results you're getting absolutely would love to keep tabs on that so let's go ahead and seal up the doctor's mailbag for this week we'll open it up again next wednesday but if we didn't get to your question today i promise you we will save it and do our best to get you an answer on an upcoming episode and dr barnard i also wanted to take a moment to say thank you to allison mahoney and the gregory j rider memorial fund for their continued support of the exam room and the physicians committee because simply put we could not be doing what it is that we do we could not do this show every single week and so much of the other work that we do without their support and the amazing thing about the fund is that it really does carry on greg's love of animals because it promotes eating a plant-based diet and putting an end to animal abuse and those are two things that we hold very near and dear to our hearts here at the physicians committee let me just second exactly what you said and hi allison if you're watching thank you so much for all of your dedication your inspiration and your support and i'm glad we're on the same team absolutely so alison thank you again for your support and uh be sure to uh listen to the replay of this entire broadcast that will be coming out tomorrow on apple podcast and spotify and stitcher wherever you get your favorite shows from just look for the exam room podcast by the physicians committee and the gregory j ryder memorial fund and hit that subscribe button when you find that and also leave a five-star rating because every new subscription and every five-star rating really does help to get this information to those who need it the most at the end of the day we say that our goal is to raise your health iq and we want to make that happen for everybody so go ahead and hit subscribe today and by the way dr barnard we got some exciting information we got brand new rankings in uh worldwide as a matter of fact so the show is actually having a global impact so we're in the top three most downloaded nutrition podcasts here in the united states also in iceland but get this uh we're number two in qatar and number one in both indonesia and azerbaijan so how great is that that we're having a worldwide influence here well it's fantastic chuck and it's all down to you you invite great questions and we're doing our best to get to get the word out there so congratulations chuck oh these questions they're not my questions these questions are from people who are watching and listening and wanting to learn right alongside of us so this is really about as collective effort as it gets so thank you guys so very much for your support and dr barnard thank you so very much for being here today appreciate it my friend and to the crew behind the scenes that makes the magic happen thank you guys as always and to you my exam roomies who have a thirst for nutrition that is just unquenchable and i love it so much thank you so very much for being here as well and for everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again soon but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 60,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ULAQan_laII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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