STOP Buying the Wrong Eggs - How to Shop for the Best Eggs

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[Music] i have to run into the grocery store really quickly this is a perfect time for me to swing through the egg section and teach you a little bit about what i know when it comes down to shopping for eggs there's some pretty sketchy marketing that goes into the what they say on an egg label what they say on a carton and all has to do with just kind of the twisting of words so if you learn these simple tricks that i'm going to teach you you're going to know how to shop the right egg it's going to get you the most bang for the buck without the negative impact or at least as much so let's head on into this simple regular neighborhood grocery store and i'll show you what they've got and how we pick eggs got some eggs that i already talked about got both of them because they both seemed good i got some pecorino romano i got some mushrooms i got some beet and red cabbage sauerkraut still low carb i got some lobnet i got some of this chosen foods keto mayonnaise i got an avocado i got some extra virgin olive oil that i know is good stuff and then i got these kavita lemon cayenne drinks anyway and some water just a really simple little hole so i told my wife i was gonna pop in here and do this video and she was how do people not know how to shop for eggs i'm like amber hey believe it or not there's a lot of weird stuff just the stuff i'm going to show you so i battled off a couple of things that i already know and she goes okay i stand corrected there's a lot i need to know about shopping for eggs hopefully you'll learn something too now i have to do some regular shopping too but i'm going to save that for another video because i do plenty of other hauls where i talk about what i'm getting in my traditional diet or what i'm getting for a specific keto diet paleo whatever but let's go find the eggs for now okay first off let's address cage free there's a couple of things just right on this one that just makes some perfect sense to address right then and there i'm gonna put this in the cart so they don't think that i'm just being a weird character filming like i am but it has to do with what defines cage free cage free simply means that they're not in what are called battery cages they're not in these cages where they're just crammed which is largely looked down upon in most of the industry or most of the world anyway right so cage-free simply means that they're not in cages but they're still in super confined areas where most chickens only have like one or two feet for themselves like that's how much space they get per chicken now does it make a difference in terms of the nutrition it absolutely does you see when they are in that close of confines together that means that there's going to be uh additional diseases you have to look out for there's additional things you have to look out for now chickens are not typically fed antibiotics okay so if you see antibiotics antibiotic-free or anything like that there's no real reason for them to have antibiotics in the first place it's a little bit of a marketing ploy what's funny is that california had made it pretty much a law by 2015 for eggs to be cage-free for hens to be raised cage-free so even if it doesn't say cage-free they're probably cage-free so it almost makes me look down upon a brand for marketing as cage-free because you know they're trying to i don't know push a little bit of an agenda so you have to be careful with that page free doesn't really mean much vegetarian fed isn't exactly what we want let me explain what that means so vegetarian fed obviously means it's not given any meat or anything like that well that's not exactly good for a hen okay hens need to have additional protein so they actually end up having a shortened lifespan they end up having a lower quality of life and they end up having less of the nutrients that you need passed through you see eggs should have a good amount of vitamin d and a lot of times hens are going to get that vitamin d excuse me if they end up having a little bit more meat in their diet so vegetarian fed isn't really a good thing they put it on there because again it's a marketing play and it's cheaper for them to feed than vegetarian feed it doesn't really mean anything soy is vegetarian so they could just give them a bunch of soy call it vegetarian and that's one of the cheapest simplest things they could feed them so don't be fooled by the vegetarian feed part that's again another marketing ploy grade a a versus grade b that simply has to do with how they take a look at the shell and yoke with candlelight or what's called candle lighting but when they look at it with a light and see the shape of the yoke if there's any blood spots etc etc so the grade quality is really more about the shell it's more about the quality of the yolk doesn't have much to do with the nutrition of the egg i suppose you could factor in calcium content because the quality of the shell but grade a a is going to be the highest quality but really it goes down to like the shape and the quality of the egg as far as it looks also how much of the air gap there is so if it's going to be a better quality egg like grade a or grade a a you're usually going to have a slightly a healthy album then healthy white you're also going to have a healthy sized yolk you're going to have a small air gap meaning you're not going to crack an egg and have half of it be air grade b is still perfectly safe to eat but it's just not going to be as high quality you're probably not going to get as much value because you're not going to get much protein so that's just something to consider there now i've grabbed a few additional cartons that i want to explain some things on very fascinating stuff when i first learned about free range i was shocked it is scary so free range is almost just as bad as cage free now free range doesn't really mean much free range just means they have to have access to the outdoors so that chickens are still crammed together they can just have access to the outdoors which is usually just a muddy manure riddle little tiny box area that is very unfortunate because that means that only the chickens or the hens that are super close to the edge super close to the edge or that or close to the outdoors are able to actually get outside that if even that right they don't even have a certain size they don't need to have a certain size space they just need to have access to the outdoors so it's not a whole lot better than cage free again another marketing play now this one is a little bit different see we have this where it says free range non-gmo free range but this one is a little bit different because this one is free range pasture raised on over eight acres so they probably don't realize that free range is manipulated a lot pasture raised is what you typically want to look for so like this one this nest fresh this is free range non-gmo this is a perfect one that's not necessarily pasture raised it's just free range this one's free range pasture raised that's what you want to look for so here we have a couple of issues free range non-gmo that's a little bit of a plus because it means it's not given gmo soy eggs from hens fed vegetarian that means that it's probably just non-gmo soy okay it's probably still going to be garbage let me explain something about the egg yolk color for a second the egg yolk color doesn't have much to do with the fat content it doesn't have much to do with the biotin or anything like that that's all there it has to do with the carotenoids and the deeper the orange color the better it is for your eyes because it's going to have more lutein zeaxanthin in it now it comes down to what the chicken ate typically so if the chicken ate a lot more of say tomatoes or things that are deeper in color like that then you're going to have a deeper rich colored yolk right you're going to have more of those carotenoids in it but if the chicken was eating say just wheat or if it was eating just soy or cornmeal it's going to reflect in the color it's going to be more pale so it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the worst possible thing but you're going to have more vitamins and nutrients coming out of something that's deeper color but you don't really know that until you crack one open so i can't tell you that without being in your house with you cracking open an egg right just as an fyi i know a lot of times it's hard to get the quality things that you want to at the grocery store depending where you live so i do want to recommend that you try out thrive market you see thrive market is an online membership-based grocery store now you can't get things like eggs there but you can get meat you can get some seafood but you can get really good cancer staples so whether it's going to be keto paleo fasting whatever they're going to have what you really need and i highly recommend them so they deliver their stuff right to your doorstep it's who i typically use whenever i'm on any dietary protocol who i use all the time especially right now when things are a little bit wild and i just don't want to go to the grocery store as much because it's a little bit more of a just a difficult thing to do i don't like waiting in front of the grocery store to get in et cetera et cetera so i highly recommend you utilize them there's a special link down below if you want to check out thrive market a lot of times you're gonna find their prices are better than the grocery store too in many cases so special link down below to try out thrive market again you can't get eggs there but you can get a lot of the supporting ingredients to make a delicious omelette so check them out down below in the description i'm walking around through the store because the manager was starting to hone in on me because i was hanging out in the egg section a little too long so anyhow just moving around a little bit but now we want to talk about this one's eglin's best organic does organic really mean anything it doesn't with eggs it just doesn't i hate to say it i mean i guess it means a little bit but chickens absorb a lot of the nutrients that we get from the food but they're usually not feeding them super good quality stuff to begin with so the organic just label on it is a negligible difference if you ask me some people would disagree i think the bigger more important thing is to focus on the pasture race component because that is what really just sets it apart now there's also something you need to know about pasture raised here for one second there are not a lot of standards with pasture raised basically they submit to a twice yearly agricultural inspection which definitely means that they have to follow some specific guidelines but it doesn't mean that there having to follow any really strict rules there's just not a lot of rules set forth yet but i think we're going to get to a point soon when this becomes more popular and people understand how to shop for eggs where there's going to be a little bit more definition as to what they need to follow but as far as it goes right now pastor ray's is definitely the cleanest but what are some other things you need to focus on what about the omega-3 content like those eggs that say they're rich in omega-3s right are those something to pay attention to like this one advertises that it's rich in omega-3s milligrams of omega-3s is not very much but then you have the omega-3 fortified eggs which i don't have any here to show you i can go back over there to see if i can find some let's see the way that this thing keeps pushing my nose down and it's i feel like there's a comedian at one point i remember him saying he took like a stocking over his face and it smushed his nose down he said he looked like larry bird at the screen door those of you that are old basketball fans i kind of look like larry bird smashed up at a screen door right now hey it's larry let me in okay so mr manager man is still hanging around the egg section i'll take a look back there in a minute but when it comes down to the omega-3 fortification they're usually giving them extra omega-3s through flax which is alpha-linolenic acid which candidly is not the best omega-3 source to begin with but then by the time it gets through the egg it's not going to do a whole lot for you you're much better off to just add a tablespoon or a half a tablespoon of flax seeds to your omelette and then you're gonna have ten times more than what you would have gotten out of the egg so don't pay the extra money for the omega-3 fortification all they typically do is feed them a little bit of extra flax which is a good sign i mean that's not the cheapest thing to feed them compared to soy but still there's better ways to do it it's not worth paying the extra dollar a dozen that you end up paying usually they just cut the egg delivery so which ones are the best give me a case of the [Music] happy egg or the vital farms right oh and since i know you're wondering here's what my grocery cart looked like before i checked out got some eggs that i already talked about got both of them because they both seemed good i got some pecorino romano i got some mushrooms i got some beet and red cabbage sauerkraut still low carb i got some labnet i got some of this chosen foods keto mayonnaise i got an avocado i got some extra virgin olive oil that i know is good stuff and then i got these kavita lemon cayenne drinks anyway and some water just a really simple little haul i'm glad you didn't click off the video yet because i decided there's one more thing i want to show you okay i've got a few different kinds of eggs here okay i'll show you real quick i've got the vital farms one that i bought i've got the happy farm so happy egg unfortunately a couple broke on the way home bummer and then i've got these ones i got from trader joe's because i thought they were a perfect example of everything i was talking about okay organic free range no antibiotics no hormones no no all organic feed uh who cares if it's antibiotic free or hormone free they're supposed to be who cares if it's all organic if it's just a bunch of credits like free range well we don't know if that's good or not okay now usually i trust trader joe's anyhow let's just see i want to see the yolk color here so let's start with this happy egg one hang on let me switch hands so i can break the egg properly i'm going solo here okay now put that there for now okay now let's go with vital farms ooh that's a pretty good comparison i'd say the vital farms might even be a little bit deeper now let's look at this free range one hang on okay vital farms happy egg and trader joe's free range come on don't break it ah crud okay so there we go okay so vital forms and happy egg very similar overall trader joe's free range not a lot of color but as we learned earlier in the video the color isn't the end and all be all but it just goes to show that they're probably feeding it something a little bit more well-rounded at least so i can get the carotenoids so as far as vitamin a benefit as far as retina benefit as far as lutein zeaxanthin blue light potential blocking benefits vital farms and this happy egg definitely good to go not so much the tj's one so just to recap cage free doesn't really mean anything it's no different than a non-k3a so you're probably paying more for a cage free look it here's the thing if you want to get a budget egg you can just get a regular egg just get one it's no different to go for cage free because it's the same thing at least especially in california because in california they outlawed you know the battery caging and all that so it just doesn't make sense cage free they're still beat shearing all that stuff so that's one thing free range is twisted that's like a really twisted thing if something is marketed as free-range and it's not pasture-raised then that means that it is just as bad as cage-free except they have a hole in the wall for the chickens to potentially get outside okay pasture raise is going to be the best pass to raise organic is going to be next best don't spend the money on the omega-3 enrich just add some flax and fun fact if you add a little bit of turmeric along with it you can increase the bioavailability of alpha linolenic acid getting converted into usable forms within the body similar to what you would get in like a marine source anyhow as always keep it locked in here my channel hopefully this video helped if it did leave a comment down below if there's a section of the grocery store you want me to help you out with put it down below see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 124,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggs, how to shop for eggs, how to properly shop for eggs, healthiest eggs, cage free eggs, pasture raised eggs, healthy eggs to buy, healthiest types of eggs, how to buy eggs, which eggs to buy, cage free vs pasture raised eggs, eggs benefits, are eggs healthy, are pasture raised eggs healthy, what are free range eggs, thomas delauer, grocery haul, eggs shopping, grocery haul eggs
Id: ZH2M3g_74nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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