Cooking Recipes To Improve Your Skills | Gordon Ramsay | Part Two

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Honestly, God bless Gordon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwawaysscc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey I just discovered this sub, can someone fill me in what’s happening exactly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/garebeardrew πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gordon always has somewhere else he needs to be.

And that focaccia was severly under cooked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fastermouse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

And please use wild caught salmon!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SenatorShriv πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
my next recipe is an old classic roast chicken but with a simple twist it takes on a new life and it's guaranteed to impress one of the things i love about cooking and that keeps me excited after 25 years behind the stove is that there's always something new to learn every day new ingredients new techniques and new cuisines start off with the stuffing it's amazing how exciting a stuffed roast chicken can be because it keeps the chicken incredibly moist and gives a delicious texture inside the bird i'm going to start off with cured cereso this is a traditional spanish sausage and it's garlicky spicy incredibly meaty that gives a little bit of sort of richness to the stuffing get that chorizo in start cooking that down and getting all those oils out a little touch of olive oil in there to get it going right onions chopped add the onions to the cerezo and in a matter of seconds they'll change color as they soak up all the flavor that lovely spiciness has been stolen from that sausage now the onions smell incredible garlic garlic fresh thyme just hold it down and get your fingers on there and it's a really nice way of taking off all those nice fragrant little time flowers you can hear crackling in the background these are cannellini beans they're waxy very soft and so delicious but very dense but for stuffing they're so robust nothing breaks down drain them off in they're going to take on all that juice as well from the freezer i'm going to season them now because they're very dense so it needs some help that looks like it's a dish on its own good enough to eat now i want to sweeten things up a little bit tomatoes half dried in that sweetens up the stuffing beautiful the stuffing's ready look at the color everything looks spanish it looks delicious now stuffing the chicken i like taking off these little knuckles as the chicken cooks the skin stretches over the bone you can get a really nice drum and take off those little wingtips as well salt pepper so important now you're stuffing i'm gonna go right inside the chicken push it down this really helps to cook the bird evenly because you're pushing out all the empty spaces in the carcass and take a nice large lemon push the lemon in pick up the parsley's nose pull the skin over olive oil on top salt and pepper a teaspoon of paprika sprinkle it on and then get your hands and sort of rub that in and see what the paprika is doing to the chicken putting this like sweet spicy marinade it's not even roasted yet but it looks delicious [Music] 400 ml of white wine same quantity of water that helps the chicken to steam chicken in be generous with the time sprigs [Music] make sure the fall is folded tightly around the roasting tray so the chicken steams in the oven keeping it moist and juicy into the oven cook for one hour at 180 degrees with a foil on nice take it out and remove the full lid then give it another 30 minutes to crisp up that skin [Music] look at that it's so important to make sure you take that tinfoil off with half an hour to go beautiful pierce that open squeeze it in that delicious gravy mix that into the tray and sieve that that's really nice fragrant lemony spiced roasting juices to finish before we cut up the chicken take out amazing stuffing [Music] incredible i'd have that with chicken over potatoes any day and then just get your chicken roasting juices now to cut the chicken up hold the drum and slice straight through and there's a wonderful drum and the thigh through the wishbone off slice with the point at an angle so you can see the texture of that amazing roast chicken just take my cooking juices just want to give a nice sort of lemony flavor over my chicken and there you go a delicious very charming stuffed roast chicken my next recipe is easy and a pleasure to make if you're organized with everything ready in advance [Music] miso poached salmon with asian vegetables organization is key in the kitchen take a couple of minutes before you start and set yourself up make sure you know where everything is stock spatula pan etc it becomes less stressful but more importantly the end results are incredible [Music] first off get your pan on whisk and stock start off with this amazing fermented soy bean puree into the pan three nice tablespoons gas on now get your fish stock and whisk into the puree be generous with the stock you want this nice light broth basically you can buy miso paste from big supermarkets and it works brilliantly with salmon poaching the salmon in the miso stuff gives it a really nice sort of sweet earthy creamy flavor it's incredible bring it to the bowl i'm gonna infuse the broth and make it a little bit more fragrant kaffir lime leaf is very lemony inside the miso broth then chopped chili chilli's in and finely sliced ginger that's simmering beautifully now we're going to poach the salmon poaching means cooking it in liquid but it's cooked gently and the secret here is to keep that salmon skin on if we took the skin off now the salmon can actually break up whilst it's poaching skin side down i'm just going to slide that in under nice the minute that stock starts boiling turn it down let it simmer take a little ladle and just every couple of minutes pour over that make sure the top of the salmon is cooked evenly and keeps it nice and moist and poaching is one of the most delicate ways of cooking so you have to handle it with care whilst the salmon's poaching in the miso broth start preparing your vegetables i'm using tender stem broccoli and bak choy i always like to cook the leaf and the stem separately the leaf is like sort of spinach and the stem is so much thicker it's almost as thick as a stick of celery so i like to get the stems sliced just so i've got that nice sort of christmas place the leaves together nicely roll them up nice and tight and then slice them down now my salad already the flavor in that broth has been elevated it tastes really fishy you've got the heat the chili spiciness the ginger and the caffeine lime leaf take your fish slice and place it very gently underneath the salmon and push it down fish slices are flexible for that reason bend it lift it up just touch looking for a springy firm texture and just sit there on top a little touch of the broth over it it stops it from drying out leave that to cool down for two minutes bring the stock back up to the boil broccoli and bak choy stems in a little taste it's getting better and better and better cook the broccoli and the bok choy stems for one minute and then add the tops in turn the salmon into your hand and just peel all that skin off the skin also helps to keep the salad nice and moist then gently flake the salmon that's the secret behind poaching everything just stays so moist wonderful long shards of pink now just before we serve we're going to add our mushrooms these are enoki mushrooms you can buy these in oaky mushrooms in big supermarkets and good grocers slice them off i'm going to put half in and the other half i'm gonna serve with the salmon toasted sesame seed oil put a little drip in there just rub and you're just lining almost like a little coat of varnish start off with your mushrooms and then my salmon four nice layers and then finally the mushrooms top with the vegetables and then finally a nice ladle that beautiful really sumptuous rich stock lovely and that is an amazing misu poached salmon soup simplify your cooking by getting organized and amazing food will be coming out your kitchen every day whether it's breads cakes tarts pies or pastries bacon is one of the most seductive skills in the kitchen it fills the house with fantastic aromas and puts irresistible food on the table now i'm gonna put you on the road to bacon nirvana starting with an easy bread packed with big gutsy flavors olive tomato and rosemary for catcher absolutely love bacon bread there's something really satisfying about doing it and this focaccia recipe is very hands-on but the end result is something really really tasty first off start with the dough tip 500 grams of strong bread flour into a mixing bowl and add 20 grams of semolina that gives the focaccia its sort of rustic charm now there's one thing for catching needs it's really good seasoning you can't season bread after it's baked so it's got to go in right at the very beginning sprinkling 15 grams of dried yeast take some warm water and then 50 ml of olive oil top of that water that gives it this really nice silky rich texture make a little well mix up that yeast water and oil in start off with your fingers keep your fingers nice and open it's like a little sort of whisk going in there i'm looking for a really nice sort of relaxed dough now that's just starting to come together touch more water with the oil in there give it a little swirl and then again the secret is to sort of knead it gently don't overwork it it's a sort of easy bread to make a nice one to start off with when you're making bread for the first time basically kneading means just knit it together just hanging lightly flour your board and let's just knead that focaccia into a nice smooth dough make sure you don't over add too much flour otherwise it sort of dries out the dough something quite magical about making bread you can switch off and lose yourself my first job for a three mission star establishment was a baker i was 22 years of age i used to start at midnight i was under such a tight schedule one o'clock white bread then two o'clock brown bread three o'clock sourdough four o'clock cheese bread five o'clock proof bake six o'clock crack them open and taste it was amazing beautiful yeah looks stunning it hasn't even risen yet leave your dough to rise in a warm place until it's doubled in size we call this proving [Music] that beautiful a lot of chefs sort of need it for the second time but i'm looking for a really nice light aerated for catcher take a tray a touch of olive oil in there season it at the bottom really important that's the exciting thing about focaccia you've got that really nice sort of salty top and salty bottom and just with a touch of olive oil on your hands gently push that in and almost massage it into the corners it's possible to put sort of olives and tomatoes and garlic through the dough but it never really allows the dough to sort of aerate properly when you put so much ingredients in i'm going to stick mine on top use your finger and sort of just push them in salt on top some pepper on top as well i want some nice fresh amazing rosemary just hold the stalk and just pull off and then just sprinkle down generous in the rosemary really important to have that nice fragrance on top of the fuckacha finish it off before it goes in with a little drizzle of olive oil so it almost sinks in those little pockets of flavor olive tomato rosemary and olive oil into the oven [Music] bake your focaccia at 200 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes smells delicious [Music] beautiful [Music] you can hear how crispy that is you can't beat a nice warm fresh slice of home-cooked focaccia it's rustic charming and it's the perfect way to start baking making homemade for catcher it's so addictive getting to grips with bacon is just a matter of confidence slow cooking is one of the best weapons in the chef's arsenal not only is it easy it's also an incredible way to transform meat into mouthwateringly melting dishes mastering the art of slow cooking is something every cook should learn first up my phenomenal slow cooked beef short ribs slow cooking is a brilliant way of getting lots of extra depth and intensity into your dishes the secret is to lock in all those flavors at the start and let the ingredients do their thing as it cooks these are beef short ribs and there's basically five to six bones across there and as the short rib cooks it sticks that bone the bone implants flavor and the meat just sort of melts cooks slowly gives it that nice level intensity slice alongside the bone straight down you can see that marbling that sort of disappears and disintegrates i'm cooking them in a roasting tray get it on the heat until nice and hot season these short ribs beautifully olive oil in bone on the top we'll start coloring that in [Music] really important to give the beef short rib a really nice sear if you didn't brown the meat off it goes in the oven and it looks like boiled meat so you really want that nice dark rich coloring just cut the garlic in half slide that down the side that's going to give that beef an amazing flavor [Music] to give body to the sauce stir in a heaped teaspoon of tomato puree i'm just hitting the bottom of the pan with that tomato puree and we call it cooking out that smell of puree otherwise it just goes in there raw and it gives this sort of tartness to the braised short ribs red wine in don't use an expensive bottle of red wine there's no need bring the wine up to the boil and reduce it this burns off the alcohol and concentrates the flavor it makes a big difference when you reduce the red wine down by half because it gives that nice dark rich intensity look at my garlic that is just gonna sweeten everything up incredible stock in beef stock perfect chicken stock fine just to about an inch underneath the beef short ribs bring it up to the ball to lock in all that flavor as the beef ribs slow cook cover them so they braise from the bottom and steam from the top into the oven two and a half hours 170 to 180 degrees in she goes the great thing about slow cooking is you do most of the work in advance and then put your feet up five or ten minutes before the beef short ribs come out of the oven start your garnish this is light cured pancetta we want nice thick lardons nice big thick sticks of crispy bacon these are delicious chestnut mushrooms i'm not going to slice them i'm just going to cut them in half but look at the color on those lardons now all the whites raw fat have disappeared the lardons have shrunk right down and all we've got there now is the proper bacon mushrooms in beautiful so the mushrooms get seasoned from the bacon i'm pan frying these separately to the beef so they remain crisp and have a different texture [Music] leave that to cool down now this is like christmas day for me when you unwrap that fall once you see what's underneath [Music] it wow they smell incredible lift and place on your tray beautiful to make a fantastic rich deep sauce press the soft roasted garlic through a sieve into the cooking juices when all that nice pureed garlic coming through there because that is going to make the most amazing flavor scrape all of that off the sieve nice and then just start sieving all that lovely braising liquor in that smells delicious take your sauce and just glaze do them individually they deserve that respect spoon on your bacon and your mushrooms beautiful be generous with these mushrooms i'm telling you they taste amazing flat leaf parsley all that freshness over those amazing ribs incredible never ever be embarrassed about going to your butcher and asking for cheap cuts because the results are incredible amazing beef braised short ribs with bacon and mushrooms you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,235,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Cooking, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay tutorial, gordon ramsay tips, gordon ramsay gordon ramsay, simple easy cooking techniques, gordon ramsay teaching how to cook
Id: E33FuP1oenA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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