Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates Basic Cooking Skills | Ultimate Cookery Course

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This is a really good video. I’m an experienced cook and love Ramsey’s technique. Some of this is a little basic but I was still able to pull a number of lessons from it. I was excited that he had an app and went to download it. It’s $89.99 so I’m not going to be doing that. I get that theres lots of production here but that seems... expensive. Pretty disappointed but this is absolutely worth the watch.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Bronceaux-fan 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not available in your country

Oh damn, I guess I'll just go stand over here.... beside this... VPN.... *Click*

Lulz nm, have fun

Never change Youtube

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Kane_richards 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone able to ID the fry pan he is using? Looks perfect for what I’ve been looking for

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/shadyslim0803 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I want this kitchen!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DAGanteakz 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

He’s included with the kitchen!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DAGanteakz 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dunno if any of you people not in the US have access to the Pluto TV app, but it’s available on there. That’s where I watched the entire thing! I downloaded it onto my Apple TV so it was like literally watching it on TV. Imagine it will also work on your phone, tablet, whatever.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/give_ur_balls_a_tug 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's fucking raw!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/X015 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

My friend and I binged a whole bunch of these a couple of weekends ago. Last weekend we made the roast chicken with garbanzos and chorizo. Tomorrow we're making the pork chops with peppers. The chicken was so delicious and easy.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/smokedbrosketdog 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

He has some course stuff on the MasterClass platform. Really good too!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HokieScott 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
In this series and we surprise you and you strip away all the complexity and hard graphed and teach you how to cook amazing food standing on your head "That is amazing! incredibly tender" from the Kitchen Novice, to the budding chef i'm going to give you the confidence, the recipes and the insider knowledge to make you a much better cook. "slide around" "waste nothing!" I've been cooking in professional kitchens for over 25 years I've been taught by some of the best chefs in the world and in turn I've taught some of the best Now I'm gonna show you some simple and accessible recipes for fantastic food that you can easily cook at home "mmm, incredible" I'll be holding you by the hand it gets better and better and better Teaching you everything from how to cook with chili and spice, to baking, real fast food and my ultimate feast recipes This is the only cookery course you'll ever need Welcome to my ultimate cookery course. Back with cooking tips information and 100 recipes to stake your life on. The frying pan is one of your best friends it's so versatile in the kitchen learning to use it with these is a must and I'm gonna show you how First up my delicious pan-fried pork chops with sweet and sour peppers Whether it's in the restaurant or even at home One of my golden rules for producing fantastic food is learning to cook with confidence This recipe is so straightforward but tastes absolutely amazing Pan on, get that nice and hot You think of the sort of density of a pork chop how it needs a little bit of help Sweet sound peppers go brilliantly well First slice the peppers. That's the flat side of the pepper. So stand it up Try to slice a pepper on the side is a nightmare. There's the center start off it's almost like sort of peeling an orange all the way around and down And look this one Now place the pepper down three-finger rule one finger in front, two behind Pinkie holding it down thumb holding it nice and flat, the flatter the vegetables, the more confident you are when you slice so, Don't worry about the speed Just let the knife do the work and take your time Speed = cuts. The most important thing is to get your technique right. red onion Now sweet sour peppers, olive oil in I'm going to sauté them which is just the chef's term for shallow-fried on a high heat for maximum taste Salt and pepper, "add a tablespoon of sugar;" sugar helps to break down the peppers quicker But caramelize the onions find them in a frying pan. Perfect they're one of those sort of basic essential tools of any kitchen because it's so multi-purpose great for sautéing tossing great for cooking fish and meat push away and pull back, push away and pull back, that hissing is something you need to hear constantly because The minute that's gone your peppers and your onions start to boil and you really want them to sauté. You now start to see glistening in a way that it's starting to caramelize, sugar is working usefully That's ready for the red wine vinegar in Smells incredible it helps to stain the peppers as well. look at the glaze now, do you see the sugar has worked it's magic. Turn down the gas and add a couple of table spoons of Extra-virgin olive oil. Let them stew for two to three minutes. Now I want to make the peppers nice and light and sort of sweet aromatic Just roll the basil almost like a big cigar slice Basil in and then literally cook it out for 30 seconds and then take them off. Beautiful Okay, pan back on And now for pork chops, I wanna make sure they don't curl up in the pan. They start curling up in the pan they're gonna cook unevenly. A few simple cuts through the Rhine means the Chop stays flat and cooks evenly Point the knife down flip through. Season them beautifully nice large shards of pepper punch that through lightly guaranteed that seasoning is gonna stay there, hot pan, a touch of garlic and a touch of thyme. and the garlic Take a cup of cloves Don't peel it. Don't chop it just knife on Crush it Olive oil in just starting to smoke top of the chop in lay away from Nice Keep that heat in the pan, put the garlic in there early a nice fragrant bunch of thyme see how the pork is staying nice and flat turn it over. Look at that, beautiful. I want a little bit of thyme underneath there. Start squeezing that garlic out, I what the flavour coming out Butter in thin slices of butter tilt the pan and baste So I'm sort of speeding up the cooking process at the same time I'm keeping the pork chop, really nice and moist and now look at the color that butter look at that butter, it's almost like a nut brown. Check the color on the other side, beautiful. When that thick between 1/2 to 4 minutes each size, 30 seconds from now they will be medium They're gonna be medium. So I'm gonna take them out and let them rest The secret to perfectly moist pork chops is letting them rest almost as long as they're cooked in the pan a nice spoon of these peppers basil smells Incredible did that garlic on there be generous with that vinaigrette from the pepper because it really is incredible Do two things simple like that pork and peppers And your confidence is going to shoot through the roof a stunning pork chop with sweet sour peppers The frying pan is so simple, but incredibly useful with this one pan, you can make a million different dishes The more you cook with your frying pan, the more your confidence will grow Here are three my favorite easy pan-fried dishes First up pan-fried scallops with crunchy apple salad Get a frying pan smoking hot, essential for quick pan frying add olive oil Then season scallops with salt and pepper Starting at the top put clockwise into the pan. So, you know which one to turn first? Scallops have firm white sweet flesh and cook in minutes Next salad, lamb's lettuce, matchsticks of apple Seasoning, lemon (zest and juice) Add Olive Oil then toss Turn the scallops when Golden, going clockwise around the pan Then squeeze in lemon juice and give the pan a shake Finish with lemon zest Ready in under ten minutes, my first pan fried dish = scallops with crunchy apple salad My next super simple pan-fried recipe is... chicken and chicory in masala sauce Season the chicken breasts, add to hot olive oil skin-side down lay away from you to stop the oil splashing Sliced chicory, this versatile vegetable can be red or white; has a lovely bitter taste and is great cooked or raw Crush a clove of garlic and add, then sprigs of thyme When the chicken skin is crisp turnover, along with the chicory For the sauce and masala (a sweet fortified wine from Sicily) Then 150 ml of chicken stock To make the sauce wander too rich in glossy and butter and simmer for 10 minutes Plate up and spoon over the sauce, cooked in under 20 minutes, chicken and chicory in masala sauce My final dish cooked in the versatile frying pan is... sea bream with tomato and herb salsa Fry phyllis of sea bream skin side down in hot olive oil If they buckle up, press gently down for perfect even cooking, then season Sea bream has firm white flesh. Perfect for pan frying Next the salsa heat olive oil add half cherry tomatoes pitted black olives and season After a minute on a low heat add coriander, basil and lemon Combine and leave to infuse As a seabream cooks it goes opaque When it's 2/3 from the top turnover Bast, fry, and it's done Seabream with tomato and herb salsa ready in under 15 minutes One pan three simple impressive and absolutely delicious dishes; "beautiful" Coming up on my ultimate cookery course along with a hundred recipes to stake your life on I'm gonna give you a hundred quick cooking tips to make your life in the kitchen easier First up, how to keep your knives sharp It's far harder working in the kitchen with a blunt knife than it is with a sharp knife the secret behind keeping a sharp knife Sharpen it before and every time you use it first grip the steel feel really comfortable about holding still imagine You're holding a tennis racket or you're playing squash. you've got to be really comfortable with it Now 45 degrees confident grip confident grip with a knife This is the butt of the steel really important to keep your fingers behind that you never grip a steel with your fingers over that Because the knife comes back in you just lost a finger. It's always grip behind Nice long strokes so we get the whole of the blade over the Steel Stroke and we start from the bottom to the top so there, across there, across slow strokes over the top of the steel and then come back in beneath, back in beneath It is so dangerous working in the kitchen with a blunt knife You can cause so much damage working with a sharp knife is ten times quicker more efficient, now That's ready to start chopping To stop your chopping board rocking or slipping a great tip is to simply wet a kitchen cloth kitchen paper or tea towel and place it underneath Now you can chop with confidence My next top tip is get the most out of your humble veg peeler It's brilliant for slicing ultra-thin ribbons of veg perfect for Asian dishes Great for making long delicate parmesan shavings to top soups and salads It also makes wonderful chocolate curls Your Peppermill is more versatile than you might think tighten the top screw to get finely ground pepper ideal for soups and sauces For general seasoning. You want it medium ground to set the screw to medium-ground and loosen it right off for coarse pepper perfect for steaks and fish Peeling garlic. the one clove simply bash it with the back of a knife and the skin comes off easily For a whole head crush, separate into a bowl, Cover and shake hard for about ten seconds then simply pick out the peeled cloves Coming up on my ultimate cookery course more great cooking tips Just hold it down and your fingers on there's a really nice way of taking off all those nice fragrant little thyme flowers how to shop for the best ingredients "The skin is a nice white color And it smells like a fresh chickeny smell." and a stunning roast chicken recipe to stake your life on This is my ultimate cookery course, 100 recipes to stake your life on I'll be showing you a roast chicken recipe to die for Hold the drum the sliced straight through But first like any good chef. I'm always looking to get great ingredients at the right price My shopping mantra is simple first rely on your senses. Make sure whatever you're buying It looks smells and really feels good. And if you get the chance taste it before you buy it Second is to recognize that knowledge is crucial the more You know about where your ingredients come from and how they are produced, the better so asked lots of questions and learn. You're never too old to learn from experts and when it comes to buying great birds The one person knows what to look for is award-winning fifth-generation master Butcher, Danny Lydgate "Poultry is a great meat because there's many different types of birds" "It's worth tasting. The variation of flavors between different first types of birds is massive." "Turkeys are a great lean meat that's available all year-round and not just for Christmas. Anybody who's worried about eating fatty meats." " It's a really healthy, flavorsome meal" "Game birds people don't try them often enough. Once they're shot, they're hung up for a little while (a few days" "at least) it means the meats going to be more tender all adds of flavor to the birds" "We've got a wood pigeon and a red leg Partridge both really good and cook really quickly" "When you're buying a chicken some of things to look out for is obviously the smell" "And when you're smelling a good quality chicken" "You can tell the difference the skins are nice white color and it smells like a fresh chickeny smell" "When you're buying from a good butcher, you'll find you tend to get the giblets as well" "Which is basically the neck and other organs. This is great for making gravy" "Once you have cooked it, you can use all the offcuts for other things stir Fry's Curry's pass" "The dishes save the bones use the bones for stocks and soups they're really packed full of flavor" And remember there are lots of different breeds of chicken all have different characteristics and flavors So shop around and find the ones you love here are three of my all-time favorites. The label Anglais these come from an old British breed. They've got smaller breasts, but the meat is delicious The Black Leg a fantastic French variety succulent with bags of flavor and really meaty thighs and The Poulet De Bresse. This is the rolls-royce of chickens. Rich gamey and delicious one for special occasions "I think people should maybe try and buy less meat but aim for the best quality" "You're only going to get out what you put in by putting the best quality into a dish. You're going to get the best results" No matter how seasoned the chef you are, there are always new ingredients and recipes to get fired up about So if a tired old recipe is getting you down spice it up with fresh ideas and flavors My next recipe is an old classic roast chicken, but with a simple twist, it takes on a new life and is guaranteed to impress one of the things I love about cooking and that keeps me excited after 25 years behind the stove is That there's always something new to learn every day new ingredients, new techniques and new cuisines Start off with a stuffing it's amazing how Exciting a stuffed roast chicken can be because it keeps the chicken incredibly moist and gives a delicious texture Inside the bird. I'm going to start off with cured sorriso. This is a traditional Spanish sausage, and it's garlicky spicy Incredibly meaty that gives a little bit of sort of richness to the stuffing. Get our sorriso in. Start cooking that down and get all those oils out a touch of olive oil in there to get it going. Right onions Chopped Add the onions to the Sorriso and in a matter of seconds, they'll change color as they soak up all the flavor That lovely spiciness has been stolen from that sausage and now the onions smell incredible garlic Garlic in Fresh thyme just hold it down and put your fingers on there. It's really nice why I've taken off all those nice fragrant little thyme flowers You can hear it crackling in the background These are cannellini beans. They're waxy, very soft And so delicious but very dense, but for stuffing they're so robust. Nothing breaks down. Drain them off In They're going to take on all that juice as well from the sorriso. I'm going to season now because if they dense so need some help That looks like it's a dish on its own; good enough to eat now. i want to sweeten things up a little bit tomatoes half tried in That sweetens up The stuffing beautiful The stuffing is ready. Look at the color of everything, that Spanish looks delicious now stuffing the chicken I like taking off these little knuckles as the chicken cooks the skin stretches over the bone You can get a really nice drum and take off those little wing tips as well salt and pepper So important Now your stuffing we go right inside, which you can Push it down. This really helps to cook the bird evenly because you're pushing out all the empty spaces in the carcass And take a nice large lemon, push the lemon in Pick up the parcels nose, put the skin over, olive oil on top Salt and pepper Teaspoon of paprika Sprinkle it on and then put your hands Sort of rub that in. You see what the paprika is doing to the chicken put this like sweet Spicy marinade its not even roasted yet, but it looks delicious 400 ml of wine while same quantity of water that helps the chicken to steam chicken in Be generous with the thyme sprigs Make sure the foil is folded tightly around the roasting tray. So the chicken's steams in the oven keeping it moist and juicy into the oven Cook for 1 hour at 180 degrees with the foil on. nice. Take it out and remove the foil lid then give it another 30 minutes to crisp up that skin Look at that! It's so important to make sure you tear that tinfoil off with half an hour to go Beautiful. Pierce that open, squeeze it in that delicious gravy. Mix that into the tray And sieve that That's a really nice fragrant lemony spiced roasting juices to finish Before we cut up the chicken take out that amazing stuffing Mm-hmm Incredible I'd have that with chicken and potatoes any day; and then just get your chicken roasting juices Now to cut the chicken up. Hold the drum and slice straight through And there's a wonderful drum and a thigh through the wishbone Off slice with the point at an angle so you can see the texture that amazing roast chicken Just take my cooking juices. I just want to give a nice sort of lemony flavor over my chicken and there you go a delicious, very charming, stuffed roast chicken Follow my ultimate cookery course crammed with key lessons Top tips and a hundred recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef Many of these amazing recipes are on my app. Please check out the App Store for details. Go on get cooking!
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 5,110,995
Rating: 4.9460783 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay cooking tutorial, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay cooking chicken, gordon ramsay tips, gordon ramsay tips and tricks, gordon ramsay tips for beginners, gordon ramsay tips on cooking, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course s01e01, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course episode 1, gordon ramsay ultimate cookery course chicken
Id: FTociictyyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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