Gordon Ramsay's Budget Recipes | DOUBLE FULL EPISODE | Ultimate Cookery Course

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in this series i'm gonna surprise you i'm gonna strip away all the complexity and hard craft and teach you how to cook amazing food standing on your head that is amazing incredibly tender from the kitchen novice to the budding chef i'm gonna give you the confidence the recipes and the insider knowledge to make you a much better cook slice around wasting nothing [Music] [Applause] i made my name cooking in some of the world's most demanding kitchens it's nice to make in my restaurants i expect perfection every plate has to be worthy of a michelin star and every time you make them taste it as well every day it changes now i'm going to show you some simple and accessible recipes for fantastic food that you can easily cook at home incredible i'll be holding you by the hand just getting better and better and better teaching you everything from incredible stress-free dishes real fast food and my ultimate feast recipes this is the only cookery course you'll ever need welcome to my ultimate cookery course packed with cooking tips information and 100 recipes to stake your life on right this is my ultimate food on a budget as a chef i know it's not what you spend on ingredients but results on the plate that count using cheap cuts and leftovers and working them hard in the kitchen gives you food and a budget that tastes a million bucks and i'm gonna show you how first up my flavor-packed lamb with fried bread whether i'm cooking high-end dishes or rustic dishes trust me it all has to be impressive so this lamb dish proves that you don't have to spend a fortune to create delicious food first off put the pan on this is a lamb steak and it's cut just above the leg just here because you can see that delicious bone running through the center and that's full of marrow so that just gives the lamb a nice added sweet flavor just take your knife cut through each end this stops the lamb steak from buckling so therefore it cooks evenly and colors beautifully salt and pepper lamb needs quite a lot of help with the pepper so be quite generous with the pepper and just pat that down the pan is just under smoke on the outside now put the oil in get that pan really nice and hot because this is a cheap cut so i'm depending on the color of the lamb steak to really sort of impart a lot of flavor that's the noise you want to hear you can't hear that noise don't drop the steak in put a little bit of garlic in there not chopped garlic just whole cloves the garlic lightly crushed don't even waste time peeling them in tongs lift up that bit of fat around the back that's the top of the leg tilt the pan and let all that fat render rendering is a chef's term that means melting the fat it works brilliantly when you're cooking a rib eye as well cut it that over there beautiful now it looks like an expensive cut and we've got that nice even sear all over as it's cooking just tilt the pan and vase and basting the lamb steak just means you're sort of adding all that nice scented garlic olive oil back into the lamb useful now take the lamb out let the lamb rest [Music] now for the perfect rustic crouton so this bread's quite firm a couple of days old just slice it straight down the center dice it up put it into a bowl season it beautifully [Music] from there i'm gonna add some milk sounds strange adding milk to crouton but it just gives it that nice rich creamy texture and just let that milk sort of absorb into the bread while that's soaking i'm gonna make the dressing go back to that initial garlic that was in the pan look at that beautiful into the pest and water anchovies anchovies go brilliantly well with lamb i want that nice salty vinegary flavor and a bit of kick some capers the little baby cats very sweet now just pound that to a nice paste that smells incredible next some dijon mustard a nice teaspoon and a half in a little bit of red wine vinegar two tablespoons and then our extra virgin olive oil now it's got that heat in there i've got a nice roasted garlic a real hearty chunky vinaigrette that sort of seeps into that lamb some fresh parsley crunch up the parsley delicious flavor parsley in nice now get your pan hot for the croutons olive oil in the pan grab the croutons and squeeze all that excess milk out not too hard i don't want them dry and in and then just fry them and the milk inside these croutons give it a nice spongy creamy delicious flavor that's the color i want nice now take them out and lightly drain them a little bit of kitchen roll onto the board out [Music] plate them just take this amazing vinaigrette and spread it get those croutons listen to them like little boulders hitting the play the lamb sit that on next one on the rest of the croutons on now use all those little bits and my chef in paris would kill me right now if you saw me using those because they're the ugly scraps that customers should never see but but they're the best bits croutons on and then just drop that sauce on all those little bits of the lamb and there that is a perfect way of taking a cheap cut is the premier league of dishes stunning food doesn't have to be complicated keeping it simple produces amazing results and keeps costs down here are three more great easy dishes that don't cost the earth but taste absolutely incredible starting with roasted mackerel with garlic and paprika [Music] first make a spicy paste by crushing garlic in a pestle and mortar along with paprika sea salt and olive oil spoon the paste onto phillips of mackerel a great inexpensive oily fish that's really healthy and leaf to marinade when ready to eat put the mackerel fillets on a baking tray skin side up season and roast in a hot oven next make a tangy potato salad for the dressing mix dijon mustard white wine vinegar olive oil and saffron [Music] and whisk until blended boil new potatoes in salted water drain and lightly crush add sliced spring onion and spoon in the vinaigrette [Applause] to serve top the potato salad with the roasted mackerel and drizzle with more vinaigrette [Music] a healthy meal that makes the most of cheap but delicious fish stunning roasted mackerel with garlic and paprika [Music] my next brilliant budget dish is pork and prawn balls in aromatic broth [Music] for the pork and porn balls in a bowl add pork mince then add finely chopped prawns [Music] diced ginger and chopped chives season and roll into ping pong size balls [Music] for the broth heat fresh stock and add star anise oyster sauce soy sauce and sliced ginger gently simmer fry the pork and prawn balls in a pan until golden then transfer to the bubbling broth add handfuls of spinach then serve topped with finely sliced spring onions a gorgeous healthy dish that uses great value ingredients with amazing results pork and prawn balls in aromatic broth ready to eat in under 20 minutes an incredibly simple recipe that's perfect for using up leftovers easy arancini delicious golden rice balls [Music] first chop mozzarella into small cubes then take handfuls of leftover risotto add a cube of mozzarella and fold into a ball around the cheese this dish is perfect with leftover mushroom risotto but it's great with any risotto for the coating prep three bowls one with flour one with breadcrumbs and one with beaten egg dip each arentini first into the flour then the egg wash and finally the breadcrumbs then in a pan heat the olive oil and fry the arancini until golden brown [Music] drain and serve simply with lemon [Music] easy arancini a delicious tempting treat that's great for leftovers and cooks in under 10 minutes three quick and easy recipes that give maximum flavor for minimum cost fantastic dishes that prove you don't have to spend a fortune to eat amazing food at home nice [Music] five more of my 100 tips they'll make cooking in the kitchen easier first up a great cheap staple how to cook the perfect rice basmati rice the king of all rice is light fluffy delicious and i'm going to show you how to cook it perfectly now start off with 400 grams of rice rice in spot on so what i'm going to do now is just rinse off the dust and the starch cold water always and just rinse the rice that stops the rice from becoming clumpy in the pan and allows it to become really nice light and fluffy once it's cooked rice into the pan now to make a plain fluffy rice exciting we're going to infuse it three cardamom pods and just get the pods and just pierce them so it allows all that flavor to come out cardamom pods and then star anise now these are beautiful whole star anise it makes it really nice and fragrant salt and pepper a lot easier to season the rice now than it is once it's cooked you start to break it up when you season once it's cooked now it's basically one part rice to one and a half part water 600 mils always start off in cold water cold water in onto the gas lid on bring it up to the ball as quick as possible and turn it down and let it simmer for 8 to 10 minutes and that's the secret behind cooking great rice allow it to steam as it's cooking do not lift that lid up lid off [Music] it smells aromatic basically all the water's absorbed the rice has doubled in size and is nice and light and fluffy take the staranise out the cardamom pods they all should have risen to the top pods out take your fork fluff it through basically just sort of starts to open everything back up once you've forked it through it becomes really nice and light and fluffy and there that is perfectly cooked rice always make the most of your leftovers use last night's rice in stir fries scrambled up with eggs or it's simple to make a delicious fresh salad remember a good cook wastes nothing a great tip for stopping potatoes apples and avocados from going brown wing cut simply cover with water and add a squeeze of lemon the acidity stops the flesh from oxidizing which is what causes the color to change herbs are great for adding flavor without spending a fortune to keep them at their best simply place them in a glass of water and they'll stay fresh for up to a week [Music] and if you've got extra herbs left over save and waste by making an amazing flavoured oil place wash and dried stems in a bottle cover with warmed olive oil then seal and leave to infuse great for salads pastas and drizzling on veg [Music] this is my ultimate cookery course 100 recipes to stake your life on later i'll be showing you an incredible spicy sausage rice that cost next to nothing bulky delicious and incredibly robust but first when you're cooking on a budget you can still eat fantastic meats just make sure you're getting the most for your money next up my shopping guide to buying the best hams salamis and sausages these fine italian meats are packed with flavour and a little goes a long way and nobody knows that better than deli maestro antonio sakamani i born in italy and i start eating italian food and i love it i want to change it for nothing else that's why i'm fat he's been selling delicious cured meats in the heart of london soho for more than 35 years this is the best prosciutto they come from italy this is curing parma because it's parma ham divine people love it and it's wonderful the fat is good because you make the meat sweet they should be cut thin like this there is more flavor you can eat with melon with figs with pears with everything any sweet fruit is good it's wonderful you really enjoy when you start eating you can stop wonderful this is called prisaola it's a hair cured beef it comes from north italy valtelina it's so different from pork there's no fat at all it should be no fun otherwise it tastes greasy it's good when it's very dry and you slice it thinner you just eat it like that or you can eat with a bit of rocket or you save some parmesan on top i love it a bit of lemon if you like or olive oil it's delicious this is called felino for me is the best salami take the name of our little place near parma and other is country salami very nice it's one of my favorite because it's not too spicy just meat flavor just salt and pepper i love it i can't resist when i take some meat home i don't eat nothing else especially in the evening just meat with a melon or fish or whatever a few slices of bread a couple glasses of wine that's my meal you don't need nothing else you know you you happy antonio's right incredible italian hams and salamis are fantastic in simple salads sandwiches or even eaten by themselves and you don't need much to make an impression there's an amazing selection of delicious meats from around the world that are great to use in the kitchen another simple meaty staple that's perfect for quick easy suppers with a difference are the exotic regional speciality sausages that have such distinctive tastes and are a million miles from the great british banger here are four of my favorites that are definitely worth your money chirizo from spain these have an incredibly deep red color are full of smoky spiced paprika and are great for stuffing stews and paellas merguez from north africa made from beef and mutton these cook super fast because of the long and thin shape and can be used in tagines or served with couscous fennel sausages from italy made from pork and packed with sweet aniseed flavor fennel seeds these are perfect with pasta or as a topping on a pizza finally jerk sausages from jamaica full of blow your head off scotch bonnet chilis these are super spicy and great in tangy casseroles or simply sauteed with onions and garlic be adventurous with your sausages learn about the different flavors and you'll soon be using them to add extra flavor with ease for dishes that always pack a punch without costing a fortune simple and cheap delicious ingredients like sausages are great and you don't need a lot of them to get stunning dishes that taste incredible so spend your money wisely and you can have amazing midweek meals that don't cost the earth my next recipe is all about great flavors and it's as cheap and easy to make as it is delicious spicy sausage rice whatever you're cooking the secret to making great food is to ensure you're locking every last ounce of flavour in that pan and this spicy sausage rice does exactly that take these spicy sausages and pierce that skin because i want all that delicious spicy sausage meat out of this casing and you get more flavor from the sausage when you take them out the casing sausage is ready turn on the gas bread onion less acidic than a big white spanish onion and a lot more flavoursome tablespoon of olive oil a tablespoon only because i want all that fat coming out the sausages to sort of really help flavor the onions onions in and the onions go in first because you can never rush cooking an onion it's really important to sort of give them five to six minutes in the pan so you can really start to caramelize them my mouth and my pepper slice around wasting nothing i want to see that sort of little core those pips in the center no fine diced pepper the rice is going to be cooking for 20 minutes so i want the veg to sort of have texture after it's cooked peppers in a bit of garlic two nice cloves just slap down off with the shell garlic in now i want to turn up the gas get the pan nice and hot because the minute that sausage goes in everything cools down and you'll end up boiling the peppers and the onions and the garlic so heat up to maximum and then just make a well in the center in now start stirring quickly this is where you get so much more bang for your buck out of sausages because the skins off and the real flavor of that spicy italian sausage is gonna come through what's great about this recipe is that you can use any type of sausage to get the flavor and the heat you want i've gone for the spicy italian but it's just as good with merguez or cheeto a teaspoon paprika in give it that really nice smoky flavor rice in and we're gonna sort of basically sear the rice we call it in the kitchen blasting the rice where we sort of soda the rice for 30 seconds and it takes on all that flavor next white wine so the wine sort of deglazes the pan and washes all that flavor from the bottom of the pan into the rice stock in bring it up to the boil turn it down and let it simmer [Music] double stop to rice turn that gas down and let it simmer for 12 to 15 minutes and just give it the occasional stir keep an eye on it now get ready to finish it slice spring onions diced sweet juicy tomatoes and roughly chop earthy flat leaf parsley spring onions in tomatoes in off with the gas really important otherwise everything becomes overcooked flat leaf parsley in but look at the volume in that pan now that is an amazing way to take spicy italian sausages to a completely different level beautiful [Music] follow my ultimate cookery course packed with key lessons top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the app store for details go on get cooking welcome to my ultimate cookery course packed with cooking tips information and 100 recipes to stay your life on right this is more ultimate food on a budget [Music] vegetables are such an asset in the kitchen healthy fantastically fresh and incredibly versatile and pound for pound they're so much cheaper than fish or meat just make sure you give them plenty of attitude my first recipe is so quick and easy but seriously impressive and deceptively cheap homemade gnocchi making your enoki is so simple to do yet the results are absolutely stunning and it's a great way of using up leftover baked potatoes you can make noki just with flour and eggs however the potato gives it a nice light sort of creamy fluffy texture cut them in half take your spoon and scoop the inside of those potatoes i'm using leftover baked potatoes but this really works as well with leftover ball potatoes two choices you can get a fork and sort of mash the potato and get it nice and light and fluffy or this little gadget it's called a ricer i suppose it's a posh word for a potato masher just squeeze gently you can see how nice and light it is almost like fluffy little strands of potato you can do this when the potatoes are hot it'll go through the rice so much quicker just slice that off there now a nice spoon of okata ring a little touch of salt and pepper it's really important to season the mixture as we go along otherwise the nokia becomes really bland flour over the ricotta sieved so there's no lumps one delicious egg give that a little whisk now make a little well in the center you want a nice soft pliable ball of dough give that a really good mix get some thyme flowers in there and this time is light fragrant and it's just a really nice herb and with the ricotta it tastes brilliant just pick the little tips the time flowers next flour your hands generously and knead the mixture into a dough fold in and push and basically what it's doing is get it nice and smooth as it starts to get a little bit wet and just add a little touch of flour we want something really nice and soft now don't overwork it it stops the nokia from expanding when it hits the pan that's exactly what i want a nice sort of soft fragrant ball cut the ball in half lightly flour the hands and just roll it gently just think of a big long cigar the mixture will start getting a little bit sort of wetter but do not add lots of flour now lightly flour the knife so when you slice the gnocchi it doesn't stick cut the dough into bite-sized pieces just take your finger dip it in the flour and push down why i want my nokia to look like a pillow and for me the most important part there is that not one of them are identically the same shape water on bring up to the boil little touch of olive oil in there lightly flour your hand lift up the gnocchi in to the rolling boiling water turn that pan to stop them from sticking at the bottom and let them simmer and they start to sort of tell you they're cooked when they start floating get a pan on get that nice and hot now they're just starting to come up to the top and you can continue cooking them like that i like blanching them in the water taking them out and then frying them to study the gnocchi heat olive oil in a frying pan gently lift up and look they've doubled in size drain it get rid of the excess water and straight in to the hot pan [Music] this is where they start to take on a completely different texture nice crisp sauteed texture on the outside nokia loves fresh pepper so pepper in and see as i start turning them i've got this really nice little sort of brown color and they're almost popping up now like little parcels so i want them nice and sauteed both sides but light and creamy in the center fresh garden peas in and the butter gives it a really nice sort of bernoulli flavor on the end beautiful a little bit of fresh thyme over the peas and then finally i want to lift it up fresh lemon zest the lemon over [Music] smells incredible and then finally seal the deal with a touch of grated parmesan cheese give your vegetable attitude and you'll get amazingly elegant dishes on a budget that are always guaranteed to impress what more do you want from great cooking cheap to make easy to cook and absolutely stunning cooking great food doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on fancy equipment get some basic essentials and you'll be set in the kitchen saucepans i mean basically you don't need a collection of ten all you need really is two a medium size one followed by a large one a small pan is great for sauces heating liquids or rice whereas your large pan gives you space perfect for pastas stews or when you're cooking in bulk which keeps costs down made from copper to stainless steel find what's right for you and always get a lid which helps heat the pan up as quickly as possible and the secret behind a great saucepan is the heavier the bottom the more heat it will conduct the thinner the bottom the more chance you've got actually burning your food buy the best saucepans you can afford take good care of them and they'll last you years saving you money in the long run amazing recipes don't necessarily have to include meat cooking vegetarian dishes will reduce your food bills without compromising on taste and flavor here are three more recipes to satisfy even the keenest carnivore like me that will max out on veg and won't break the bang [Applause] starting with spicy black beans with feta and avocado [Music] first in a pan heat olive oil add chopped onion and fry until soft then finely slice garlic and chili add cumin cinnamon and black beans then combined cooked together until deliciously soft these small beans come dried or in tins and they're a great cheap ingredient to make dishes more substantial to serve dollop the black bean mixture on crunchy tortillas topped with cubed ripe avocado chopped fresh coriander and crumbled salty feta cheese spicy black beans with feta an avocado a dish has filling frugal and tastes fantastic my next great veg recipe is leaking green rusty with fried [Music] eggs in a hot pan sweat shredded leeks along with a knob of butter and seasoning next great parboiled potatoes and grill a hard swiss cheese with a great nutty flavor then combine with the softened leeks in a pan heat oil and a little butter spoon in the potato leek and cheese mix cook gently until golden and crisp underneath then slide onto a plate flip over and return to the pan to finish cooking [Music] finally for the perfect topping fry two eggs and place them on top of the rosty top with fresh tarragon [Music] leaking gria rosti with fried eggs a simple but substantial dish that makes the most of hearty root veg addisha takes as much time to write on a blackboard as it does to cook chickpea cumin and spinach coffees with tahini dressing [Music] in a blender put tin chickpeas cumin seeds paprika and turmeric and blitz to a paste [Music] next we'll spinach in olive oil and chop finely then add to the chickpea mixture sprinkle in gram flour made from finely ground chickpeas then shape golf ball-sized chunks of the mixture using a spoon and rest in the fridge when ready to cook heat oil in a frying pan shallow fry the coppers until golden brown on all sides then rest them on kitchen paper to absorb any excess oil for an easy dipping sauce mix yogurt with a dollop of tahini and a squeeze of lemon and stir in freshly chopped coriander a mouth-watering dish that's perfect for sharing chickpea cumin and spinach coffees with tahini dressing [Music] three amazing recipes with fantastic veg proof that even if you're cooking on a budget you can still eat like a king incredible welcome back to my ultimate cookery course [Music] this is how to cook amazing food on a budget next up my guide to getting the best ingredients for your money my shopping mantra is simple first rely on your senses make sure whatever you're buying that it looks smells and really feels good second is to recognize that knowledge is crucial the more you know personally about where your ingredients are from and how they produce the better so don't be scared ask lots of questions and learn [Music] and when it comes to buying potatoes a great ingredient if you're cooking on a budget one green grocer who can always spot a duds bud is borough market royalty fred foster it's all about flavour it's all about choosing the right variety for the right dish he's been selling top quality veg for over 15 years and really knows his king edwards from his duke of yorks basically there's two types of potatoes there's early season and a main crop potato early season is basically round about may time you can't store them they cannot be stored you have to buy them and use them within two to three days when you're buying an early season potato you must avoid green looking potatoes at all costs it really is important and the way you can tell that is if you just brush the potato the skin comes off really really easy and then you want you want a yellowy or whitey looking potato the new seasoned potato is a superb potato to use new season types include rocket home guard and marist bard but my favorite is the classic jersey royal it has a delicate sweet flavor it's packed with vitamin c and is great in salads or simply boiled and mixed with olive oil and fresh mint jersey potatoes early crop are phenomenal look at that keep the skin on it's really important just wash it boil it it's a beautiful beautiful potato and that's what we're talking about we're talking about i know it's a potato i know it's a bit sad but we're talking about flavour right then what is a main crop potato it's the crop that is grown specifically for nine months of the year use when you're looking at a main crop potato you need to see that the eyes aren't too large because they tend to go right through the potato they've got to be firm it's very very important if a potato in any way feels a little bit soft discard it storage wise dark place cool place dry place and that will last until you eat it simple as that both early season and main crop potatoes come in two main types waxy and flowery waxy potatoes have a smooth dense flesh and because they're low in starch they stay firm when cooked types include anya and pink fur but i love charlotte which has an amazing buttery taste and a great sauteed in stews or serves whole with roast chicken flowery potatoes have a fluffy dry texture when cooked which makes them great for mashing roasting or cutting into chips types include king edward whose smooth creamy flesh is perfect for potato gratins or with rich meats like beef and desiree which have an amazing red skin and are great for bacon or as delicious potato wedges old-fashioned types known as heritage potatoes are now widely available and have fantastic colours and distinctive tastes that are great when you want something different this one's called salad blue when you cut it you then see the most amazing color and it's perfect it looks stunning on the plate are really popular it's so important when you're going out to pick your potatoes you already know in advance what you're going to do with that potato so whether you're going to put it in a salad whether it's a masher or a chipper or even a baking potato each variety has a unique flavor fred's spot on whether new season main crop waxy or flowery potatoes are incredibly versatile and packed with great flavor the perfect ingredient when you're cooking on a budget well how much do i love potatoes well cook them simply proper flavors it doesn't get any better [Music] like all chefs for me there's nothing better than seasonal produce at its peak when fruit and veg is fresh in season and fantastically ripe i can't wait to get back in the kitchen to get the most out of your cooking always use ingredients in their prime my next recipe is a proper british classic that's super simple to cook and cost next to nothing a delicious apple crumble crumbles are the perfect way to use fruit when it's in season there's lots of it about it's nice and cheap but most importantly the fruit's at its absolute best first off i'm gonna make a really nice light caramel pan on nice and low great to apples [Music] and this helps to almost sort of puree the apples so much quicker there's a lot of flavor in the skin so don't worry about peeling the fruit whether it's pears plums peaches flavors in the skin nice to start the caramel a couple of tablespoons of sugar the sugar helps to get rid of the tartness in the apple a touch of cinnamon that starts to make it a little spicy open up your vanilla just scrape out all those seeds now this just makes it light and fragrant all those seeds in to the sugar when making caramel be patient and always swirl the dish instead of stirring it when the sugar goes brown add the apple that starts to sort of cool down the caramel but it gives it a really nice sort of caramelized puree apple's almost disintegrating smells incredible turn the gas down slice up two apples it's a crumble that's got no frills straight forward no faffing around no peening of the skin i want them to sort of stand out from the caramel apples in now those nice thick chunks of apple sort of almost bedding itself into the puree dried cranberries gives it that nice sort of shock in the texture sweet and chewy i want it to sort of taste zesty spicy so sit the lemon zest on top of your apples and cranberry fresh lemon juice over and that just gives that extra acidic kick takes the cranberries the apples the caramel and the cinnamon to another level turn the gas off so that that sits and let's concentrate on the crumble flour in a couple of tablespoons of demerara sugar sugar helps to get the topping nice and crispy butter in [Music] give that a nice little rub what we're looking for is like a a bread crumb mixture lightly season it with a touch of cinnamon and the demerara sugar sort of helps to get a nice fine crumble mix and it stops the butter from sort of melting in that flour so that's the basic crumble mix but i'm not finished yet muesli two-thirds crumble one-third muesli mix that in if you haven't got muesli then crunchy granola works brilliantly too lovely now start off in the center and work your way around i want the crispiness on the top the puree on the bottom of the caramel and then the texture in the center a good tip turn the gas back on i want it bubbling before it goes in the oven because then you just got to cook the top so as soon as you see that caramel starting to bubble down the side and she goes let's go bake at 200 degrees celsius for 12 to 14 minutes until golden brown smells amazing beautiful still bubbling [Music] and look at it a delicious but very simple crumble with apples at their absolute best beautiful [Music] next my tricks of the trade and kitchen tips first up cooking pasta a great budget basic to keep in the cupboard it can be easily undercooked or overcooked here's how to do it properly first water in nice large pan to make sure the pasta's got sufficient room to cook evenly nicely seasoned absolutely crucial olive oil in that stops the pasta from sticking together bring it up to the ball that's the rolling boil the secret there it stops the pasta from sticking together and it gently rolls it around now this is angel pasta nice thin pasta takes three and a half to four minutes so into the pan as it hits the water it melts and then you turn it round tongs as that starts to melt gently twist that into the pan bring it back up to the boil if you're bad at timing then set a timer beautiful to test it lift a little strand and you can actually feel it with your fingers it's still nice and firm al dente not a bite not a strong bite but just really nice and firm inside definitely not crunchy and then into a colander drain the pasta in a light seasoning salt and pepper a tablespoon of olive oil mix that through that stops it from sticking together and look there you go beautiful pasta al dente and cooked perfectly a tip for making the most of spare bread blitz leftovers into breadcrumbs great for stuffing or crab cakes or cut into chunks and freeze for perfect croutons on demand or simply tear a news in a delicious rustic salad dried pulses like chickpeas or lentils are great for soups and stews and cost pennies but don't season them until the end of the cooking or the salt makes them go tough for perfect boiled potatoes always start them off in cold water and never boiling water this way by the time the centers of the potatoes are cooked the outside won't be falling apart and when you're cooking potatoes always cook extra so there's leftovers they're fantastic to have on hand for making my delicious gnocchi and potato rusties for a classic bubbling squeak [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow my ultimate cookery course packed with key lessons top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the app store for details go on get cooking you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,900,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, kitchen nightmares, hotel hell, the f word, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay burger, gordon ramsay steak, street food, pasta recipes, chicken recipe
Id: AHhg6dXyAhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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