3 Delicious Brunch Recipes | Gordon Ramsay

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more exciting than breakfast and a lot more enjoyable to cook brunch is ideal for sharing first up my simple and delicious frittata eggs are great they are so versatile and once you've mastered how to cook them trust me the door then opens to a wide range of delicious options [Music] this is like a triple omelette but a lot more ingredients than a normal mess let's start off with some lovely smoked bacon slice the bacon bacon in no salt a little touch of pepper start off in a high heat get our bacon really nice and crispy otherwise you just boil the bacon and it's got that soft unpleasant texture in the potato turn down the gas and now start adding your veg roughly chop a red pepper and add it to the pan Els in the bacon take the longest so that's always got to go in first now sucker them off the peppers have been cooked now from that sort of rendered fat from the bacon and then you spring onions just Bunch them up slice them I want them on an angle so they come like little green diamonds spring onions in now for the eggs crack in the eggs for that size pan seven or eight eggs I'm gonna fill it right to the very top and more importantly when I turn this out I want it like a gateau nice and thick so slice through and seal those wonderful veg hmm I'm going to season the eggs with some Parmesan cheese be quite generous because it has a really nice saltiness [Music] fresh ground pepper and then whisk whisk up those eggs nicely [Music] then add peas to the pan and to give the dish a wonderful aromatic freshness some fragrant chopped basil I want to chop that sort of roughly because I want to see those flecks of green going in weren't looking charming and how many times have you seen a dull omelette potatoes in my mind really help encapsulate the magic of having Savory eggs cooked beautifully but with texture now just before we had the eggs we've got this beautiful little ghost cheese and it's strong and powerful so I want to slice it into little chunks and then just have it dotted around I want to discover these little pockets of creamy goat's cheese now slowly add the eggs [Music] fill that right up and get your spoon now just let all that egg go down to the bottom bring it back up to the boil and sort of clean around the sides and then some of this delicious salty creamy ghost cheese over the top yeah I want it melting like a perfect slice cheese on toast nice now from there turn the grill on for four to five minutes [Music] now just looking at that delicious take a little paring knife and just make sure it's released on the sides just take your panel ham that will hopefully release the frittata from the bottom of the pan now bought over the pan turn that gently and just Shake say a little prayer and lift off [Music] now from there on there it's there look now slice through you can see how soft and creamy that is in the center and that goat cheese are just melting almost like a little sauce inside so exciting but more importantly it's so easy to do it's got texture it's got creaminess and that for me will beat any omelette for brunch so with a stack of hot buttered toast and a steaming pot of coffee this easy potato Turns The Humble egg into the perfect dish for kicking off the weekend foreign should be a laid-back Affair and a treat so the dishes need to be easy to cook but never boring my next recipe takes the humble pancake to a whole new level of flavor and excitement soft fiery and irresistible spicy pancakes one of the secrets to good cooking is learning to use your imagination when it comes to brunches you don't have to stick to the old standbys these delicious spicy pancakes are a really great alternative but more importantly so easy to do start off by toasting your cumin dry roast basically non-stick pan just a touch of seasoning the salt helps to dry out the cumin even more and then fresh ginger slice them nice and thinly stack it back up and then just slice nice little thin slices in there and then keep that punched up shake the chili foreign the seeds will prevent things getting too hot now garlic nice now add olive oil to your toasted cumin seeds and then with the garlic ginger and chili lovely and it feels strange when you talk about garlic for breakfast but the time I spent in India everybody was eating something Savory for breakfast it was extraordinary into your bowl and set aside next the pancake filling add olive oil to a hot pan mustard seeds in now they'll start dancing the minute they hit the pan then finely slice an onion onions in a little teaspoon of turmeric sprinkle that in and I've got a color an instant change leftover potatoes just slice them smell is incredible take us in now spread the potatoes across the pan or the potatoes stained I want them sort of absorbing all that really nice turmeric actually like a sponge season those potatoes and it really helps to bring out spice beautifully Stay Ready turn off the gas and let them sit there and absorb all those flavors back to the pancake batter add plain flour to your cooled garlic chili Ginger and cumin seeds Touch of salt and pepper nothing worse than the Bland pancake one whole egg milk hold The Jug one hand and whisk the other secrets to get that really nice smooth paste but whisking that egg first and brings it together and then you're milking don't put all the milk in because then you're gonna get a lumpy pancake mix and if you put less milk in it really helps it not going Lumpy look at that milk here the secret for me is to have a nice thin mix well just teaspoon of oil that helps to bring a nice crispy Edge to the mixture now just taste that's the texture pan on the larger the pan the better it helps to create the nice thin even surface I want that mix going all the way around the pan before you put the mixture into the pan make sure you give your pancake mix a really nice stir pan it's nice and hot turn down the gas Touch of olive oil in get that nice whisk with one hand pan to the mix in one and a half ladles and then roll it around it's just really nice and thin I want to see the ginger the garlic that's what I'm looking for in there now back onto the heat it only starts to remove from the bottom of the pan and lifts itself up once it's cooked these little bubbles confirm that it's just starting to lift off the pan a little shake that releases it and then just shake it to the end and toss if you haven't got the content of tossing then use a spatula and turn it over now that's exactly what I want that nice sort of crisp edge around the side the color on the pancake is so important now roll it around just let it slide out beautifully now for the exciting part filling them take your potatoes just sort of have a really nice imaginary line and then just very carefully roll there nice and tightly tuck it underneath there put it back and roll pancakes are ready to eat but with a simple dipping sauce there'll be a real treat just mix chopped coriander with natural yogurt that's really nice cooling Asian sit down on the side for me is a great brunch delicious spicy pancakes amazing [Music] and one of my all-time favorites a dish that always creates a stir is the daddy of all brunches steak sandwiches [Music] for me the secret of a great brunch is fun and Casual fuss-free cooking and everyone helping themselves this is the ultimate steak sandwich you want the Rolls-Royce of beef it has to be fillet now season it beautifully I like to open up the top of the pepper mill to increase the size of the pepper in the steak so it gives that bit of heat nice little chunks you just roll now nicely all the way around slice the garlic in half pan nice and hot olive oil in hold the steak and just place it into the pan don't drop it at the front of the pan we're going to tilt the pan forward to cook the back of a stage dual purpose now roll it back and sear underneath next my garlic and roast that garlic time fry that time I want to hear it we're not looking for a lot of color because you're going to dry out the fillet so just one end turn it back down and stir the other ending foreign place it on top of the garlic there lift up your fillet and sit that on top of your garlic butter in take a spoon tilt the pan gently lift up and baste I've got that scented garlic thyme flavor the steak's gonna cook evenly because it's sat on a little a little bit in the oven for eight to ten minutes [Music] panel for the relish you think of a steak sandwich you think of a sort of nice heated tomato relish to make the relish finely dice a red onion three finger rule one in front two behind through and chop wow next roughly Chopper chili keeping the seeds in for extra heat start off with the olive oil into a pan onions chili [Music] generosity olive oil I want a nice sort of Rich silky relish from there bigger Tomatoes you can just use red tomatoes but these yellow and red make the perfect combination now put yourself in and then roast those Tomatoes off take a wooden spoon and just sort of break them up once the Skins blister the whole tomato just starts to release all that really nice sweet texture a little teaspoon of cherry vinegar gives that nice acidic balance the sweetness of the tomatoes turn down the gas and just let them sort of Stew perfectly now a steak sandwich will not be complete unless it had the most amazing mustard mayonnaise simply add three tablespoons of mayonnaise to 3 teaspoons of whole grain mustard [Music] I've got the radish almost down to like a really nice jam now I want to make that relish a little bit more fragrant some basil slice it through sprinkle that basil in there [Music] beautiful look at this there she is my crown jewels time to take it out smell is incredible just based one more time fill it touches quite soft in the center so it's just coming up to mid-rare let it rest the same time you cooked it it'll be nice and pink evenly throughout the steak to make my sandwich I'm going to char grill some sliced you Pata bread season it nicely just a little drizzle of olive oil I want to get that bread nice and crispy pan nice and hot bread then push it down smell is amazing that Char sort of charcoal flavor we've got those marks on the bread it's just just stops the bread from becoming soggy and look at this here it is stunning on slice it gently one beautiful slice wow pink all the way through and the beef is so soft it's almost like slicing through butter the knife do the work take a little bit of mayonnaise spread that the back of the spoon on both sides next lettuce take that beautiful slice of beef well and then relish on top of that beef and just slice the sandwich in half beautiful now that's what I call a steak sandwich trust me so the sublime sandwich for brunch and you'll put a smile on everyone's face
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 592,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay steak, Gordon Ramsay fillet of steak, Gordon Ramsay steak recipe, Gordon Ramsay beef, Gordon Ramsay beef recipes, Gordon Ramsay brunch Gordon Ramsay eggs, Gordon Ramsay pancakes, Gordon Ramsay brunch recipes, Gordon Ramsay frittata
Id: pk0ncEW6bQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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