Summertime Recipes With Gordon Ramsay | Part One

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first job at pomegranate marinade for the quail which have been cut in half and flattened so small aren't they small yeah it's tiny so it's almost like a sort of nice entrance into eating something slightly gamey okay if you give them a nice season for me salt and pepper and all spatchcock means is that the ribcage has been taken out and they're flattened down and because the bird is so delicate it's flattened to cook evenly and it really is a nice sort of light gamey dense chicken flavor so we're toasted spices when you think of middle eastern food it's packed with amazing flavors tablespoon of coriander a teaspoon of cumin and a nice little seasoning of salt so we toast them now intensifying the flavor when they start smoking lightly that's a nice indication that they're ready okay if you grind away so the best thing there let's just stand up closer daddy thank you oh look your tummy's out i thought it was the quail it was a little tummy this hand here keeps it nice and firm and you grind that into a nice powder for belly please smells so good doesn't it yeah so to get that in really go around the outside and that grinds it up i've gone around and i pressed the mortar more times than you kissed boys squeeze the garlic in next a little glove a volleyball okay then i want to pour six tablespoons please so that is pomegranate molasses so it's like an aged parsley vinegar but really reduced down give that a nice mix up is it gonna be very sweet dad a little taste it's sweet but sour yeah it is it's so good though no take a nice spoon put it inside the quail you can even do this the night before because you pop them in the fridge let the quail marinate anywhere from half an hour to overnight for my ultimate middle eastern dessert it's got to be baklava start by melting butter in a pan chop pistachios in a blender then combine with caster sugar and lemon zest [Music] brush the melted butter around a small baking tray place half a sheet of filler pastry on the base brush well with melted butter and sprinkle with a pistachio mix repeat and press down between layers [Music] you're looking to create 30 to 35 layers [Music] then cut the baklava into bite-size rectangles and bake in a preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes meanwhile make your delicious citrusy syrup simply add water to a pan along with caster sugar and the zest and juice of a lemon simmer for seven to ten minutes making sure the sugar has fully dissolved now to give the cloud a wonderful sweetness remove from the oven and whilst hot pour over the syrup so each layer is gloriously sticky leave the baklava to absorb the syrup for at least 12 hours these delicious sticky treats will keep for a week but they're so moorish they'll be gone in a flash the quails have marinated now they're ready to cook nice hot pan pick up your quail and skin side down first okay [Music] get all that nice color and always open them up as well in the pan okay we'll get that skin crispy crispy that's right smell that pomegranate i can really smell it smells so good get all that marinade in there you know cook with it as well don't waste it how long on average does it take to cook literally 12-15 minutes in the oven a little touch of water in bring that up to the ball into the oven 180 so 12 to 15 minutes [Applause] okay the final job before serving a herby butter bean salad to go with my quail in pomegranate molasses now one of the things that i love about middle eastern cellars is the sort of crunch and the color as well butter beans it's gonna be the base of our salad from there little radishes and sort of top and tail them get them like that and throw them in there's nothing small and dainty in there okay so with the spring onions nice we're gonna use the greens and the whites i want you slice along that way this time to get those nice light shards okay yeah now the croutons are made out of these little pita breads just slice lengthways in with the salad oh yes so this salad is all about texture so cucumber okay and take out your seeds how come you're taking the seeds out it just makes the salad very watery like a shower okay cucumber juice delicious i think there should go yeah you got me going you really got me going no no no oh yeah i've got revision to be doing don't worry this is far more important trust me who needs exams where you can cook for a living you gave me with my example it's fine it's fine it's fine be a chef for a living have a proper job don't take your things out like that you'll be thumbless let's go now your cucumber in from there take your nice vibrant tomatoes slice down it almost looks like a greek salad as well colors it resembles that that's right and with the celery like before yeah lengthwise so we need some mint and parsley i want you sprinkling it in there really mix it through the herbs give it that nice kind of freshness but i want a bit of a bite in there now i love pomegranate so just carefully open that up okay and then just dot them on top so we got a bit of fruitiness now into the salad for crunch simply cut up whole pita breads fry in a really hot pan with olive oil until wonderfully golden crispy and irresistible out into a sieve [Music] okay next a sprinkle of sumac that's a dried fruit from the middle east the zest of a lemon and the juice then a drizzle of olive oil and last but not least my crunchy pitta croutons croutons on oh they've gotten hard just lift that up and mix it with your hands there nice and gentle just with finger tips there you go so you just mix there you go it doesn't crush anything it doesn't crush anything but then let's just take a little bean wow isn't that delicious mm-hmm nice now quail it's got that really sort of toasted almost like a sort of light smells so good barbecue flavor can't wait to try it beef wow just finely a bit of lemon zest it just lightens everything up a little bit and it goes so well with the pomegranate now just wow that'll smell better than any boyfriend you'll ever have oh my god i beg to differ okay good let's go how delicious is that so delicious [Music] my middle eastern feast of quail with a pomegranate molasses and butter bean salad with botava to follow when dishes are this aromatic and colorful there's no wonder that middle eastern food is always a hit you can't get more classic than a centuries-old midday meal of bread cheese and beer reinvented and marketed by pubs as a plan was lunch in the 60s i'm now giving it my 21st century take like plummets with the most amazing but super simple beer baked bread hearty and full of flavor for a really quick and easy bread dough sieve a mix of wholemeal and self-raising white flour with a good pinch of salt salt is really important the bread it's the first thing i do once i've cracked it and smelt you want to smell that salt baked throughout beer in about 250 mils of beer the reason why this recipe works so well is it the beer it's got that yeast so naturally it's going to work beautifully give that a really good mix i'm looking for the mixture to be quite wet if the dough becomes too firm then it's going to cook dry in the center just as it starts to fall through the whisk that is perfect beautiful this mix will work really well as one large loaf but i want to make my plan ones a little bit more special small tins give it that kind of intimacy and i quite like having my own little loaf give the molds a really nice lining with butter make sure you butter the top now a tablespoon of flour dust inside the mold that will stop your mixture sticking tap out any excess three quarters fill your little molds we're going to allow it to sort of rise just so it comes above the mold and forms this really nice miniature loaf onto the tray centimeter apart into the oven 25 to 30 minutes at 180. [Applause] something quite nice about the smell of home baked bread in the kitchen delicious no plan was it's complete without pickled onions red onion is a lot sweeter less harsh than a white onion the early days of plan you've got those ghastly sharp pickled onions that make you almost cry when you're crunching them i'm gonna lightly pickle my red onion just push your fingers through so you get these nice sort of onion rings a little touch of salt a little sprinkle of sugar and then a couple of cloves in there that gives it a really nice sort of perfume and sort of makes the pickling slightly more mellow red wine vinegar now if you've got red wine vinegar white wine vinegar it's just as good but red matches the red onion so it goes hand in glove a couple of tablespoons of vinegar just give that a really good mix to speed up the pickling process use a weight to put pressure on the onions as the weight presses down on the onions the clove the salt the sugar the vinegar worked their magic it comes out with a really nice light fragrant for pickle 21st century ploughmans i'm creating an all-in-one salad and bringing the traditional elements together with a punchy dressing a tablespoon of english mustard a tablespoon of honey a touch of salt and pepper and finish off with white wine vinegar and olive oil [Music] now generally it's sort of three parts oil to one part vinegar that's the sort of general base hmm you don't really think of a vinaigrette with a plan ones but this is a really nice sort of modern approach to ploughman's for my plan one salad i'm using a mixture of robust and crunchy romaine lettuce and punchy watercress if i was making a watercress soup i'd use the stalks but the stalks are a little bit bitter so i just grabbed them like that pinch them and then twist [Music] very peppery very hot but so juicy watercress in your celery chop it nice and finely it's the one thing that everybody leaves is that stick of celery so scatter it amongst the salad a bit of um fun color from some sliced radishes and sweetness from a thinly sliced apple whilst you're busy throwing your plum and salad together do not forget about your beer bread before it comes out i'm gonna glaze the top with a little touch of milk that'll put a really nice finish to the bread back in for the last five minutes now for the magic in the plan ones generally you'll see it as a ham or cheddar or stilton flamins it's hard to dictate which one's the best so for the ultimate ploughmans i'm adding all three of cheddar peel some nice shards of that delicious creamy cheddar just get them dancing on top the dressing drizzle ran in circles and then finally our delicious lightly pickled onions give them a good squeeze look just dot the onions around bread it's ready it's got that nice yeasty smell warm crusty and delicious there you go that is my classic modern version of a traditional stunning player lens wow my delicious all-in-one plan one salad with individual beer bread loaves updated for the 21st century lightly fried my delicious lumi and courgette cakes squeeze every last bit of flavour out of those vegetables but first i'm preparing a simple slow roast tomato and watercress salad these cherry tomatoes are perfect if you haven't got cherry tomatoes vitamins are good or even just big normal plump tomatoes lay the tomatoes on the tray and these go into the oven for about 90 minutes if you turn the oven down really low you can leave them in overnight to be honest the longer you leave them the better they taste once you've seasoned them with salt sprinkle over with some sugar and the salt and sugar combine speeds up the drying process because you want that nice chewy texture and then you get these little time flowers and just pick off the buds garlic sliced then just spread that on now the tray looks quite full and compact for 90 minutes in the oven you'll see everything shrink down all the skins blistering and the flavor intensifies so nicely extra virgin olive oil that gives a nice earthy flavor to the tomatoes place your tomatoes into an oven preheated to 150 degrees c and cook long and slow for an hour and a half now halloumi cakes there's something quite exciting about halloumi cheese it's a very firm cheese and it fries brilliantly peel the carrots great not too finely you want that nice texture next courgette the secret is keeping all grated the same put that into a sieve [Music] a sprinkling of salt will draw out liquid from the vegetables then grate the halloumi halloumi cheese doesn't look that tasty but once you've got color on it in the pan it's really really delicious now really important to squeeze out the excess water on the veg and we'll see all that water that needs to come out of there if you didn't do this it will make your little patties non-friable because the whole thing starts to separate and then mix in with the cheese spring onions chop up the whites and the greens now we're going to season that with some delicious fresh mint and fresh coriander whenever it's vegetarian i like to put a combination of herbs in there tarragon and parsley mint or coriander basil and lemongrass all delicious on their own but in tandem their flavours play off each other next two eggs in give that a little mix add the eggs to the mixture and then finally a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs the breadcrumbs help dry out any excess moisture mix all the ingredients together before you start shaping these taste the mixture it's really important to identify the seasoning now if you wait until you've cooked them it'll be too late to adjust the seasoning roll them to a large golf ball shake them like a little mini burger you could spice these up with some chili in there if you haven't got fresh chili chili flakes and there's something that can be done up a day in advance to get your cakes firm and ready for frying put them into the fridge uncovered for 25 minutes pan on get that nice and hot while i'm waiting for that i'll get the dressing ready slice the red chili seeds and all on an angle into shards then chop fresh ginger season with a sprinkle of sugar and salt add some rice wine vinegar add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to finish off some chopped coriander got that sweet sour spicy flavor with my chili dressing done i can start frying off my halloumi cakes in a hot oiled pan we get a nice crisp edge you can already start to smell that sauteed halloumi with the courgettes and carrots smells delicious really important for a nice amount of colour on them as my cakes sizzle away i can finish off my roast tomato salad one of my favorite leaves has to be watercress it's cut off stalks [Music] shallot rings watercress and shallot go brilliantly well together the shallot looks so dainty when you open up these little ringlets don't forget to turn your cakes now tomatoes whatever you don't use just jar them and put them in the fridge just drop those slow cooked warm tomatoes over the watercress the sweetness is incredible absolutely delicious a little drizzle of age of smooth vinegar gives that tartness to the watercress watercress is naturally peppery so it doesn't need any pepper just a little touch of salt and then a light sprinkling of extra virgin olive oil after five minutes on a medium heat my halloumi cakes are ready so important to have taken out that water [Music] you can see it doesn't disintegrate and then just get your dressing take a spoon of it and then tilt it to the side because i want the garnish i don't want the juice if that does not turn you on to become a vegetarian for the night i honestly don't know what will delicious [Music] my crispy golden halloumi courgette and herb cakes with a sumptuous roast tomato and watercress salad all the flavor with none of the meat [Music] jack here's a hand please bub why because it's your favorite yeah chicken wings okay all right let's start off with the marinade tamarind paste in first all that into there all of that yeah all of that okay good so two tablespoons of palm sugar please is that like heated sugar um it's a really good question it's a natural palm sugar and it's perfect for marinades how many wings do you think you've eaten so far at the age of 13. oh i eat probably 50 a year 50 years yeah something like that a nice sprinkle of chili flakes depends how hot you like them oh i love them hot hot uh don't forget the girls you know they start complaining when you get them too hot how come you love hot food um i don't know i truly love hot food so in there we've got palm sugar tamarind paste chili flakes some garlic one nice tablespoon of fish sauce please this is looking really good isn't it and then a couple tablespoons of oil for marinade in how nice a little taste not your finger jack that's really good right wings in get your hands in there and start rubbing in the marinade please okay so the secret now is to coat the chicken wings and all that marinade yeah yeah how long do you leave them in here do you know what the longer the better cover that with limp film wash your hands excellent good job ideally marinate your wings overnight but half an hour will be enough to get the flavors going right so they've marinated now if you take the tray out people bottom one thank you and then we're gonna put some tinfoil on there thank you so pop that in half it stops them from sticking and that'll stop the wings from burning so from there get them really dipped in that marinade and try and get the wing like that and just sort of scoop it no like that so get that really nice glaze on there and then just yeah so that garlic will roast and i got all those wings usually done i can make then ready for the oven 170 25 to 30 minutes yep good man excellent nice it's hot wings are in right to go with my ultimate southeast asian dinner rice cooked in homemade thai green curry paste for the easy green curry paste roughly chopped coriander lemongrass green chilies lime leaf shallots garlic and ginger a glug of oil and blitz the paste takes minutes to make but it'll keep for up to 10 days if covered with oil and stored in a sealed jar in the fridge to awaken the flavors lime roll to release the juice next season with salt and pepper and blend into a smooth paste [Music] heat the paste until aromatic add in cooled or leftover rice i love using fragrant jasmine rice but your standard long grain rice is great too [Music] when thoroughly heated through serve thai green curry paste is so easy to make so with rice like this it's incredible but simply add to chicken fish or veg to create a fantastic meal in minutes right now for the green beans beans in uh bring the water to the ball what's the first thing i should put in there beans salt salt so nice pinch of salt in there yeah so make an amazing dressing two nine tablespoons yep crunchy peanut butter please why is it crunchy it'll give it texture and it'll be nice and sort of chunky green beans in okay got the rice green beans we're gonna blotch them for two two and a half minutes what does blanching actually mean blanching means sort of part cooking okay i'm gonna blanch them in boiling water yeah and then finish them in the pan use the back of the spoon a little bit easier a teaspoon of brown sugar and she goes nice is that a little bit too thick maybe yeah it is let's put a little touch more soy sauce in there let it down yeah yeah nice smell a little touch of vinegar nice i'm gonna get a pan on now put my beans so a little taste did you taste it it's so good oh man wow so if you got the garlic like that i'm gonna slice the garlic down like this keep the knife nice and flat that way you'll slice through it but take your time don't worry about the speed and technique right first just cut it in half okay your fingers good and then lay the flat side down so it's nice and sturdy and that nail there it's not out like that it's just guiding the knife so you can never cut yourself like that good i'll drain the beans nice a little tablespoon of oil get the pan nice and hot and throw the garlic in people good nice mmm so finally smell that already is that louie so give that a little toss so when you toss it push it down push away and pull back okay have a little go push it down gently take your time nice so push down and pull back up that's it nice so it's getting nice and golden brown green beans are drained and they go in now to the garlic combination of green beans okay with the rice and it's none of that oh wow i want you now to spoon the dressing release and she goes nice how delicious does that look wow what's daddy's policy at home no waste no waste no waste but now smell that now oh wow it doesn't smell like green beans it smells like what is this oh thanks how nice is that lovely amazing right that's the rice that's the green beans now i want you to sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top please nice and generous with a sesame seed i'll give the beans a little bit of a crunch now all that's left for your favorites to come out don't those beans smell amazing yeah um jack look at those beauties one for me one for you three for me one for you now i'd like you to sprinkle some spring onions on top please nice and generous you're transformed a very cheap and cheerful chicken wing yeah right let me take them over please do not drop them okay jack let's go nice [Music] this is my ultimate simple southeast asian dinner sticky spicy chicken wings thai green curry rice and fantastic beans with chili peanut dressing guaranteed to get the fastest of eaters into greens you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,077,628
Rating: 4.9186606 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Cooking, gordon ramsay, Gordon Ramsay fast Gordon Ramsay burger, Gordon Ramsay burger recipe, Gordon Ramsay fast food recipe, Gordon Ramsay recipe easy, Gordon Ramsay easy recipe, gordon ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay tips, Gordon Ramsay tutorial, how to cook
Id: CaO2mQKyAX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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