Can Gordon Ramsay Finish a Teriyaki Duck in 10 minutes ?? | Ramsay in 10

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[Music] now come on duck is a staple of asian cuisine and trust me a big favorite in the ramsey household so today i'm going to show you how easy it can be to cook with his delicious protein and more importantly i get this done quick in 10 minutes this is my teriyaki glazed duck breast right oscar pandan please duck super lean super delicious never be worried or scared about it is really incredible um beautiful teriyaki sauce bok choy a little bit of sesame seed oil toasted uh we've got some we've got some but we certainly lose finish that off and these beautiful plums okay but yes they've just become in season and we're going to glaze them make a beautiful sort of sweet and sour glaze and finish that with some white rice wine vinegar right let's have 10 minutes on the clock now secret to cooking a great duck i promise you is in the pan okay two dimensions i want to render the fat down save that duck fat but more importantly let the duck rest how do we do that first crisscross the skin okay and all that does then is start to break down that fat okay don't go through the fat into the actual meat just go through the fat criss-cross and what that does it creates all these little diamonds okay and you'll see them opening up season it really nicely okay salt pepper i've got some pink peppercorns in there as well okay which is a really nice fragrant way look at those things they're so beautiful hit them into that skin okay this is where the flavor really starts to sort of take on a different level okay do this literally five or ten minutes before you cook it never cook it ice cold okay let it get up to room temperature let it relax and season it first beautifully and then into the pan once that pan is starting to smoke lift up the duck and lay the duck in and away no fat because i want the fat from the duck later okay from there in she goes all those wonderful seasonings go throw it away get them in there don't waste now start off with a high heat a little bit seasoning on the back there i just let those guts sit and naturally caramelize okay once you've got the heat and the color in the pan turn the pan down okay 90 of the cookie of this duck is going to be done skin tie down we don't cook it on the meat side that's why it goes dry so turn around look flip seal gas back up okay you can see it's starting to sort of almost caramelize the smell of those pink peppercorns is beautiful down here is my duck fat that's beautiful that's the money don't you dare waste that turn that back over and literally let them sit there and cook now once you've got the heat in the pan turn that pan down and let them sit there for the plums gas on again non-stick pan these are useful honestly obviously plum and duck goes brilliantly well knife around 180 twist and then literally cut them in half again in and don't worry too much about taking the stone out now because the stone can come out later once it's cooked a lot easier sometimes you waste too much time taking the stone out it breaks down the plum rips it to shreds but trust me once they're cooked the stone just pops out so don't worry too much i always like to get a little teaspoon in there and literally just pull out that lovely little stone there i'll do this now pull out use the tip of the teaspoon it stops you from cutting in and wasting too much of these beautiful plums now once you've got that done okay this is where the magic starts we're going to start making a beautiful amazing caramel brown sugar into the pan just dust the pan pan down please oscar we're gonna make a wonderful caramel okay now just off the heat there's enough heat in there take it off you start to see that literally bubbling away look at that beautiful really beautiful from there i'm gonna pop in my star anise that's gonna give this really nice beautiful flavor to my plums in goes the plums very careful okay it is incredibly hot so be careful okay plums go in and now we're starting to caramelize beautifully back onto the heat that sugar is breaking down and it's starting to form a beautiful caramel we're getting the sweetness coming out of the plums which is giving that really nice texture to that beautiful plum now for the exciting part in goes a little bit of butter okay turn the gas down and we start literally making this caramel now the butter starts to cool that down and look gas comes right down don't turn those plums yet okay from there a little bit of rice wine vinegar in it bubbles away the smell it's almost like a beautiful sweet and sour plum so tasty now look at the ducks please have a look at that that skin is so crispy beautiful the speaker behind that great duck breast okay is leaving it to rest whenever you rest the duck it's so important you don't slice a duck piping hot slice your piping hot is going to spoil it all the goodness goes out and you leave the goodness on the board leave the goodness inside the duck now those peppercorns it's almost like a sort of bit of a szechuan pepper check out these beautiful caramelized plums now i get my spoon and i very carefully use the pan and turn them over and look at that they're caramelized if they started to break down that rice wine vinegar has formed this beautiful sort of sweet sour sauce and then from there touch more butter and just start building this out now okay we don't want the plums to over reduce gas back up touch more white wine vinegar okay now my duck is half cooked time please jesus christ you're just going forward on the left right now turn the gas right down okay get your teriyaki glaze and just beautifully glaze that over those duck breasts okay now just laid that round and look what i'm gonna do i'm gonna sear in that glaze what does that mean it's exactly that i'm gonna roll that round that duck fat in and in and that's gonna caramelize that glaze and literally give more flavour to my duck now look at color that skin look at that beautiful if you put the glaze on there and leave it doesn't really do much glaze it and caramelize that blaze now one more turn and we're there okay because i'm going to rest these dark breaths for at least two minutes so back over on and glaze beautiful really beautiful nice now offer the gas for now take those breasts out okay and literally let them sit there don't you dare throw that away okay that duck fat is money take your bag choy okay turn off the gas and just let them sit there now bok choy cut it in half scratch it up and roll it through okay i'm going to saute this in the duck fat why hey it's bloody delicious and b we don't waste that fat in goes the bok choy beautiful bok choy cooked in duck fat is a win-win now in half in half again and slice it through bok choy is such a delicious garnish for the duck it's quite a substantial spinach it's fibrous it's delicious up with the gas now the flavor coming on there is gonna be incredible okay a touch of seasoning just a touch pepper salt a little bit of butter in there okay just a touch and i want half bok choy and half noodles through there so flick that through hello please two minutes to go coriander in sliced i'm gonna put a little fleck just a tiny flat of chili flake in there coriander in and then look a little hint just a touch of sesame oil okay in and now i'm gonna start folding my noodles through there drop them in toss okay drop them in and toss don't just clump the noodles in there otherwise you won't incorporate the bok choy turn them in and toss and you can see over the years i've become an amazing tosser now in and tossed and boy have i had practice in and toss 60 seconds to go thanks for coming now look i've got a nice even distribution okay oh my amazing delicious noodles with the bok choy and they're incorporated in there that sits on the plate generously and i mean generously okay beautiful really beautiful then you take then you take these beautiful plums and then literally from there you're resting that rest don't you dare slice this thin all you do is just literally slice that in half and look you sit that on top and honestly i touch a sauce on there and i promise you bob's your uncle and fanny's your auntie and that is a beautiful delicious duck in 10. to all of you thank you for watching ramsey intent if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsey and 10 cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're going to come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 661,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Ramsay In 10, Teriyaki, Duck, Noodles, Asian Cuisine, Asian Dishes, Ramsay In Ten, Quick, Quick Recipes, Poultry, Poultry Recipes, Asian Cooking, Japanese Cuisine, Teriyaki Duck, Teriyaki Noodles, Duck Noodles, Noodle Duck
Id: ie6GyJbtDP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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