10 Minute Recipes | Gordon Ramsay

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starting with my delicious mushroom and leek pasta this fantastic fast and simple pasta dish made with everyday ingredients just goes to prove you can eat good food whenever you want really important put the water on first so you can just have it gently simmering away ready for the pasta while the water comes to the boil start the sauce by slicing mushrooms first off fingers one in front two behind up and down then add olive oil to a hot frying pan [Music] i want that nice color on the mushrooms off the heat literally 10 seconds and when you toss something really important you get all the ingredients at the end of the pan push down and pull back that noise that that's all the water coming out of the mushrooms next finely chop a fat clove of garlic [Music] then prepare your leeks just take your knife and go down through the center turn it over and again into quarters so you've got all that opening up and then just rinse the top of that to get rid of any potential dirt or sand it just breaks up into nice little quarters add all that leek into those mushrooms beautiful and now the secret is to get rid of that water inside the leek as it cooks down all the water's gone you just left that really nice intense flavor garlic's got nice and crispy now we're going to add a touch of chicken stock in there beautiful lasagna sheets just going to drop the sheets in to the water lasagna sheets are an unusual choice for a dish like this but they work brilliantly although any type of pasta you've got in the cupboard will do and just twist that pan that stops any pasta actually sticking to the bottom of the pan chicken start to reduce down by half and it's almost delays the bottom of the pan basically washed all that wonderful flavor off turn the gas down and add a couple of tablespoons of cream this just enriches the dish bring it back up to the bowl and let it simmer for three to four minutes now the secret with the pasta is just taking it out a little early so you've got that nice texture hold up the sheet and just nip it and you can feel your fingers in the center it's ready turn the sauce down and lay these beautiful sheets of lasagna into that sauce i'm just gonna turn the gas off now and let the pasta sit in there and absorb that amazing sauce finish with chopped fresh tarragon it's a delicious herb it goes brilliantly well mushrooms and leeks just let that sit and almost sort of infuse to serve i'm making a quick bruschetta by toasting fresh chipata bread two nice slices drizzle that in olive oil a little bit of garlic just rub the bread the crust as well crust is what really takes that garlic now pan for the bread a little touch of olive oil as it starts to smoke bread in [Music] but look at the pasta now it's been stained by that amazing sauce to serve on a nice spoon of my mushrooms leeks and cream then i'll take my pasta just twist it and let it sit on top that tarragon has just lifted everything bread on and that's the beauty about something so simple they can be done in 20 minutes with everyday ingredients a stunning pasta dish adding easy and versatile dishes like this to your repertoire is what cooking at home is all about so you can always make great tasting food at the drop of a hat my next tasty dish uses simple and cheap store covered ingredients with stunning results and takes minutes to make sweet corn fritters and yogurt dip it's brilliant to have a number of great recipes up your sleeve to rely on and let's be honest we've all got a tin of sweetcorn somewhere so i'm going to show you how to make the most amazing fritter first off the mixture take your flour sieve really important to sieve the flour that stops the mixture from having any lumps in there just before you get to the end i want to put half a teaspoon of baking powder the baking powder gives the mixture some lift in and just sieve that through a touch of salt and pepper next an egg about four tablespoons of milk and give that a little whisk now just put a little drizzle of olive oil in there that helps to relax the mixture whisk that in make sure we got rid of all those lumps so that i want a nice smooth almost like a cake mixture okay next take the seeds out of a chili to lower the heat roll the chilli so give it a really good shake [Music] tap them out slice in half into quarter and each quarter in half and chop through it's a really nice quick way of slicing a chili into the mixture spring onion take off that outside layer of the spring onion top and tail slice it in an angle it's a little bit of texture running through the mixture i want that nice crunch in coriander just slice through nice and gently and get that in there next to the sweetcorn now drain it from the tin and just pat it dry so it doesn't make the mixture too wet give that a nice mix you can see now i've got two thirds ingredients and one third of the mixture to bind together that's the secret of a good freighter so you're you're biting into excitement and not sort of dough pan on olive oil in nice and hot get a nice big dessert spoon you know there's one nice portion in space the fritters evenly around the pan in a clockwise direction so you always know which one to turn first just with the back of your spoon sort of spread them out a little bit okay palette knife just check and happy with the color and turn over beautiful now for the chili yogurt dressing deseed and finely chop a red chilli and add to a pot of natural yogurt and then some fresh lime [Music] finish with chopped coriander coriander in and give that a nice mix up that chilli just lifts it the lime gives it that nice tanginess the fritters they smell amazing and with the sauce tastes fantastic that is such a delicious recipe using a tin of sweet corn from your cupboard amazing beef tacos with wasabi mayo the great thing about street food is anything goes the only rule is they've got to be really fast and really tasty now these tacos mix a mexican and japanese flavors into a delicious meaty mouthful first off get that pan really nice and hot these are sirloin steaks sear it in the pan with all that fat on i'll add flavor salt and pepper couple tablespoons of olive oil in pan nice and hot hold up the steak and lay it in always lay away give the pan a little shake and it stops the steak from sticking we're looking for color and if it sticks it's gonna burn [Music] while the steaks are cooking i can get on with my super quick marinade now two tablespoons of misood paste that's a fermented soybean that gives a really nice sort of rich sweetness tablespoon of sugar a couple of tablespoons rice wine that gives it a really nice vinegary kick a couple of tablespoons of olive oil salt and pepper i'm looking for a nice sort of thick rich marinade marinade done it's time to turn the steaks sort the pan and to give the steaks a little base all we're doing every time is just adding more and more flavor take your tongs and sort of lift the steak on its back and really melt all that fat down off of the gas take them out just take your knife see all that fat there just slice that off i don't want any of that now in to the marinade [Music] beautiful tacos are one of mexico's most popular street foods they've been made from beef pork chicken or fish and are loaded up with amazing sauces and spices now i want something sort of pickly cabbage these are chinese cabbages slice it in half and look at it really crisp and really tasty we're going to slice that into quarters and then just shred it and take your time you think of cabbage here and you think of sort of braised overcooked cabbage nothing worse but at a taco you want freshness a little season chili flakes they sort of discreetly give it a little bit of heat a little touch of rice wine vinegar if you haven't got that fresh lemon juice a small drop of toasted sesame seed oil give that a really good mix now i need something to sort of bring it together we take some wasabi paste very hot very spicy a sort of thumbnail size i'm gonna mix that with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and give that a really good mix these are basic corn tortilla the trick is to sort of color them and then shape them actually place it on the gas ring use some tongs so as not to burn yourself you can also toast your tacos in a frying pan from there i'm just gonna place it on the rolling pin literally 30 seconds as it cools down the great thing about serving tacos is people can fill them themselves just the way they want them cabbage just squeeze out wet marinade a nice rustic little mountain mayonnaise on wait you see how soft and delicious and almost sort of melting in the mouth texture we've got on this amazing sirloin look at that really nice sear around the outside it's just nice and pink in the middle start off with my crispy shell back of the spoon with the wasabi mayonnaise inside taco and just sprinkle that delicious pickled cabbage and then just start lining my taco three or four slices touch more on my spicy layer and that is how i'd make the perfect taco [Music] my flavor packed lamb with fried bread whether i'm cooking high-end dishes or rustic dishes trust me it all has to be impressive so this lamb dish proves that you don't have to spend a fortune to create delicious food first off put the pan on this is a lamb steak and it's cut just above the leg just here cause you can see that delicious bone running through the center and that's full of marrow so that just gives the lamb a nice added sweet flavor just take your knife cut through each end this stops the lamb steak from buckling so therefore it cooks evenly and colors beautifully salt and pepper lamb needs quite a lot of help with the pepper so be quite generous with the pepper and just pat that down the pan's just under smoke on the outside now put the oil in get that pan really nice and hot because this is a cheap cut so i'm depending on the color of the lamb steak to really sort of impart a lot of flavor that's the noise you want to hear you can't hear that noise don't drop a steak in put a little bit of garlic in there not chopped garlic just whole cloves the garlic lightly crushed don't even waste time peeling them in tongs lift up that bit of fat around the back that's the top of the leg tilt the pan and let all that fat render rendering is a chef's term that means melting the fat it works brilliantly when you're cooking a rib eye as well turn it over that color there beautiful now it looks like an expensive cut and we've got that nice even sear all over as it's cooking just tilt the pan and base and basting the lamb steak just means you're sort of adding all that nice scented garlic olive oil back into the lamb useful now take the lamb out and let the lamb rest [Music] now for the perfect rustic crouton so this bread's quite firm a couple of days old just slice it straight down the center dice it up put it into a bowl season it beautifully [Music] from there i'm gonna add some milk sounds strange adding milk to crouton but it just gives it that nice rich creamy texture and just let that milk sort of absorb into the bread while that's soaking i'm gonna make the dressing go back to that initial garlic that was in the pan look at that beautiful into the pest and water anchovies anchovies go brilliantly well with lamb i want that nice salty vinegary flavor and a bit of kick some capers the little baby cats very sweet now just pound that to a nice paste that smells incredible next some dijon mustard a nice teaspoon and a half in a little bit of red wine vinegar two tablespoons and then our extra virgin olive oil now it's got that heat in there i've got a nice roasted garlic they're all hearty chunky vinaigrette that sort of seeps into that lamb some fresh parsley crunch up the parsley delicious flavour parsley in nice now get your pan hot for the croutons olive oil in the pan grab the croutons and squeeze all that excess milk out not too hard i don't want them dry and in and then just fry them and the milk inside these croutons give it a nice spongy creamy delicious flavor that's the color i want nice now take them out and lightly drain them a little bit of kitchen roll onto the board out [Music] it's a plateman just take it's amazing vinaigrette and spread it get those croutons listen to them like little boulders hitting the play the lamb sit that on next one on the rest of the croutons on now use all those little bits and my chef in paris would kill me right now if you saw me using those because they're the ugly scraps that customers should never see but but they're the best bits croutons on and then just drop that sauce on all those little bits of the lamb and there that is a perfect way of taking a cheap cut is the premier league of dishes
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,750,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery
Id: Kes2fk-Nuwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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