The Most Creative Way To Make Far Better Lasagna

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today we're making baked lasagna pie I think the taste tester is going to love this one I'm predicting now it's going to be a 10 before he's even gotten home yet here's all the ingredients let's get into it right now all right guys so I have everything here I have the sauce ingredients over here and then I have the pasta ingredients over here because we're gonna do the sauce first for the sauce we have two 28 ounce cans of tomatoes I have one crushed one whole plum just use any high quality tomatoes and it will be great I have a half a cup of dry white wine one medium onion that I just roughly diced five cloves of garlic that I sliced I have a half a teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes you can do that to taste I have some basil here which is going to put a few a few basil leaves in the sauce there to flavor it and then we have some extra virgin olive oil we'll coat the bottom or to be exact we'll use like four tablespoons of that olive oil the one last ingredient in the sauce is meat we have one pound of ground pork and one pound of ground beef this is more than enough sauce for your baked pasta and to have a nice leftover amount to put on each slice with the cheese and everything at the end the remaining ingredients for that baked pasta is the special pasta here it's called methyl dini it's a beautiful pasta shape it's uh traditionally the pasta that's used for St Joseph's pasta you can use this for other stuff I did it in a sausage Ragu a while back which was phenomenal but I think in this one it's going to look amazing like popping up all over the place this is just kind of like an easier lasagna and I think you're going to love it and I I think the family is going to love it too you'll have to wait and see the remaining ingredients in there are three quarter cup of pecorino Romano one cup of regatta I have three cups of shredded mozzarella that's whole milk I have a few tablespoons of parsley doesn't have to be exact and I have three eggs so we're kind of making like a frittata almost but you know I would call it more like a baked pasta though you know it's kind of interchangeable doesn't really matter what you call it it's going to be delicious so let's make that sauce right now I have a pan here this is about four quart uh non-stick pan but you can use any pan you want you probably even a pot would be better to fit in those tomatoes and all the meat but I think this will be all right I just want you to be able to see inside of it as I'm cooking it right now all right you can heat this up to about medium heat maybe like a four out of ten extra virgin olive oil just gonna kind of coat that bottom here you don't have to be exact you never have to be exact with this type of cooking guys ever that same thing goes with the onion so I chopped one medium onion what's a medium onion your medium onion might be different than mine so but it'll work out in the end it's an easy unit of measurement for us to go by I do put the gram amounts for all of you non-americans because I appreciate you watching as well these are looking pretty good that's a few minutes they're they're getting a little bit soft [Music] I don't think I said it before when I was showing you ingredients I have one and a third pound and one and a third pound the recipe is just one pound and one pound they didn't have one pound and one pound today so I'm not gonna like discard this or save a third of a pound each but you know I always encourage you to make these recipes your own do what you want and and you'll be totally fine if you don't like pork just and you want to just use beef just do that I'm gonna turn the heat up a little bit here but I mean it's not really going to Brown too much which is fine so I'm like kind of leaving it alone kind of like compressing it just trying to like brown that one side uh your onions are gonna be okay there's enough water fat everything coming out of the meat here that it's not gonna really burn them I don't do this too often but there's a lot of fat in here so I am going to remove a little bit of the fat and I think just tipping it will probably be the best way to do it though I might have to drain it you know do the best you can here so guys I love this meat Masher it's great I got it as a gift from a Watcher in Long Island thank you very much for this this thing is just tearing through this and we're getting little pieces of this meat here now you can put the garlic in it's not going to burn you have enough moisture in here and everything else if I did the garlic first it would burn most likely so you're still going to get a ton of Flavor now and we're just going to cook this in here you can give it you could even make a little space and put it in the middle there which I should have done but I didn't but just let it go for like a couple minutes until it gets really fragrant so that Garlic's looking good the meat's looking pretty good there gonna put in that hot red pepper I have a half a teaspoon let it cook in there for about 20 seconds kind of flavor it up I'm gonna add just a little bit of salt here now we're not going to need too much we have a lot of other flavorful ingredients and we'll season the sauce later too [Music] so now we have dry white wine this is a half a cup so the Heat's pretty high here it's basically like a seven out of ten eight out of ten so keep your head back and just let this evaporate in here for about two minutes it doesn't need to all evaporate at all never have to do that when you're cooking guys ever a lot of Italian recipes white wine boom reduce do it again make a sauce more white wine on it before it goes in the oven at the end for serving you know you get a lot of recipes like that I'm gonna lower it a little bit I'm just trying to do things a little differently for you guys now to show you that you can make these dishes in so many different ways so these are whole tomatoes here if the tomatoes have a basil leave in there or sometimes you'll see them a lot of Brands will do that I just remove that Basil Leaf we're going to put other basil in after that Basil's been in the can for like a year or two so I like to get fresh stuff and then I'll add in my other can which is which is crushed tomatoes already all right and I'm looking I'm a little high here like I said yours is going to not have as much meat because I used almost three pounds of meat the recipe is only two pounds of meat but you can have more meat I mean if you want you could put even four pounds in there you can do whatever you want guys like I want you to make it your own I want you to just kind of learn the relative techniques and then just go make something great yourself I'm bringing this to a simmer you know about six seven out of ten once it starts bubbling lower it to about a three out of ten to a simmer we're gonna let this simmer and it'll thicken and concentrate yours is going to be a little bit more liquidy than mine is but we want to let it cook for at least 30 minutes it's been going for about 20 minutes there you can see like there's a little bit of liquid rising at the top I just took it off the stove over there I don't have it well lit over there so I just can't show you yet hopefully my goal is to get everything lit here so you can come around with me everywhere in a place I'm just gonna put basil in this is about five leaves worth I'm just gonna toss the whole thing in and this will just flavor it right now for like the last bit and we'll just remove it before we uh you know start using that sauce and we're going use more basil after for when we mix into our lasagna pie and put a little bit more salt okay maybe like three quarter all right so that's tasting delicious I'm gonna put it back on to simmer right now right now you can boil your water bring it to a boil okay large pot of water okay guys let's beat together the egg mixture for this so I have the one cup of ricotta now you can just kind of like mix everything in here right now but you can hold off on the mozzarella all right so I have three quarter pecorino Romano cheese now this is the grated from the store which you know again I live in New York so all these places is just great they great the huge things of pecorino the big wheels fresh you know you buy them they're super fine so if you now if you're gonna grate it yourself say like with a microplane and really need like two cups worth of that to equal just even three quarter cups of this they are not one for one they're not even close or you can weigh it that three-quarter cup of this pecorino there was probably about 70 grams okay I'm gonna put the parsley in a few tablespoons of fresh basil we're gonna put in one teaspoon of black pepper and I'm gonna measure it all right our water is about to boil and you can do this in advance you don't have to like time it exactly right you just want to have this ready for for the pasta I'm gonna put in four cups of that meat sauce [Music] so what's nice is you're going to have a lot of leftover sauce which is what you want I'm going to mix this all together we want to cook this pasta to two minutes less than Al Dente roughly just don't make it bushy because you're going to be baking it and we're going to broil the top at the end sort of frying the bottom boil on the top you don't want it mushy now I'm going to put in two tablespoons guys I'm using Morton's kosher salt which it's like 75 salinity of like regular fine sea salt or table salt I love this pasta boil this to two minutes less than Al Dente it's gonna be hard to fit everything in the pan but again the idea here is this is like everything about lasagna and it smells exactly like lasagna I just want to get it decently coated don't worry if you break the noodles and whatnot because you're gonna be breaking a lot of noodles once you cut through it after you know so here's the mozzarella guys just save one third of it for the topping set this off to the side we're gonna heat up the cast iron pan and heat up your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit set one rack in the oven to the middle level and set the other rack to the highest level okay so let's Heat this up to about a six out of ten cast iron once you get it for a few minutes at that temperature once it gets hot it will be plenty hot I have regular olive oil here you could use extra virgin I'm going to put down just enough to coat the bottom here probably about two to three tablespoons worth now very carefully you can just try to get some around the sides too and we're gonna be all right that's exactly what I wanted it was all planned by me so listen don't mix it around now just push it towards the sides just so it fills the pan in an even manner like this this is what I wanted I want like these pieces of the maffoldini kind of go over the edges so just cook it like this for one minute just one minute and now the rest of the mozzarella that we have this is a two-hander and I'd recommend you put it on here because you're going to have a lot of splashing it's going to go all over the place I'm gonna cook this for 12 to 15 minutes check on it like that it's set and then bring it up to the top and broil it for a couple minutes [Music] he doesn't know what I made here at all I think he's going to be really surprised what's that what do you think it is uh yeah but like does it look a little different it's not like layered right is it like spaghetti pie kind of but way better because it's done with meat sauce and everything that lasagna has thank you I didn't try it yet guys I tried all the all the parts but I didn't try this because we just cut this one slice now we took a photo of I don't even know if it needs the sauce there's four cups of sauce in it already yeah I'm just not gonna put the sauce on and by the way guys let it rest for 10 minutes even 15 before you dig into it my little sauce are you good yeah I'm good I really like it that's actually a good sign but that's why I still want the extra sauce so for bread dipping or serving on the table for anybody else who would like it my favorite part of lasagna is like the curly noodle part that's like crispy and it looks like there's a whole lot of that yeah that's exactly there that was my thinking for it that's why this is so good everybody gets a corner with this yeah that's why I hit it up with the broiler there at the end all right James can you please just not show me yet even though I suspect I know what it is give me some tasting notes like what's the deal here what was really good about it I don't think there's anything including them better really I think it's just perfect it's yeah it's not dry and usually I said everything is dry um my soup is dry yeah I like how the crunch is on top and like creamy over here like it's like a really good texture and like everything just tastes so good it does it tastes like lasagna right yeah except better all right let's see the score yes [Laughter] yes thank you James you're welcome it has been it's been a long time since I got one of those yeah James do you like this I I can't remember what you gave the white spaghetti pie do you like this like better this is way better I didn't even taste it yet I can tell it's way better I think I could just spaghetti pie like I ate this is way better spaghetti pie was like it's kind of like a real frittata this is like you know even though you call this a frittata it's not it's the spaghetti pie was way too dry yeah so my goal was to not make this dry and I couldn't believe I fit that all in that pan so 11 inch pan pound pasta four cup sauce everything hope you make it we will see you next time [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 422,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lasagna pie, baked mafaldine, baked pasta recipes, sip and feast, lasagna recipe
Id: jUVLX1tiHbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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