Cook My Crowd Pleasing Shrimp Fried Rice With Me!

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well hello there welcome once more to franchise kitchen and if this is your first time certified I'd like to say a very warm College for you yes friends I'm sharing with you yet another fried rice recipe this is shrimp fried rice very delicious it wasn't kicked with my colleagues in two different jobs I admit this for my last day at work at my former job and for the very first but not in my current job this is what I think everybody loved it so stay tuned and I really hope you enjoyed it just as much so to start we are going to be cooking the right so unlike anywhere else recipe I'm sharing with you we are doing everything from scratch and I'm taking you through everything so I cut out half of an onion and this I am cooking in some just avocado oil I'm just gonna let this cook until it's swept up a little bit and then we'll be adding some Kerry to this to make some Kerry right so whilst we wait for our onions to cook in the oil I'm washing my rice this is four cups of rice I'm going to wash it and let it sit so it can drain most of the moisture before we put it in the oil so at this point our rice is well washed and I'm just putting it in his trailer just give it a shake and sit it on the bowl so it's able to just give up all the moisture in it because you'll be toasting this in the oil and you don't want to have any liquid if you can't help it and now look at the onions beautiful partially caramelized very soft and it's a good time for me to add in my Carey yes yes yes yes you heard right we are going to have some carry in this fried rice and don't you think don't think it's my gun will be something good trust me this was a hit I told you I took this fried rice to two separate jobs on my last day at my previous job yes I took I made myself and to get away party like I took food and my husband actually was like really who does that they are supposed to have a party for you that you do that I said well they all have something for me but this is me I've always taken into them and this is gonna be my last day working with him so I think I should take something and so I made fried rice this very same recipe - the shrimp I just took some grilled chicken with it and it was just a hit with everybody they love love this and so in my new job the very first product that we had that was the same thing I took with chicken up with the shrimp just chicken of course you never know who has seafood allergy you know I want everybody to eat it and it was just us a hit there - so I was like you know what why don't I share this on youtube I can't be keeping this from my family over there so anyway I see so I put in the carry let it cook for about a minute and then I add it in there my rice which had given off all the water and I am toasted and so I'm staring but I'm also letting in toast and so I let it go here I'm gonna cover it now and let it toast for about you know four minutes on the very lowest setting so it's just gonna be when rice is toasted or toasted it's just beautiful when you cook it that way it also gives it a chance to absorb the flavors so I have here my stock normally if I make fried rice I like to use chicken stock and that way you know it prevents me from adding too much cubes or anything so I bake chicken in the oven and that is one huge reason I like to bake my chicken instead of cooking on the grill because when you grill it you're gonna miss out on all these juices you could have had if you made it in the oven and so once the chicken was done I pour this into a bowl covered it and actually let it sit in the fridge and this is how you get it all the fat comes to the surface and look at how much fat I just - you know lifted of this broth or stock and if I was to cook something with it right away dump it there I would never ever be able to get all this fat off so that is one tip for you refrigerate it let it sit and then you know you'll be able to separate the fact from the juices and so this is all wholesome juice I have sit in and of course look at this look at all that fat mm-hmm so yes our rice is toasted now between about 4 to 5 minutes on the very lowest setting and now I'm just gonna stare and if you were here with me oh you if when you try that home you feel the difference because the rice becomes very light that way I don't know in my mind I always say because it fried some of the carbs I don't know I don't know if you have a better theory to this a better way to explain this please comment below and dedicate as but that's what I've always felt as a little girl whenever I used to make fries and toast it I was felt like I just fried some of the carbs off I know not very very scientific but it stick with me it makes me happy yeah that's what I was stick to so anyway I founded my broth and I'm adding just a little bit of soy sauce in here so I tried to show you the soy sauce I added about maybe 2 to 3 tablespoons pretty much that's all and right now I'm just gonna go ahead and add some water and all we cooking the rice of course with the broth and some water smells good really need all that good broth right the chicken stock or broth the pan drippings I should whether you know cause this chicken was so well seasoned so you can only imagine how good it snows and how tasty this rice is gonna be at the end this is just perfection this is the perfect recipe and really like I just love to share recipes with you that I have you know made for other people and people truly gave me good feedback it's not like that fact you know and that is mainly one reason ever since I became a content creator even for since I started Instagram I've always liked to share my food but I love to share more enough to help people eat the food and give me feedback just because I'm creating a recipe I'm coming up with a recipe to share with people and if everybody that has eaten that food I made you know really laughs it then I can really stand behind what I'm sharing with you and say you know this rice or whatever food I'm sharing the recipe with you will be a hit and so while I normally say it it's a hit trust me it is a hit with people for sure so about 10 minutes into the cooking time I'm here to cover up my rice with some parchment paper just so it cooks thoroughly easily and faster that way and while it's doing that I have my bag of shrimp here and I am going to peel and get it ready for the fried rice so until if you'd like to buy the easy peel shrimp because it makes taking of the peel of course as the name says easy easy peel because it's already devayne and so you just slide literally just slide the skin right off your shrimp and of course I like the fact that it's deveined I think it looks a lot more beautiful when coke if you are making fried white rice with it or even if you're gonna be making something like coconut shrimp you know just perfect perfect with it and this actually if you live in Arizona or wherever you are probably you could check your local Safeway I was actually in Safeway yesterday and I found these I went to get some more shrimp I always stock up on it's on sale and the same size the same bag is now $10 it's a two pound bag I get $23 value you know cost I know is just $10 it's justice steel so if you have to watch this video before Wednesday because I know most doors change prices by Wednesday then get it so we're just gonna go ahead and season our shrimp with some salt and pepper very simple seasoning nothing major remember it's gonna have Carey it also has that stuff from that chicken which is loaded it had a lot of stuff going on on it so you don't want to overpower your fried rice if you happen to use stuff as well you know just look at that and this is pretty much all so I'm just gonna go ahead and add some salt at this point and I've also added some white pepper so black pepper white pepper and salt is all I'm just going to season or marinate my shrimp in and then we'll start making our fried rice so while that is going I have my bag of spring onion or scallions over here and I have just given it a wash right under running water and we are going to cut this up normally when I make fried rice I have over the years or months I should say because it's quite recent that I stopped putting too many vegetables in my fried rice I still do put peas and other things sometimes but I one time made this very simple fried rice for my husband I had white rice in the fridge one morning you know he was going to work I just got a super early on my dear of course I hadn't you know our meal prep was done like my first morning home from my days off and I had fries I had shrimp I had some carrots and onions and I just whipped something together so fast so quick and that fried rice was so delicious like my husband he was like me that was good he actually called me for work to say that and got one the Thursday like if you like my previous video I told you about my friend that I normally hang out right on Thursdays it was the Thursday I was gonna go to her house to hang out so I went with whatever was left and she was like oh this is good you have to make there's anyone shrimp fried rice - the same kind of fried rice that of course it wasn't Kerry to us and that wasn't him since then like seriously I've got very simple on my fried wine sometimes you know less is really really really more so I'm done cutting up this salient and right here I have a ginger you know I love love love ginger in my furnace I can't even stress that enough like I know you're probably rolling your eyes like the way I like to roll my eyes because yes I'll try again Yahtzee I break whatever but I have to say because you know what new people keep joining our family okay so they need to know ginger in fried rice is the bomb is the bomb so please please do me a favor if you've never put ginger in your fried rice do me this one big favor try it especially if you can get freshly grated ginger put that in your rice and let me know let me know what you think so anyway all our vegetable prep is almost then because I'm being lazy I'm using store-bought carrots today and of course rice others point is perfectly cooked perfectly cooked and normally you know to make fried rice you want people normally would make it with fries like leftover rice or you cook your rice way ahead of time let it cool off before you start and in this video because of course the way I am doing it but I wanted to show you how I made the rice because this is not just white rice so I'm taking you through everything and so this is not gonna cool all the way but it will be a little cool enough by the time we get to add and rice to it and so here we go looking for our famous walk I know a lot of you have been able to buy that and if you are not subscribed to my channel do subscribe because I make it a point to share with my family here stuff you know some of my things from my kitchen that I don't sale that I know people would love to buy like this it says it was a student a lot of people got it and they are happy and yes I've heard from you all about the kitchen and pantry tour and hopefully I get to do that one of these days pretty soon I would love to share with you and hopefully that you know as most of your questions about the pots and pans and storage and everything so anyway I put some oil in here just about what two tablespoons of oil just to cook the shrimp and when it was hot enough I have introduced in here my shrimp all of it all two pounds of it in here you know and I'm just gonna let it cook until you know you see how the color is changing is it's cooking on that bottom part and then so I'll be able to turn it you know you don't concern for too long so this is gonna be cooking for about three minutes on each side and so like after three minutes I'm just turning it and look at that just beautifully it is so beautiful beautiful and you know the juices from this shrimp of course is going to bring so much flavor you know that is why of course we got here especially we love magic shrimp tablet are on guard shrimp because shrimp brings so much flavor into your food and this fried rice is not gonna be any exception because it has two shrimp and the juices that it's cooking in so you know it's gonna be very very good this wok and the fact that I asked you to subscribe I only ask you to subscribe and I think I should clarify because when I make community posts you can only see my community post if you are subscribed to my channel and that is where if I find something I'm not gonna make a video just to tell you to buy it something you know by the time I get the video to you it's probably gonna be gone the sale will be gone but if I see something at a good price I quickly make a committee post if I can post them like I post a link to it in the post and you know it's not bringing me any money I'm not getting anything from that but I love the fact that you appreciate the cookware or whatever I use and you want to get some for yourself and for me you know if it's gonna make you guys happy then I'm happy so yes if you can't and you're not subscribed can be subscribe for things like that I think it will help so I shrink is cooking beautifully and at this point I am getting my eggs ready I know I love xa my fried rice like I can take it out of my head to exclude eggs in my fried rice I guess so here are just three eggs cracked and I'm just gonna go ahead and whisk them until perfection sometimes I like to just break them into the oil just like that so you have the two parts of the egg the yolk and the white so you know it's adding more to their colors and vibes it's all up to you like I always say cooking it's very much temperamental you can do as your heart desires unlike bacon where you really have to stick to everything the whole recipe and that is why I love to bake but I love to cook more you can switch things up anyway and most of the time you still achieve that and they needed the desired result so a shrimp is cooked beautifully I like it to have a little bit of char I'd like you to be very wel koude as you can see because I especially having the kids eat it I don't want to make any mistakes and have them you know it's something that is gonna get them sick or worse deter them from eating it a lot of time so yes this is perfectly cooked I like it you could cook it a little bit less if you prefer and just look at her so beautiful beautiful just like I told you it's so nice when the shrimp is too faint I just like how it looks you know I supposed it with just being straight you know not too vain I don't know to me this is beautiful so here I have my oil already I actually just put my carrots I told you I was gonna be lazy today these carrots I got a bag of julienne carrots from the supermarket and that was the very last of it so I just added that in here and I think I I'm gonna need to add a little bit more oil when I add my eggs because that is not gonna be enough for me to fry my egg and also enough for me to cook the whole rice yes the the rice actually the precooked rice has some oil so that will help but like you saw I just had a little bit extra oil in here that I added and now I've added my egg so what I like to do is like what you see right now I'm push the carrots to the side or whatever vegetable will be in the wok at that point and then I make my eggs I scramble my eggs on one part and then mix everything together feel free to scramble your eggs in a separate bowl or make it a head you know scramble the eggs first set it aside before you start with there add our vegetables and introduce the eggs game later on like I said with cooking you can do it whichever way you think works better and you still achieve good result this is how I felt like doing it today more like this is what the spirits made me do you know and so I went with the flow so it's scrambling beautifully at this point and now I think is it good enough for me to just go ahead and stir everything in because at this point egg is almost all the way cooking this is all the scrambling I can get I think it's good enough for me so I'm gonna go ahead and introduce in my grated ginger at this point yes that is the game changer like really and almost right away the smell you know the IRA market in this house has changed it just went up a notch it smells so good so good so I've let the carrot cook in here with everything for about two minutes in total and I'm now adding in my precooked rice very very fragrant very very delicious tasty the ironmans everything's perfect perfect because yeah of course I told you from the stuff you get everything you know you don't need any seasoning cube in here because they had all the seasoning all that great taste flavors that you need in your fried rice and so I'm just gonna go ahead and mix this up and look at that beautiful color beautiful just beautiful it smells so good I really hope you're able to try this recipe you will love it and so I'm just gonna go ahead and add in the shrimp at this point of course making sure I get all the juices to go in the rice because that is where it belongs to bring in some more flavors and at this point I'm just gonna go ahead and stir that in as well just look at that hmm I know I know you one of spoonful and I really hope you try it because this is gonna be like one of the best recipes that you ever tried and I always always ODIs my scallions go in at the very last end and that's how I like it it brings more aroma that way more texture more flavor and as soon as I add my scallions and mix it up I turn down the flame and this rice is cooked to perfection there we go so they're friends that is how simple easy fast it was to whip this up and it's time for us to sit and enjoy this goodness this was just really really a hit just look at that just look at that my kids they love their shrimp look at him do you see him over there he started eating the shrimp as I was cooking just loves it and this rice they really like so I hope it's a hit with your kids and your entire family just as it is with mine and everybody I've had it this is simple but also good and if you are one who loves your spice then of course you would want to add a little bit of or to this to give you a kick and so I'm gonna be adding a little bit of quite wet kitchen so for that effect and I really hope you try this recipe thanks for watching thanks for doing this with me I hope it has been fun for you and if this is your first time here this is crunch moist kitchen we're making simple wholesome replicable meals is my passion and I really hope I get you to stay and until I come your way next time with something delicious you love it be kind be happy [Music] [Music] go move
Channel: Kwankyewaa's Kitchen
Views: 3,385,920
Rating: 4.8751907 out of 5
Keywords: shrimp fried rice recipe, the best shrimp fried rice, Chinese food at home, home made fried rice, vegetable fried rice, fried rice recipe, the best homemade fried rice recipe, Ghana jolly recipe, lockdown recipes, quarantine recipes, COVID 19 home made meals, easy, quick
Id: bjNk36i2zwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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