Shrimp and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce, one sauce for many dishes 蒜香西兰花炒虾,一调料多用

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hi everyone today we're gonna make very easy and delicious shrimp and broccoli the key to this dish is the sauce I'm gonna show you how to make it I call it garlic sauce if you are (vegetarian) you can use this sauce to make just broccoli or any other vegetables you like now let's make the sauce before we make the sauce I'm gonna season the shrimp with a bit salt I have eight shrimp cleaned and deveined and I have about 1/2 pound of broccoli cut up for the sauce we just use the white part of the green onions chopped up finely and have 5 cloves of garlic we have to chop it up you can mince it okay now we are going to make the sauce add white part of the green onions and minced garlic I have saved some for the shrimp a little bit salt soy sauce a tablespoon anyway we don't have to measure Chinese cooking is not baking and drizzle some sesame oil and but a teaspoon corn starch so I'm making a (slurry) and some filtered water it's about a quarter cup of water let's mix it well so that is our sauce and next we are going to boil the broccoli quickly The water is boiling let’s add broccoli and we're going to cook about two minutes after about two minutes we are going to strain broccoli and we are ready to cook now we are heating up the pan to medium heat to cook shrimp first add a little bit oil I will add some garlic now ready to put shrimp in the reason why I'm using medium heat you know we don't want high heat and have shrimp cooked outside but not cooked inside shrimp normally takes about three minutes it’s about three minutes shrimp is pink and (curled) now we're going to add broccoli turn the heat to high and add the sauce fix it well before (adding into) hmm smells good let it cook about half a minute to incorporate the sauce let me taste it mmm perfect and doesn’t need to be adjusted now we got shrimp all coated with the sauce and we're ready to serve the shrimp and broccoli let me try this for you guys smell very good with the garlic sauce broccoli crunchy I love it with the garlic sauce it is delicious and shrimp perfectly done mmm so good Hope you guys are gonna try this very easy and delicious recipe and I'm going to continue to eat thank you so much for watching! see you next time! you
Channel: ChineseHealthyCook
Views: 5,492,019
Rating: 4.8896484 out of 5
Keywords: shrimp and broccoli in garlic sauce, Shrimp and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce, shrimp and broccoli, shrimp and broccoli takeout, chinese garlic sauce, garlic sauce, shrimp stir fry, 西兰花炒虾, 西兰花炒虾仁, china, chinese recipes, china food, shrimp, broccoli, garlic, 蒜香虾
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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