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hi everyone so today's recipe is this insanely delicious nigerian fried rice with a twist this recipe is one you do not want to miss out on at all but first of all please subscribe to my channel if you haven't please thank you so these are the core ingredients that i will be using for my chicken fried rice and here i've got some green peas also known as garden peas i've got some onions and you can also use white onions if you prefer i've got some spring onions as well and some boneless chicken and i will be showing you how to incorporate this into your fried rice and i've got some sweet corn green pepper some carrots long beans and some king prawns and they have been peeled and deveined already and i've also got some liver the liver have been cooked and also fried and as you already know there is no nigerian fried rice without chicken broth so we're going to be boiling some chicken this chicken bear with me and i tried to defrost in my microwave i didn't realize that it had already started to cook that's why it looks a bit funny and also it's very fatty i didn't realize i had such um high fat content but it's fine so this is me just seasoning the chicken and i won't be adding water at this time i just need the chicken to sweat out their own moisture and i also need the the spices and seasonings as well to incorporate into the chicken well so i'm just going to cover this and leave to see my on low heat for about 15 minutes and after 15 minutes this is what the chicken looks like and as you can see it has already started to cook and there is more moisture in the pot than before and that's fine for me so i'm just going to add enough water to cook the chicken not going to add too much just about enough to cook the chicken because i want the chicken stock or the chicken broth to be quite concentrated so i'm just going to cover this now and leave to cook until soft and once it's fully cooked all that's left to do now is to transfer the chicken into into a dish and save the chicken broth for later i really can't stress this enough the ultimate foundation of nigerian fried rice is your chicken broth so you need to get your chicken broth right it needs to be properly seasoned and it needs to be concentrated as well and once you get this right you will be blessed with great taste and fried rice yes that's a fact and moving on to the next step here i've got some boneless chicken i'm using chicken thigh you can also use breast but thigh is more flavorful so i'm just going to season with some brown cubes garlic powder thyme curry powder and some paprika and this will be mixed thoroughly and left to marinate for about 30 minutes you can do more than that because the longer the marination the tastier the chicken and the next step now is to season my vegetables so i will be adding all of my vegetables into this big bowl here and then i will season with some thyme curry powder salt garlic and some brown cubes and this step here is very very important please do not skip it if you don't already season your vegetables please start doing so and you will taste a huge difference you know how some people have to wait um some hours or the following day for the rice to taste okay that's because because it takes a while for the vegetables to you know to soak up the the spices and seasons and all but this isn't going to be you because you have already seasoned the vegetables from the start and into this big pot here i will be heating up some vegetable oil and then i'm going to add my thoroughly washed rice yes i'm stressing thoroughly washed rice because if your rice isn't thoroughly washed your rice is going to stick together so just make sure that most of the starch contents are pretty much gone and then i'm going to fry the rice on high heat for three minutes please do not leave the rice unattended otherwise it will burn so you need to continue to stir and then after that i will be adding some chicken broth i haven't gotten enough chicken broth that's fine it is well seasoned so i'm just going to add some water and at this point i'm not going to add salt at all and that's because my chicken broth was over seasoned and you can taste yours and if you feel like you need salt you can add some more or you can add some brion cubes as well and i'm just going to cover this and cook three quarters of the way so onto the main part of this recipe so i'm going to heat up some vegetable oil and then add my seasoned chicken and this will be fried until well cooked it's going to take um between six to eight minutes and once it is well cooked and i will be transferring the chicken onto a dish and i will leave the residual oil in the pan and because i haven't got enough oil i'm just going to add just a little bit more and then transfer the clean prawns into the pan and this will be fried for about five minutes say about two minutes on each side please do not fry your prawns for more than five minutes at the most otherwise it will alter the texture of the prawns and you won't like it and once it's fully fried um the prawns will be transferred into a clean plate and i will also be leaving the residual oil in the pan again and then i will be adding some garlic paste and some ginger paste to know how i made this please click on the card above i've got a recipe for that on my channel and i'm going to add just a bit more oil because i haven't got enough and i'm going to leave this to fry for about two minutes and after two minutes i'm going to add the chopped onions and this will be fried for about two minutes but to know me is to know that these onions would never be enough so more onions two more onions yes you are well represented here so i'm just going to fry this like i said for two minutes and then i will begin to add my mixed vegetables so if you like your vegetables crunchy then fry for about three minutes if you don't like it crunchy then do about five minutes but if you're using frozen vegetables then don't do more than two minutes otherwise they will fall apart and at this time i'm just going to introduce the cooked and fried liver and also the fried chicken and i'm just going to combine this and leave to fry for just about a minute and at this time you can taste for seasoning if you feel like you need more or more salt you can add some more and i'm just going to set this aside and now it's time to check on the rice and as you can see my rice is fully cooked and not sticking together so i'm just going to take it off the heat and at this time i will begin to add the cooked rice into the stir-fry and i'm just going to do this gradually so i don't end up with too much rice or too much vegetables please try to use a wooden spoon or a wooden spatula for this process otherwise you will end up breaking the rice grains and combine combine combine to your heart satisfaction and to finish off i will be adding some chopped spring onions and then combine once again and then i will leave to simmer for another minute or so and my chicken fried rice is ready see how beautiful and gorgeous it looks like absolutely absolutely beautiful so i forgot to add the prawns i mean i had finished i had taken all the pictures i had done everything i needed to do before i realized that i had another problem so this is the end of the problems much later anyway so at the front and then combined and your chicken fried rice is ready please don't forget to subscribe to my channel please like and subscribe please and please leave me a comment when you do try this recipe see you in my next video bye
Channel: Sisi Jemimah's Recipes
Views: 844,215
Rating: 4.8998647 out of 5
Keywords: nigerian fried rice, fried rice, how to make nigerian fried rice, nigerian fried rice recipe, nigerian rice recipe, sisi jemimah, sisi jemimah recipes, nigerian food, nigerian food channel, nigerian jollof rice, party jollof rice, party fried rice
Id: k3NPaMDzRXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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