Conspiracy Theories that could be true!

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what is the scariest conspiracy theory if true that jfk was killed by our government because he didn't want to just be their puppet that a selective group of few men and women control the entire world politics while hiding in shadows through puppet politicians everyone secretly dislikes you and is just pretending to be your friend that the government has a deal with aliens that they are allowed to abduct and prove us in exchange for technology based on the idea of the fermi paradox and the great filter it's that there is a lot of alien life out there but we don't hear or see any of it because the ones that still exist know to keep quiet as there is some greater alien force or technology that hunts and destroys civilizations if planet earth has the only life in all of the universe mattress firm is something more sinister and powerful than we could possibly imagine that there is a small town in mid-michigan that somehow consumes more power than grand rapids michigan it's quiet in space because something incredibly evil and horrific is snuffing out advanced life once it starts colonizing other worlds that ask credit questions about conspiracy theories are periodically posted by the government to measure how close the general public is to uncovering the truth jfk's head just did that that we are living in a simulation that jews run the world because if that's true then i'm the only jew they left out of the cabal that every ufo that has been reported is actually a part of one of the government's black budget secret programs which get over 60 billion dollars in funding each year and that the government has created such a stigma around ufos and aliens that it would be entirely feasible for them to create the ultimate false flag event think nine over eleven x one zero zero zero zero zero zero to make the populous believe there is an actual alien invasion happening so they can either a create a situation that would help pull the world together or be give them an excuse to pour hundreds of billions of dollars more into the military program without the people questioning it does bruno mars is gay don't go to the light it's the trap the light at the end of the tunnel that people report seeing when they have near-death experiences is to be avoided because that's how they get here they are some unscrupulous aliens who installed a soul collecting machine on the moon or something the scary thing for me is the idea that you can be tricked into enslaving yourself in the afterlife as soon as you die so the collapse of civilization is often labeled as a conspiracy theory case in point r slash collapse is a conspiracy sub i think the basis for this is that the sub feels all public estimates of the rate of climate change and general environmental collapse and the eventual consequences have been downplayed by world governments to avoid panic scientists due to reticence and the high standards of scientific evidence and business interests because negativity is bad for business if true i don't think anything could be scarier than the hard road ahead of us toward human extinction that australia doesn't exist because i have family there that the republic is under control of a sith lord that social media information gathering gathers so much data on your personality that it allows effective social engineering changing how you think how you shop how you vote which has a chain effect of you teaching the same things to your kids family friends etc they are here they have been here for a long time they aren't all nice that atlantis is real humans are a species with amnesia and we had civilizations arise before us that fell hard enough to send us back to the stone age pretty terrifying remnants of modern civilization would like only last about 10 000 years and that's only for our largest structures like the hoover dam we can't learn from our old mistakes if there isn't a history to study that sasquatch is an indiscriminate rapist the government is turning the frogs gay the krabby patty secret formula is not actually a physical formula instead it is simply the existence of spongebob he is the formula he is the only secretor in existence that has the ability to craft the perfect krabby patty that is why in the first episode where he makes the berger he is able to whip up thousands of them before the secret formula is even revealed to him mr skeltal won't actually grant you good bones and calcium do not look at the moon that the us government has web influences on reddit as we speak i actually don't believe this one and i think it's pretty loopy but here it is some people believe that earth is an enslaved planet that serves as a feeding ground for a superior alien race except not feeding in the sense of meat but that they apparently feed off our negative emotions fear and anger specifically if 9 over 11 was indeed an inside job we are all just code in a simulation being run by a far more intelligent species who is trying to determine why humans died out long ago they run the simulation to cover millions of years to pinpoint the moments where we went wrong and to learn why civilization crumbled to prevent the same fate from taking them when we die our code is either terminated entirely or is reproposed into another life in a form of digital reincarnation the past never existed the future will never exist only the present is real jfk actually shot first pharmaceutical companies are withholding a cure for cancer because of how much money they make make from the current treatment such as chemo now i know that there are tons of cancers so there being a single magical cure is something that just will never happen but imagine how scary it would be if it were true these companies are so greedy that they are not only willing to kill millions of people but also put their family and friends through the terrible ordeal of watching them die slowly from cancer it's pretty fricked up i think flat earth if that is true then almost everything i know is a lie that planet x is real orbits like a comet and so enters the solar system at infrequent intervals and is home to intelligent life that's affected past human civilizations ted cruz is actually a human that of ixi was killed because of his for a better day music video exposing elite sex slavery world's population is growing rapidly and the agriculture is getting increasingly vulnerable to droughts this means that in a relatively short amount of time the world will face a very severe food crisis sparking wars and unrest it is not too far-fetched to think that at this very moment somewhere in the underground lab scientists are designing a virus that will wipe out the precise number of people to avoid the chaos john tutter what if somewhere in this thread there is a whistleblower who is saying a conspiracy he slash she knows to be true but would be in danger if it was exposed publicly so they post it here hoping someone looks into it oh like a call for help the agreement between hot dog manufacturers and bread bakers to always sell their products in different quantities for instance hot dogs and 10 packs and buns in eight packs a side whole life is a simulation we are alone and stuff i think the scariest one is that government has mind control capabilities seeing just how easily some people are influenced by simple things in media just freaks me the freak out that we live in a society the large hadron collider damage and shutdown incident was actually due to the production of a macro black hole which has sunk to the earth's core and is eating the earth from the inside out trump is actually operating from a master plan that there are no great conspiracies or cabals that there is no grand scheme or plan that no one not even an evil someone is at the wheel and that leaders and government are essentially the geopolitical equivalent of every adult simply being a kid who feels like they are pretending to be an adult i know your tricks this is just the government trying to see if we know about their secrets that the fluoride in the water is giving my son bishop to tase belafo doesn't exist terror organizations are funded and supported as an alternate form of war by shadow governments remember flight mh17 that was shot down by russia over ukraine 100 of the world's top scientists for aids research was on that plane and the former president of the international aid society was there as well the cure for aids was close to being accomplished and a new world order or top governments around the world allowed it to be shot down being homosexual turns you gay consider that the missing link in human evolution may actually be the species that created humans i will call this species people zero in mythology pop culture and literary fiction there have often been splices of humans and other animals centaurs mermaids minotaurs and even to some extent angels what if the humans that exist today are the final form of a species that was created for a higher life form to use a slave labor slash food source on earth the people zero slash fish people zero slash horse and people zero slash bad hybrids were all attempts to create a species that could be used for labor in the different environments of earth however the only one that succeeded was a people zero slash primate hybrid this hybrid was further tested resulting in neanderthals homo sapiens and other ancestral and exotic forms of humans through evolution and extinction the only people zero hybrid experiment that was successful is us that you're stuck in a coma and all attempts to reach you to get you out of it are real this only really applies to america but it makes sense to me we are the world military superpower most of our nation's industry trade negotiations that keep us on top realize on this so think about that first and now think about the things that are wrong with america our healthcare sucks education is insanely expensive and the idea of college being necessary to make a good living has been driven into us as well as minimum wage being freaking laughable to the point where an average family cannot survive on it we are constantly at war and trying to play world police we have never not had enemies or been involved in a conflict off of our soil especially if it benefits our elite financially now in order to keep this well oiled machine running you need people to join the military a lot of people the main reasons people join the military in america are for health care education payment and because they feel lost and have no other direction as a result of our best poor high school agendas people aren't taught how to survive or learn practical skills at all it makes joining the military after high school look very very entice if we got universal health care and free education enrollment would significantly drop off resulting in a pretty quick collapse in our dynasty it's a well-oiled machine designed to keep the empire rolling over the backs of our young men and women while keeping the elite rich from whatever military slash corporate endeavor they can think of not sure if this counts as a conspiracy but any religion that results in me going to hell for infinity the entire universe was created all at once last thursday your memories from before then also created last thursday if anti-gun politicians arrange mass shootings example the last vegas shooting last year was perpetrated by summer and a mold dude with no real history of anything or stated agenda who killed himself afterwards atf was not allowed to actually inspect the guns used just so happened to occur right before significant pro-gun legislation was going to pass a major hurdle in the form of the hba share act obviously that wasn't pushed forward several states passed new legislation there are still ongoing federal attempts to reinterpret the law to make bump stocks slash other illegal not saying i think it's true but it is spoopy that you life is a tv show like in the truman show not that we are living in a simulation but that you are living in a simulation you are the only thing that is real everyone else is the simulation users commenting in this thread all other users on reddit users on youtube instagram the internet itself all your classmates coworkers teachers even your friends and family all highly advanced npcs they act like people and are 100 perfect at seeming real the scariest part is try to prove this false the matrix is real that this amazons are alien weapons and when music plays she loses control of these weapons she tries desperately to keep them under wraps but soon enough a song oozing was so much funk so much god am jive will come on and we'll be doomed those lanky limbs will turn all life to dust my dad's not at the store and isn't coming back that i'm [ __ ] and people are just nice to me and talk to me so that i won't feel bad that time is a giant loop and we actually build the pyramids in the future bush did nine over 11 the us just started a war for oil they could do it again we'd all die of it backfired once the reason that we have not made contact with aliens is not because they aren't out there but because they are purposefully being quiet because they are aware of some other large threat gnosticism that are evil energy called the demiurge created the universe and created humans to act as batteries and that fear is energy they need and when we die they fool us to go into the light by revealing loved ones to us that call our names and that if we go into the light it's a con to get us to reincarnate to supply their energy over and over the pineal gland does more than we think it's been documented in various cultures but we have no idea what it does the governments are secretly poisoning our brains with the fluoride to crystallize or deactivate our pineal gland to limit our capabilities and make us dumber it's hard to say why the consequences are as we don't know what it did in the first place the one percent and politicians are holding so much wealth because they and the government know climate change isn't reversible and are planning on using the money to fortify themselves in safe havens that the us government or one or more factions within the government orchestrated nine over 11 or even simply allowed it to happen it's not a theory i buy into wholesale but if true the implications would be staggering and the ramifications would be insane so listen up the bacterias that live on us obviously have no idea that the live on us they are so small they can't even comprehend earth size the fact that this may be us on a much larger being is terrifying that sometime around 2015 the player of the simulation in which we are currently living got bored with this save and began to hit the equivalent of the disaster button in sim city over and over again that believing in these narratives is the conspiracy that is the mind control of creating passive victims or people actively choosing against their best interests in order to maintain the illusion of security it doesn't matter so much what you believe but that you believe at all once that hook is set i can tell you you the conspiracy theory that mk ultra is still happening mk ultra is pretty much what caused a lot of people to come up with conspiracy theories because the government really was spiking people's drinks with lsd and running a bunch of horrible tests involving sensory deprivation read up on it if you want but it's the stuff of nightmares the golden age of saturn and the purple haze saturn at some point in the distant past was a brown dwarf star earth along with mars and uranus revolved around saturn within its plasma sheath saturn's plasma sheath made it so that earth's atmosphere was perpetually engulfed by a purple haze the plasma sheath also acted as a barrier so that nothing could be seen from either the inside out nor from the outside in now enter the sun and jupiter the introduction of these two giant celestial borders into the existing saturnian system caused the planets influenced by saturn to be stripped from its gravitational field as a result we were pushed to our current location in the solar system and somehow our saltwater oceans also came from saturn but forgot how that male models have been assassinating world leaders for over 200 years the gov slash bush did do nine over eleven the impact that this would have if proven true are shattering in proportions to what they then led to also the disappearance of the malaysia flight it was found except the story wasn't disclosed and the reasons behind it are far more serious scary than what can be told that the government cure its conspiracy theories to suit its interests for example 19 dudes with box cutters pull off a massive broadside attack on u.s soil this threatens a very valuable narrative of the invincible usa conspiracy theories naturally emerge the ciatc worked their influence into these and help popularize the notion that the attack was an inside job this lets people imagine a u.s government which is not impotent but in fact omnipotent if evil a model for this is proposed in the film mirage men which accuses the authority of planting alien slash ufo conspiracy theories to discredit people who had observed top secret aircraft when you stop seeing constant updates about climate change in the news you know cinnamon and ecological catastrophe is coming and the rich just want the public to quietly and calmly go about their ordinary lives without panicking while they all pile into the bunkers they've built for themselves because they knew it was coming all along reality is an illusion you're the only thing that actually exists when you die you realize that and in your loneliness go insane and create another fictitious world to occupy your mind until you die repeat forever over the years people have spoken about titanic and learned how it sunk on that dreadful night in april 1912. however some people are led to believe that it was in fact its sister ship the olympic that sunk as part of an insurance scam the reason behind people thinking that the ship is not really titanic takes us back to the 20th september 1911 when the olympic collided with the hms hawk just off the coast of the isle of wight this incident caused many problems for the ship's owners white starliners this meant that it would have to be taken out of service while they repaired it but this also meant that the maiden voyage of titanic had to be put back from the 20th of march to the 10th of april this at the time was something that white starline could not afford to do as they had legal bills to pay and the cost of repairing the olympic as well this meant that they had to come up with a way to claim back not only the money that they would have missed out on due to olympic not being in service loss of revenue but also the money they couldn't claim back from the incident so they came up with a plan the plan was simple switch olympic with her sister ship titanic and sink it to claim compensation no one would know they had swapped the ships except the people in charge jay bruce ismay lord perry thomas andrews and jp morgan as if you looked at the ships when they were sitting beside each other you would not know which one was which unless you looked at the name plates on both ships as soon as the plan was set in motion they went about changing the olympic to look exactly like its sister ship by covering the floors with carpet as the olympic has tile flooring and the passengers and crew who had been on olympic then titanic would have been able to see the footprints left by previous passengers if they didn't do this people would have wondered why this brand new ship that no one had been on was covered in footprints and stains from spilled drinks other parts of the ship would have been changed as well for example taking out cabins on b deck from the actual titanic and replaced them with the olympics promenade to make the switch that all the more believable there is one thing that allows people to be told the difference between the two ships other portholes on the sea deck when the titanic was pictured while being built it had 14 evenly spaced portholes but when it left southampton on doomed maiden voyage on april 10 1912 it had 16 unevenly spaced portholes this is not the only piece of evidence that can be gathered to help back up this theory there are also people who had built the titanic back in the shipyard harland and wolf in belfast that over the years had come out and said that the two ships were in fact swapped and if they told anyone white starline told them it would basically be the last job that they ever did so obviously they would have kept quiet but they didn't because the families of the people who built the ship know about the scam paddy fenton is someone who had told his fellow seaman that they were in fact switched a man in australia sent a letter to the northern stone newspaper on july 31 1996 which talks about a conversation his son had with paddy here's an extract of that letter when the surviving crew got to port they were all taken aside and met by two men one in a high position in the company the other man was in a very high position in the government the government man read the crew the official secrets act explaining that if they told of the real reason for the sinking or the rumors of an insurance scam they would serve a minimum of 20 years in jail and would never get a job when they got out jp morgan was amongst many people who cancelled his trip at the last minute as he was of ill health when in actual fact he had been spotted in france two days later and appeared to be in perfectly well health jay bruce icema's wife julia and their children also cancelled due to his wife's ill health before however they were spotted on a motoring holiday in wales jp morgan also had seven valuable bronze statues removed one hour before the ship left southampton this situation leads many people to believe that they both knew what was about to happen with the ship on its maiden voyage especially after jp morgan had publicly spoke out to the country and certified that he would definitely be aboard the ship was the real reason behind this life from jp morgan due to the fact he knew the ship was going to sink jp morgan also had seven valuable bronze statues removed one hour before the ship left southampton this situation leads many people to believe that they both knew what was about to happen with the ship on its maiden voyage especially after jp morgan had publicly spoke out to the country and certified that he would definitely be aboard the ship was the real reason behind this life from jp morgan due to the fact he knew the ship was going to sink jp morgan also had seven valuable bronze statues removed one hour before the ship left southampton this situation leads many people to believe that they both knew what was about to happen with the ship on its maiden voyage especially after jp morgan had publicly spoke out to the country and certified that he would definitely be aboard the ship was the real reason behind this life from jp morgan due to the fact he knew the ship was going to sink jp morgan also had seven valuable bronze statues removed one hour before the ship left southampton this situation leads many people to believe that they both knew what was about to happen with the ship on its maiden voyage especially after jp morgan had publicly spoke out to the country and certified that he would definitely be aboard the ship was the real reason behind this life from jp morgan due to the fact he knew the ship was going to sink this would seem very odd considering the fact that people were paying for titanic's maiden voyage and not the olympics maiden voyage was this done deliberately to help with the switch tl doctor theorists believe that the olympic the titanic's sister ship was the one that actually sank in 1912 many believe that an insurance scam is to blame that my former employee peter parker is spider-man i know this can't possibly be true because peter was a journalist and upheld the fine reputation of all journalists worldwide in telling the truth he's not a menace like spider-man the theory australia doesn't exist because i live there that there is no one but you you are god and that is it you just spend eternity living through these mundane lives to experience your creations from the inside out after death you come back to an overview alone in the void well it's a well-known fact sunny jim that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world known only as the pinta pirate who run everything in the world including the newspapers and meet tree annually in a secret country mansion in colorado known as the meadows so who's in this pintavirat the queen the vatican the jetties the rothschilds and colonel sanders before he went tits up who i hated the colonel with his wee beady eyes and that smug look on his face oh you're gonna buy my chicken who that the government knows of and is covering up people disappearing under very mysterious circumstances primarily in national parks look up david paul lights missing 411 for anyone who has read up on this wtf is the deal with the staircases stanford is not a real as we draw to the close of the college admissions process thousands of students are waiting withdrawn breath for friday when stanford university will release their decisions i was one of these students until i stumbled upon revelations that have shaken me to the core and cause me to realize the true nature of stanford i share this as a warning with the hope that one day the terrible truth will come to light stanford isn't real first we should make some observations stanford or stanford as i will refer to it occasionally has one of the most expensive application fees in the country this will be important later second stanford is considered one of the most prestigious colleges in the country and has an exceptionally low acceptance rate it has alumni with a wide range of accomplishments and talents and is generally listed as one of the world's best places to study now despite all this let me ask have you ever really seen anyone from stanford have you ever met someone who recently attended the college sure people say they get in and go but then what nothing never to be seen again take a look at their website the campus looks good right but where are all the people now here's the explanation stanford does not exist the campus although obviously real is a mere proper into a movie setting they can accomplish this by rejecting every applicant and pocketing their application fee in order to keep the campus looking good when you apply to stanford you are not applying to a school but rather paying a shadowy shell company close to a hundred dollars the interviewers all paid actors the pictures all fake there is no stanford but rather a fake campus and a network of lies obviously you probably think this is complete nonsense what about my friend you ask he's a freshman at stanford right now but tell me when was the last time you saw him oh he got an internship over the summer you sure perhaps he was paid off with some excess funds to attend so-called stanford finally the alumni let me ask you a hypothetical question imagine you through hard work and some luck rose to the top of the corporate ladder and became a ceo all your peers attended iva's and similar institutions while you didn't attend college it would make you feel pretty small right but what if you were approached by someone from stanford saying they could register you as an official alumni for a simple one-time payment i don't know about you but i take the deal and so would many others leading to a self-fulfilling cycle where people become alumni in order to increase their social status therefore making stanford seem more prestigious and attractive what we see as one of the most competitive and selective schools in the world is merely one giant illusion to keep the world's greatest minds at bay one ninety dollar application fee at a time stay woke my friends and stay safe [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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