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serious what is your scariest true story 10 years ago i was 18 years old as i was taking a shower and washed my hair with every washing motion i pulled out more and more of my own hair until i was bald no reason no warning nothing just the pure horror of pulling out hands full of hair the drain clogged with my hair as i silently stared in the mirror across the room at my own bald head it felt like i was falling apart mentally and physically i honestly thought i would die that day it was sudden autoimmune disease alopecia overnight it was scary as hell the weeks after i lost all my body hair as well my hair never returned and i'm very okay with it now but i can never ever forget that moment in the shower many years ago when i was in high school i was staying up late playing video games parents were out but no big deal being home alone didn't scare me so i'm playing the game and at around 3 a.m my parents finally arrive this in itself wasn't unusual but based off their demeanor something had happened my dad told me that on their way back from their friend's house a far drive away he had noticed they were being followed my mom had no idea but my dad being the driver was aware of this car that had followed them from about halfway back our house was in the suburbs and us getting to our house involved a few turns and whatnot my dad purposely drove past our house without stopping witches when my mom asked what he was doing sure enough the car continuously followed my parents through the neighborhood my dad ended up driving to the police station which is when the car turned away and stopped following them it's scary to think what cold been had my dad not had the presence of mind to be aware of his surroundings as a driver and to act on his intuition my parents would have opened the garage door to put the car in and the idea that a car whose occupant or occupants likely had a malicious intent was right behind them is a thought that still bothers me to this day because of that past incident i learned to always mind my surroundings when driving edit i'm quite surprised at the number of replies and similar stories people have shared i'm also amused that some think it was a mere harmless prank while that certainly had been a possibility here's some relevant information i should've included initially my parents were coming back from their friend's house in oxnard ca roughly 80 miles north of where we lived at that time my dad said that he believes the car had followed them beginning around thousand oaks sea as he remembered a distinctive mismatch on the headlights something about one being dimmer and of different luminosity than the other thousand oaks was about 60 miles from where we used to live a harmless prank that involves following a random car for 60 miles if that were the case i'd feel more pity on the teenagers who had nothing better to do past midnight in any case let's all stay safe and vigilant out there in 52 when i was about eight years old five other eight ten-year-olds were in a kid's bedroom playing this one boy and me were wrestling around when someone turned off the lights when the light went off there was a loud pop another kid had found a pistol and fired it i was laying on the bedroom floor the bullet missed my head by two inches it was a straight down shot that narrowly missed the moment i realized that i had an hour and a half's worth of gas to travel either two hours towards my destination or two hours back to go pick up my wallet that are left behind working with a serial killer who was arrested by a swat team moments after we were in the same lab together he had a gun on him at the time saw a guy get his throat cut i was quite young and there were a bunch of middle school kids fighting then one pulled out a knife and slit the other's throat blood was gushing out and that scene was kinda branded in my mind i just posted this in another thread but thought i'd go into detail someone broke into my house today and made himself a plate of food took a shower and put on my father-in-law's clothes and even switched my laundry me and my girlfriend walked in on him sitting by the front door my gf's father knows a lot of people and he was wearing my gf's father's work shirt so we just assumed he knew him he asked us if we believed in god and told us the church sent him we ran out immediately and called 911. he did not chase us fast at all he calmly walked out the door as we drove away while on the phone we watched him hop two fences very calmly he saw the cop coming down the road he came in literally 1 30 thank god and it's the shirt we didn't know if we had locked our gun cabinet so we didn't know if he was armed the cop jumped out and detained him and he calmly went to the ground he destroyed the house but didn't take anything he ruined my gs parents bathroom door like he got stuck inside the bathroom he tore the tile in our room he made a pile of what he was gonna take but didn't even run when we caught him my girlfriend is very shook up because this guy must have been here when while we were because we were only gone for 45 minutes the timing of when we got home was so perfect my gf accidentally honked the horn when we pulled up notifying him that we were home normally we walk in the house and go straight to our room and we would not have noticed him if he was still in the shower or in the kitchen he has previous charges of battery with a deadly weapon thank god we got lucky he was definitely watching the house to know our very predictable leaving patterns drugs are a crazy thing when i was eight and my brother six my mom picked us up from school one day when we got home my mom had forgotten her keys so she knocked on the door for my grandma to let us in now architecture is super important to the story we lived in a very well-to-do apartment building on the eighth floor where each floor was a luang rectangle with a single act on each end so two apps per floor in the middle of the rectangle of each floor there was a single elevator the building was essentially all glass there were no external fire staircases all ladders and the nearest structure was another building an entire block away okay so we knock on the door my grandma yells from the inside i'm coming so we wait and we wait one minute nothing so we knock again again my grandma i said i'm coming three minutes then five she still licensed opening the door even though we can clearly hear her in the kitchen inside the house so we are getting mad we knock and knock and she just keeps on saying the same thing i said i'm coming i'm coming right now ten minutes later the elevator opens behind us and out comes my grandma the apartment had been empty the entire time it's been 20 years since then and my mom brother and i all clearly remember talking to that voice that sounded exactly like my grandma zero explanation my grandma is still a live btw this happened while living at my parents house about 10 years ago my whole family brother sister and parents were at a major league baseball game it was a night game and being baseball it ran a little later into the night i was working as a lifeguard in high school and would get off around 9 00 p.m usually the pool was super close to my parents so i could get home within minutes well i finally get home and get a shower and i'm trying to be quick about everything bc there was a party that night that someone from work was throwing i'm getting out of the shower and walk into my room and hear all this shuffling and running downstairs so i yell hello thinking it's my parents i then yell mom dad again to no avail and hear the running of footsteps downstairs and next thing i know i hear our garage opening up you could just manually lift the door at the time bcr garage door opener was broken anyways that kinda freaked me the hell out bc literally no one was home except for me i ran across the street and got my neighbor and her son and i walked through my house with a samurai sword bc i was afraid whatever was in there was still there the neighbor ended up calling the police when we did another walkthrough we found that my dad had about 2.300 cash stolen my mom's diamond rings and earrings were all stolen and there was a set of earrings lying on the bedroom floor with the jewelry box lid rescue what happened was my parents house was in the process of getting robbed while i came home i was in the house with the intruders for some time before they realized i was home and heard the shower running and me starting to yell for my parents which startled them and made them make a run for it hence the footsteps and shuffling i was hearing and the escape route was through the broken garage door which they must have scouted out about our house for some time the cop said that was the third break in on our area within the past week and they have been on the lookout for suspicious people without tipping off the public real crap probably one of the scariest things i've had happen to me though the moment i realized my parents weren't home and someone else was in the house with me was a terrible gut-wrenching feeling i was about nine laying in bed watching snow fall out of a window that faced the backyard suddenly a man's face popped up just inches from my window staring right at me i still remember his beard coated a nice and his steamy breath after a few seconds i unfrozen ran into my mom's room she thought i was making it up and sent me back to my room i hid so i couldn't see out of the window the next morning when we left for school there were footprints in the fresh snow that straight went back to my window my grandmother went into the hospital for a really bad case of the flu she seemed to be doing better but out of nowhere she got a brain bleed which happens extremely rarely with something as simple as a flu in the end there was too much damage to the brain when i was 16 my grandparents hired me to house it for three weeks at their farm housed in a small town it was the second to last night of my stay and all had gone well for a 16 year old completely alone in a big empty house for three weeks it was about 1am and it started to thunderstorm outside so i decided to turn everything off and go to bed i was upstairs in the front bedroom that overlooks their driveway using the toilet when i heard a loud noise outside that sounded similar to a tractor or riding mower now this isn't completely unusual as my uncle lives down the street and he is who did the lawn car for their house but at 1am during a storm it was quite odd i heard the side door to the house open and could hear my uncle's work boot center below me i thought maybe he was there to help out in case of a power outage what really got to me though was the fact that the three german shepherds were laying at the foot of the bed completely unaware which is not like them at all those dogs go wild at a leaf fall into the ground 15 feet away so i go to the window and look out at the driveway no cars no tractor nothing no one is out there all of a sudden the stumping intensifies and i start to hear what sounds as if someone is banging a broom on the ceiling below me now the dogs start going wild and i'm in full panic mode the thunderstorm outside is intensifying the stomping and banging on the ceiling is getting louder and the dogs are going berserk instantaneously the power goes out and everything everything stops the dogs the stomping the banging everything the room i mean is pitch black for about five full minutes and i hid under the covers trying to call my uncle in a sheer panic after that everything was as if nothing happened and the storm passed shortly after was the scariest and weirdest night ever i grew up in a farmhouse built in the 1860s i was probably 14 or so and was home alone while my parents took my little brother to t bowl practice my little brother did and still does call me [ __ ] and i have always called him bubbe i was sitting in the living room watching tv and heard the back door that we always use open and my little brother shout out [ __ ] and i responded back with hey bubby i waited a minute or two and heard nothing else then yelled out again with no response as it turns out they hadn't gotten home yet i was literally too scared to move and stayed put till they did get home about 30 minutes later when i was in high school i was walking home alone in my school uniform and this car stops in front of me as i'm trying to cross the road the guy driving it asks me if i was still a virgin i tried to walk around the car and ignore him but he keeps moving the car to stop me from crossing the street i look around to ask for help but the street was deserted i have never been so scare you in my life i finally ended up walking back up the way i came as fast as i could hoping to find a way hide or ask for help when i was eight and alone in my room i felt like someone was there with me watching i was terrified so i said wanna play and then one of my toys flew out of the shelf and landed right at my feet never called mom louder when i was 14 for exactly an entire month which month i forget i would woke up every morning at 3 30 a.m or 3 15 a.m with the feeling i was being watched if i did manage to fall asleep i would be completely plagued with nightmares one morning i woke up at 3 15 a.m like normal but immediately felt someone tap on the back of my head then as the month ended it was over needless to say i can't ever enjoy or want to fall asleep during 3am to 4am and i'm still quite paranoid of my room in general when i was a little kid i had a reoccurring nightmare almost weekly i would be in the basement and would hear a meow i would search for the source in the dark and find at a sunken window at eye level with a little bit of filtered light lying in it would be a dead gray cat with mti sockets fixed on me giving a mournful shriek sometimes the red light would open in the eye and everyone i loved would die i would wake up at various stages of this nightmare it got so bad one summer that i slept with the lights on all night every time i heard a cat i was afraid it was the eyeless gray one from the nightmare fast forward 25 years later and i'm buying my first home with my wife it doesn't have central air so we sleep downstairs in the basement for the summer we have one of those sunken windows one night the first week there we wake up to the sound of a cat meowing and furiously trying to get into the bedroom through the sunken window in the filtered light i see a grey cat and i see an empty eye socket staring back at me with slept upstairs since but in a twist the cat is lovely his name is lao and he runs beside me when i go for a jog he also plays with our new australian shepherd puppy most social cat i've ever seen used to live in a house in a quiet neighborhood i'd often stay up late in the living room which had a fairly large glass door to the backyard that you could slide open with no curtain sometimes i'd hear noises in the backyard but it could usually be my cats sometimes the motion sensing porch light would turn on but again i figured it was some nighttime critter one day after a night of snow i noticed a fresh set of shoe prints that stopped dead right in front of that glass door someone had obviously been there at some point in the night another time i noticed the glass doors lock was slightly tampered with i'm actually freaking myself out writing all of this because at the time i figured it was just a one-time thing but in reality this person could have been making repeat visits anytime he wanted before and after that snow day years ago i had this involved dream about a man in a warehouse and him getting shot at close range in the head it was so freaky it woke me up turns out it was about five over five colon 30 in the morning so i turned on the tv and the local news was reporting on a story just like it i did not have the tv on while i was asleep wit i was watching tv in my room one night when the power went off a house has old wiring so this happened sometimes no big deal i grabbed a flashlight and headed down to the basement to flip the circuit breakers as i was going back to my room i heard a loud thud that came from my bedroom i go in and turn the light on and look around everything was in its place except my statue of the virgin mary it was on the floor across the room from the table i used to keep it on it was made out of glass and its head was broken off there's no way it could have gotten there on its own and no one else was home at the time i've never been the type to believe in ghosts but to this day i still can't explain how it happened when i was young my parents and i went to see the fireworks show at the vinoy spelling hotel in florida we were speaking to this really nice woman next to us she was a foster mom for kids adopted a lot of animals super into charity i was dancing with her and my mom called me over saying the fireworks world started soon and less than a second later the shot went off to start them the woman grabbed her chest and said ouch something bit me and when she pulled her hand away there was a perfect hole in her chest she stood there a moment in shock before it started bleeding and then she fell to the ground everyone started panicking i was separated from my parents and hid in the elevator i kept going to random floors with people until i saw someone that my parents knew and stuck with them the police came to our hotel room that night to get witness statements we were on top of the hotel and i never really looked into it after i still can't do fireworks but my dad told me it was a freak accident involving the gun they used to signal the fireworks it was just the sight of her casually pulling her hand away thinking it was a bee sting and seeing this perfect hole then just blood it was so surreal not sure if this fits the bill but former casino employee here i worked security on the 7 p.m to 3 a.m shift 1 saturday night after the night club closed down a fight started between 2 ppl that quickly escalated to a roll out wide slash brawl we were angling with tons of ppl on the floor the police were even in the mix we heard someone yell gun gun gun the patrons that were fighting were grabbing at the cops guns to pull them out needless to say it was chaos and definitely scary the police were screaming in their radios for gang squad playing close big memphis they showed up out of nowhere and laid the literal smack down on the ppl fighting the story doesn't do what actually happened justice but man it was scary to be laying on the ground fighting with all hell breaking loose around you a scary but a silly story almost every day when coming home from school as soon as i entered my home the lights immediately turned on without me switching the lights on it really freaked me out until one day i noticed that when i entered my home the reason why the lights turned on by themselves was because when i turned around to lock the door the school bag on my shoulders push the light switch on and i didn't notice four weeks dumb 11 year old me this was just a few months ago but i still cannot explain it at all i have a cat who is pretty much full grown that stays at home while i'm at work i'm gone from about 6 30 a.m 6 p.m almost every day he has always had a playful side to him and i would find poor prince and stuff on the counters when i got home no big deal he would always wait for me when i got home and greet me when i walk in the door except for one day i got home and couldn't find him for the life of me which was odd so i kept calling his name and i started to hear a faint meow coming from the kitchen i start looking for him in cupboards thinking he got himself stuck still couldn't find him but could hear him meowing eventually i said screw it and started opening everything i found him stuck in a regular drawer that you put silverware in not an actual cupboard but a very small drawer mind you he is about 14 pounds he is not a small cat he did not fit in the drawer i pulled him out and he essentially ran and hid immediately i tried investigating to see if he had somehow weaseled his way into the draw from the cupboard underneath but there was simply no way he was way too big to fit in there unless he had been shoved in there he was also facing towards the front of the drawer which would have been impossible for him to pull the drawer open jump in and somehow have it slide close on him to this day i have no freaking idea how he got in there i called the management of my apartment and asked who had been in my apartment that day to which they said no one had no maintenance nothing no one from the management was even in the building the entire day i even tried putting him in there myself and closing it but he just doesn't even fit you would literally have to pin him down and slam it shut with him in there and he will be stuck there without being able to move what i think is that someone was in my apartment that day i lock my door every damn day and had put him in there scary thought but that is the only thing i can think of nothing was missing and i didn't notice anything out of place i bought a security camera that night and management changed the locks the very next morning i have not seen him try to open cupboards or drawers once in the months that have passed it took me a while to get over the fact that someone was probably in my apartment and could come back any time i was living in an old railway workers quarters in a small town in western australia in these quarters each room is its own separate building about 1 30 one morning i woke up to the feeling of hands around my throat and choking when i was 14 i was out camping in the rocky mountains with my grandparents i was in my own tent and they were in this we had made sure to put all food into the car to be safe from bears and made sure there were no crumbs or anything on us or in the tents i woke up at what i think was one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning the sound of heavy padded footsteps and breathing it was moving around the camp so i sat up and looked through this little plastic window in the tent and there was a huge bear outside i got scared and laid back down trying not to move and i heard the bear lumber over to my tent i heard it sniffing and actually saw it poke my tent after about 20 minutes of it sniffing around it left but it was pretty terrifying for my 14 year old self tl doctor i was camping as a kid and a bear started sniffing around the campsite in my tent a very large gang of men targeted me and a friend at a bar they got between us to try and separate us and pushed into and lent over us to try and distract us from our drinks they also tried to get us to drink drinks that they had bought we left the bar thinking that was the end of it and went to a chip shop across the street when we turned around the same men were all waiting outside for us adrenaline kicked in and we ran and they followed us they followed for at least a mile and the only way home was through a secluded park in the dark so we had to run through this park knowing we were being hunted and they could ambush us any minute but for some reason we managed to escape and i still don't know why i'll post one of my own two when i was about seven my family moved into a house where the previous renter had shot himself in the bathroom no freaking clue why my parents told this to a seven year old you could even see blood stains on the tiles i would constantly have nightmare of a black man chasing me around the house trying to kill me one night i had a dream that i was asleep on the living room floor from where i was i could see all the entrances to the rooms in the house i dreamed that he was going around into all the rooms looking for me i knew that if i moved he would know where i was the only thing was though it felt real i could feel everything around me finally i got brave enough to run to the bedroom of course he saw me and chased me there i woke up in the bathroom that he killed himself in years later my dad showed me a picture of the previous renter my dad was friends with them but i had never met them and it was the man from my dreams i have a butt load more because i'm slightly sensitive to the paranormal i'll post more later i was snow skiing for the first time and heading down a slope way too fast i started off on a green but somehow wound up on a much more difficult run there was a right degree turn at the bottom of the hill i had to navigate or i would fly off the mountain at ten zero zero zero feet somehow i pulled it off and felt awesome but looking back on it still scares the crap out of me an old friend of my brother-in-laws who worked as a plumber was at our house talking to my husband about installing a sprinkler system for our front yard he asked to see the main water connections in our crawl space as he was walking past the kitchen door where i was cooking dinner i looked up at him to smile and say hi it was as if time stood still and he was in slow motion three weeks later to the day he was found beaten to death in a field outside of town by his estranged wife's new boyfriend eight years ago my brother was very abusive towards me because a dad ran out right after i was born one night he was wasted 17 at the time i was 13 came home while my parents were out and started beating on me as usual he normally would let up after a little bit but this time he just wouldn't stop don't remember much afterwards my parents came home too as i was told finding my unconscious and very bloodied face i ended up having a pretty severe concussion that caused my stutter that deal with to this day and a rather messed up nose it also made me have to give up on playing football for a year because of the constant pain needless to say i haven't had a real conversation with my brother and i haven't talked at all to him since this happened when i was four i was at a mall with my mom the department store we were in had a children's corner with toys and a tv so parents could leave their kids there while they shopped on this day they were showing a behind-the-scenes special of the highly anticipated the lion king which was going to be in theater soon thinking i would see the actual film i sat down to watch while my mom did her shopping when it became clear they weren't going to show the movie and i was watching a glorified commercial i lost interest and wandered away to look for my mom but the store was huge and i didn't know where she would be so i started calling out for her suddenly a lady approached me and asked if i was lost i knew i wasn't supposed to talk to strangers but she seemed genuine so i told her yes then she offered to help and took my hand i thought she was going to help me find my mom or at least take me to the front desk but we headed back in the direction i just came from soon we were nearing the door that led directly into the parking lot i remember thinking this isn't right as it was clear she was taking me outside but she still had me by the hand moments after she led me outside i heard a scream and my mom sprinted toward us she had already been outside looking for me and had seen me exit with this woman my mom flew into a rage what the frick are you doing with my child where were you taking her i remember the lady panicked and didn't have a clear explanation but i don't remember the exact details from that point the next clear memory i have was driving home with my mom while she wept and told me to never trust strangers not even if they are nice not even if they have candy or presents not even if they need help not even if they say they will help me it really stuck with me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AskReddify
Views: 8,646
Rating: 4.9099097 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: gfYedJPO9HQ
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Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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