Confessions and Understanding and Dealing with Guilt

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good morning i just finished breakfast this is the day that the lord hath made and uh we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad why god's good just start off right now by saying god is good and that's why we declare that this is the day the lord has made and that's why we declare that we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it because god's awesome he is so good to us and i say good morning or good evening or good afternoon to wherever you may be joining us um from uh happy thursday everybody and um i know you got your workout in and and your prayer in and somebody said man who you kidding well let's just speak believe god amen god is good so we send uh blessings to those of you who are here with us this morning and we are so grateful to have you here with us this morning so god bless you this morning from jacksonville florida god bless you from michigan and um we're glad to have you with us this morning uh shreveport louisiana ellenwood georgia glory to god and um we send blessings your way high point north carolina macon georgia um we declare that you're blessed going in and blessed coming out today you're the head not the tail above only and not beneath amen praise the lord good morning good morning fayetteville yeah good morning good morning god bless you guys blessings your way charleston good morning god bless you and uh man we got we got something good today uh we'll start it the today and tomorrow but you know i believe i heard this this morning it's time to overcome guilt it's time to overcome guilt if you know somebody that's been dealing with a guilty conscience and you know guilt just messes up guilt is designed to destroy and take your happiness maybe you know somebody who's not happy most of the time people don't realize it is because of a guilty conscience and it's time to overcome that so uh with the lord's help uh prayerfully i can lay it out for you over the next uh few sessions and weeks and really get you to understand it well enough to recognize it when it shows up and um then kind of help you to walk out of it and understand the battle that's going on in your mind it's time to overcome guilt man it's time to overcome it uh i don't know why you i don't know why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be what we obviously are not flawless why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be what we will never be in this physical body and that's perfect and you got that you got to learn how to deal with um you can't let guilt come in and be the thing that robs you of your happiness and your mental stability has gotten that bad and especially during the time of a pandemic and people have not been able to be around people like they want to and some people ever reverted back to things that god delivered them out of i mean they were absolutely free from from um you know alcohol they were absolutely free from certain drugs certain habits and those things creep back up you you thank god you recognized it you saw it uh and then you said you know what i need to get out of it but then as you start walking yourself out of it man the guilt just kept showing up and just robbing you and so we want to help you to get out of that amen so amen guys love you so hit the share button if you want to get somebody you know to get involved in and what we're talking about here we're gonna we're gonna get psalms 91 equipped and um we're gonna uh make some declarations uh over uh wisdom in our life and then we're gonna get right on this subject today that i think will really really help you to see some things with a lot clarity and so good morning and uh god bless you guys um i want to have give a special shout out to uh uh to uh the uh crew the wednesday night crew last night i saw some of the wednesday night crew that showed up as in our slow opening and the wednesday night crew boy it was so good to see them and um you know we talked about the quality and the character of a soul winner last night and so it was just really cool to see to see everybody and you know we just talked about how important it is to to be a good example and uh the the greatest thing you can do as a soul winner is really practice what you preach and uh people are not interested in you know walking by what somebody says but what what they don't demonstrate and so that's that's important we talked a lot about that last night so thank you those of you who joined us online and uh we're just excited about it i'll mention it now mention it again taff and i are going to be doing a special session on this friday at seven o'clock and uh for uh especially for married people and uh we are going to be talking about how to fight fair yeah how to fight fair and someone says well i don't need to hear that i never have any disagreements at all in my marriage bless god you just lying yeah you do and uh you gotta you gotta learn how to handle those things you gotta learn how to handle those issues that come up so uh taf is really good at teaching that and fear dancing and so you can join us on friday at seven o'clock and uh we're gonna be dealing with some married folks because we believe that god can work your marriages out and that you don't have to get a pandemic divorce because uh you know you didn't know how to handle the emotions that showed up at that particular time you know what what what are we trying to do we're trying to do everything we can to get people keep get people back focus on god if we can get you focused on god and not so much on all the stuff that's going on around us there's a lot of stuff that's going on around you here's another thing that just came in my heart you got to be aware that when you spend your time with broken people uh you're gonna get the consequences of their brokenness broken people will will slander you and broken people will be quick to hear the slander uh so you know don't be surprised jesus warned us that they that live godly shall suffer persecution and so don't get upset when you discover that somebody was talking about you here's the truth somebody's talking about you right now you just don't know it you know somebody talking about you right now and yet we've got to get ourselves built up in the things of god and put our shield on and get focused on who we are in christ and and and what we're supposed to be doing and we really really won't be focused on the affairs of the world and and you'll find that you know the stuff that used to bother you it just doesn't bother you anymore because you know my wife says like this uh you got to be careful not to rent space in your mind to trouble in circumstances and situations and i guess the question is morning are you who are you renting space in your mind to who are you renting space in your mind to uh so i like what jason just said negatives to do their job if i've never heard like that before and it's it's it's vitally important that we hold on to our peace and you know guilt is designed to rob you of your peace why is satan so just determined to take away your peace so there must be something power packed about our peace that everything it seems like the devil is is trying to do or will do is designed to eventually rob your peace well jesus said peace i give you not the peace of the world and so we have jesus peace uh but this piece man it's like it's worth holding on to uh i said it over and over and over again if it costs you your peace is too expensive don't spend your peace on unnecessary drama don't spend your peak of i heard what you said i appreciate you saying that and i i saw what you wrote down on facebook you ain't got no time for that people are dying and going to hell and we're concerned about what somebody said about us on the social media that we don't even know we only know these people and you let a stranger rob you of your peace my god that's truth in it you let a bad comment or what somebody say rob you of your peace let me give you some advice here the best answer you can give to a fool is silence that's the best answer you can give to a fool is silence and god's trying to use you god's trying to speak to you god's trying to send a transmission to you and the enemy don't want you to hear from god he don't want you to get that transmission because that transmission is obviously going to be used to bless somebody else's life and man come on come on our piece must be a valuable valuable asset if the enemy has an all-out attack to mainly try to get you to spend your peace on somebody else's drawing it's just it's just not worth it one of the things that i've used that helped me out a lot is just i remind myself wait a minute i'm i'm not of the earth i'm i'm i'm a citizen of heaven and you know i'll go so far and then i'll say you know what ah this is this look like it's costing me my peace i ain't trying to spend my peace so you know maybe i'm not the one to help maybe i'm not the one for you to talk to but maybe i'm not the one uh that i'm just it's okay there's there's somebody that probably can do it but man when it robs you of your piece uh it's too expensive it's too expensive and uh don't spend your peace on some by some stranger's brokenness my god did y'all get that don't spend your peace on some stranger's brokenness um so be careful about you know letting social media social media ruin your whole day that just don't make no sense it's like don't let negativity ruin your entire day and that means if you got a fast from social media or make some adjustments from it man and just kind of keep it on where you and i can get together and talk just don't do that it's just i mean just think about it man people are dying and and and we're we're we're majoring in minor things we're measuring in the minors uh let's not major in the minors just just come on this is there's so many things in your life so much you can be accomplishing so much you can be doing and and and and you're distracted by some mess my mom you slip some mess just just just no more if you'll be surprised how awesome your life will be on a day-to-day basis if you just disconnect from the potential of having your peace disrupted don't don't have your peace disrupted because i'm telling you there are a lot a lot of i never seen so many broken people before my life just broken people that they i tell you a good sign of broke per when somebody's so quick to believe the bad news that they don't even want to hear no good news that is a broken person that is a broken person or when somebody can't celebrate with you uh when you get a promotion or when good things happen to you they they they get sour very envious that's a broken person that's a broken person and i believe god's gonna use you to help restore brokenness um in people's lives and and just to recognize it to just look at them say oh they're broken let me let me back up they need to be loved let me say something to them you know and uh i'm telling you man you can't you can't keep dumbing yourself down to make a broken person feel all right okay we got to help them not to be broken so let's go ahead and and get some 91 and make a few more confessions there and then i want to introduce you to uh overcoming guilt and and some things that i think will really really help you out and uh again we we love you today and i'm always just you know i get up early in the morning you know lord what what do you want me to say what are you putting on my heart my prayer is that sometimes i get up here and hopefully i'm saying some stuff that's that that you might be going through right now and it's kind of giving you some answers like right now and uh this is not like uh you know some religious time for me to preach it's it's an impartation it's hopefully hopefully i hope that's what it is um so anyway you're ready to go ahead and get psalms 91 equip praise god praise god let's go ahead and do that i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not be afraid of what man can do to me because god is on my side i declare that i will not dread any disease stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling amen i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with a long life and he will show me his salvation i am psalms 91 equipped in jesus name say amen somebody come on the spirit of the lord and the spirit of truth abideth in me and teaches me all things he guides me into all truth therefore i confess i have perfect knowledge of every situation and every circumstance that i come up against for i have the wisdom of god i trust in the lord with all my heart and i lean not unto my own understanding in all my ways i acknowledge him and god directs my path the lord will perfect that which concerneth me i let the word of christ dwell in me richly in all in all wisdom i do follow the good shepherd and i know his voice and the voice of a stranger i will not follow jesus is made unto me wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption therefore i confess i have the wisdom of god and i am the righteousness of god in christ jesus in jesus name amen i thank god for the wisdom that you have today wisdom to make amazing decisions today i believe for some of you they're going to be some opportunities to show up and uh god's going to give you wisdom really big wisdom that maybe nobody has thought about but he'll give you the wisdom to look at it and because he is in the business of perfecting everything that concerns his children amen well let's just take just for a moment and look at overcoming guilt i believe that guilt is is one of the strongest robbers of peace that guilt is one of the strongest robbers of peace so here's what it does guilt it it stalks the mind of men and women that's what it does guilt is a stalker and it stalks your mind now what is it trying to do it's trying to take away your happiness and your mental stability so that's what guilt does it it's a stalker of your mind trying to take away your happiness and your mental stability all right for example parents may hold themselves guilty for actions of their children stalking the mind trying to take away your mental stability and your happiness now based on that i would define guilt as a product of the mind which occurs when a person realizes that he has violated moral religious or ethical standards or rules or laws or or principles now i bring that up because i know satan operates this is the arena where the enemy will try to use suggestions to try to to uh just to steal kill and destroy and so guilt is a product of of of the mind or the attack is there and and that guilt then occurs when you violate um a standard let's say that uh or or or moral uh morals or religion or you know some of those things so with the realization that a person has done wrong with the relation when you once you realize oh my god i've done something wrong uh then comes guilt and and really comes guilt and a regretful or sorrowful feeling which decreases your feeling feelings of personal worth and peace of mind so guilt is after your personal worth it's after your piece of mind you begin to realize that's wrong now some people have done it done wrong so long it you become calloused and it doesn't even bother you that much and you're in a dangerous place when you get to that place but the realization of what you did wrong it brings about the guilt it brings about the condemnation it brings about the sorrowful feelings and uh it's designed to try to decrease your feelings of personal worth um and and your peace of mind now um there are a lot of things that contribute to the feelings of guilt and tomorrow i'm gonna spend some time talking about some of those things like you know thinking you may you may have done something wrong like i said will lead to guilt that's kind of stuff we're gonna look at uh poor self-image leads to guilt and uh man uh it's it's important that we kind of know maybe if if you can understand the contributing factors of guilt then maybe it might help out a little bit to to fight it you know um so you ever heard of somebody being a perfectionist uh well that perfectionist attitude can bring about guilt when you think you should be happy all of the time and then on the days uh that you're not you feel sad and you feel down and then you'll feel guilty because you got you know it's a perfectionist attitude you know um and so even even walking around with a perfectionist attitude it's just not a healthy thing you think oh my god i should be happy all the time and that's just not realistic um i should be happy all the time and then when i'm not happy i feel guilty and you know and i'm not you know perky perked up and i feel guilty don't do that don't let a perfectionist attitude uh give place to guilt in your life here's another thing that causes guilt um unrealistic expectations you ever heard that unrealistic expectations do do you have some expectations in your life but they're just not realistic uh unrealistic expectations lead to guilty feelings guilt because guilt comes because the standards are are impossible to reach and i mean when somebody says what you want to do you know it's one thing to say things try to impress them but uh if the standards are so high that they're just impossible to reach it's unrealistic and those unrealistic expectations will will lead to uh guilty feelings and um man there are lots of people that do that it's just you just first of all you're trying you have expectations you're not even equipped to achieve it's like it's kind of like well i'm gonna i'm gonna be a great singer like whitney houston and you can't even sing that's an unrealistic expectation or you know i'm gonna play uh in the nba and you've never even started in in high school it's an unrealistic expectation or you know i'm gonna be a millionaire but you know you won't you're not willing to to to what they call it take the jump you're not willing to you know continue to educate yourself you're not you're not making that uh putting that in a place where it's uh something that can be obtained i mean the bible even says that my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge um and so unreal expectations show up because you're lacking something that you won't come to realize that that has to be there in order for that thing to take place um so unrealistic expectations let's see what about a false conscience a false conscience development a false conscience development that leads to guilt in fact if you have a bible look at isaiah 5 and 20 in nlt you know you know let the word be your god and success will be your future let's see it like that let the word be your god and success will be your future i believe that i believe that supernatural things will not happen if um supernatural things won't happen if you detach yourself from the word of god i believe the only way supernatural things are happening if you you you uh get in the word now i see a lot of stuff taught my cruel dollar gift i have nothing to do with that at all don't don't pay any attention to it i have zero to do with that every now and then that kind of stuff shows up so ignore it don't worry about it so uh we'll talk a little bit more about false conscience uh development now here's something else i want you to think about before we go um actual guilt which is produced by a healthy conscious given by god to help men shun the wrong and do the right so in many cases people feel guilty because because they are guilty let me put it that way people feel guilty because because you are what i mean by that is you feel guilty because you're guilty so you have to deal with that sometimes you you got to deal with the fact that you got to deal with the fact of oh i actually am guilty i i actually did that and i actually am guilty and then they feel guilty because they are that they are guilty and i think the best thing to do with that is just you know accept responsibility and uh thank god for the freedom of not having to live in guilt all your life uh so that's so that's so very very important and so those are just you know some of the examples uh uh hopefully i have some time to show you actual examples in the bible of people that um fought guilt adam and eve king david fought guilt when he uh had uh his wife well he had his the girl he was messing with had her husband killed and uh judas uh committed suicide because of guilt and the jews on the day of pentecost the guilt that they had and all that kind of stuff and i and i want to show you that god is greater than your guilty conscience and uh there are lots of scripture about god being greater than your guilty conscience so um anyway that was just a little bit uh and i'll open up the word a little bit more i just kind of wanted to give you a little quick foundation of of what this is going to take and and don't don't let that happen up don't excuse me don't let that guilt happen in your life where it's just robbing you of your peace and and your mental stability and you can't even think um you can't focus you can't be the best that you can be um allowing your mind to be bombarded with with a bunch of guilt and um i don't know maybe nobody needed this this morning or maybe two people needed this this morning i don't know i just felt glad to really share it with you and uh i just think it's time for you to get out of that bad space you know living in guild is a bad space and i i think it's time to get out of it so i pray in the name of jesus i i just release an anointing over your life and we break the power of a guilty conscience right now we break the power of guilt right now and i declare that you are free from that guilty conscience i pray supernatural supernatural anointing will invade your life and i mean right now be free from that guilty conscience right now you have a great day today be free from that guilty conscience right now in the mighty name of jesus amen and a man praise god well it's gonna be a great thursday you guys have a great great day all is well uh taffy and i love you and uh you know it's gonna be a good day for you keep your ears open god may speak a million dollar idea he may speak a a world-changing idea he may speak an idea for the one of the greatest businesses to ever be started and somebody says to me yeah why not you just just that's why you want to get rid of that guilt so you can be ready to receive from the lord i believe he wants to speak to you today anyway i love you guys so much and i will see you in the morning and we will continue with this have an amazing wonderful day today in jesus name bye bye everybody
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 23,416
Rating: 4.9508724 out of 5
Id: bflEfdatNxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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