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good morning happy monday everybody god bless you today this is the day that the lord hath made we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it because god is good and he is worthy worthy to be praised good morning everybody god bless you today we're starting another week another week of uh victorious living and uh i send blessings to all of you in the great city of college park in georgia amen and um the bible makes it very clear and i i'll continue to say this over again we decree a thing it shall come to pass and uh i pray that your weekend was uh supernatural i pray it was anointed i pray that you are on the top of the situations and uh that you don't allow yourself to be swallowed by trouble and things that are going on around you [Music] for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and um so we send blessings to you guys the las vegas church we send blessings to you guys this morning those of you in the bronx west palm beach the philippines philippines we send blessings to you stephanie in college park we send blessings to you this morning good morning we send blessings to the world changes nation praise god we thank god for all of uh all of our partners our e partners and members and blessings to zimbabwe this morning arlington texas um grand rapids michigan shreveport god bless you guys today good morning good evening to some of you uh overseas or wherever you may be this morning uh thank god for world changers church uh in college park new york and we just we love all all of you guys man we we're grateful and thankful for your life we start the day off being grateful and thankful um some of you may have started off a little quiet like me i got up i slept so good man i was like wow and then went in the weight room and had a a demanding workout and i was like that's that's a good way to wake you up amen it's a good way to wake you up so good morning praise god and and let's listen to what we say it's a good morning it's a good morning i mean i know some of you got some serious stuff to face today but it's a good morning and uh we're christian people and we love one another because we are bearers of christ i talked a little about that yesterday the fact that god's going to show us how to walk in agape love especially within the household of faith that everything is trying to get in between the love that we have for one another as christian people and uh our love can't be fake it can't be phony it's got to be genuine and it's got to be real and i'm just believing god that you guys will join with me and asking the holy spirit to help you to love with genuine agape love agape love is where it's unconditional love it's not where you have to do something to earn somebody's love or work real hard to deserve somebody's love but it's the fact that i love you unconditionally because you are a bearer of jesus christ i love you unconditionally this this agape love talks about loving what's unlovely it talks about loving you know um frankly loving loving even in the midst of hurt and this agape love it loves it can love things that used to be hard to love that's why the holy spirit poured it in our heart and so let's believe god that we the body of christ will begin to demonstrate to the rest of the world the power of agape love the the power that um says i i can love you past your issue uh man that's a powerful thing to do i can love you past your issue i can love you out of your pain uh you know we're just i'm trying to teach the world changes nation that uh you know character uh above everything else will make sure that everything else works like it's supposed to work but i don't believe you can ever go above the level of character that you you operate in and demonstrate in your life and so just think about it everything is so temporary here in this physical world your life is temporary um you know whatever you may be doing right now is temporary and and and i say go for the eternal i say go for those things that won't rust i say go for something that that's everlasting and and that's jesus and and that's heaven and i tell you every christian ought to have heaven in their view my god that's what they used to say at the baptist church heaven in my view and i got heaven in my view now that doesn't mean i don't want to live long yeah i want to live a long long prosperous life but i have heaven in my view i realize the how temporary things are uh it's the temporal things that you got to be careful not to think that you know you know everything's going to last forever and when that time comes you know yeah you look at the fact that you know some of you used to be 20 and now you're 60 70 80 years old you know and somebody told you that time goes by fast your kids used to be two now they're 22. um and and it's time to get your focus in on what matters and not these temporary things and not all of this weird stuff that goes on here and all the faiths fake stuff that goes on in the word world it's important to understand that you know god's got an amazing amazing amazing journey set for us and um that's what i'm preaching i'm pressing in on you know it's an amazing thing when you you wake up in the morning and you decide you want to live holy or holier just simply because of your relationship with god it's not because you're afraid that if you don't do this then that won't happen or if you're afraid that god's not gonna love you but here's here's where real maturity comes in at i just want to do better because god's been so good to me i i i know i've been forgiven i know the blood has washed away all my sins i just i want to honor god have you ever loved somebody so much you you just look for ways to want to honor them how how can i honor somebody uh who treats me and loves me the way god treats me and loves me and and it shouldn't always be you know well you got to do this or you're going to go to hell you got to do that or god ain't going to bless you how about you know coming to the place in our life where we want to and i think that i think god receives it in such an awesome way when we want to i want to live holy i want to spend time with him i want to read the word i want him to reveal things to me i want to i believe something so supernatural is released in the lives of people who instead of they got to they changed that attitude lord i get to i get to pray i get to to to stand up against the temptations of the world and to say no thank you i get to uh fellowship with you i that that that just is just so real to me right now it says you know the thing that i'm just thinking about is like dude wait a minute man don't don't get caught up in in this world because the world is not your home you are aliens passing through and and get focused in yeah focus in i'm like you uh shirley i i want to make god proud in a sense of the thing i he's been too good been awesome been amazing and here's one of the things i want to share with you this morning to be to just really be cautious of don't compare what god has done in your life with what somebody else has got going on their lives the very temptation that comes when you start comparing yourself with somebody else the very temptation is the temptation to then belittle what god has done for you i don't want to belittle what god has done for me let me give an illustration you know you may look at your business and man your business is is debt-free your business is uh prospering your businesses is taking care of you and your family and then you compare your business with the guys business over in the next state and i mean man he is just like doing like five times what you're doing wait a minute now now you want to kind of like you know get down and think well god how come you're not doing me like that and it's like god's like dude i am i'm i've blessed you abundantly above all you can ask or think and now you're belittling what was a blessing in your life until you started comparing what was going on in somebody else's life that's a sure way to kind of stop progress it's kind of like the guy who's been you know he didn't have a car he had to walk everywhere and god blessed him with a brand new volkswagen okay and he was happy and thrilled and tears in his eyes and praising god until he compared himself with the guy who had a brand new mercedes and he said well lord how come you didn't bless me with that and be so careful to be thankful for just where you are so that you won't be tempted to belittle the blessing that actually is working in your life and so he said it's not wise to compare ourselves amongst ourselves we just got to be grateful for what god has done for for our lives we got to be thankful for what god has done for our lives and and focus and maintain that attitude of gratitude that um you know praise the lord i didn't get the i didn't get the big role in the major movie but man i'm working pretty pretty consistently and i'm just grateful to god and it's a blessing when you can live your life that way not comparing yourself amongst yourself then you stay away from that temptation to belittle what god has done and so dude i'm i'm i'm that way you're talking about so grateful and so thankful for the number of people i get to talk to every day and so thankful and grateful for the number of people who who view our broadcast around the world and so grateful and thankful to be able to pastor such amazing church like world changers church international and the world changes nation it's just you know i slap myself if i start complaining because i decided to compare myself with what's going on with somebody else you got to learn how to number one be okay with who you are and be okay with who you are in the body of christ and be okay with the anointing that's on your life and be okay with what god has called you to do and then be determined to to be the best that you can possibly do with the help of the holy spirit without comparing yourself amongst yourself be careful not to go out on a oh uh all-out search for validation when god has validated you you don't need nobody else's validation excuse me english you don't need it you don't need it and you i'm telling you right now you're okay with god i'm telling you right now that you are the beloved of god here's what the scripture says you are accepted by god and um i am i'm i'm so blessed and i don't know what it what's going on with these uh you know these these morning times together but this is like uh you know last i'm getting really close to just breaking down in tears because i sense that some of you are getting this that it's that personal relationship with jesus now it's not just you know obtaining a bunch of um seminarian uh uh knowledge and that's not a bad thing but it's it's saying i want i want to know him even when i get knowledge about him i want to know him and i just sense that some of you are finally getting into that place where you're like yeah that's what's important to me i want to know him and so today focus on being grateful and thankful for who you are where you are what god has done for you what he is doing for you and give him praise for everything that he has done for you and if you find yourself complaining about something just catch yourself just like i do just catch yourself and say amen praise god thank you lord just change right there on the dime oh lord thank you i appreciate this i'm grateful for this i'm thankful for this lord and uh i thank you lord help me not to compare myself amongst myself listen you don't have to feel shameful and you don't have to feel you know uh condemned or guilty when you do that just simply know that you need god's help when i find myself having to repeat stuff and go before god and say lord i shouldn't have did that or lord help me with this i don't feel bad about that i i feel i feel even more submitted to him because i'm like there you go god you know if you ever if you ever thought lord that i didn't need you there's proof that i do and he will be there and he will help you and he will lift you up and he will be your god and he will be your friend and he will be your deliverer and he will he will do amazing things in your life he really will i was coming up these steps this morning and and i thought man we have been doing this for a minute and uh really enjoyed uh yesterday uh ministering the word of god and i just thought man there's just there's just something about our diligence and i'm talking about you uh i don't know if you had to go upstairs this morning or if you had to walk down here if you just had to click it on in the park but uh dude it's it's awesome and it's a blessing and you know i'm not gonna sit here and talk about well i don't i don't have a hundred thousand people that's logged on man i'm grateful for the ones that log on i'm so thankful i just appreciate god so much he is so good he is so awesome and i just love how he's blessing you i love how i get reports that people had cancer and now they don't have it no more or a loved one got born again or they were able to step out of their pain because of the loss of a loved one or they were just simply able to receive some encouragement from something that taff and i say or even something that you guys might you know put on as a comment these comments you write down they bless people too and so let's do that today let's let's take today and let's lord help me to catch myself when i start trying to compare myself amongst myself help me lord to be aware when i'm not being grateful for what you've done help me to be aware when um i'm complaining and and and help me to see that that's a part growing up help me to see when i'm complaining when when you look around and just pause you ain't got nothing to complain about there's always somebody in a worse situation than you're in and all complaining does is just kind of slow up the progress that that uh is going on in your life don't don't do that don't do that you're good god got you and i believe that he's got you in every uh every situation uh in your life i'm thankful to the lord so uh i'll spend let's spend the rest of the time making some confessions and um confessing and releasing the power of god i feel that my most the most powerful time of my morning is when i am loading the word of god into my mouth and i'm releasing it i feel that the devil just doesn't have any uh defense against believers opening their mouth and releasing the word i mean he goes crazy he's like would they please shut up no we're not going to shut up we're going to continue to release the word of god out of our mouth we're going to continue to speak god's word we're going to continue to according to the bible let the redeemed of the lord say so we're going to continue to say so and um you know god is a good god and we praise him and we pray that things will go right there there are people who uh you don't want one bad apple to spoil the whole thing and they're bad apples in every kind of all organizations but we don't want to you know dog out the whole organization because we got some crazy folks or bad apples in those organizations there's some bad apples in every church there's some bad apples in in every fortune 500 company there's some bad apples all over the place but god help us to be grateful and thankful and help us to see what we need to see uh so that we can can be an example of jesus christ in everything that we do so it's gonna be a great monday today because this is going to be a monday where there's no no complaining just going to be thankful and every time we think about complaining we're just going to say thank you jesus we're going to look around and thank god for something glory to god we couldn't move our risk and now we can move it we're just going to be grateful to god all day today and we will not belittle the blessings that god has brought upon our lives and so uh you're ready to get psalms 91 equip and and speak some powerful things to our day-to-day amen i don't know what satan designed for your destruction today but uh he's not gonna work because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world and i tell you my friends and partners and family and we are on our way to something amazing something amazing getting ready to happen all of you know you just sense it there's something getting something is getting ready to happen you you know you sense that something's around the corner and um i tell you you're gonna be so happy that you you you you disciplined yourself in the word and and and and opened yourself up to be ministered to you know it like i know it's something something's around the corner praise the lord hallelujah and i believe god's getting ready to do something big in our lives and um and i'm telling you man uh i'm um i'm i'm i'm gonna do what what i need to do and i'm gonna love like i need to love and forgive like i need to forgive and just keep moving on just keep it moving man keep it moving praise the lord when you got stupid stuff going on just keep it moving man just keep it moving hallelujah glory to god i sent somebody want to shout about this thing right now hallelujah glory to god my god you feel that anointing bubbling up in you right now hallelujah glory to god hallelujah glory to god i said something like this yesterday you can pull the message up i think it'll come on on youtube after i finish this but i said when we begin to perfect the agape love towards one another we're gonna see an impact in our worship towards god and when we see an impact in our worship towards god we're gonna see an increase of his presence and miracle working power in our lives and in our church services and and really in a lot of things that we do some of you are gonna find yourself not even in church and the power of god gonna come on you and wisdom gonna start flowing out your mouth and when you walk out that meeting you're gonna like dude i don't even know where that came from and you're gonna sound like the experts of all experts and and god is just going to fill your mouth with wisdom that's my prayer for you today i stay i tell you i sense the anointing of the holy ghost i pray that god will fill your mouth with wisdom hallelujah and that he will invade your life with his presence glory be to god hallelujah that you will enjoy the presence of god allah that you will enjoy hallelujah the presence of god in your life so ask god for wisdom any man in the bible says who asked of wisdom he says the lord will give to him praise the lord thank you jesus hallelujah i sent something right now shouting you at work some of y'all be careful not to be tone it down and you won't get fired praise the lord so praise god for that praise god for that hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah i receive it right now i receive divine wisdom i receive divine favor divine healing i receive whatever i need in my life right now that the god of all mercy hallelujah the god of all mercy hallelujah glory to god is is perfecting everything that concerns me in the name of jesus everything that concerns me be encouraged today child of god be stirred up today child of god get your be stirred up today child of god hallelujah nothing's going to defeat you today shoot the devil better watch out nothing going to defeat you today the devil better ask somebody you are not the one not today not today you still telling them i'm not the one you better go ask somebody i'm not the one let him know i ain't scared of you i am not the one today because greater is he that is on the inside of me than he that is in the world praise god hallelujah now i sense miracles i i sense stuff you didn't have nothing to do with showing up in your life things that you didn't have with showing up in your life praise the lord glory to god so you walk with boldness today a bold person that knows that i have a right to what god wants to do in my life and nothing shall by in any means hurt me glory be to god bless his holy name i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear i'm not moved by the reports of the doctor or the news media i'm moved by the word of the living god in him we move in him we breathe in him we have our very being glory be to god i guess i better get to the confession before i start shouting praise god glory god will both shall not thank you jesus hallelujah glory be to god let the presence of god come on your life let it come on your house let it get in the car with you praise god well watch the road let the presence of god begin to escort you on a daily basis hallelujah praise the lord and so when people come around tell me they don't believe god you tell them i do i sense his presence i walk in his presence that sweet presence some of y'all gonna hear a still small voice as god whispers the answers and the wisdom into your life in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen come on i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i'll find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god in whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that find the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no player can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will walk i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with a long life and he will show me his salvation i expect to have divine appointments to run into the right people and to be delivered from the wrong people any adversity attacks accidents tragedies that were headed my way are diverted right now in the name of jesus i therefore speak to every mountain today i speak to the mountain of sickness fear anxiety discouragement stress depression oppression jealousy bad temperament anger tiredness laziness heaviness unbelief doubt addictions struggles hindrances unforgiveness poverty lack insufficiency hardness of heart spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness and i say be removed and cast into the sea in the name of jesus i expect the best day of my life spiritually emotionally relationally physically materially today in jesus name i expect to prosper and to be in health even as my soul prospers in the wonderful name of jesus and everybody said a man amen and amen you're good to go you're good to go i'm telling you in the name of the lord jesus let's enjoy the presence of god today no condemnation no shame none of those mental things that you let get in and distract your whole day disconnect from your past don't sit up don't sit up rehearsing your past all day today this disconnect all of this stuff just disconnect it and just look at this day like it's the first day of your life look at it like you don't have a past i'ma tell you when you get born again and you recognize what jesus christ has done for you it's almost like you don't you don't have a past because he has dealt with all that stuff the problem is we still allow all that stuff to deal with us come away from your past cut the umbilical cord that keeps attaching you to to the disgusting past let it go let's go on and walk good today be determined to have a good day with no reflections of your past and every time that stuff tries to come up you rebuke it in the name of jesus here's the thing to do if the devil starts talking to you about your past you need to explain to him oh but look at what where god has bought me so far oh look yeah i know that was true back then check me out now bro oh yeah yeah that happened but look at me today huh and then if you keep doing that say dev look here let's talk about your past song let's go all the way back to the garden of eden bro you had it good you messed it up bruh i mean listen don't allow him to take you back to something that god has already dealt with sufficiently and taken care of let's go forward today let's go forward today let's go forward today let's go forward today let's go forward today in the mighty name of jesus uh i look forward to tomorrow i believe some of you are going to have some some supernatural testimonies just based on how we set our attitude for the day something good is going to happen to you today in jesus name bye bye everybody have a great monday i'll see you tomorrow morning
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 24,578
Rating: 4.9397798 out of 5
Id: 6ltj2dTpNqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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