Confessions and Move FORWARD

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good morning everybody this is the day the lord hath made and we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it because god is good he's worthy to be praised and i welcome you this morning and i pray in jesus name that you will just have an outstanding day we we welcome you today we believe all is well with you today in the name of jesus and um i tell you what god is a good god all the time he's a good god amen god is a good god all the time i celebrate him today uh you know i'm i'm working on just looking at some things in the end time and i tell you what like in the days of noah and lot uh so will be in the day where jesus returns and what was the what was the days like with noah unlock there was a lot of immorality and a lot of violence and uh i don't believe we're there yet but uh i believe that we need to be the ones who are in great expectation of the return of the lord but i tell you what when god comes back the church is going to be victorious man um god is so good and i want you to celebrate god's goodness and and today i'm going to be really encouraging you to move forward to move forward so this morning i logged on a little early just to bless you guys today you know uh my wife sits has said this for years and i want to share with you she says some people have a mouth and they don't know what to do with it uh we talk about the using our mouth to be a blessing but some people use their mouth in the wrong way and they end up walking in the consequences of that and so we want to use our mouth the right way it's uh it's becoming increasingly more important as far as releasing your faith as far as calling things that be not as though they were that's so so very important and so don't be tempted to use your mouth in the wrong way um confessing the word of god awesome thing but uh to use it in a wrong way could bring consequences to your life and you know you don't want to do that and so um i bless you guys today we can bless with our mouth and uh man we can curse with our mouth and and i don't want to use my mouth to curse anybody i want to use my mouth to bless you so i bless those of you this morning from uh east london south africa i send blessings to cincinnati uh this morning god bless you in your house hey we send blessings to the west coast right now and in the name of jesus we add our faith that those fires will will get under control we pray for people who have lost their homes we pray for people who are afraid they don't know what to do right now we pray god that you will favor them that you will comfort them we thank you in the name of jesus that jesus is lord even in this situation and father i just send blessings to the west coast right now and uh i just thank god that we send blessings to oregon we send blessings to san francisco l.a all over the west coast we send the blessings of god we declare no loss of life uh injury and so whatever satan you've been doing we put a stop to that right now in the name of jesus we call things that be not as though they were and so we call restoration for every family that lost anything i declare a seven-fold restoration the bible says if you catch the thief you can make him repay sevenfold so if you're in the west coast or wherever you are in the world and the thief is responsible for stealing things from you or taking things from you or destroying things from you the bible says we can make him recompense or compensate us seven folks so there's a seven-fold compensation for anything that the enemy was involved in and so we we declare that right now we we pray that in the name of jesus in the in the in and we declare that by the power of the holy spirit that god is moving in that situation right now no loss of life no injury in the name of jesus we speak to those fires and we tell you to stop right now in the name of jesus and we put our faith together and we believe and we say this right now by faith all is well on the west coast in the mighty name of jesus amen so that's what you can do you can bless with your mouth and so i bless those of you who are logging in this morning uh i bless the world changers nation the world changers churches offices around the world our partners friends e-church i send blessings your way i declare that this is this is a blessed day and only god knows what situation you might find yourself in the midst of the day but i'm telling you we walk by faith and not by sight this is the victory that overcomes the world what even our faith so get yourself geared up this is a day that uh you're gonna you're gonna stand in your faith today you're not gonna be moved you're gonna this is another day for you to just stand in your faith this is another day for you to just make your mind up devil you're not gonna move me today circumstances you're not gonna move me today situations you're not gonna move me today what do you mean you're not gonna move me you're not gonna move me off the word of god that i'm standing on i'm not gonna let it happen i'm not gonna let it happen we're praying for people in puerto rico we're we're praying for for people who have damage from the storms recently we bless you in the name of jesus and and uh we are standing on god's word what does that mean stand on god's word that's what we're that's what we're we're we're gripping our everything to we're like we totally totally depend on god we we trust god what does it mean trust god it means i'm i'm gonna rely on him confidently i'm going to lean on him i'm going to lean on his promises you know the will of god doesn't just happen um you know somebody says well that's the will of god and you just kind of sit around and say well how come it's not happening well the will of god takes place when you and i believe it and we receive it and we grab it and take possessions of it so god's will can be expressed and god's will can be known and it's true that until the will of god is known faith can't work so number one we got to know the will of god number two we seek our faith on it and and and turn our faith on to operate the will of god for our life so when you know that destruction is not the will of god for your life pandemics is not the will of god for your life lack is not the will of god for your life when you know that kind of thing then i'm telling you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you will have what you say i i believe god's just kind of getting us ready uh this is like the dress rehearsal uh i know it seems to some of you that you know wow we're gonna look up and and jesus is coming back but you don't look at all the trouble to determine at you you look at the prophetic word where israel is concerned that the temple has got to be finished and all those kind of things there's certain things that are supposed to happen and um not just trouble i'm telling you right now uh you may feel like you're in a lot of trouble now but you ain't excuse my english you ain't seen nothing yet and so i think it's time for me to start opening the scriptures up and showing people specifically this is what we need to be looking at this is what we need to be checking out we need to look at the jewish calendar and the timetable and what jesus said and all those things and what they mean years ago i did a series on the entire book of revelations and really went in there and broke down all of the the symbols and what it meant and all that kind of stuff and in uh revelations 20 it talked about how you know uh god welcomed those who were beheaded for christ's sake uh and uh you know when you read stuff like that in revelations and realize oh my god there are people that are gonna get to heaven because they refuse to submit to the uh plan of the enemy on the earth and and these were the ones who were beheaded uh man that that uh that'll that'll get your attention when you realize that wait a minute that that is not something that somebody's making up you know that's something that's in the word of god that's something that's in the bible and uh that's why it's so important for of course to get in the word of god and see what the word of god had to say and has to say and it's just so important uh that we understand by the power of god we have uh the power of god operating in our lives and god is doing an amazing amazing thing amen and so yeah i'm just looking through these scriptures and this is this is pretty amazing let me let me read something to you why some are we waiting on everybody to log on now this is talking about the millennial reign there's a millennial means a thousand years so there'll be a time where you know satan will be loosed for a thousand years and this is called the millennium and um it's one of the final things that'll happen but in uh revelations 20 he says i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid whole on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan and he bound satan for a thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little for a season and i saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus and for the word of god and which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their forehead or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years but the rest of the dead lived not again until a thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death has no power but they shall be priest of god and of christ and shall reign with him a thousand years see when you start reading stuff like that i think it's worth taking time to teach on it i think it's worth taking time to break it down so you can be a christian and great expectation and when you see certain things um you know you'll begin to to look at things and understand uh just just how that thing operates i mean you know people talking about you know the rapture there were actually four raptures that's talked about in the bible uh well you got the rapture of elijah and then you have the rapture of jesus then you have the rapture of the church and then you have a rapture of those two witnesses uh that will will die in front of the whole world and so there it's like if if god has already raptured uh uh of elijah and he's already raptured up um jesus and you know he's he's already experienced with this what what makes us think that it's not going to happen so of course the word rapture is not in the bible but you see it described in the definition caught up uh came up all those kind of different things that describe what it means to be raptured it means to be caught up or to go up so this is going to be an amazing thing you pray for me and that god will give me revelation and good understanding so that i can share that with you and you can put it in your heart and be excited not afraid but excited the book of revelations is not a book to be afraid of it's the revelation of jesus christ and uh and that's that's so so very important so anyway let's go ahead and and get into our confessions uh and then i want to share some things with you from matthew 9 27. uh i'm telling you this is a good day today i pray that i can encourage you today and that you come out of this today feeling really really awesome amen let's go ahead and get psalms 91 equipped are you ready let's do it i declare that i will dwell in this shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me in my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with a long life and he will show me his salvation in jesus name come on let's continue to do this let's command our morning say i believe that i am today what i spoke yesterday so i stand to command my morning and declare it in the declared a new day i take authority over my day in the name of jesus every element of my day shall cooperate with purpose and destiny today is the dawning of a new day my season of frustration and failure is over and i walk in a season of success and prosperity all things have passed away all things have become new today i pressed towards the mark of the high calling of god in christ jesus anything or anyone assigned to undermine frustrate hinder or hurt me i command to be removed out of my sphere of influence in jesus name i command my day to fully cooperate with your plan and purpose for it i greet today with great anticipation of the good things that you have prepared for me i download success prosperity health wealth vision direction ingenuity creativity spirituality holiness righteousness peace and resourcefulness from your spirit into my day i have a fresh excitement i have a fresh mind i have a fresh zeal i have a fresh anointing that is uncontaminated and uncompromised by the anointing on my life every yoke is broken off and is destroyed every burden is lifted his yoke is easy and his burden is light in jesus mighty name how many receive that right now jesus mighty name amen amen and amen now uh back to this scripture here uh praise god in matthew 9 27-30 matthew 9 27-30 here's what he says here he says and when jesus departed hence two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of david have mercy on us and when he was coming to the house the blind man came to him and jesus said unto them believe ye that i am able to do this and they said unto him yay lord then touch heed their eyes he then touched their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you and their eyes were opened according to their faith it's going to be according to your faith that god's going to be able to do things in your life do you believe in do you find rest today knowing that what he promised in his word absolutely will come to pass in your life when you believe him and you release your faith in the promises of god and what he said he said there'll be things that'll be done and he says i'll give credit to your faith i'll give credit to your faith say this out loud with me i confess that i am completely dependent upon the holy spirit just as jesus was constantly listening to the voice of the spirit waiting for that divine signal to act to heal to deliver or to cleanse someone who was sick i am also sensitive to the holy spirit's voice and wait for him to speak to my heart when he speaks i hear then i do exactly what he instructs me to do because i follow his voice i make few mistakes and i see great results i declare this by faith in jesus name so listen to the voice of the holy spirit he's going to lead you listen to the voice of the holy spirit now listen don't don't get your focus off the word of god there are some people who believe that the word of god is from god there's some people who don't believe that the word of god is god and some people don't have one to do with the word of god but for the world changes nation we do everything by the word we live by the word it's it's the only thing we got is we'd have lost our mind a long time ago uh if it were not for the word of god you have evidence of what the word of god has already produced in your life don't leave the word now hang on to it with everything that you have i got one other thing that came up in my spirit this morning and i'll let you go it is time for you to move forward it is time for you to stop fighting god um and trying to get back to where you were before the pandemic um god is doing something fresh in your life and i believe that this has been a time of deliverance this has been a time of cutting some things away from you and pulling you away from some things i believe this has been a time of uh growing you up things that used to bother you don't bother you as much um things that used to move you don't move you as much things that used to tempt you don't tempt you as much um and i believe that god is trying to take you to a a fresh place he's trying to take you to a a wealthy place he's trying to take you to a uh for some of you a place you've been praying about but you keep fighting god trying to hold on to the old normal when he's trying to bring you to the new normal and i am saying stop fighting to get back to where you were god wants to take you to a greater place than where you were it's time to move forward it's time to you know there are a lot of things that god will reveal to you there's some things that god's revealed to me in this time of appending what has he been saying to you how have you been able to view you when you look at you were you the one that that was operating in selfishness were you the one in the center of the circle were you the one manipulating people to try to do things for you and now god's bringing that to your attention not to condemn you but to let you know he's moving you from that place he's moving you from that place glory be to god i feel the anointing he's moving you from that place and i'm like some of you i don't know exactly i don't know exactly where i'm gonna end up but i know it's gonna be a good place i am not gonna fight god to try to get back to where we used to be we're probably not going to have church the way we used to have it we're probably not going to do things the way we used to do it i'm telling you in the name of jesus i am in great expectation of moving forward i'm in greater expectation to going forward there's a place of excellence that god's trying to get you to there's a priest that god's trying to get you to to move out of consumer mentality uh to move into a owner mentality to move into a production mentality some of you've been praying for increase for years and he's trying to increase you but you keep fighting him because you're afraid of where will the journey lead me don't be afraid of where will the journey lead me why because of who you're following you're following jesus and he's going to take you to a place and when you get there it's going to be awesome so let god do what he knows how to do better than anybody and that is prepare you for the next level you're getting ready to go to the next level you're getting ready to go to the next level but you got to cut tides with the old normal so he can take you to the new normal hallelujah i believe the supernatural is going to be a new normal in your life i believe you having what you say is going to be a new normal in your life i believe the fruit of the spirit operating in your life is going to be a new normal in your life i believe saying no to certain temptations that you always fail to is going to be a new normal in your life god is ready to take you to that place you now got to get ready to go to that place so i want to share that with you move forward that's the word of the lord for today so thursday is move forward thursday praise god you're moving forward get your eyes off of what used to be get your eyes off the old normal quit trying to get back to the old normal well praise god we're going to be back to the old normal after a while i don't want to go back to no old normal i want to go to that next level i want to go to that place in my spirit my soul my body i want to go to that place in my character in my personal relationship with god i want to go to that place where the presence of god in my life i want the presence of god to be stronger and stronger and stronger so it's not just the message but it's the presence of god that when you walk in a place that your presence demands an explanation because the presence of god is on you so heavy praise god hallelujah and so the glory of god is here and god is getting ready to do some amazing things in your life so the thing that you've been called to do that you can do it with your eyes closed god is getting ready to bring us to a place here it is of sweatless victory my god he's getting ready to bring you to a place where you don't have to sweat to win praise god up until now a lot of us have been sweating trying to win but he's getting ready to take you to a place of sweatless victory global shout out sweatless victory hallelujah you're not going to have to sweat to to win the it's going to be a a level of ease that's getting ready to come over your life and you're going to know that you are maturing because you are going to let go of your self-righteousness and and and performance and you're going to say god i trust you god i believe you god i'm moving with you god i'm moving with the cloud i'm going to be where you want me to be i'm going to do what you want me to do almost say what you want me to say i'm going to delight myself in the lord and i'm going to spend time with you and and and i tell you i i am so thankful for what god is doing and i expect his presence and his anointing to be on me heavier and heavier and heavier halal i'm not going back to the old normal you're not going back to the old normal say bye bye it's a praise song we say church bye bye i don't know the whole thing but say bye bye to the old normal and quit stop fighting god to try to go back to the old normal he's doing a new thing in your life in your family and your finances in your business some of y'all might come out of this pandemic with with new business with new ideas hallelujah some of you are starting your businesses on the internet right now you're starting your business in the name of the lord jesus christ i have purposed and predestined you for a time such as this i have already planned it and laid it out all i need you to do is walk in it by faith and rejoice and believe me not because you can see it and not because you know it but but because you believe me trust in me and i'll bring you to that place i'll bring it to the place that you used to dream about that you used to wonder is it possible is it possible is it possible for me to be that person and the answer is yes i'm about to make it possible walk with me flow with me be with me and i'll cause things to come to pass that you used to dream about saith the lord praise god in the name of jesus i'd inhaled y'all too long but i'm stirring up i'm excited praise god stop cut the cords cut the cords you're not going back to the old normal i mean if you don't want to you can fight and fuss and get your way back there don't go back to the old normal let's just flow with god let's see how this thing gonna go let's just keep going and flowing with god and knowing that the end of our faith is at hand that's it first peter the end of our faith you will see the end of your faith in the mighty name of jesus well we bless you today uh i pray that your day will just be filled with a lot of amazing things today taff and i we love you we pray for you and we declare all is well in jesus name amen god bless you i'll see you in the morning bye-bye
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 36,952
Rating: 4.9188356 out of 5
Id: cLEE8i065sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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