The Reality of Heaven and Hell Pt.2 - Wednesday Service

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords tonight think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen you may be seated and i want to welcome those of you who are joining us and streaming in live we've been talking about the reality of heaven and hell and last week we talked about hell and tonight we're going to talk about heaven it's really really going to be an amazing thing for you to join me in the scriptures tonight to see all the things that i'll share with you now you know intentionally or unintentionally there are far too many christians who find themselves loving the prospects of heaven less than they do many of the indulgences in the world today because people just don't believe it and as i share these scriptures with you and we'll cover as much as we can but i think it's important for you to to see it and to understand it we we hear about it but we've never really kind of you know gotten in the word to see what the word has to say about it so let's check out the place uh that you as holy christians will live forever let's check out this place called heaven amen so heaven is uh mentioned 500 times in scripture and the bible speaks of three heavens not to bore you but i do think it's important for you to see these scriptures so that you'll know this is not my opinion so the bible speaks of three heavens i'll tell you now and then i'll show it to you it talks about the heavens where the clouds are and then it talks about the heavens where the sun and the moon and the stars space and then there's the heavens where the throne of god is so the first heaven would be the one where the clouds are in our atmosphere the second heaven would be the one where the sun and the moon the stars in in space and the third heaven will be the one where the throne of god is now let's check it out with the word there are three heavens let's look at second corinthians chapter 12. and verse 2 second corinthians chapter 12 and verse 2. and verse 2 he says i knew a man in christ above 14 years ago whether in the body i cannot tell or whether out of the body i cannot tell god knoweth such a one caught up in the third heaven so he's talking about the third heaven so paul talks about being caught up in the third heaven now the third heaven is going to be the one where the throne of god is and then you look at second corinthians 12 on down at verse 4 he says how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for man to utter so paul refers to this third heaven as paradise so in both of these scriptures paul here is talking about the third heaven and then so we must conclude that if paul visited the third heaven and he refers to yeah right here he refers to it as the third heaven you've got to conclude there's a heaven one and heaven two if there's a third heaven right and so let's look at these the first heaven if you go to isaiah 55 9 and 10 isaiah 55 9 and 10. now i've got some places i want to spend time but first part of this is just identifying in scripture so you can just get the reality of this it's in the word of god and that's so powerful to me isaiah 55 verses 9 and 10 he says for as far as for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways my thoughts hide in your thoughts for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not hither but watereth the earth and making it bring forth a bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so this heaven is the atmosphere it's the atmosphere surrounding the earth it's the domain of clouds and birds that's what he's referring to there in fact if you look at genesis chapter 1 verse 20 in the amplified if you got that genesis chapter 1 and verse 20 in the amplified so it's important that we can rightly divide this so that you're not thinking everywhere you see heaven is talking about the one where the throne of god is in the amplified he says and god said let the waters bring forth abundantly and swarm with living creatures and let the birds fly over the earth in the open expanse of the heavens the birds fly in in the sky in this atmosphere then birds don't fly in in space okay so that would be the first heaven now the second heaven genesis chapter 1 verse 14 through 17. turn there genesis chapter 1 verse 14 through 17. the second heaven is the domain of the heavenly bodies this is the place where you've got the sun the moon the stars the planet the galaxies um besides our own this is outer space where satellites and all those things exist look at this verses 14 14-17 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth and it was so and verse 16 and god made two great lights the greater light to rule the day the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also so this is the second heaven now the third heaven let's go back to this if we if we look at second corinthians 12 2 through 4 the third heaven and this is uh you know don't freak out over this just understand that the bible is so cool to let us in on some very specific stuff that we're about to hear i'm talking about the place you're going to spend eternity okay and and it needs to be made real this is i'm taking all the fable and all the fantasy and all the religion out of it so you can see this for for yourself here now uh the third half of 2nd corinthians 12 and 2 he says i knew a man in christ abort above 14 years ago whether in the body he says i can't tell or whether out of the body he says i can't tell god no it's such a one caught up in the third heaven so glad he mentioned that so the place beyond the atmosphere and the stellar heavens the third heaven is the dwelling place of god it's the dwelling place of god let me shoot some scriptures out to you right quick just think about matthew 6 and 9 jesus taught his disciples to pray our father what which art where the father in heaven matthew 5 16 he's against for refers to the your father where in heaven and then in psalms 11 and 4 hit that psalms 11 and 4 it talks about the lord's throne being in heaven he says the lord is in his holy temple the lord's throne is in heaven his eyes behold his eyelids try the children of men so this is this third heaven is the heaven where the throne of god is it's the place where the throne of god is now god designed something now please check this out if i have time i'm going to show you a accurate description of heaven that will make even more excited about it but the earth when you think about this and i'll show you some scriptures the earth is a copy of heaven i'll just checking out the responses i'm gonna i'm gonna prove it to you a moment the earth is a copy of heaven most of what is here on the earth already exists in heaven that's why it's gonna be such a cool thing when you die most of the things that exist right here that you're familiar with now let me see if i can put it this way spiritual things were not born out of physical things physical things came out of spiritual things the spirit world is the parent world of all physical world there can be no physical matter except there's first of all spiritual matter physical things are not eternal they change spiritual things things you can't see are forever and i keep that in mind as we walk in and walk up to this heaven is not a flat place in the sky floating around covered clouds with baby angels dropping grapes in your mouth not heaven i know listen to this you know and and i worked all day trying not to get excited just i want to be kind of cool so you can get excited okay but i'm getting excited now listen to this it's a literal world it's round just like the earth only huge in proportion i bet your mama never told you that is you it's round it's a it's a world earth is an exact it's a shadow of heaven everything that has been manifested in the physical world is a shadow of something that already exists in that spiritual world okay time for scripture hebrews chapter 8 verse 5. uh let's try this in the king james and then the new living trans new nlt that's king james first he says who serve unto the example and shadow the shadow of heavenly things as moses was admonished of god when he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things how according to the pattern show to thee in the mount so the tabernacle the pattern of the tabernacle that moses had was the pattern of the heavenly tabernacle look at this in the nlt he said they serve in a system of worship that is only a copy it's only a copy it's a shadow of the real one in heaven for when moses was getting ready to build the tabernacle god gave him this warning be sure that you make everything according to the pattern i have shown you here on the mountain you're you're not you're not the original you're a copy that's why your physical body is going to resemble the physical one and we will know one another when we get to heaven because let me keep going it's too early for me to say that let's keep going you need more scripture all right so so listen let's let's this place called heaven let's examine it a little bit more let's go to hebrews chapter 11. this place called heaven let's look at it a little bit more hebrew i've said some radical things all in the word all can be explained and seen hebrews 11 16 verse 16 says hebrews 11 and 16. he says but now they desire a better country that is a heavenly whereas god is not ashamed to be called their god for he hath prepared for them a city i i want to show you this but but god god's word talks about heaven being a city and a country just like on earth all right let's back up to verse 13 hebrews 11 13 through 16. let's look at this in context he says these all died and he was referring to the heroes of faith in hebrews 11. he says these all died in faith not having received the promises but having then having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful of that country the one that they came from in the natural from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned to that one but now they desire a better country that is an heavenly country wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he hath prepared for them a city god has prepared for us a city my goodness now look at john 14 1-2 i'm getting ready to show you a description of the city ah john 14 1-2 he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me check jesus out in my father's house there are many dwelling places or mansions if it were not so he said i wouldn't say it none i'm just going to not lying to you he said everyone so i wouldn't have told you i go to prepare a place for you and then jesus says so where i am you shall be also right now heaven is a real place say that it's not a figment of someone's imagination heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people now not that i want to take a lot of time because i know we don't have a lot tonight but go to revelations 21 and i'm going to i'm going to give you some details here and i won't be able to do all of it but give you some details this is awesome uh i'm going to amplify it some verse 10 then in the spirit he conveyed me away this john to a vast and lofty mountain exhibited to me the holy hallowed consecrated city of jerusalem descending out of heaven from god jerusalem the city the new jerusalem not the one in israel the one in heaven clothing god's glory and all his splendor i got to go back to king james i'll never finish reading all them words and amplified having the glory of god and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasper stone clear as clear as a crystal and had a wall great and high and had 12 gates and at the gates 12 angels and names written their own which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of israel on the east three gates on the north three gates on the south three gates and on the west three gates and the wall of the city had 12 foundations and in them the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb and he talked with me and had a golden reed to measure the city and the gates thereof and the walls thereof now the city lies in a square its length being the same as its width that's awesome and he measured the city with a reed and it was about 1500 miles its length and width and height are the same 1500 miles and the length and the height and the width 1500 miles that's a big city new york ain't got nothing on the new jerusalem he measured its walls about 72 yards by man's measure the wall was built of jasper while the city itself the city itself was a pure gold clear and transparent like glass you ain't never seen gold the foundation stones of the wall of the city were ornament with all the precious stones the first foundation stone was the second sapphire the third was was uh charles sidone or a white gate the fourth emerald look at this burl onyx sardis 12 gates 12 pearls each separate gate being built of one solid pearl not them a little bit of thing around your mama neck main street broadway of the city was of gold and pure translucent as glass the city had no need for the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of god did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof no moon no no son the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth doing their bringing their glory and honor and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night there there shall be no night there ain't never going to be no night there kind of like alaska in the right season and they shall bring the glory in honor of the nations and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh the lie but they which are written in the lamb's book of life are the only ones that are permitted in the city wow all right so let's see if we can find it where exactly is this place called heaven see because we got that little woo thing well it's it's in the spirit of it no we want to locate it like you locate atlanta on a map can you do that what the bible does you ready for this now see even if i tell you where it is you can't get there i don't care what kind of ship you build you don't have that much life even traveling at the speed of light it would you can't you can't arrive there it's at the end of the second heaven where there is going to be little to no stars or galaxies and our scientists think that the second heaven is infinite it is not yeah you ready these are these are in plain sight of scriptures you read over ephesians 4 and 10. let's locate it ephesians 4 and 10 he that descended referring to jesus descended into hell is the same also that ascended where up far above all heavens first and second that he might feel all things where did he he ascended what he also descended down you know when he went to hell for three days but then he ascended up all right acts 1 10 and 11. acts 1 10 and 11. he says and while they look steadfastly towards heaven as he went up as he went what he said there were two men that stood by them in white apparel those were angels that were standing by the disciples when jesus was going up and and those angels said which also said ye men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven the same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in light manner as they have seen him go into heaven so he went up into heaven when he coming back he coming to he won't touch the foot of the earth because he's got to get everybody who's dead in christ changed and those of you who are alive are gonna be changed in a moment of twinkling under eye and there's a meeting in the sky and then he will escort you see you can't get there in that physical body that's why you got to be changed you got to be changed in a moment of a twinkling of the eye the dead in christ shall rise first and they shall be changed mortal will put on immortality because mortal man can't make it there the body is going to be fascinating when jesus was raised from the dead he had his heavenly body you got to remember what it was there were a few times he was after resurrection was eating something one time he walked through the door the bible said the door being shut but he walked through the door the door being shut thomas didn't believe it was him he said handle me and see for spirit doesn't have flesh and bone as you see me have he mentioned nothing about no blood then he sat down and ate some fish in honeycomb don't tell me that not gonna handle apple pie heaven we're going to be able to enjoy the best of the spirit with the loving pleasures of the physical to be able to transport from one spot to another it happened i believe with philip philip had stopped and baptized somebody on the road and he was on his way about i think was 30 something miles down the road and he was he was translated from one spot to another spot it's the speed of that supernatural body that you're going to have i believe i ain't going to tell you that but lord america because y'all don't think i lost it after a while but you you have no idea why all of these planets this is one galaxy do you understand there's more than one galaxy and this is gigantic we can't even cover this one it's just one [Music] let me let me go y'all ain't ready for that you need more scripture for what i'm about to say i can't say that right now isaiah 14 13 13 even the devil gives us information on where heaven is satan in verse 13 for thou has said in thy heart i will ascend into heaven a sin so it's up i'll exalt my throne above the stars of god so it's past the stars of god the stars of uh the space i'll sit also upon the mountain of the congregation he's talking about heaven in the north he just told us in the north he just he just identified where it was in the north i'll ascend above the heights of the clouds i'll be like the most high god but thou shall be bought down to hell see he had to have a reality break you're going to hell you're not going you've been kicked out of there they're not letting you back in they're not reinstating you so it may be reasonable to conclude that heaven is somewhere in the northern heavens beyond the range of the astronomers most powerful telescopes astronomers even tell us that this part of outer space contains fewer stars and galaxies than other parts uh i don't know with the pot with as powerful telescope as you have if you look in the north there's a little light you can do it tonight on a clear night it's a little the brightest light always in the sky they can't see exactly what it is with the most powerful things it's too far you can't travel you can't get there i don't know who went to space this past week but that's about you know you can't do it now please understand something when i say this it's it's it's a round planet that exists with spiritual matter when you die you can be dead physically and simultaneously be alive unto this spiritual matter you can't access spiritual matter now because you're in a physical body that's only accessing physical things but you will later on put on a spiritual body that can access spiritual matter just like in this physical body you can access physical matter that's why heaven can't understand why people freak out when folks die that are saved it was just a quick they passed from the physical realm to a spiritual realm oh my god they passed in some cases some of them didn't even know they they passed they passed and they saw folks say wait a minute ain't you dead yeah but you too they they moved it's been recorded that some people saw their body lying there and some of them came back in and told everything they heard and saw what was going on folks this is this is this is something the world doesn't want to look at and check out but i can assure you there is a heaven there is a home there is a city there is a calm down there's a country there's a place there are many mansions and i'm going i'm going [Applause] real quick why should heaven be so precious to us as believers seven reasons i'll try to give you scripture as i go number one our redeemer is in heaven hebrews 9 24. hebrews 9 24 our redeemer is in heaven that's why it's precious to me the god that saved me for christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands which are the figures of the truth but into heaven itself he's entered into now to appear in the presence of god for us the second reason why heaven is a precious place in hebrews chapter 12 23 our relationships are in heaven my goodness our relationships are in heaven to the general assembly and the church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect our relationships are in heaven you got relatives in heaven i can't wait to see some of my relatives in heaven now i i know this for a full fact i i'm i'm grateful that i'm alive and well but 21 years ago i i thought we were gone we were in a terrible car accident and uh just a lot of things to experience that time but one of the things i experienced the car went up in an air flipped over several times and came across my face i saw angels they were uh somebody said what color were they they were light their skin and their clothes were light they had the eyes i saw all the facial features and everything but i remember saying when the car went up and i thought well that's it i said i'm gonna keep my eyes open because i want to see the transition i want to see how close to to everything i got so i kept my eyes open but while my eyes were open i was no longer looking at what was in front of me i st how do i explain this i was now looking at a group of people that were a distance they were there and i was here but we were being drawn together but they were out of focus i couldn't tell who they were i just saw people out of focus but the closer i got they began to become into focus and just as i thought i was recognizing this one and that one the voice of god came in between and the voice of god was it was visible it was like i could see the force in between me and those people and said no too much unfinished business and now in front of my eyes i was upside down in the car i didn't know whether i was in my body or out of my body i was freaking out what in the world going on so i get out the car and i'm looking for minister ken and he is like a football field they reported they saw a man flying he landed in the front windshield of a car and his head was on his lady's lap she had to have therapy after all this was over and you normally decapitate it when something like that happens y'all understand what i'm saying it's real it's 20 something years ago it seemed to me like just yesterday it's real we saw it we were that close to it i don't care what nobody think when i tell this story i know what i saw and i know what i read we have relationships in heaven [Applause] heaven is precious to us as believers because number three according to first peter chapter one verses through three through four our resources are in heaven what do you mean your resources you have an inheritance waiting in heaven you got to see that's why i'm trying to tell people quit playing church you have an inheritance waiting in heaven there's some stuff somebody asked me what kind of house i what kind of house am i going to get yeah well that depends on what you did with your resources here i can show it to you you might not believe it but i know i'm going to have a mansion in my father's house there are many mansions hallelujah he said nothing about no shack no tent no somewhere else some you know lord as long as i'm somewhere everything will be all right if i'm somewhere now you ain't saying somewhere you just say i go to prepare somewhere for you you said in my father's house there are many mansions if it were not so i wouldn't this happened i wouldn't have told you i got a lot of people to see they're world changers in heaven and every time one goes to heaven they give the latest update what's happening in that church how passing them look he still looked the same way that y'all when you before y'all left 30 years ago he's the same way blessed be the god and father our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope for the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible inheritance undefiled and that faith not away reserved in heaven for you i have an inheritance reserved in heaven [Applause] number four why should heaven be precious to us as believers our residence is in heaven philippians 3 20 and the nlt our residence is in heaven i keep telling you you're not citizens of this world you're citizens of heaven you're an alien you're extraterrestrial terrestrial right here in this world they're talking about no we're the ones don't be talking about no spaceship we i don't need no spaceship well i'm going cause i'm gonna be changed in the moment i said i'm gonna try to be be i'm gonna be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and i'm gonna be going as fast as the speed is the speed of light well it's like 186 000 miles per second that ain't even at the speed of light you can't get to this place in the natural especially if it takes so many million light years going at the speed of light you dust by the time you get there look at this verse 20. but we are citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our savior we are citizens of heaven i'm a citizen of heaven where the lord jesus christ lives come quickly lord jesus number five our rewards in heaven yeah your rewards are in heaven some of y'all gonna be just blessed when you get to heaven cause you're gonna realize well lord i was just doing that because i enjoyed it he said yeah but that's yours i knew you would enjoy it for really yeah yeah you you know that whole that whole neighborhood is yours you've been planting all these years and doing that and now god yeah six our riches are in heaven this is what i want to get to because most people don't believe this matthew 6 19 through 21 by investing on the earth in the only thing that's going to be transferred to heaven and that is the souls of people that's the investment you make into the lives of people so to build equity in heaven we have to build the word of god into the lives of people on the earth building equity in heaven building equity in heaven so that's why it says lay not up for yourselves treasure upon the earth where mouth and rust does corrupt and where thieves break through and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust does corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also i'm laying up for heaven and then finally our reservation is in heaven i tell you my reservations are in heaven if you hadn't made your reservations you need to go and get it done now my reservations ain't got no reservations in hell i ain't called nobody and i went on the internet i ain't did nothing i have ain't nothing in hell expecting me but i have made reservations to heaven we should not be afraid to die not if you're born again not if you're born again it's awesome we got to finish our job here now we can't just be stepping out in front of a bus on the old action and the time i oops well i guess i just gotta go and go to heaven right that can't happen how's he gonna get anything done on earth if people do that now remember you don't wanna go to heaven and hear him say my good and faithless servant job incomplete you want to get your job done i'm just as excited about anybody but i got to get my job done i'm not finished yet there's some something coming and we all have to be ready to do what god has put us on this planet to do and i on my part i'm gonna try to drive the devil crazy i'm going to try to make him bipolar double-minded amen i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ i'm going to preach this gospel in the midst of them mocking me in the midst of them slandering me in the midst of them dogging me i am going to preach this gospel because i know when i when when when my work is finished and done down here i got to stand before god you ain't got time to be listening what people are saying about you you ain't got time to be paying attention to what folks say you got to stand before god and i don't want to be standing before god in doubt and in regret i want to give him my best right now so when this thing is all over with praise the lord he guarantees us this kind of stuff ain't never gonna happen again you remember that tree in the garden of eden that he put flaming swords around so adam and eve wouldn't eat of that tree the tree of life you remember that one yeah when we get to heaven we are going to take a piece of that fruit that fruit is going to sustain the god-likeness of your situation forever it'll never this here will never happen again i'm ready for eternity are you heaven is real hell is real make your choice we choose heaven amen father thank you so much we give you praise for your word we give you praise for your truth we give you praise for heaven now through scripture we have seen the reality of both of these places we now make our decision we make our decision by making you our lord and savior come into our hearts be our lord and our savior in fact if you're on stream if you're here tonight you've never made jesus the lord of your life say this prayer after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i make you my lord and savior come into my heart sit on the throne of my life i receive you now by faith i declare that i am saved in jesus name amen praise god praise god amen all is well uh i've got i got some more stuff i want to talk about there i want to talk about your body i want to talk about spiritual matter i want to talk about some of the things you're going to see there i want to talk about some of the animal kingdom that's so different here seraphim's ever heard of that cereal bims they're from an angelic class but they're different type of beings i want to show you where demonic spirits are in chains in the coldest darkest places in uh in in that place up there and how hell was created for the devil and his angels and how god is gonna close that up and cast it into a lake of fire uh all that kind of stuff's happening but none of that concerns you because you don't plan on being there you got to get nervous one day oh law no no no no jesus is the lord of your life heaven is your destination all that for some that's for poo condom that ain't for you amen praise god let's go ahead and finish our worship tonight and um with our gifts if you're online and you're going to be giving your gift today i was so blessed i didn't know if she's here tonight but there was a young lady who was online sunday and she felt like her offering didn't go through and she was from fairburn she drove from fairburn to the church i was in the lobby and came out of church and she said excuse me can i get a an offering in below i'm like yeah she says well you know i i just i was online but i don't think my thing went through and i want to give my offering envelope and i thought what and then she says well i don't have my number i said well all you have to do is just put your name in it we'll the computer will automatically get the number when where it needs to be she says oh and she's breathing heart and i'm thinking but you drove from favren here just to make sure your offering got through i said i ain't never met nobody like you ma'am i'm saying never mind and see that's the kind of that's the kind of world changes nation we got there is there is going [Applause] there is going to be a move of god and and those of y'all who have been spending time in prayer you already know something already happened and your right slab dab in the middle of something good are you right stuff getting ready to change for you favor is going to come over you like a tsunami you're going to experience a tsunami of blessings amen all is well with you don't be moved now don't move don't quit too quick god's heard your prayers he's got it all together and it's all well all will be well with you and your house focus on jesus let him make you better and better every day let the scoffers laugh and let them pick fun at you every knee will bow every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord amen if you need an offering envelope and you're giving if you'll lift your hands up the others will serve you at this time if you're giving online you can uh give through the text world changes space and the amount to 74483 or you can call that number on your screen or you can use that address on your screen if you want to go to the website you can go to or to give that way as well so likewise here if you want to scan the qr code it'll take you straight to the text where you'll just put in your amount and hit send or you can use an envelope to do that as well grace life starts tomorrow yeah starts tomorrow morning and [Applause] so we'll have a few people here in the chapel and then we'll send it out to everybody else through stream you do have to register though if you haven't registered on the stream and um it's going to be an amazing time tomorrow night i'm going to be talking about great space deliverance from pornography and sexual immorality and then on friday night i'm going to talk about grace-based success how every person under grace should be operating in success in every arena of life so why not pass a dollar and we're going to go through it and just clear that up so starting saturday whatever's been blocking you up should be removed and things things should flow like it needs to flow it's like taking a good laxative hey man i'm going to give you a great laska i'm going to come over we're going to clean you out so you can do what you're supposed to do not a good example but praise god you know amen it's hard to preach on heaven and just hold yourself down you know it's just it's it's awesome it's awesome let's just go ahead and receive the offer tonight those of you who are online go ahead and submit your offering right now and remember you're you're praising god this is your worship this is not let me give god something to make him do something for me that's that's not how this operates it's like god's already done everything that pertains to life and godliness and you're just showing gratitude and thanksgiving and you're being motivated by your love your love giving is a reflex of your love and when you think about what god has done and is doing in your life it's pretty awesome and so i'm praying for your spiritual growth i'm praying that you're growing more and more and you're maturing more and more and all is well all is well don't get trapped into the fear of this world i mean they scared up they listen god got you god's got you you're gonna be all right you're well you're sound you're prosperous everything's gonna be all right don't get caught up in the fear of this world god's got you back and i mean i'm over it you know i'm over it and i'm thanking god for what he promised and so amen you know praise god well uh i'm done i think pastor ken come on up in and uh i love the crew i'll see y'all [Applause] [Music] later [Music] you know i'm a world changer anointed with the power of the holy ghost i'm a world changer
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 29,466
Rating: 4.885612 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: 7q8wj8W0100
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.