Living Under the Law vs. Living By Faith

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this program is brought to you by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world you thinking you can do something in order to make god do something that's not of faith it's the merit system somehow you're thinking that because you did that that you now deserve that that's not a faith that's the merit system you think you deserve it cause you did it you think cause you fast 10 days you deserve something i remember i fasted for some time and i went out and i thought some power was going to be available and it was worse than it ever was [Music] i said lord what happened he says you're trying to get what i've already done download and stay connected with the changing your world podcast with creflo dollar keep the word of god at the forefront of your mind with these powerful and uplifting messages with each message that you download and stream you gain revelation of the fullness of god's grace the changing your world podcast brings you life-changing wisdom right at your fingertips no matter where you are subscribe today on apple podcast spotify or your preferred podcast platform this is your world so let's vow to make it a better place [Music] so we embrace your love [Music] deuteronomy chapter 28 verses one through three deuteronomy chapter 28 verses one 1-3 [Music] just follow me as we we look at this and it shall come to pass if thou underline those two words if thou so it's going to come to pass and the condition is going to be based on if you shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god and if you observe and to do all his commandments which are 613 he's not talking about doing just 10 but the condition is if you will observe and if you will do all his commandments which i command thee this day that the lord thy god will set the on high above all nations of the earth now notice what he says and based on your performance all these blessings shall come on thee this is a conditional agreement this agreement says these blessings will come on you if you do and if you perform then these blessings shall come on you and they overtake you somebody says well what if you don't well you look at verse 15 he says if you don't look at verse 15 he says you'll be cursed says the curse comes on you deuteronomy 28 i believe it's verse 15. i think i'm in the right he says if you if you don't do but if it but it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe to do all 613. remember the commandments are laws made up of those three three areas and he says here then the curse shall come upon you now ladies and gentlemen i don't need faith for this it's real clear if i do it i get blessed if i don't do it i get cursed i don't need no faith all right it is a performance-based agreement this agreement is performance-based it's based on you it is conditional based on what you do this is a agreement that is that is that amplifies self-effort and it amplifies performance you get blessed only if you do if you understand that say amen now this goes on throughout scripture we go to mark chapter 10 verse 17. just want to show you this mark chapter 10 verse 17 and it's talking about the rich young ruler now remember while jesus was alive and walking on the planet the law of moses was still valid there were no christians until he died the law is still valid so you see jesus in matthew mark luke and john you see jesus doing what no man could do what was that he was the only one he said i didn't come to destroy the law but i came to fulfill it why because he was the only one that could and so now the law is still valid so what's the rich young ruler here he says in verse 17 and when he was gone forth into the way there came one running and kneeled to him and ask him now notice what he asked him good master now he admits that he's a good master but then he comes with the next question what shall i do i don't trust you being good to be able to give me something good tell me what i need to do that i may inherit eternal life verse 18. and jesus was trying to get his intention jesus said why do you call me good there is none good but one that is god god is good but it's like uh uh tell me what i need to do [Music] he says all right keep the commandments and if you read this carefully then he goes on to tell me well i've kept all these from my youth lying like a rug jesus says i'm gonna show you what you've done because when you don't trust god to be good you're going to be trusting something else and he reveals that he trusted money more than he trusted god and he knew he had to do something to get the money so he thought that he had to do the same thing to get god's goodness genesis chapter uh galatians chapter 5 and 4. galatians 5 and 4. y'all praying for me so i can articulate this now before jesus died and before christianity came the light everything was based on what you do everything was based on your performance if you do good then you get good [Music] everything before jesus died was based on performance you had to do this in order to get that if you were bad you got bad if you did good you got good if you kept the commandments you got blessed if you didn't keep them you got cursed everything was based on what you do and even the blessing under the mosaic covenant was based on what you do but now under the so so the mosaic covenant what we just read it was demand-based there was a demand mentality the old covenant was about demands demands demands but the bible says we're not under the law by moses we're under the grace by jesus and under the grace by jesus it is no longer what you do it is now what he has already done before you got it because of what you do but after jesus came and died is what he has already done but we're still trying to do what he has already done so he has already supplied but in the old covenant its demands under demands you got to do something to meet the demand to get the supply but under grace jesus has already done it and when supply is already available you receive received receive so he tells us how does a person now fall from grace because the media and people in the world say falling from grace is falling into sin no not falling falling from grace is not falling into sin in fact when you fall into sin you probably fell right in the hands of grace that's what gets you back up again so falling from grace doesn't mean falling in sin so what does it mean to fall from grace christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever you are justified by the law you are falling from grace i know what does this mean christ has become of no effect under you imagine being sick but christ has no effect to heal you imagine being broke but christ has no effect in that area imagine having problems but christ has no effect in it he says christ has become of no effect unto you what is it that can cause christ to have no effect in your life somebody said it's sin it's sin well how come how come remember there was no christian so how come he went into certain villages and healed everybody in the village because they all had sin they all had sin so that couldn't have been it how is it that it has no effect in your life he says because you now see being justified by what you can do instead of being justified by what he's already done so he says when you fall back into the works of the law when you fall back into doing it yourself see you now think that i'm justified by what i do he says and when you go back to thinking that you got it because of what you did you have fallen from grace back into the law because it's no longer about what he has done is now going back to the agreement about what you have to do and so you think you got to do something to be righteous when he's already done something to make you righteous and so you're trying to be what he's already made you because if you're trying to do something it doesn't require faith but when you believe that he's already done that requires faith it requires faith for me to believe that i've been made righteous without my works if you understand that say amen now go to hebrews chapter 9 and this is just the foundation so we can get on the same page hebrews chapter 9 verses uh let's see let's read verse 14 and 15 in the message translation let's do this now let's let's read it in king james translation then the message translation uh hebrews chapter 9 14 and 15 in the king james and then message how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god how much more to purge your conscience from dead works dead works dead works are when you're trying to do what you do to deserve something he says you've got to purge your conscience from this dead work mentality from this demand mentality so you can serve the living god verse 15. and for this cause he is the mediator of a new testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament did you see this they which are called might receive the promise of eternal life do you see what he says for this cause so i guess you deliver it i'm bringing you a new agreement so i can get you out from under the old one now go back let's read verse 14 to 15 in the message and i'll be ready to start this teaching tonight but when the messiah arrived let's let's see i want it 14 and 15 but i think this kind of goes together i'm all right we're reading the whole thing that's good but when the messiah arrived high priest of the superior things of the new covenant he bypassed the old tent and its trappings in this created world and he went straight into heaven's tent the true holy place once and for all next verse he also bypassed the sacrifices consisting of goats and calves blood instead using his own blood as the price to set us free once and for all if that animal blood and the other rituals of purification were effective in cleaning up certain matters of our religion and our behavior think how much more the blood of christ cleans up our whole lives [Music] inside and out through the spirit christ offered himself as an unblemished sacrifice freeing us from all those dead in efforts freeing us from all those dead-end efforts to make ourselves respectable so that we can live all out for god and he says you're not going to be able to go all out for god until you are free from this performance-based christianity dead in efforts okay galatians 3 verse 9 through 14. now king james let's begin galatians 3 9-14 lord i give you praise galatians 3 verse 9 through 14. now when you see the question we're trying to answer tonight are you of the works of the law or of faith the works of the law it's when you try to do through your self-effort to get the promise the works of faith is when you believe that jesus has done and has gotten the promise and you through faith receive it because our world has been inundated with the to-do mentality because we don't believe it's done mentality we're still trying to meet the demands for the blessing for prosperity for healing for deliverance when jesus met the demand for us it is finished and waiting to see who will respond by faith to take possession of what has already been done so then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful abraham or believing abraham it's kind of like an addition to his name you remember doubting tom thomas by the time doubting thomas well this is the same thing believing abraham they that are of faith are blessed with believing abraham man faithful abraham for as many as are of the works of the law if you are of the works of the law he said you're under the curse he didn't say you're cursed because you broke the law he says you are cursed because you are under or of the law or under the law those that are the works of the law what does that mean if you are under this idea that i got to do this in order for god to do that you're under the works of the law well i got to fast so i can move god god's already moved see you're confusing old testament fasting which required work in order to get something to happen with fasting under this new covenant you remember when jesus met this this boy who kept throwing stuff in the fire and his his parents came and said could you come in and cast the devil out and heal my son and the disciples came and they could not do it and then jesus came and he did it and they got with jesus later on said how come we could not cast this devil out and jesus said because of your unbelief watch this and then he said talking about the subject is unbelief because of your unbelief you couldn't cast them out then it says this kind cometh not out except by prayer and fasting but the church thought he was talking about this kind of demon cometh not out except by prayer and fast but he wasn't talking about this kind of demon coming out he's talking about this kind of unbelief he's talking about he's talking about in order to get rid of this unbelief sometimes you got to go on a fast and a prayer so you can get your belief to line up with what jesus has already done you're not trying to move god fasting is designed to move you in position to agree with what jesus has already finished i don't need to fast for power i got power he already finished i don't need to fast for healing i'm already healed he's already finished but sometimes if my belief is out of line i need to fast so i can line my belief up because this kind of unbelief is not dealt with sometimes except by prayer and fasting and about that time that that body get hungry enough it'll start agreeing with what jesus has already done the works of the law so for as many as are under and live under the the works of the law he says you're under the curse why because you're not going to be successful because it says for it is written curses everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them he says you ain't going to be able to do all of them you're under the curse now watch what he says here but that no man is justified or declared righteous by the law in the sight of god it is evidence for those who are the just those who are just those who are just because what jesus did they live by faith those who are righteous because of jesus they live by faith all right now watch this this is strong and the law is not of faith the law is not faith so if you decide to live by the law you can't live by faith because the law is not of faith if you continue to try to think that by you doing something that's how you're going to get god to do something for you you can't do that by faith because the law is not of faith the law is real simple if you do it you get blessed if you don't you get cursed the law is not of faith and the law is not of faith the ten commandments are not of faith the 603 commandments are not of faith the law is not of faith the law is not of faith you thinking you can do something in order to make god do something that's not of faith it's the merit system somehow you're thinking that because you did that that you now deserve that that's not a faith that's the merit system you think you deserve it because you did it you think cause you fast 10 days you deserve something i remember i fasted for some time and i went out and i thought some power was going to be available and it was worse than it ever was i said lord what happened he says you're trying to get what i've already done go ahead curse this curses everyone that hangs on the tree so why that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles how through jesus christ in the old covenant you were blessed because of what you do in the new covenant you're blessed because of what jesus has done you don't get blessed because of what you do in this dispensation you get blessed because of what jesus has already done and you you have faith in what he's already done and you receive the blessing the blessing has already been supplied under the covenant of grace it's real it's supply supply supply under the covenant of the law it's demands demands demands and you're trying to in the marriage system do something to deserve to be blessed when jesus is already qualified and said you deserve to be blessed and that takes faith did you hear the message of grace and think that being free from the law of moses meant you were free from morals you're not the only one creflo dollar clears up this misunderstanding and shows us how to live free of guilt and shame in his two message series freedom from the law jesus came and says i'm gonna set you free from failure from condemnation from guilt and i'm gonna set you free from the penalty of not being able to do it jesus has put everything upon himself so you can finally worship god so you're no longer trying to keep the law of rule keeping to try to be moral instead you are trusting in the holy spirit who will come and work in you and produce morality through your life own a copy for a love gift of fifteen dollars or more call the number on your screen or visit to get yours today creflo dollar ministries tv app brings you live church services direct to your smart tv and much more don't miss a service and catch up on the latest messages from creflo and taffy dollar like no more worries overcoming uncertainty and countless other life-changing series streaming on the creflo dollar ministries tv app you'll also get access to changing your world network streaming grace messages and exclusive content 24 hours a day right in the app it is now possible because of jesus for man to be reconciled back to god it is god's desire it is his plan that we walk in truth not be deceived so consequently we won't deceive other people get unlimited streaming through roku amazon and apple tv absolutely free visit your app store search creflo dollar ministries and download the kreflo dollar ministries tv app now to start streaming for more information visit the bible teaches us to give generously with a cheerful heart not out of necessity but out of a cheerful heart and that's why i'm so grateful for the friends and partners of this ministry who freely and cheerfully give financial offerings to support us you understand our vision you know that when people understand grace they're empowered to change their lives for the better thank you for supporting us with your financial donations and every time you give you're being used by god to stop misfortune in someone else's life and for that we say thank you god bless you if you want to honor the lord by sowing financial seeds into creflo dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to sometimes in life we face dilemmas and aren't sure what to do god has given us a grace gift to help overcome the limitations of our understanding so that we can receive clear direction introducing grace life academy with this easy to use platform you can start learning how to tap 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Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 8,914
Rating: 4.9527187 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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