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exceedingly glad in it god is good and he is worthy to be praised god is good and he is worthy to be praised um think about something what have you accomplished in the time that has been given to you to reconnect with god um i was thinking about this the other night you can either sit and complain like we said before murmur and let self-pity come in or we can really get involved in coming out better and uh accomplishing some things i mean imagine the things that could have been accomplished the last six weeks and so i want to challenge you wherever you are to make a decision of quality today set a goal and accomplish that goal you know there's something about a decision of quality it's it's the open door a decision is the open door into reality and it's never going to become a reality without your decision so i want to challenge you today to make a decision of quality one that you can stick state your next take your name to a decision of quality that says you know i'm going to spend 15 minutes praying every day i'm going to spend time in the word i'm gonna spend time talking to god and and start somewhere a decision of quality and uh it won't happen there's the door won't open until you make the decision so anyway i want to share that with you first thing this morning as we give people a chance to log on good morning george jefferson good morning uh uh tanika jocelyn haynes good morning god bless you i want to say good morning to the world changes nation uh good morning to world changes church in in atlanta god bless you guys i love you miss you good morning to all of my partners and uh friends across the world thank you guys for you know staying up um to be a part of our morning and uh the neat thing about it you can take this word with you and believe to to dream over it you know and um anthony lumpkins good morning good morning yolanda uh courtney god bless you blessings upon you um don't be moved by the fear of um you know financial devastation god's got your back remember he's your supply house all is well with you so you're not going to have to be worried about any of that stuff don't worry don't worry good morning good morning good morning god bless you angela uh michelle god bless you this morning just happy that you guys are are logged on and i pray that these times of confession and just a you know a few sound bites have blessed you i hope it's challenged you i hope it's uh in some cases fed you and really encourage you that's all i'm trying to do it's like i want to encourage you i want you to to um get off every morning and and just be ready to have victory amen let's go ahead and set our day in psalms 91 psalms 91 are you ready i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at noonday or midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his salvation i want you to understand this is how you stand on the word what we've been doing the last six weeks so you just stay there you stay there you're not moved by what you feel it's not a matter of well i don't feel like making my confessions this morning or well i don't feel like praying this morning this is what i'm talking about this is this is called patience it's remaining the same and you're going to find out that you're going to have those things that you have been saying and all is well with you let's make this declaration i can imagine that people are kind of worried about things right now so let's declare over worry and fear say it after me i am the body of christ satan has no power over me i overcome evil with good i am a god and have overcome satan for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i will fear no evil for thou are with me lord your word and your spirit they comfort me i am far from oppression and fear does not come near me no weapon formed against me shall prosper for my righteousness is of the lord but whatsoever i do will prosper for i'm like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water i am delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the will of god concerning me no evil will befall me neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling for the lord has given his angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways and in my pathway is life and there is no death i am a doer of the word of god and i am blessed in my deeds i am happy in those things which i do because i'm a doer of the word of god i take the shield of faith and i quench every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against me christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law therefore i forbid any sickness or disease to come upon my body every disease germ every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of jesus every organ and every tissue of my body functions in the perfection to which god created it to function and i forbid any malfunction in this body in the name of jesus i am overcomer and overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony i am submitted to god and the devil flees from me because i resist him in the name of jesus the word of god is forever settled in heaven therefore i establish his word upon this earth great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the lord i plead the blood of jesus over my children i declare that my children will have long life i declare that no hurt harm or danger will come upon my children's life in the name of jesus i declare peace peace so that every mountain be re be reduced to a plateau i declare victory in everything that i do today i expect the favor of god today i i'm grateful for the mercy of god today i walk in love and refuse to operate in strife strife you go now you cannot have a part of my life i refuse to spend my peace on drama i declare that god is my refuge in my time of trouble i declare that the joy of the lord is my strength i declare that today i have him um emotions that are led by the spirit of god i walk in forgiveness today i will not carry the burdens of this life nor will i carry the burdens of this world for i declare happiness peace and joy in my relationships i declare in the name of jesus that god is on my side and that god loves me and i believe that love and i receive that love and i walk in that love i adjust my attitude now i declare that i have a christ-like attitude a good attitude a joyful attitude and i declare that i'll pour into someone else when i'm tempted to walk in self-pity today's a good day and i declare that something good will happen to me today i rejoice in the lord and again i will rejoice i speak to my soul soul bless the lord and i have nothing to complain about today i will not complain knowing that others have gone through greater things than what i'm going through i refuse to complain but instead i give thanksgiving and praise to what god has already done you are my king you are my joy you are my supply house you are my way out you are everything that i need today and i will rejoice in jesus name i'm the redeemed of the lord what i have said it is so in jesus name a man a man amen and a man praise god now i want to talk to you just for a moment about how god knew that you and i would be uh perfect for this generation and perfect for this time in fact you have been designed to live in these last days you have been designed to live and have victory in the midst of an epidemic and some of you have prospered in the midst of the epidemic and some of you hadn't seen it yet but you're about to prosper in the midst of an epidemic in the midst of a pandemic in the midst of a hard time why because god is your supply house he is your refuge and your fortress and you were designed to live in these last days somebody says where'd you get that from well let's look at second timothy second timothy chapter three and verse one i want to read a portion of it it says this no also that in the last days perilous perilous times shall come well we are without a doubt living in the last days perilous times are here but you have been designed for the last day so i want you to say this prayer after me ready lord you designed me to live in these last days according to your great plan because you are in charge of my life i know it's no mistake that i am alive in this generation since these days are filled with greater risk than any other generation has ever known i need faith to face these times victoriously i need wisdom to minister to others who are wounded and hurt so today i ask you to help me embrace this time as a part of my destiny and to become strong in faith so i can reach out to those who are near me and who need spiritual assistance help me to recognize their need and to know exactly how i should respond to help them i pray this in jesus name amen there's something about when when when things go from you to somebody else it kind of boomerangs back to you it's when you can then focus on what other people are going through that's when it comes right back to you so let's make this confession over this scripture i declare by faith that i am chosen and equipped to live in this last generation the word of god protects my mind my family and everything that is a part of my life i will renew my mind with the word of god and get god's perspective about what his role is for me in these last days therefore i will be a blessing and a help to people who have been victimized by these difficult and trying times rather than hide in fear i will move out with the power of god and stay ever ready to minister to those who have suffered harm because of the times in which we live i declare this by faith in jesus name amen so i send you forth in the name of jesus i send you forth with good news today i send you forth under the anointing of god and under the power of god and we will make a mark today that cannot be erased make a mark call somebody up make a mark zoom somebody make a mark with the people right there in your house let's decide to be a blessing to someone today and watch how it comes back into your own life i love you guys have an amazing day today i pronounce the blessing over your life i i release the blood of jesus and declare the blood of jesus over your life and i say again as you should say no matter what happens all is well is well
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 28,319
Rating: 4.9636679 out of 5
Id: kBk4ezlkSY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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