FULLY UPGRADING the sword to defend my dome!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to dome keeper so this time out we're going back to the sword Dome they have some unfinished business with it we're changing our pets this bottom right go which I can only assume is a bat and since that rhymes with Matt that's good enough for me all right to make things a bit more interesting there's modifiers down here we're gonna be we're gonna be doing the maze one which basically means we we have no idea what the underground world is going to look like but this is how we start off as always falling from the sky crushing the Wicked Witch of the West I mean some random creature that annoys everyone alright so here we go if you haven't seen this before basically we go down we do some mining we find resources we take those resources back up to our Dome and then we can spend them on upgrades like the hostel proximity meter which if you look at the bottom left as soon as I unlock it boost we gain an extra bar now that bar would tell us when enemies are going to attack us because for some reason they don't seem to like us just mining their Planet anyway I found some water we're gonna take this iron back up as well so nice they go in there they get munched by the munchie machine yeah I do my best to try and do strip mining oh we've hit that end already but yeah since we're in the Maze level this could this could literally go anywhere I don't I don't really know how the level's gonna pan out oh we got some more iron though yummy right so we'll drag these back to the surface and looking at that bar on the bottom left that is very very empty which means enemies are about to attack us so now we're in a sword popped out the top we can do this from side to side so if I go over this side wait for him to get close and then sawed him on the edge nice then since we have six iron and two water I'm gonna do a bit of upgrading I'm gonna spend four iron on my drill strength because basically as we as we drill down deeper the ground gets harder and things and we'll look now with boosting the land in one hit almost oh well the level seems to be going this direction quite a bit oh I found some Cobalt that's good those triangles that is quite a rare resource they allow you to repair your dome which is quite handy so I'm gonna do the old tactic where I take too many resources that I can actually carry because basically if you try and carry too many resources it the game doesn't let you like it's too heavy oh no I've just done it now oh not bad I got greedy I picked up too many but it's all worked out if you pick up like just enough that you can move them and put them at the back you can sort of you can make a resource train but then they all got stuck in that hole that's annoying anyway we'll take the two iron up I don't know why I only carried two but it is what it is we'll get back on our sword and get ready to whack this guy on the edge there's still one more there's still one more he's cracking my Dome not bad anyway there's my that's my little pet he's just fat it doesn't seem to do a lot literally sat there the entire time anyway distracted we need to go get the resources back up so carrying four at a time is sort of my limit at the moment so I need to spend iron to upgrade that so carry strength one it costs four iron but now we'll be able to carry much more oh and look I've just found some more iron so if we if we burst all of them now I can carry this many at the speed that I was carrying just for which is pretty pretty handy although they've all got stuck careful all right so they're up there I'm going to go back down do a little bit more mining this direction oh look I found I found an upgrade so if I grab these Cobalt as well then I can grab the upgrade and we're taking all of them back to the surface although we are being attacked so we need to be a little bit quick Matt come on come on anyway with that upgrade dragged back we get to pick a gadget we can either go for drill bit which I I do like drawer but he's a good lad he's basically a little dinosaur that draws for you but I have used them twice now and I've never seen the probe adds a probe to your suit which when triggered sends out a post that reveals nearby resources that could be handy on this maze level so yeah let's take the probe then let's battle saw this guy on the head boosh ice he's taking three hits and they go on the right and background oh look my bats moved what are you doing there mate just having a little little sit down that will look down the hall fair enough all right so I can hit X to do a pulse and look that is spreading out oh look that's so cool so we can see where all the resources are they're all down here yummy okay so we'll take these six up shove them in the dome and then I've got to go down to this thing to recharge I think so yeah that's doing a recharge then we can go back down then if I press it down there and then go back to mining was it here there's one on the left yeah there it is there it is it's a bit of water oh that's cool I like that I like that a lot it means I don't have to mine stuff just for the sake of it I guess the only trouble is I don't know how like wide the map is because it's not it's not a normal map it's the maze map remember anyway before this wave attacks I'm gonna upgrade to get a health meter so bottom left we can see the the structural Integrity of our Dome are the bars fall up at the moment so that's good I'm then gonna improve my sword I want to get to this one today the heavy blade it's described as a monstrous blade very powerful but slow moving I think that would be decent so we'll do the first thing for that for six but it's worth noting with the sword Dome it's only like a short range attack now you can actually you can launch your sword so it like flies through the air that's for these two upgrades as the first stab I could do or the long step I've done the long stab before to get to the bomb that was pretty fun if we go fast stab Roots what happens that I'll get to a javelin we can literally throw swords so I'll probably do that route as well as reflection so I can reflect projectiles back and but since I have eight eye and I feel like it's probably worth perhaps upgrading my drill strength all right then we'll get back to battling so basically to fire my sword I can do that it's pretty cool boosh it hits him in the head but yeah now I'm gonna have to do a bit of slicing okay sword actually pretty decent now let's recharge this thing then we'll head way down into the depth and then oh look at my drill strength boosting through the ground like no one's business oh no we hit a dead end bloom in dead ends let's go down again we'll go this way I'm just wondering when to do my thing I found resources there's no point doing it here oh man there's so much iron there's so much eye in here all right shall I I'll put it there and see if it picks up anything or a little bit up there okay remember that so back to the surface with these recharge that quickly head back down again do one more hole and then realize the time's about to run out so grab these resources and get back up Pronto and then the bar's empty that's flashing which means we're being under attack oh look the bat's flying can you see him flying there and if you look there's things in the sky so we're gonna have to boosh nice and then we'll saw that going the head sword disco on the head and then that guy again oh nice that's like one hit kill at the moment decent I think because we're going so deep careful now careful in our commenters I'm gonna upgrade my speed just because it's a long way to the bottom but now we've got the extra speed we are actually going a little bit quicker which is good all right so we'll head this direction as far as we can and then we'll go up because we know there's resources up oh man how how far does this go oh there's resources here all right found some iron let's go up now is that the resource that we found with our BP thing earlier I'm gonna set it off there and just see if there's anything yeah I'm guessing that was it oh look there's some there as well a bit of water decent this is really cool right let's try and do the resource train so grab these ones at the back and then we'll try and push everything look at this look at this we're moving twice as many resources as we should be allowed to eat that is pro MLG skills um on my way up I'm gonna make the shaft a little bit wider a bit girthier if you like but looking at the bar I think we're gonna we're gonna stay up here now I may as well just recharge my thing and then get ready to battle die tapos die thing in the sky die all right not bad right sorted so back down again we have some serious resource collection to do so I think I can grab six and still move fast so we'll head up we'll make that shaft wider shove them in the dome head back down grab the other load of resources actually no we won't take them up yet we'll take him up at the end I'm gonna go oh I was gonna go that direction but the map's finished all right we can go this way so I'm gonna go down I'm not gonna go down because there's a glimming wall there what is going on with this map it's so maze-like all right let's trigger that thing is there any resources about anywhere none okay I may as well save time may as well head back and then take these resources to the top all right so we've got more tadpoles to kill so we can just sort those like that we gotta wait for that to recharge oh no there's things in the sky things in the sky anyway with that wave completed I actually I forgot you can actually upgrade the probe now what does that do oh so for two iron and two water that gives it two charges increases the range and the speed and then further upgrades have oh you can make it remember where things are make it work faster or make the range longer and then the final upgrade is making it recharge on its own oh that's cool all right first I'm gonna spend 12 iron on the heavy blade so we're a little bit closer to the super heavy blade and then we'll make the probe a bit better I think two charges were actually super useful so let's just recharge first I already charge nice I'm guessing bottom left those two yellow circles are they the charging so if we go to there we'll grab this Cobalt whilst that's good going out while it has a load of resource down there oh I can't get down though so I'm gonna have to go over this way to try and get down there we go here we are the motherload that we probed and found oh man so much iron we'll take these five and a cheeky few Cobalt so they're back in the dome you're all the way down here I might throw again just to make sure we haven't missed anything oh like look some stuff on the left over there so that's good to note but after that next time because we're under attack come on Matt quicker quicker all right die thing in the sky also this sword now boosh kills people in one hit Bruce although we are taking some structural damage the Dome is not looking good a few scratches cheers but a scratch you cracks I think they're a bit more than cosmetic let's head into the upgrades now there's a couple of upgrades we can do with our health so we can spend six iron on getting 300 hit points more as well as repairing 50 of our total HP which is pretty good and there's also the standard repair that you can do you can do that multiple times now by just notice up here the impact one if I spend two Cobalt making my things stronger um that not only automatically repairs but also repairs 20 of my two to HP is that as soon as I unlock it let's have a look no it isn't my health didn't go up at all cheers game but yeah essentially when my hit points are below 60 which they are currently looking at that bar um we should repair so maybe I won't spend anything on repairing and I'll instead spend some on the fast stab as well as our carry strength all right so we know there's some resources over this way oh look there it is there it is it's not just a resource it's an upgrade so once you drill that out we're all good I'm just gonna oh there are resources up here as well cheeky I am just gonna head this direction and then bam another one of those just to see if there's anything else down here there is over there I may as well get to it now it's Cobalt we might need that soon to to upgrade I'm gonna grab the actual upgrade thing and then oh no we're stuck we're gonna make this hole a bit bigger all right then we'll take this hole back to the top and we'll pick a gadget do we go teleporter or blast mining I feel like because we're so deep now maybe teleporter would actually be decent so yeah we've gone teleporter yeah but we don't really have time to do anything so let's just be early for battle this time now we did take the upgrade for a fast stab so hopefully we can boost recharge that pretty quickly right we are absolutely taking a beating though I think I'm gonna have to re yeah thankfully you can pause time which means I'm going to the upgrade menu now we're gonna have to do a repair because my health was way too low there so that is that done let's get back to battling and then boost oh I know he dodged my thing he went invisible not twice you right okay now we're done hello Mr Bat I feel like the that is sort of the most boring I'm sorry mate but the most boring pet there is that might be harsh but I think it's true unfortunately anyway here's the teleporter I'm gonna leave that probably down there so we need to remember we have a teleporter if we want to teleport back I'm going to grab a load of iron shove that in there I'm pretty sure on an earlier level was it like this high up I left some iron over this way on mind yes look there it is oh one iron one single iron okay let's let's do another one of those and see if there's anything to the left doesn't look like it granted the range could be larger I forgot to use my teleporter as well not a bad bat absolute not bad still I don't see anything else down here so let's quickly get back up we we move really fast with fewer resources I should probably bear that in mind sometime all right stab that guy in the head and then the ones in the sky can I double kill them oh no my sword's got barely any maneuverability yet slow oh man we're about to die look at my health but I'm so glad you can pause to go to the upgrade menu um I think I'm gonna do this one because that will increase my health and repair 50 for six iron so that is that sorted then stab that guy wait for the sword to recharge stab that guy boosh oh that was horrible that was absolutely horrible I've just noticed though perhaps I should get this the reflection Shield so basically that gives me a button where I can reflect all projectiles I think that might actually be useful so yeah we've done that then we're gonna teleport down to the bottom we're gonna head down here and fire the thing and see what way we want to mine right oh man it's hard mining down here it is hard mining just for a bit of water anyway let's get some distance I found some iron anyway it's gonna see let's get some distance so I can fire the resource probe again but look we found the mother loader just keeps on going right okay we gotta take some of these back up so therein I can jump back in the tail teleporter that will take me all the way to the bottom again which means I can quickly grab some more iron like that grab the water as well then fly back up fly map fly all right someone's already attacking the Dome eat sword you know bed thing in the sky eat that die oh man this is actually going quite well we just got tadpoles to deal with eight sword oh there's another one in the sky cheeky you cheeky blooming architect monster thing and just saw those two guys decent okay that was a good round that was a good round let's recharge this head into the teleporter and then we're gonna go down a bit I really I need a bit of drill I just realized wait resource thing done it didn't find any resources oh no this is like a staircase does it not go left oh no I found the world's hardest ground this sucks this sucks all right I've just fired the resource thing again we've got a load over this way we've got some down as well so I may as well drill to that just so we know like where it's going to be a cheeky bit of water right then resource train it down the steps yes look at that then we can grab that easy next time although there's not going to be a next time this round because that bar is nearly empty already hey look the bat's hovering that's pretty impressive me before we battle I'm quickly going to take the fast stab too that just means I can stab way faster because I think I'm sort of all right with the close range stuff it's just the things that are far away although a couple of worms over there you go eat some of that your knobs eat some of that and again right then reflection look I can reflect their projectiles back to them boosh oh that was actually decent I gotta remember to press X for the reflection I love the bat it's like one of those um like the indoor skydiving things I didn't know there was like so much air coming out right so down the bottom again with the teleporter so take all these resources back up spend some iron on increasing our drill strength teleport back down the bottom again head back over this way and then I think we'll go boost find me some resources oh look at that look at that so we got a load of iron we'll make the shaft wider on our way up let those all get munched by the munchy thing then do some battling reflects everything die worms uh oh no we're being mullered so let's spend 14 iron on improving our health which also repairs us a bit the bar is now nearly full so hopefully we can I've just just got out the machine so hopefully we can sort some of these guys now right and we're good that was quite scary I'm not gonna light but we know there's some iron down there so I'm guessing let's just go this way then why that thing there is there any resources about no there's nothing there is nothing okay so dead end down here take that iron up do a cheeky recharge of the sensor teleport down I might fire one there just to make sure there's nothing on the right no there isn't there really isn't okay then we'll just go down and then fire this as deep as we can oh look I found iron we may as well fire it now oh it's all down there it's all down here so much iron oh and Cobalt okay we'll take six up because we got a long way to get back up thankfully we just about made it we got worms on the left so we better deal with those all right the worm is down let's connect projectiles keep those guys out boost you have something at your knob and the final guy let's launch our sword booze all right tell you what I might I might add reflection I don't know whether to save up to try and get the super big sword or whether it's just more sensible to go reflection because with a reflection I can I can bounce enemy projectiles back but it does make my sword slower sword agility minus one I thought it would be fine let's get down so I'm gonna move this teleporter just over there we're going to grab a load of iron I'm gonna fire that as well just to see if there is anything there's some down there to the right okay Gibson eight so we'll take this first load of iron back up we'll take this second load of iron back up and that's got a bit of water in as well we'll do a cheeky little recharge in there and then we're ready to do some more boosting with our sword but this time we've unlocked the javelin which should mean boost we can fire those oh that's quite cool we still have to charge but it looks like we can charge while moving which is pretty handy boosh oh that's quite good I wish I had a I wish I had a site though I can spend three iron on a site only have three iron remaining but I think that would actually be worth it so we've unlocked that they will spend some Cobalt on repairing then we'll head back down with our teleporter that's down here we're gonna launch that again there's stuff down there man this this is such a long way down that is a good load of iron though I will I will not lie to you that is a lot of iron I've just launched that again just to see okay there's stuff over there I may as well get to that first so I don't forget it's a bit of water lovely all right so let's take a load up I'm definitely moving this portal closer to where I've headed which is all the way down here bloody up and then just gonna grab that iron I'm gonna rush back I think we're gonna be late because we've got a maze of caves and tunnels to get through now I guess it's literally a maze I can see why they described it as a maze anyway we're nearly back we are under attack which is not good but we're back and we're ready to battle and we've got our Bush our Javelin which is pretty cool okay that wasn't too bad not not too bad at least now our teleport is closer so we do get to where we want to be a little bit quicker let's grab those irons grab those Waters and then try and navigate themes again I feel like I must have missed off with the with the probe like it's so deep and there's nothing there's nothing around so those resources back up there I'm gonna head back down I might actually sort of head up this time he says heading right oh look we found we found something oh that's the Relic okay so that's where the Relic is that's good to know there's no point on covering that yet I need iron and stuff let's fire one of those oh man there's nothing here it's just dead ends everywhere there's got to be something out this way right fire that come on find me some resources there's nothing all right we gotta head back we gotta head back I'm gonna have to drill my way back without an upgrade I found some Cobalt we'll grab the Cobalt that's all we got time for I say that's all we have time for like the bar isn't about to empty oh no look there's something on the Dome slice him come on come on get off my time you know all right he's off he's off right now it's just me versus the worm boosh eat some of that you knob all right then we got 20 iron which I tell you what I'm gonna get the heavy Blade 2 then we just need 30 iron to get the big boy sword yeah we know there's there's an upgrade here so that's definitely worth taking I'm gonna go over this way and probably fire another one find me resources yes yes oh it's just water I'll head up here and fire another one a little bit Cobalt oh there's loads of resources I've missed loads of resources okay this is good this is fine look at it's raining iron anyway I'm gonna grab the upgrade of course that looks way cooler than a bit of iron and then I've just got to try and navigate The Maze which is pretty tight in places but we're back into the main shafts and man I'm pretty I'm pretty pleased that we actually found some resources I was a bit worried that was it so Gadget definitely the stun laser there's literally no point having lift because the the map doesn't go straight down anymore so definitely stun laser I'm gonna have to move this teleporter to somewhere sensible oh God and I need to get up I need to get up quick Matt quick all right so okay we're up we have lost lost our Shield but it happens it happens right let's reflect projectiles oh that actually works brilliantly you're not gonna like I'm traveling pretty good as well Javelin combined with stun gun yeah liking that yeah looking at resources we have a lot of water but we have no iron they also got a lot of cobalt so I feel like I'm gonna do some repairs seem sensible to me is there anything I can upgrade with just water I don't think there oh there is that one a stun gun will work while I'm not there that's probably useful because I never make it back in time yeah everything else needs iron so we've got a we've gotta head back down so you're on the teleporter we're now close to all this iron we've found before and I will fire another one of those up there though just to make sure you didn't miss anything else do another one there just in case always found something I think above me there's some resources so we'll take this sack of iron up I feel like Santa Claus or something like this there's a lot beneath with me so we'll shove those in there teleport back down and then we want to head straight up because I think there's some resources in here there we go found it straight away love it so we'll grab all these grab all of those and then head back to the surface because we're being attacked by tadpoles all the giant tadpoles eat giant sword boosh oh I took the worm out as well oh man firing these are not actually Wicked boosh oh the javelin's really I didn't realize how quick it fired all right final one nice now we have 20 iron I ideally I need I need 30 to get the super heavy blade slice damage plus 400. now bear in mind our last upgrade with the slice damage did plus 40 so that's gonna one hit kill everything it's gonna be amazing but first we gotta find 10 iron so let's head over this way buy one of those didn't find anything what if we go up it's a dead end that's a dead end right fly one anyway no there's nothing here there is nothing here let's recharge that thing I feel like it's got to be something out to the left let's fire that there all right here we go here we go oh there's loads everywhere this was all like the early game stuff I missed all this yeah over here as well oh man how did I miss all that well at least we found it now so we'll take all that up head back along here and I think I'll fire another one about that here we go got a Cobalt nice and then boosh oh oh God oh God there's a big thing get off my sword get off my Toby enough get off all right we got the big dude off we do have a worm to deal with thankfully I just beheaded him which is pretty cool all right then we can head back down I'm pretty sure then all the resources I missed were like pretty high up so I reckon like down here has got to be something right yeah look straight away I found some the downside with not doing strip mining is yeah you do Miss stuff pretty easily so did it save time overall not convinced anyway anything in the middle here oh no actually nothing fair enough anything about oh no I feel like we're running out of resources on the map now anyway thankfully I have 36 bits of iron which means we have the heavy blade three it's monstrous so let's start battling oh my goodness look at the size of that thing I'm not used to wielding one so big boosh oh man even the projectiles are big all right that guy's getting nailed in one hit now yet useful it kills everything in one hit it's amazing anyway as I've got six iron I may as well do that one which is the reflection of my thing I think wherever I move the sword I can reflect projectiles which is pretty cool and then I guess we just gotta head down we gotta keep on mining because we got this Relic to dig up but it's not unlocked yet so I'm guessing if we go this direction yeah here we go here we go I'm seeing wires I'm seeing cables we've got that which is one unlock for it I think that's the other lock for it oh and look look The Relic is unlocked which means we can now take this we can take it back to the surface but that triggers like the final wave I'm not sure what it's worth doing that now we'll try and do one more round and just find any last like straggler bits of iron or if we fire that there is there anything over to the left no I think maybe we've cleared out the entire map to sort it let's just do this come on Mr Bat we've got this so first off a couple of repairs I'm then gonna do this one the impact thing that just means we should regen some health pretty quick and then we've got some big boy battles going on so what have you got for me game what is my what's my stun laser doing why is it broken a stone lasers just said no get off my throwing your knobs tight thy worms boost they've been beheaded right explored down that gate giant tadpoles die ah worms all right let's just regen some health again you may call it cheating I call it taking advantage of the game there's so many things in the sky I could really use my stun laser right now why is it just pointing at the ground a little bit more repairs all right then it's just dealing with these last two things and I think we've actually we've done it Bruce eat that boost eat that yes we didn't need the weapon of mass destruction the Dome is saved nice well that was a fun build I like having a really really big one a sword I'm talking about yeah very decent if you want to see any other sort of builds let me know in the comments what you want to see otherwise I'll catch you guys next time peace love and really big ones but
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 66,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dome romantik gameplay, dome romantik walkthrough, dome romantik playthrough, lets play dome romantik, dome romantik review, dome romantik preview, dome romantik impressions, dome romantik download, dome romantik guide, dome romantik tutorial, dome romantik trailer, dome romantik steam, dome romantik soundtrack, dome romantik music, rce, real civil engineer, digging down game, roguelite, roguelike, under the dome, dome keeper, dome keeper sword
Id: j12vc2wF9wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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