This new weapon CHANGES EVERYTHING...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to dome keeper formerly Dome romantic so yeah this is the Early Access version no longer the demo and if you haven't seen this before basically you start off as this little man in a dome uh you dig down you do some mining you grab some resources you head back up to the Dome because you're being attacked so you've got to defend your Dame by shooting all the bad guys in the face with your laser then head back down your Dome do some more mining head back to the surface upgrade your laser more so it's a bigger laser rinse and repeat jobs are good but in this new version if we click new game there's different domes look we have the sword Dome it looks like the strongest shape so it's going to be strong uh no I won't lie to you I haven't actually used this yet so I'm not sure how this is going to go but we're definitely using the sword dome for the keeper obviously we're gonna stay as the engineer because we are skilled efficient professional with excellent mining skills and we're also very good looking there's also things like pets and skins you can unlock a different starting gadgets I'm going to stick with the shield because it's what I know as well as different game modes and all sorts but yeah nice let's let's get into this so here we are we're like we're landing on an abandoned Planet I don't think we know what's there but that's us in in the ball of stuff I mean the story is this is it's pretty much Wizard of Oz so basically there's there's the witch there and boosh we landed on her head but this is us in our Dome we'll head down and we'll get digging straight away I guess oh look we found we found iron straight away lovely let's grab that and take that to the surface this is our primary upgrade resource look there's a little mouth up there eating it and anyway we're gonna we're gonna wanna go left and right as well as down looking for resources yeah so what I like to do can you see like that that wall above me it's like solid whereas the walls down there they've got like you see they've got like dots on them that means we can mine through them whereas like that I can't go left I can't go up we will grab this iron late and head back to the surface there you go back in there get chomped nice yeah I like to play this a bit like Minecraft because we can we can see like the adjacent walls so there's no point going like mining every single bit we've gotta go do this a fish we are an engineer after all so grab these resources I think these are Cobalt the triangles so we'll take these up and then we probably have enough to think about upgrading so all of our upgrades we've got various different things we can upgrade we've got the actual Dome itself we've got ourselves the engineer that we can upgrade does things like making our drills better move faster carry strength Etc um I think we're not going to go for first is probably the Hostile proximity meter so if you look at the bottom left that's currently my only like inventory my only HUD uh basically has no information but if I if I unlock this for two we've now got a bar so basically that bar fills up and when it empties you'll see we are being attacked so how does this sword work oh fire fire oh no you don't know how to use the sword how do I attack him do I hit him on the head okay just hit him on the head I don't know if this is working very well oh man this sword is terrible I thought it was going to be so much better right there you go I really don't know how this works oh look I can steer this thing what anyway let's get back digging that's fast so exciting for now we're gonna I'm gonna go down another level and then I'm gonna dig this way so you can see I've sort of I'm digging in a very efficient way in that I can see the adjacent tiles I'm not digging when I don't have to be although I will here because there is that's a resource that's water I think those blobs a lovely bit of water to upgrade our stuff I'll keep going this way and then oh this is quite wide there you go right so we've got that let's grab this water and then I'm gonna leave them there while I dig this direction okay the water's coming with me oh look we've got some more water ah some more iron I'm definitely gonna take the iron over the water so we'll grab those now I've grabbed too many so I'm quite slow so I have to drop some let's just take four for now because whilst I'm moving slowly that is I'm still I'm still moving let's put it that way so they go in there I can move this machine and then I've got bottom left I've got eight bits of iron so I'll tell you what I might do a little bit of cheeky upgrading probably upgrade myself bit of carry strength so I can carry more things and then I might do drill strength as well so I can dig faster because the deeper you go the the stronger the ground gets let me know I've got the sword so first base okay so sword is all right I think I might actually have a little look at the sword upgrades just to see like what they all do so you got slice Improvement that that increases the slice damage and then you can upgrade them oh in a big way up to the heavy blade hey what's that slice damage plus 400 and the first upgrade is slice damage plus 10. very powerful but slow moving that is powerful uh there's also an electrified blade I can get I guess that sort of like means I don't have to slice as much I can just touch people what's this bottom one bomb damage wait what there's bombs ah so I can turn my long stab into a bomb Oh there's so many upgrades I don't know what I want to go for and then there's some reflection stuff at the bottom right where I've got no iron so I literally can't do any of that so we're gonna we're gonna head back out we're gonna head down the hole and we're gonna go do some more mining so let's head this way I'm gonna mine all the way I can and then I'll come back for that iron we've got more water I don't think water's the best sort of upgrade thing really I want I want Iron anyway we'll grab these for you'll see now I'm holding four I can actually still move fairly easily I'm gonna grab grab a fifth shove all of these back in the Pod then head back down you can see bottom left the bar I've got like half my time remaining so may as well go down so I want to go down three and then across although there is iron there and I I think I'm gonna take all this iron back to the surface if I can I don't know how many I've got is there seven there I think there's seven so I'm moving pretty slow but looking at the bar I think I'm gonna make it before we get attacked come on come on get up right we're back nice so what's that thing eats those up we can check out which upgrade you want to go but I feel like I need to do something with the sword it's actually really terrible should I make the slicing better let's let's make the slicing better I guess all right anyway we're ready to battle now so I'm gonna try and hit this guy boosh got him in the face and again fire oh I know I did the worst oh that was the worst shot ever right Whack Him on the head Whack Him on the edge boost oh man will you build up speed the sword's actually quite good I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie anyway back down the hole I'll let you can see everything's like growing down here where we've dug our tunnels there's like moss and stuff growing that's pretty cool anyway so we're going this way we're going left because we got our drill strength upgraded we're getting through the ground pretty quick now so it's one hit for most of these there are like there's harder patches of dirt everywhere though um right let's grab all of those iron oh I missed one I missed one come back yet so it will take these back to the surface I might actually clear like a wider path just so they don't all get stuck on the sides and stuff so I feel like that was probably worth doing maybe not yeah then we'll quickly head down do a little bit of digging this way oh look we've uncovered we've uncovered an upgrade do I have time solid we have time all right there's the upgrade give me the upgrade so we got this now we've gotta take this to the top we are being attacked though quick quick why do I get greedy oh we're being attacked we are being attacked already thankfully we have a gadget to unlock uh we can do blast mining which adds a machine Under the Dome that produces blast charges so that's quite good for clearing out a lot of area or this which I think is new adopt a lovable creature like Paddy that loves to dig oh it is like Paddy Chariots of mine and drop it off where you want it to work come back because it goes to sleep okay we've got drill but anyway let's get into here go to battle and then boosh on your head boosh boosh right then over this way die hit him on the head oh they're hurting my Dome so badly oh man right let's go let's go do some upgrades um I feel like it's probably sensible to get the health meter unlocked so that's gonna cost one iron so we'll do that bottom left you can now see that's how much HP we have left now we can revive with the Cobalt repair now that repairs 15 of your total hit point so it's probably worth actually before I repair anything like upgrading my health because that gives us 300 hit points um oh and it also repairs so yeah I'll upgrade that if I if I get low health I think for now then we'll go down we'll try and do another upgrade maybe a sword one I think on this path can you see these two are in boxes I think that means I can only pick one path so I can go the heavy blade try and get that heavy blade at the end or I can go for a longer blade which will get me up to the electrified one I really don't know what route to go thankfully they both cost 12 iron each so I can't even afford either of those um at this point it's probably worth upgrading myself I mean carry strength or just adding speed top speed plus 16 18 20. yeah let's make myself faster I think that should pay off so now as we move down here we should be moving a fair bit faster I forgot about drill but I forgot about drill but I have to come back for him for now I'm going to do some drilling all right some water there just one water on its own as you can see like iron is the main resource we want to be aiming for really oh a bit of a bit of weaker land over this end there's some Cobalt um better than kicking the balls actually so I will take the Cobalt I'm probably going to leave those there and head over this way so I'm doing this bottom layer first I'll come back and do the layer above in a bit now we've got some we got some hard hard ground I can barely get through that actually I'll probably come back once I've upgraded my drill to do down here oh no wait no wait no I found some iron I'm glad I stayed anyway we we have to go we have to go the enemies are nearly here I've grabbed a bit of water as well come on that extra speed I need it unfortunately we've got a flying one so we're gonna have to try oh bloody damn it oh I got one I got one right get the other one get the other one no we're being attacked by all the tadpoles right hit it hit it right Bush die typos get off me boosh boosh oh man our Dome is in a bad place I think then I'm gonna spend my iron on oh no I'm not I've only got six iron right okay gotta head back down our Dome is very fragile let's grab this thing this is our little drill bit um I think what I'm going to do I'm going to dig down so I want to go down three so on that one and I'll just leave them there then you should start digging in One Direction or the other yeah there you go can you see him pecking away nice meanwhile I'll do up here this is teamwork oh thankfully we found some iron so let's grab that all right so I can grab all of these I am very very slow though I'm wondering is it worth doing like who goes so if I drop like one of them yeah that is a lot quicker and then I can come back and do that maybe we look at the bar we're literally I don't think we're gonna have time actually anyway back in here to the upgrades let's take the health upgrade so that's 300 HP and it repairs all of our health um I might spend two Cobalt making my Dome harder actually I think that's probably worthwhile and then I got one to repair it with that one if I need it after this battle but I think for now we will just try and get ready to fight like what have we got we got you down there boost in your face oh we gotta we've got to get the one in the sky and the Skype fish I he disappeared he disappeared ready boosh okay got the one in the sky now it's just dealing with all these guys die die okay I'm sort of getting used to how the sword Works uh controlling it is quite tricky actually like the in the air one it's a lot harder than I thought it would be maybe I remember there's some iron down here so let's grab that first so that's three iron so we'll grab those combine it with that iron and these three Cobalts and we'll take these up and quickly head back down go wake up our dinosaur wait mate wake up there you go so he's drill in that direction I'll drill this direction for a little bit but then I'm gonna have to head up because that bar is running out fast yeah let's go let's go let's get out of it oh look my drill bits found iron though right boost on your head boost on your head die tadpoles uh uh so many tadpoles anyway back down again oh look how look how green it is down here anyway I'll keep drilling this direction I probably should have upgraded myself thankfully I have found some iron so I will be able to this time so it will take this up and we have 15 iron so I might do a cheeky upgrade I might I might increase my carry strength just so I can carry more back without being slowed down because that means if I head down now I should be able to grab the iron on the right that I've got as well as what old drill bit's been up to right so grab all of this iron and I'm gonna make this Gap a bit wider just so my iron doesn't get stuck and then we'll head up quick the bar's running out Matt quick right we're in oh my goodness what there's like poison fog everywhere anyway what if I or if I shoot that into the tadpoles all that works well that does work well saw that guy in the head I need to I need to Shield myself some tadpoles that's so annoying right and then it's just trying to get the air ones so I got a fire like now nice head over that way I gotta wait for it to recharge I need to massively upgrade that because it's bloody gone now I gotta wait for it to recharge oh we've timed this all wrong go go oh not again all right go fire fight oh I dapped it rather than held it boosh yes I got it I got it oh man that's so stressful right is there a way to make the long stab faster yes there is but then I won't be able to go the bomb route I feel like I probably want to go the bomb route if I'm honest oh look I can upgrade drill bit as well I can make his drill strength better I can make him last longer with Cups of Tea all right anyway I got distracted I've gone for a longer blade because size is everything right um I've also done a cheeky repair so hopefully that's good we'll head back down and then I'm gonna head down again then I might go get drill a bit because I think he's probably come to an end over here he hasn't yet but I feel like he will have soon so I might just dig down a hole just so he can drill down there I'll grab his iron then I'll just draw myself this Direction all right there's nothing much over this side that's quite annoying I'll probably just take all this stuff up yeah that's dead end shove that in there get ready to fight again I got a longer sword this time boosh in your face mate oh God there's like there's like a worm thing very oh the longest sword is way better I do need to get that guy though boost oh I sliced it in the air all right so now I'm just waiting for the worm to spawn again worm vs sword boosh come on then show yourself Show Yourself Bush oh in the face and the final hit is he dead yeah we cut his head off nice all right in terms of upgrades I think I'm gonna I might make drill bit work for longer then make him turn around when he hits a hard wall I think that would be pretty useful so meanwhile I'll head back down myself and then I probably need to go find drill bit where is the eyes falling down there he fell down he's finding some iron though decent I might get him to go down to that level when he spins around then and then I'll head back this direction yeah because he's hit he's hit the wall and he turns around and then he'll head down the hole I shouldn't laugh but then he's drilling that direction decent so I'll take all this iron and I'll take it back to the surface cheers drill bit do a little more drilling down here oh look we got another upgrade can I get that to the surface in time I'm not sure if I can all right come on upgrade all right we've got it we are being attacked already though oh this could be a mistake should I drop it I'm not gonna drop it we're nearly there we're nearly there my Health's going down quick quick right pick the gadget what do we go for oh the lift install an automated lift that is actually really good so I'm probably gonna do that over blast mine ain't yet I'm in my upgrades I'm probably gonna repair before I do anything else just to get my health up a little bit yeah then we'll battle so the one in the sky let's get rid of you straight away boosh there's two over that way in the sky that's quite annoying now there's only one come on reload oh I just missed it damn it there you go right now it's just the worm thing to deal with boosh right okay we we took a lot of damage there I'm not gonna light I'm probably gonna have to do another repair I'm I'm gonna need Kobo in a big weight so let's head back down look now we've got this lift so basically I just need to put resources like in the bottom in the center and they'll automatically go to the surface for example if I grab this water and then I drop it there that will go to the surf are they going to the surface I don't think they are you're meant to go to the surface anyway I'm just gonna dig this hole so drill bit drills up the right level when he gets there I'm gonna go this way myself nice we found some Cobalt decent so that's the edge of the map that is the edge of the map okay fair enough we'll take this one bit of cobalt there's another bit there nice one drill bit there's some water over here as well so I may as well grab that now drill bits asleep let's go wake him up anyway back to the surface quick they're attacking so over that way boost get the worm in the face I'm gonna have to deal with the stuff in the sky I think they're absolutely rinsing me ah this sucks die die hit him on the head and then Skye nice right now it's just the worm all right one more hit and he is headless decent all right I might have to upgrade the lift just to make it faster that costs quite a lot though four iron maybe I don't want to do that no I think we'll just repair and then we'll head back down uh the resources are moving up though on their own so that's good I can just bring all the resources to like this level and then we should be good so there's some iron down here so we'll shove that in and we'll just mine back this way at this level and there's nothing there was absolutely nothing that's quite annoying so we'll keep going down I feel like I should probably just take all this iron up myself anyway let's take some resources up the lift is a bit terrible actually I expected better I think they nerfed it since the demo yeah I'm ready to battle the misters back which I don't like I don't get why there's black mist everywhere right there's a worm there is a worm boost right through other tadpoles die tadpoles yeah so many tadpoles get back get back get back all right die worm he's trying to hide in the Mist but you cannot hide from the power of engineering anyway back down we go grab this iron I'm just gonna shove it in there for now I'm gonna mine this direction you can see my iron's being taken to the surface at least three of it and I I need I need a bit of drill strength I might go the other direction actually because I can see this is this is softer ground although the Deep we go the harder it does actually get to mine oh decent's mine oh there's a lot of iron here we've hit the jackpot boys oh look it just keeps on going it's iron everywhere right grab all of those oh there's so much iron come on no come on a little bit yes we got it all we got it all right so hopefully you can leave a load in the lift yeah and then I'm gonna try and take all of this up you can see there's a bit like sitting on top that's not actually connected uh if we can get that up as well I think that's bonus because that was I don't think that one's slowed me down I think if I were to actually grab that it would slow me down oh no we've lost it we've lost it anyway the lift should bring that up at some point um we we actually need to go pretty fast come on come on we're being attacked we're being attacked all right we're in we're in quick battle die tadpoles Bush I get the one in the sky nice I gotta slices guys if I can slice them like hard it is a one hit kill yeah it always ends up just my sword versus the worm uh thankfully I always win it seems so not gonna complain too much all right let's see what upgrades we can do oh we got 29 bits of iron now right that is good I feel like I might save doing my health increase um just because that repairs 100 of HP I may as well wait we'll do the drill strength I think and I might do the Long Blade make it even better all I'm worried about is at some point I'm going to be attacked by stuff in the sky like instead of the Long Blade I could actually get pretty close to a bomb I really want the electrified blade like that's going to be Game Changer surely yeah Long Blade Two I've decided and then we'll head back down all the way down and I'll do some mining this Direction all right there's our there's our dude coming back if I if I make him drop down there oh I hate it when he fall closed captioning not available [Music] guess we just won't we'll head back down and then maybe do that when we get back so down here dinosaurs going left I'm going right we know there's a little bit of iron above but I may as well drill this way as I'm heading that direction anyway because then when I'm underneath I can I can just make it drop down beneath me and then grab that on the way back anything along here that we might have missed nothing NADA okay we'll grab this iron I'm gonna drop this down a little bit see if there's anything over here it's not looking good hopefully my dinosaur will find something on the in-between path oh I honestly thought we would have found something there's nothing here around our dinosaurs asleep you're knob head let's quickly wake him up there you go there you go wake up me it's like work with my editors blooming now anyway the bar is about to empty we're back at the top should I take the health upgrade now or should I do it afterwards should I gamble I'm gonna gamble let's battle come on what you got for me I get the sky thing oh no I cocked it I cocked it there we go there we go die die get the sky one nice we got one all right fire fire fire oh I missed him I'm gonna try and get the other one no it wasn't long enough right back to the upgrade screen thankfully this does pause the game so now I'm gonna regen because look how low my actual health is like that bar is empty so if I do that that will not only make the bar bigger um it's also regend all of my health so very glad I actually did that then I just gotta try and take out the things in the sky there goes one and then it's just the worm to deal with again boost right there we go meanwhile back down the hall it's a long way down it is a long way down now right there's drill bit doing its thing I'm gonna head this direction this time I'll probably drop that down three just in case drill bit finishes and we're on the hunt for iron and we didn't find any iron down there wait drill bit wake up your knob all right he's waking up I'm gonna do a bit more drilling down here I'm gonna have to head up though oh we've got we got a little bit of iron so let's just grab whatever there is oh it's not great as well right grab those six to the top oh no the bar the bar I'm gonna lose my health again I only just regen that quick we're being attacked we're being attacked oh thankfully it's just little little tadpoles so I can deal with those let's get the thing in the sky boost final one there can I slice the thing I can't slice a thing all right come on then spawn in your face mate right now it's just the worm the age-old battle right then back down to the bottom I really need to start using my lift a bit I think so I'm gonna grab that iron and shove it in the lift and then I'm gonna try and clear out the upgrade I might have to take the upgrade up myself I don't know if my left can actually hack that so we'll leave those in there we'll try and deal with this what is that that's not an upgrade is it it's like a button okay it looks like it's wide in over there I want to get some iron first though so I'm gonna head this way haha we have iron oh this is good this is good I just I gotta remember how deep we are oh look there's an upgrade as well okay so let's just grab all this iron and then we'll come back to that later oh we're moving slow I'm gonna have to drop some I'm gonna drop let's drop one quick oh no one got stuck oh we're losing so much iron I've only got six now how did that happen and we're being attacked this is not good this is really not good anyway we're in die tadpoles right can I double kill the sky things one two nice sword you on the head and you tadpole all right then one more sky thing and the worm can I do it in one hit oh that's so close anyway obviously I killed the worm so let's check our upgrades we got 17 iron I need bloody 30 for your electrified blade okay we'll keep saving thankfully there is a pop iron that I ran into I just got to go mine it Where Are You Gonna drill me you're gonna drill over the yeah that'll work I'm sure that'll work I'll leave them to it he knows what he's doing he's quite experienced now I'll drill bit oh there's a lot of iron here and this thing which is is that another switchy thing I think it is not entirely sure what that does it looks like it's connected to something oh look there oh look Cobalt Cobalt we need that let's take this to the surface because maybe I can take some of these straggler bits of iron I am actually I'm taking like all of them now we've dropped we dropped two we dropped two more arbles we dropped another one all right die Sky thing what is that what is that get it off get it off get off my Dome oh my god look how fast this sword is so that's the end of the round I need to regen my health I think so we'll do that probably twice just to be safe uh inventory 29 iron oh we're only one away from the electrified blade so we should be able to buy that next round we'll just do a little bit more mining this round oh and I found some Cobalt and some water which I don't think I've spent yet oh and some iron this is amazing look at this there's so much there I literally can't take all that I'll shove a load in there and then try and grab some more there's so much iron let's shove it all there do I have time to get a bit more maybe probably risky but let's try and take this to the surface oh no I think I'm gonna be late again look at that but why do I always push it I'm always so late stop gambling that just play it safe for once please but quickly into the upgrade screen let's get the electrified blade so now this is electrified boost and which I think means we can just touch anything and it kills them yeah so probably good for defending against your old tadpoles yeah it is that is he literally all jumped into it and died that's fantastic and then just the worm can you hack an electrified sword I don't think you can make but meanwhile I might take the long stab because that leads to the bombs and if I can get enough iron I'd love to try those out as well and but I think for now let's just head down and actually get that iron because we know there's a lot down the bottom hey look at all of that there's so much eye in there um I do actually need to explore like down here as well so I'll do that whilst I'm here okay that was it there's there's nothing else down here okay so this seems to be like the bottom of the map actually so drill bits uncovering that big thing I don't know what it is oh it's pretty big this could be the Relic oh no drill bit I'm sorry I mean oh I made him drop yeah I think this is the Relic I'm actually I might not risk this until later yeah I don't wanna I don't want to myself up I've done that enough times so let's grab this we'll grab a few bits of iron as well I think we might actually make it to the surface before that bar empties for a change it's gonna be tight though it is gonna be tight I'm glad I went it and now we have we have so much water 17 water there's like nothing to spend water on either it's all just like Shield improvements which to be fair I feel like that could be like something really cool to try later on like electric Shields and stuff yeah maybe that's a challenge for another video I think for this one I'm gonna I'm gonna try and get the bomb unlock so we'll do that one and then we'll do long stab too so now our range is really long so hopefully I can like kill everything on like one flying sword so let's battle come on then you want some if you want some so there's the worm boosh can I get up to those guys as well yes and this one I'm gonna spawn kill him yes right retract retract boost all right let's do some really efficient stop look I made it up I made a knob I am dying though I'm an idiot I thought an object would be funny but I'm just getting killed all right cut off that guy said oh I got that in the air and killed him what an incredible shot oh incredible right anyway my my health is dying in a big way I need to I need to regen a couple of times oh that was such a big distraction right anyway back down we go let's get this Relic uncovered and I feel like I've like completely cleared out this map I think we've done everything on the right anyway it's just on this left bit so let's draw over here just make sure we haven't missed anything no we literally haven't that's the edge of the map again all right so that I think I need to take that to the surface and that will like well that'll be insane so I think first I'm gonna take this iron up because I want to try and get the bomb upgrade I don't know if I actually have enough iron so we'll wrang that in that's getting eaten by the teeth we'll just go double check that we have searched everywhere I think we have I feel like the map's sort of like a diamond shape well it is a section here's a section that we missed all right grab the Cobalt that's three more repairs anyway nice yeah I need seven more iron to get the the old bomb anyway let's battle hit the worm on the head all right take out the flying thing there we go and the tadpoles die tadpoles and that worm oh man it's so long it's so long that's what she said all right let's go make sure we didn't miss anything over this side I'm gonna lie it's not looking like we did there might be no more iron left on the map I think we've mined we've mined out the entire map okay fair enough we're gonna have to get this Relic then unless you can find something down there no that's that's the end okay all right so let's grab this bomb thing take it to the surface I think this is the super weapon that's basically we're gonna get like an absolute Carnage at the end everything's gonna attack us and but I'm pretty sure from last time when I played this this thing will save our ass I hope I'm right they might have changed it don't know all right that's locked in you can see that's doing its thing down the bottom sadly when you got to eight iron so I guess I should probably spend that now to be honest uh let's do reflection I don't really know what that does apparently it might allow me to reflect like projectiles but oh my goodness there's so many things die die die die die die die die die ah there's so many things saw them Sodom kill the worms boost all right things in the sky oh they've disappeared get the worms get the worms so many tabs pose get back get back Bruce oh they ducked away from me bastards kill the worms map boosh there we go there's still there's still more worms see the last one oh nice we've done it oh so last time that bomb killed what what do you mean the Dome is lost no it isn't game the Dome is not lost look it's got half its Health look down there oh wow anyway that was the full game Dome romantic there's actually more domes coming soon they didn't want to release them all at once because they're like working on like balancing and stuff but they will be coming with future updates so we're definitely going to be checking those out I might have to do another run like focusing on like something else like the shields or maybe the bomb thing rather than the electric sword but really really love the sword Dome uh absolutely incredible oh that was really fun but anyway boost like button if you enjoyed the videos but for now I'll say peace love and Dome Keepers bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 652,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dome romantik gameplay, dome romantik walkthrough, dome romantik playthrough, lets play dome romantik, dome romantik review, dome romantik preview, dome romantik impressions, dome romantik download, dome romantik guide, dome romantik tutorial, dome romantik trailer, dome romantik steam, dome romantik soundtrack, dome romantik music, rce, real civil engineer, digging down game, roguelite, roguelike, under the dome, dome keeper, dome keeper sword
Id: MDhfz1kYziw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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