COMPLETE Danjin Guide! | Best Build, Weapons, Echoes & Teams | Wuthering Waves

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dungeon the Scarlet shade was born on the 31th of August in Huang long and I don't know why I tell you this but honestly I have no funny idea on how to start this video she is a s wielding Havoc DPS who trades her own health in exchange for damage Buffs and tops not only the charts for being the best unit to solo Holograms with but also the best unit to die with we will cover her skills the sponsor of today's video her best weapons echo echo skills and Echo sets her sequence notes her best teams and how to play her career let's [Music] go special thanks to Sweet Tilly for taking her time and helping me out with this guide check her out a link is in the description dungeon has the usual heavy attack midair attack Dodge counter and features a three-part basic attack which plays heavily into her combo alternating between Basics and her resonance skill which changes how it works depending on when it is used regardless using her resonance skill reduces her current HP by 3% or 6% for Crimson erosion if used after a Dodge counter and only if you have her inherent skill Crimson light unlocked her skill has no cooldown and as previously mentioned behaves differently depending on when it is used while the usual effect Carmen gleam deals some minor damage damage using it after basic attack two Dodge counter or her intro skill she has her perform Crimson erosion instead which can be casted consecutively up to twice and the second hit will apply incinerating will on Target's hit incinerating will is a debuff which lasts 12 seconds and increases Dent damage dealt against Mark targets by 20% this debuff is very important to apply as soon as possible and keep it up at all times using her skill after her basic 3 instead will have you perform sanguin pulls instead which can be recalled consecutively up to three times it should also be noted you can use her skill outside of combat to generate Forte for her which is especially useful for hologram fights for her resonance Liberation Crimson Bloom it is a mega nuke on a 16se seconds cool down costs 100 resonance Liberation energy and generates the usual 20 conserto her forte circuit has her accumulate up to 120 Ruby blossoms whenever her resonance skill is used while you can hold basic attack to cause chaos cleave and following that scatter Bloom already at 60 Ruby blossoms damage dealt by both is increased massively if cost when at maximum 120 Ruby blossoms chaos cleave will consume all ruby blossoms will deal significant heavy attack damage healed engine and can be followed up directly after with scatter Bloom by P pressing her basic attack which will also inflict massive damage as well chaos cleave also generates a fantastic 50 concerto and 14 resonance Liberation energy where a scatter Bloom generates six energy for your ultimate this also means if you are low on health and to be honest you will be all the time it is dungeon after all and you need the healing to not die using hog Forte early as emergency food P emergency food I mean healing to not die is a valid Exchange for losing some damage however if you're good at dodging and parrying using chaos cleave at full Forte is nearly always the better choice her intro deals medium to minor damage and generates 10 concertive her outro grants 23% Havoc damage amplification to the next character switched in for her inherent skill Crimson light as already previously mentioned it doubles the health cost of her skill but also increases the damage dealt by Crimson erosion if used directly after her Dodge counter and the amount of Ruby blossoms accumulated by her skill however this also only applies if used directly after a Dodge counter for second passive overflow grants her 30% heavy attack damage after costing her resonance skills sanguin PS knowing how dungon kit works we can now start to look at her damage distribution but wouldn't it be great if you could write a program for yourself to do all of these calculations or even better program even your own game with fantastic gamepl such as weing waves well you can thanks to the sponsor of today's video boot. death boot. death offers online self-paced programming courses focusing on backend development in a unique approach similar to a captivating RPG game you will earn XP levels achievements and complete quests to get a spot on the global leaderboard all while you will learn backend development in Python and go then platform is designed to get your writing a ton of code because getting your hands on the keyboard and shipping projects is honestly the only and best way to really learn if you ever get stuck on a challenge boot. death has a very active Discord Community to help you out and the best part is they never want any student feel like they spent money on something that isn't helping them which means they do offer you a 30-day no questions asked with fund policy as well as a free demo of every course and all the interactive features Kickstart your new development carrier now and click the link in the description box and use my code I am riveness to get 25% off your first payment for boot. death that's 25% for your first month or your first year depending on the subscription you choose that said let's now actually have a look at her damage distribution and her skill priority a sizable chunk of her damage is heavy attack damage which comes from her forte and due to the frequent use of her skill her final skill priority is forte into skill into ultimate into basic attack into intro for her weapons her by far best in slot weapon is the standard five-star Emerald of Genesis next up are the rank five battle pass weapon loming gloss and the rank five commander of conviction other possible options are the R5 craftable sword number 18 Luna cutter or even a sword of Knight however then gap between any of these weapons and the standard five star is quite large for her set a five-piece Suns syncing Eclipse with the dreamless echo is her best on slot not only because the set is her best choice but also because dreamless is a freaking broken Echo to use other options include mix matching a two-piece Sun syncing and two-piece lingering Tunes or even a five-piece lingering Tunes with a Mech Abomination as your Echo ability if you plan on playing her as a hyper carry and stay on field with her switching her out while you do have a five piece lingering Tunes will have her DPS decline drastically as you cannot make full use of the five piece lingering tune set djon has an absolute massive energy requirement of up to minus 35% depending on your team so yeah you don't need any r on her zero that means we can fully focus on her damage output and hence prioritize crit rate or crit damage on her for cost double Havoc or mix matching attack percent and Havoc for her three costs and attack percent on her one cost Echoes an echo layout of 44111 is also possible but its damage ceiling is slightly lower than the classic 43311 nonetheless it is a good early option while you farm for double three cost pieces as the bosses and one cost Echo are much easier to acquire early on for the sub stats we W crit values first and foremost followed by attack percent and lastly heavy attack percent skilled damage percent and flat attack Liberation damage percent is usable as well but not a stat you are mainly looking out for if you w e% while you don't really need it as already previously mentioned the worst case is your ultimate is up sooner which means you can cast it more often which again does result indeed in a little bit higher DPS so it is not a waste of stat adding everything up these are the final end game stats I would recommend next up are her sequences dine gains massive damage damage from his sequences and his sequence six dungeon is nothing to scuff at coming close if not even in damage with some other five star options all her sequences are solely damage focused but you will have the biggest gain from her sequence one 2 and six for her sequence 4 if you change your rotation and delay her ultimate a bit you can expect another 2% damage increase over not delaying your ultimate making sequence 4 even with her sequence 2 her sequence 5 can reach higher numbers than shown on screen here but it requires you to consistently stay below 60% HP which is honestly really hard if you run any healer in your team given that your Forte also heals you before we cover her rotation I have to make something very clear Denon massively benefits from Dodge counters as well as from player skill both of which will significantly increase her damage dealt this also means any calculations I've done are on the lower end and a dungeon in the hands of any good player in a real Combat scenario will vastly outperform whatever my sheet says as I cannot account for Dodge counters in AES static rotation due to how the game works as well as the rues set appli to all characters for these calculations this basically means dungeon looks way worse on paper than she actually is there is a reason many people play her even solo furthermore dungeon's main rotation does not need to be exec uted uninterrupted and dodging or switching her out in between is perfectly fine and even recommended in certain teams however when using her in teams which Grant her deep amplification Buffs consider that first before you switch to another character that being said let's now finally have a look at her main rotation intro into double skill Crimson erosion into ultimate into three times basic into triple skilled sanguin pulse into a single cast of her skill Carmen gleam into Basics 2 and three into yet another triple skill sanguin pulse into her forte chaos cleave and finish it off with scatter Bloom depending on which Echo you have equ cryt you either want to use it directly before your ultimate in the case of Mech Abomination or at the end before switching her out if you run her with dreamless as previously mentioned you will very likely Dodge or switch out which hence will change your rotation however it is impossible in the crafting to account for all possibilities hence you can try to follow this rotation but if you have to dodge you are better off dodging instead of dying A good rule of thumb to follow is to get in two Crimson erosions to apply incinerating will around every 12 seconds then prioriti using your ultimate whenever available and if you can cost three Basics into three sanguin PS without doding that's a win if you have to dodge double cost Crimson erosion right afterwards if you care about optim iing her damage output I would recommend you to either swap or Dash cancel her sanguin pulse 3 as well as her Carmen gleam if you have her sequence for moving her ultimate down to use after the third sanguin pulse can be a small damage gain as well that being said let's have a look at her teams djon pairs exceptionally well with Havoc Rover and any support such as Verina byy oring in a quick swap team as dungon is not bound to any fixed rotation or needs to stay on field using her in quick swap rotations with Havoc Rover allows for many eye frames swap cancels and overall a fantastic damage output all while not only both can run the dreamless echo but dun outro can also Grant Havoc Grover a lovely damage boost thanks to her outro if you don't have hav Grover just kidding of course you have I mean if you don't want to play hav Grover and dungeon in a quick swap tandem mortie is a lovely support for hyper carry dungeon not only due to his off field damage but also the 38% heavy damage amplification effect he provides with his out for Dungeon just keep in mind if your player is a hyper carry with Mory you will need to stay on field with her to make full use of the buff Mory provides especially for her forte instead of Mory you can also play her in a double support team with Gian Jing and Verina or byi Gian Jing provides some grouping and can fix your skill issues by providing a shield to dungeon which which may help you survive a hit while you are low HP however if you do have dine at sequence 5 or higher as ging Shield provides healing you may lose out on 15% Havoc damage bonus occasionally as you cannot guarantee staying below 60% Health at all times to be fair though this however also applies to all healers you may bring which means sequence five dine and upwards is significantly harder to play if you want to mix out her potential that all being said thank you so much for watching don't forget for get to leave a like and a comment on your thoughts on dungeon subscribe for more withering waves content join the Discord and thanks again to boot. death for sponsoring this video peace [Music]
Channel: iamrivenous
Views: 24,562
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves cbt 2, wuthering waves rover, iamrivenous, genshin, wuwa, i am rivenous, wuthering waves news, gacha, wuthering waves overview, kurogames, punishing gray raven, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves characters, wuwa rover, wuwa guide, wuthering waves danjin, wuwa danjin, wuwa danjin guide, wuthering waves danjin guide, wuwa havoc rover, wuwa hrover, wuthering waves team building, wuthering waves team
Id: 5BYzo6aaNN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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