This dodge tech changed how I play Wuthering Waves

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so we know Dodges have eye frames but did you know counterattacks also have eye frames hello everyone I wanted to share this really useful Counterattack eye frame trick I discovered in weathering waves I've been utilizing it quite a lot lately and I specifically like to use the delayed counter I'll go into detail on what this means but it should work on all the characters and it's especially useful for dodging quick and deadly attack chains so when fighting enemies with consecutive attacks or when fighting multiple enemies or attacking you one after the other I'll start with a quick overview of how Dodges work in this game there are two types of dodges the normal Dodge and the perfect Dodge normal Dodges Dash you in a direction and you can chain two in a row before it goes on a brief cool down perfect Dodges are triggered when you dodge somewhere near an enemy attack before it hits your character model does not need to collect with the attack hitbox this is important because it means you do not need to dash into the attack to trigger a perfect Dodge in fact you can often Dash away from an attack and Trigger the perfect Dodge as long as you're near the hitbox as you can see here even though I am dodging away from where this Arrow should have hit it triggers a perfect Dodge nonetheless perfect Dodges have a flash indicator a sound effect and then in doing slowmo and gives you an invincibility of around 1 second oh also here's one really interesting finding I came across while making this video I went and tested every single character's Dodge invincibility frames and it turns out shorter characters have fewer invincibility frames during the perfect Dodge compared to taller characters so Encore and Verina have the least eye frames after a perfect Dodge roughly 48 frames of invincibility the mid High characters such as Rover ying and jingi have around 64 and then the taller ones such as gien Karo and Mory average around 72 that's almost 40% more invincibility frames just for being tall shorter characters already physically rent slower in this game now it turns out they also have quite a bit shorter eye frames life is really tough for the short ones why is this game so realistic anyways usually it's not too difficult to time a perfect Dodge versus a one hit attack however it becomes a lot trickier when you're trying to dodge and maneuver through a multi-hit chain attack such as this one there are two ways to extend your eye frame the first is to Simply Dodge again most of you probably already know know this but you can chain perfect Dodges until you run out of stamina and remain ey framed throughout the duration as long as you keep triggering them the downside to this is that you won't be doing any damage since you're dodging and if you wait too long to dodge you can get hit in between also if you spam two Dodges without triggering a perfect Dodge then your Dodge will interent cool down and you can get hit the second method and the one that I've been abusing I mean using involves the Dodge Counterattack normally after you execute a perfect Dodge you can press basic attack after to execute a Counterattack quite a few characters counterattacks deal a lot of damage so it is encouraged to counter where you can there are two important things I've recently discovered about this Counterattack the first is that every character's Counterattack actually comes with eye frames separate from the Dodge eye Fram your normal perfect Dodge gives you around 1 second of invincibility starting from the moment the flash indicator starts and the Counterattack can give you almost another second of invincibility starting from 3 to four frames after you trigger it to help you visualize it looks something like this the second thing I discovered about counter attacks is that you do not need to trigger your Counterattack right away there's actually rough ly a 1second window where you can trigger the Counterattack and as you'll see you might want to wait before triggering your Counterattack this waiting before triggering the counter attack is what I like to refer to as the delayed counter this can be very useful because it lets you utilize the Counterattack as an eye frame while dealing damage in some cases waiting will mean that your Dodge eye frame will rain out before you trigger your Counterattack so you cannot use the delayed counter trick to completely iframe continuous attacks such as the rain here however versus bosses they generally have a small delay even between their quicker attacks so he can usually perfectly time this delayed counter with their attack as an example the prowess always performs this quick sequence of slashes whenever he transforms into his second phase versus this type of attack you usually have three options the first is to continually Dodge this is a fairly safe option if you can time your Dodge as well but this also means you won't be able to do any damage during this time and sometimes I find that when you spam the Dodge too quickly you won't trigger the perfect Dodge and then your Dodge goes on cool down cuz you spam it twice in a row and then you get hit the second option is the super sweaty option utilizing the quick counter quick counter is where you press basic attack immediately to Counterattack as soon as possible this option has the highest ceiling for damage since you can technically form a counter for every attack but it requires a lot more precise timing I often get hit while doing this so I started going with the third option for the attacks I was less confident on this third method involves the technique I mentioned earlier the delayed counter essentially it utilizes the fact that your Counterattack can iframe to dodge one attack and then iframe the next with a delayed counter so instead of dodging seven times you use one Dodge for one attack followed by a delayed counter to iframe the next attack in my opinion it's a lot safer and it also lets you deal damage envision your Counterattack as another Dodge and time it accordingly here are some other attacks from the crownless where I like to use the delayed counter essentially the delayed counter utilizes the fact that because the counter attack also comes with eye frames instead of dodging and quickly spamming Counterattack to try to get out another Dodge before the next attack you dodge wait a bit and then time your Counterattack to iframe the next attack not spamming the inputs has helped me Dodge a lot cleaner while also dealing damage this technique is also very useful in a lot of other fights for instance versus mephis and the Clones when the two Bros are attacking in quick succession you can often Dodge one attack wait a Split Second and then utilize the delayed counter to perfectly iir the next attack it's also useful in the tower when you're fighting against two or more enemies I do want to make it clear I don't think you should always use the delayed counter rather I believe that this is a very useful technique to learn about and just have at your disposal in combat you should use a mixture of what you prefer along with what makes more sense based on the enemy attacks I think that's it thank you for watching I hope my explanations made sense remember to like And subscribe if you enjoy my content as it helps my channel a lot I know I released a variety of things on here but thank you to everyone who has been watching all my videos and supporting my content I really really appreciate it sandless Zone zero is releasing soon and I will probably cover that as well not sure how I will balance everything but we'll see let me know in the comments if you have any questions and see you on stream or in my next video enter wait wait no no I pressed he's even face ping
Channel: Sweetily
Views: 93,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oIJT9O0ktzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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