Companies Which Are Guilty Of False Advertising - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar did buy rediff i what company is totally guilty of false advertising and why some people claim energy bracelets don't work and have full of hit advertisements but every time I put one on I'm able sprint 10 miles on a rope in between two skyscrapers during a hurricane they changed my magnetic fields and allow me to become superhuman it's basically the same concept as Superman getting power from the Sun just a little more complicated to make it work for the average person I actually like that these exist though I was at the gym once and the starchy looking guy comes in he's wearing a macula matching gym gear that's clearly never had any wear and tear he weeks of cologne and he's not even lifting so much as moving lightweights in a manner that allows him to flex in the mirror now normally I just ignore this and do my thing but I was in a foul mood that day and I decided to say something mean to this kid I moved in and I saw that very magnetic bracket and I stopped I couldn't believe how close I'd come to making fun of mentally challenged person Fiss a coiffure just saw a news article that they will be required to change their labeling because the water is just tap water it doesn't come from a spring nor is it purified probably better that way at least it's coming from a source that's actually regulated those penny auction websites you aren't bidding on things to buy you are placing bets to win prizes in a gambling game it's also heavily rumored that if prices don't go high enough there are BOTS to snipe at the last second to keep pushing the prices up so that the marks bidders keep bidding further down the rabbit hole I've also heard many of the products don't even exist except as bid pips and are always won by BOTS those new 1% sprint commercials saying Verisign is only one percent better than Sprint now idk where the duck they are getting that statistic from but I just switched from Sprint of arizim and it was the best decision I've ever made I'm still trying to get used to having service anywhere because on Sprint I sure didn't most of Sprint's numbers usually describe the service levels and coverage around Overland Park Kansas til that Overland Park is a real place and isn't actually inhabited by Barbie dolls I've actually ordered something from a webshop that claimed 24-hour delivery their terms and conditions explained how that amounted to three working days of eight hours edit they also had some different ideas about what constitutes a working product I had to resort to using PayPal's buyer protection I think I was on the losing side until they used PayPal's comment system to call me all sorts of names they didn't write well in Dutch and you could tell on the review sites that most of the five-star reviews were ones they wrote themselves they even said in one review I don't understand how you people didn't understand the 24 hour service and that it meant three days I always read the Terms and Conditions before I order on a webshop so I don't get surprised by these things was worthy for our / sad cringe I got my computer through iboot hour before anyone shines in I got a killer deal on it price wise the parts are good no problems with it at all anyway it was supposed to be built within five business days of my order then shipped within five business days after that over a month later I finally got my computer of course all of the excuses were covered in the fine print what sort of excuses did they give those it works wraps well they don't work they don't fat-burn they make you sweat they just temporarily restrict your skin they eliminate hydration in your body under the top layer of skin plus they have you wrap it in plastic wrap that alone will temporarily tighten up your skin and make you lose a little water weight through sweating people underestimate just how heavy water is the producers of the neverending story two people who have never read the neverending story there are several reasons for the name one during the story within a story part of the book one of the characters in the story within a story forces the character in the framing device Bastian to take action by reading from a book inside the story within a story that is also the same neverending story that Bastian is reading this traps him in an infinite recursion a neverending story until he breaks the loop by naming the childlike Empress - during the second part of the book after Bastian enters Fantasia there are many items characters or events that are implied to be starting their own tale but that is another story to be told another time the implication is that every story itself leads into many other stories so that it never truly ends towards the end of the book in order for Bastian to be able to leave Fantasia at real has to promise to finish all those stories that Bastian started 3 in the very last page of the book it is implied that bastions Adventure is repeated many times in many variations by people who read the neverending story and travel into Fantasia to bring back the water of life to the real world thus it is a cycle of stories that never ends my one question after reading is who is Fantasia there is an and limitless data there's still a limit but they say what you can do is limitless didn't they stop saying that yeah they don't have unlimited plans anymore as far as I know only sprint stars but the videos play at 480 P unless you buy an unlimited premium plan or something there's a pizza place at the Preston Market in Melbourne that advertises that their pizzas are always half-price that's not half off that's just the price edit I looked it up it's literally called Venice half-price pizza we have a fitness for 10 dollars that's been having a grand opening sale for the past few years where their membership is only ten dollars a month it's literally in their name it's not a sale it's sort of like when you label something gluten-free that shouldn't have any gluten in it in the first place just to make it sell matt'll they once advertised a line of wind-up toy cars that could stick to any surface and drive upside down sideways etc at least that's what was shown in the commercial turned out they could only do that on a special track that was sold separately eleven-year-old me was very pissed and mailed than a letter about it they sent me some discount coupons but I've never quite forgotten it edit I've been informed that they may have just been magnetic I still don't remember that working but hey that's time and memory for you I guess I remember those yet I remember that they actually advertised them as being magnetic sticking to metal surfaces tic tacs blatantly lie about the sugar and calories constant just because they legally can due to a technical loophole well the sugar-free lies pretty blatant but come on they're one-and-a-half calorie mint slogan is only off by 0.4 calories and that's only because tic tacs used to be smaller Arby's back when their slogan was it's good mood food I only eat Arby's when I'm wallowing in sadness from not being able to cook or having enough money to get something better I'm by no means in a good mood when I eat Arby's nihilist Arby's you are what you eat you are our best sliders you are small and insignificant you satisfy no one you are sliding towards inevitable doing eat Arby's anything claiming its healthy like cereal with 30% sugar the really healthy things are usually not advertised as such nobody advertises green beans as healthy that's just obvious same with increasing strength or stamina talking of food still they have to put big blue stickers over pop-tart boxes over here when they import them we don't get most American flavors because the US boxes claim they're a good source of something healthy and they don't actually contain enough for anyone outside the US to consider them a good source of anything but sugar so every box has to have a sticker to go on the Shelf in the in bored section of the supermarket yeah I'm in the US and I don't think anybody takes those good source of it claims on sugar cereal ctc seriously I buy pop-tarts when I'm craving past like raspberry jam with sprinkles not vit b12 Nutella remember when they were advertised as something healthy wait so you mean eating the whole jar in one go and hating myself isn't a healthy activity well duck me sideways healthy for the Soul University of Phoenix and all other for-profit colleges they are either not accredited or not sufficiently accredited nationally accredited rather than regionally accredited the degrees are not worth of paper they are printed on employers look at them as a joke what is the difference between nationally and regionally accredited I currently am attending Ashford University which is accredited regionally it is a for-profit university but the only reason I'm doing is because my work is paying for it it's still worth my time though right edit my company is paying for this but I'm doing it cause I want my bachelor degree it is a business degree and apparently my company and Ashford have this leadership development grant that allows me to have it be for free my company did not encourage me to use it other than having a rash Ford rep visit my place of work just read an article that reassures me that they are accredited it is about them earning their accreditation from the West and Association so I think it's still worth it I'm relieved without commenting on Ashford a school I know nothing about regional accreditation is generally considered the real accreditation whereas national accreditation is generally considered Bologna the short version of the story is that there were a bunch of unaccredited for profits that couldn't earn accreditation either because they were complete diploma mills or held standards far below what the normal accrediting groups would accept so they just decided to create their own accrediting agency and included schools from around the country so they could say they are nationally accredited the even shorter version diploma mills invented their own accrediting mill Pam cooking spray they like many other companies take advantage of an FDA loophole regarding serving size and calorie count to market their oil-based sprays as calorie free or no fat this is absolute [ __ ] by stating that the serving size is a 1/3 of a second spritz the calorie count is less than the 5 calorie threshold so they are allowed to say zero who the duck only sprays for one third of a second most people drench their pans because they think it's no calorie spray edit corrected the calorie threshold it's about one gram of fat per second if you spray the pan for eight seconds and feed four people it's still only 2 grams of fat and 18 calories per person assuming none of the spray stays on the pan yeah I get it it's not that much still for me it's the principle of the thing u-hall only $19.99 day sure if you plan on renting the truck and sitting in their parking lot but if you plan on actually driving it oh well that'll be $2 a mile plus insurance $20 a day my ass just an FYI I've rented trucks from my local Home Depot they charged me $19.99 up front for one 24-hour block I picked it up at 7 p.m. loaded it that night went to bed woke up early unloaded it at the new house pulled off trash filled it up with gas got it back around 5 p.m. they checked it over for damage and cleared the account $19.99 plus gas I was completely satisfied with that edit this was a small box truck - not just a pickup prices may vary now Home Depot only does $19.99 for 75 minutes with five dollars for each additional 15 minutes still cheaper than u-haul there used to be a store called Montgomery Ward they would send out circulars weekly maybe twice weekly if you ever found something you wanted and ventured in there without a doubt they would not have it in stock without fail people this was years and years at some point they went bankrupt Montgomery woods totally dug their own grave with the bait n switch I remember a few times as a kid going there and my dad getting pissed and doing the come on kids we are leaving half seemed like every other time we'd get the catalog my parents thought it might be different that time the last time we went we really needed a washer so we went to look at a special from the catalog and five minutes into the conversation with the salesperson my dad started twitching and just had a meltdown about how awful the company was and they needed to quit lying to people that was the last time we went and we took our business to Sears which is now beginning to fill in the grave they dug for themselves for the past 20 years by the Sears warranty and keep it current my grandparents were buy the Sears warranty and it has served them well recently they bought a TV in 1992 and Sears gave them $1500 to buy a new one a few years ago they also replaced the range in dishwasher when they went out with no removal or installation fees redbull more like Red Bull here it doesn't give me wings it just makes me have to piss they already lost that lawsuit got a 4-pack for it flushable wipes they are not flushable and will clog your pipes do not flush them I wish residential plumbing was like the plumbing at the prison I was in I've seen so many people try and clog those method occurs yet I never witnessed a single toilet overflow in my two years in prison there were 60 toilets on our unit they found a Capps remains in the sewer system somebody had apparently killed and flushed a cat down the toilet but probably cut it apart beforehand I watched some idiots flushing full rolls of toilet paper moves of bread and eventually escalating to flushing a blanket the toilet never clogged although it took multiple flushes to get the blanket sucked down I've seen the biggest hits some guys would come out of their cell and call everyone to come check out their massive log we were on lockdown one time for three or four days and I didn't want to hit in front of my cell mate I held in my head while still eating everyday I was about to explode and finally ran to the toilet and at that very moment they unlocked our doors my cell mate left the cell in a hurry as head poured out of me one of the best hits of my life I thought the heap are left and there wasn't going to flush but the reliable prison Johnny that hit up I hit two more times within the hour those toilets are amazing yo George come check out the stats at youse wake everyone up quick before I flush it those pH water bottles that people have had a fad over lately seriously not only is that absolute garbage I even pH tested a bottle in chemical lab at school to prove a point to someone pH we'd 7.0 otherwise called neutral not the 9.5 pH they so proudly advertised why the duck would anyone want to drink 9.5 pH water because they are basic F make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 82,410
Rating: 4.8800521 out of 5
Keywords: what company is totally guilty of false, totally, company, guilty, false, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, reddit try not to laugh, askreddit stupid, reddit compilation
Id: ldJJE51QArA
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Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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