Combat Rogue Leveling Guide | WotLK Classic

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foreign I want to talk about it's another leveling guy combo rock is definitely the best combat is definitely the best spec for Roku leveling to level a rock um why today a leveling guide I mean yeah why uh I guess most people have not a lot of things to do at the moment besides raiding or playing PVP usually you only have a raid one or two times a week PVP is for sure depending also on other people you cannot do it alone so what you can do alone is definitely farming gold maybe farming some Mounds like the Timeless project I also have a video about this and yeah for sure also leveling some other characters or maybe the same class again for split rate for cheat quality tkp rates uh stuff like this so today um my first Rogue I leveled before rough started I leveled it mostly in on S Sub why because it made me a lot of fun uh usually you only you you go single by single with the with the mobs so was not a big big deal to have not no AOE with as a sub Pro and I play on a PVP server so sup Rogue was definitely a good choice at that at that day now it's a little bit different you see barely other people around on the leveling areas for sure always like one two other guys but not like in the past five six seven eight guys around in the same area so I decided now for getting another Rogue on max level I started like uh five days ago or something like this to level this Rogue it's now 46. um what are the so we go again it's like under my other leveling guy that I had for subbrogue and now we go on the same step by step and I guess what is the most important thing for many people is the spec I mean for sure we talk about combat Rock so yeah we go into the combat build but I guess it's pretty easy how to start uh usually I always would say improved Sinister strike for having a little bit more energy then you can make it here full it's completely no problem uh another another tree that may be here or here depends on if you want to get repost very quick I think getting reports very quick is definitely a good choice because it's a nice spell later on in late game you will never use again a repost for rating and stuff like this but on the leveling is definitely a nice pack because it's cheap it makes a little bit of damage it gives you a common point so just easy to go so maybe go as quick as you can into the repost after that it's going uh yeah it's pretty easy going down for sure it is definitely always good aggression is good plate flurry is what you want because of the nice AOE that you get with it and then you is it depending on what weapons you have I have a sword and a dagger it's not perfectly fitting fire and slash but I thought like okay I go for hack and slash because of the sword that I use in my main hand later on we come to the just a few steps later we come to the to the Gear uh and then you go for the little bit of more expertise you take whatever makes more damage to be honest adrenaline rush is another nice CD offensive City in that case defensive cooldown that you can use for getting four mobs done at the same time and every three minutes so that's a very nice thing for Rogues to level a little bit faster and you get even big packs down I need to hear more and more damage more damage this is how I am right now this is my state and later on you go just a little bit more down it's pretty easy you level here then you need a few more things you can put it here you can put it in a way she doesn't matter and then you go down here and then you swap to the assassination build so later on your your build will be will be only assassination and a few only a few in assassination and all the other the other points into combat uh that this is how the build will look later on here here here and you go a little bit for poison and on here this is usually kind of how the standard combat build is later on looking um Cliffs for I would say Sinister strike and evisquerade you can get the cliffs very fast is what a lot of people don't know many people think like Eclipse are starting with level 70 or something like this but notice that that's not true it's starting very early I think the first Cliff can we see it here sorry ah no I cannot see it anymore because I have a clifter inside you can only remove it sadly but you see I'm level 46 and I already have two big Cliffs uh major Cliffs uh available so that's a nice damage boost definitely you should go for it um yeah that's that's that 70D what I can recommend you that you go as early as possible for that kind of stuff uh getting some poison on my weapons here yeah what is the play style I mean this is about the spec I think that's a that's enough at the end of the day you go combat down like I said I get a quick trip getting repost early is kind of important especially for leveling because it's very good for leveling is decent damage nice point that's it I think uh improved slice and dice is not necessary it's later on very good but right now it's not necessary because to be honest I don't use slicing dice on leveling I go for usually mostly a viscerate or um rupture but slice and dice never to be honest the mobs are getting down so easily so play style and that and that's something that I want to keep short because playstat is not very big difference um usually you kill most mobs one by one because you have no AOE besides um the the offensive cooldowns played flowery and ether lead rush if you have them available then there is definitely no problem to pull some mobs together I just try to make here three together make the cooldowns and as you can see I definitely have good gear because I have the hell on gear but as you can see it's really no problem to kill three mobs uh at the same time super easy they are around the same level in me and they were down even before the offensive cooldowns expired I would say four is definitely possible mostly airport only three but definitely you can also make four with the with this with these cooldowns that brings us to the section weapons and gear um what I can tell you is the most important thing are the weapons for damage but for fast leveling it's the heirloom gear because as you can see that's for every class yeah this video is about Rogue and I guess most only people who want to play Rogue will watch it but also for other uh old characters that you have um it's important that you have here uh the the shoulders and the chest that gives you 10 percent more experience gained from killing monsters and completing quests is increased by 10 so together it's 20 percent uh also these items are very strong you see they already have heat rating they have attack power uh if you think about do you have any other item now in my chest that I can compare with them no sadly not but I can tell you they are really really overpowered and that leads us to the weapons also the weapons you can get with helungi the hello um vendors are in one is in dalaran and one is in wintercroft the one in dalaran you can change it for uh the batches that you get for rating uh the 10 man rating and the heroic Dungeons and on the the Helen render in Winter crafts you need this uh these Stones I forgot the name this this these Stones uh that you can change there so all things are very nice forget very good gear in that case uh the chest is not possibly with the crop so only the shoulders and the two weapons are possible in the craft you can have better weapons in me because they are with resilience I had no batches anymore and I don't wanted to play a lot of heroics now to get them to get them done because I don't need any multiplayer weeks before main character but anyways they are super super overpowered already 43 DPS I don't know what exactly would have a weapon that is not Helen gear but definitely all the time it was nearly like the double the double of the DPS with these weapons to the weapons that I got from uh Quest rewards so and also here is very important that you can put your fiery weapon on the you can even put Crusaders I chose fiery Ram because it's a little bit more cheap and nearly as good as Crusader but with these four items you don't have to take a doesn't matter anything else anything else just by Quest rewards because usually I would recommend every five six levels that you go to the auction house and buy weapons that are fitting your your level at the moment because that makes a lot of difference as a media DPS and this is what makes your leveling so nice because they are always fitting your level the progressing together with you and they are very strong same with the chest and with the shoulders you can wear them till level 80 as far 70 or 80 I think even before level 80 and that's just awesome believe me it just makes such a big difference if you don't have the chance to get held on here don't get me wrong what is important as a combat drug slow main hand I would say minimum 2.4 even better 2.6 or above and as in a fast main hand uh offhand sorry 1.5 or less if possible so sword and Decker is a very good combination later on as combat Rock when you're raiding you usually want to go for fist weapon and Decker because that is good for the talent that you have here that you can daggers and fist weapons increase Critical Strike chance with them by one percent and now it's only working here for my for my sword because I chose hack and slash but anyways it doesn't matter a lot but this is important uh always if you don't have hair on gear if you don't have weapons first important shoulders and chest because they give you much more experience 20 from killing monsters and killing mobs and Quest rewards a completing quests and then definitely you also need the weapons in my opinion but if you don't have the chance to get Helen gear if maybe it's your first character then go every five six levels into the auction house and buy a creative weapon that's fit in your item level at defeating your level if you don't get anyone from Quest Rewards or killing mobs because this will definitely speed you up by a lot I have the feeling before Ralph started you know it was this uh this buff I forgot the name to choose adventure or something like this that gives you 50 more more experience I have the feeling that I level the same fast why because Combat Rogue is definitely better than uh sub Pro in leveling speed and also the helm gear is 20 instead of 50 that's a difference but the weapons are so strong especially also together with the fury I mean here you cannot see it it's just 3.5 percent but on some UPS they are like 10 and that's a that that that's a big thing um so that's about weapons and gear let us go to a to the point uh rotation I mean don't get me wrong the rotation is kind of pretty easy because first of all we are leveling we are not here making any crazy stuff usually you try to go to up to four points in uh for combo points with just with Sinister strike and a viscerate and the mobs are down what you also can do it's sometimes I preferred a little bit more because then I have already a little bit more uh energy when I come to the next mob is giving three combo points and then a rupture and then just letting it letting it go down if you get a repost you can get a repost if you need to make one more Sinister strike you can do the Sinister strike but as you see it's also a very nice being always usually post if you get it here you can see just between one of my Sinister try creating so you can go both you can go for hard risk rate and you can go for a little bit more the software for me the nicer way with the rupture but definitely both is working but for sure in the early levels you only have um if it's great so you have to go for it so let us let us make here another proof of three mobs like I said you pull them together you use your defensive cooldowns and then you just Sinister strike kill the first one with the finisher and you attack the next one with monster and it's ready like you see I don't know how much HP I lost now I think like 800 killing three mobs uh was I was definitely not full life so that's pretty easy um this is how I directed three rotations that you that you can use that you also uh saw saw here on the on do you see here on the screen and now I see that the screen was a little bit locked to be honest uh my bad I just show it to you again super quick sorry about that but like I said there's nothing special are the Whisk array that means only Sinister strike till you till you uh four or five combo punks usually four should be enough there's a little bit more smooth way three combo points rupture and then just finishing it and wait if you get a repost or not also very smooth way and the AOE way like I said is pulling three or four mobs together use your offensive cooldowns and that's it all right um next point that we that I want to talk about is professions um professions I mean don't get me wrong it's uh hot for leveling definitely Mining and herbalism because you can make money with them and what is definitely good for later on if you need the money if not you can maybe directly go for mining in engineering because you will need a lot of things from mining or using for engineering if not you have later to do it but at the late game usually you go for engineering plus Jewel crafting or tailoring tailoring is a little bit better in short fights in axramas at the moment we have like three boss fights four three or four boss fights where tailoring is better all the other boss fights uh tool crafting is better in Ultra definitely troll crafting will be better than tailoring because the boss fights are longer than we are as far as I know but again while leveling and making money mining and herbalism if you already want to prepare engineering during your doing your leveling experience take mining in engineering and I think both ways are definitely fine there is you can there's no need to directly take tool crafting or tailoring you can definitely do them later on then when you when you wanna make your character ready for raiding and all these things about um add-ons add-ons um I don't want to talk about add-ons at all I want to make a video about the add-ons I use in a few days for leveling I think there is only one import add-on and that's question why because as you can see all these things here on the map that you can see already here what you have to do where you have to do it what you have to do you see directly which Quest is it about what you already did or what you still have to do on that Quest so um and it's also helping you where where you have new Quests for example now it's showing me that I could already go to the through the Searing Gorge here for example level with these quests so questy would be the only mandatory not miss mandatory it's also possible without but it's definitely speeding up your your uh your your leveling speed there's there's no doubt about it um so if I have to recommend an add-on for leveling it's questy sadly questi is getting more and more bad during the time that means more and more not accurate anymore um it's very good in classic it's still good in TBC as far as I know good but in rough the Lich King it's starting to mess a lot of things up and it's not very accurate anymore you should not follow it uh without anything if if you want to go for something else there's rested XP it's also a nice add-on you can find a link in the description and you can use this I'm a little bit old school that's why I use questi that's the lazy thing residix piece a little bit more like an autopilot thing that can help you a lot as get a better accelerate your your leveling speed it's free from 1 to 60 and I think after this it has a cost so question is the more cheap thing um last but not least uh let us go super quick around the areas around the regions where you where you should level uh in my case it's about horde um not sure how that how different is it to Alliance playing Alliance I guess most differences about the first 30 levels and then they're getting combined or kind of the same but let us look here over the map usually for sure you start in turuto you go to the parents and then you have here around that's what makes For Me Harder leveling much more nice you go a little bit of stock in the stone Talent make here some quests you go back you go a little bit in action where you go back and you can go later on go to to Hill spread make uh make make here some quests that are that are fitting very good your level you go to thousand needles those needles here it's just parents down and parents also has a very wide leveling range then few levels in those needles you should be already around 30 you can start if they're doing a few levels in strangleton you go back you can go here and Industrial Marsh make some quests again maybe a few in Thousand needles that are more here related uh you go you can go again to sorry you could go to the Badlands Badlands is kind of easy to reach you go back to South Shore you ride down here through lokmatan and all these things and then you are being able to do all this Alliance player ah he's going for getting mining up okay and then you always can go back to strangled on making sure two three levels uh surrendering a lot is usually good till 44 45 and then you can start to go Fairless terrorists after this it's kind of pretty the same for everybody as already and then you can Searing Gorge burning steps fell with winter spring to get it down to 58 58 you know you can go to the um how is it called outlands or outlands Outlets is pretty linear you know a Hellfire uh Sangha Marsh and then a little bit of knockrunt and then you usually already around 68 if not then you can go for plateletch mountain or whatever it's necessary but usually the leveling is Skating here pretty fast and then when you are 78 you can go SRE 68 yeah 68 you can go to the to northrend and start here your journey complicated part is mostly usually the first 40 levels 30 levels and then it's for aliens and heart the same but I prefer hot a little bit more because of this durotar Baron Stone Talent Asian whale start with Hill spread heel spread you have to go anyways as a rogue for getting your poison Quest done so that's a pretty good fit for you um that's it about today uh I hope you enjoy leveling combat Rock I love it um my rock is hopefully finished in like one or two weeks I mean there's a long way to go you know 60 to 70 70 to 80 will be also taking some time but if you follow these steps here definitely you will have the best the best way to do it and you save some time like 20 30 especially because of the heirloom and also if you follow here some things you can save even more time that's it guys for today for sure very nice evening or day good luck good luck in the raid for some notes have fun leveling enjoy it and bye-bye [Music]
Channel: mulltiy
Views: 17,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: combat rogue leveling guide, combat rogue leveling guide wotlk, leveling guide rogue, rogue leveling guide, multiboxer, multiboxer wow, rogue guide wotlk, combat rogue, 1-80 leveling wotlk, heirloom gear leveling
Id: 1TTGuyXos3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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