WOTLK Classic: Rogue Leveling Guide (Talents, Tips & Tricks, Rotation, Gear)

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all right guys and welcome to my raffle lich king rogue leveling guide this is going to be relevant for people who are jumping onto the fresh servers but also people just jumping straight to northrend 70 to 80. we'll cover all the important things like the best talents weapon progression some tips and tricks to help you along the way and obviously the playstyle by the way guys all rogues who subscribe on this video will get glaives in their next run of black temple which now that think about it is completely and utterly pointless now the pre-patches coming out in like a few days but anyway let's move on honestly guys we can get through this pretty quickly because not much has changed from tbc into wrath of the lich king for a rogue when it comes to leveling it's pretty straightforward you spec into combat you face tank mobs keep slice and dice up and the mobs just melt this is what i'd recommend is a good talent build if you've got really good gear from obviously raiding in tbc you won't need as many points in precision but when you're low level on fresh servers you definitely want to be maxing that out that is very very important well obviously you can put points out precision and put them into aggression instead for that increased sensor strike and eviscerate damage also backstab we won't use that too much i also really like to offspec into relentless strikes because you know when i've used my finisher move and that normally does kill the enemy i'm gonna get a little bit of a cheeky boost of energy for my next enemy rather than getting ruthlessness like i don't know why people get ruthlessness because when you use the finishing move on a mob it's basically dead so you don't really need that extra combo point because the mob probably going to be dead before you even can use that combo point so yeah i would recommend getting relentless strikes instead going for remorseless attacks obviously for the increased correct chance on your next hit after killing an enemy and then you just have max now points in males you're gonna be level 70 at this point and yeah just when you're leveling in northrend get points into malice and then from there you can really go where you want but you probably just want to finish off getting the good juicy points in the combat tree like aggression and stuff like that reason why combat is so good is because obvious talent here and for a number of other reasons but or for advantage whenever you dodge you strike back 100 percent of your main weapon damage and you dodge quite a lot if you actually look at your dodge chance as a rogue fully geared in somewhere gear ridiculously high so obviously this is really good and you get weapon expertise you get more value of expertise when you are facing an enemy rather than behind and in general it just has insanely good energy generation with combat potency and a few other talents so it's just more bursty the mobs will die in like under 10 seconds most of the time depending on what level you are what gear you've got but normally it's just spamming soon as a strike keep it up slice and dice have a news and eviscerate when you have slice and dice already up for glyphs i definitely recommend getting glyphosate strike as soon as possible because it obviously has a chance to get an extra combo point which means you can get your big five point combo point finisher move faster i just prefer it over the others there's not really much you can get in the pre-patch when you are leveling later in ruffle lich king's lifetime you can get better talent then we've got glitter sprint increased movement speed by four percent sometimes you are in interior locations it will save a little bit of time because you can get out of there faster obviously you're going to be in a number of situations when you just for some reason can't get out of combat and therefore you can't mount up so be able to sprint away at basically mount speed is very good and then for minor glyphs you can really go with whatever you want but i think lifted blur speed is definitely going to be good in a number of little situations where you need to transfer some water what's got pit lock when you want to speed level your you know lot picking skill obviously it's just gonna open still faster and grind that skill faster and i've got glyphosate for that because i prefer that over anything else because sometimes you do jump off quite high ledges and obviously you don't want to die because dying strangely enough wastes time now when it comes to weapon progression guys nick has made a huge behemoth weapon progression list for fresh servers and it's for every single spec in the game and weapon type so i recommend checking out all you have to do is subscribe to the channel go to my subscriber only video and check the description of that video and it will be there so when it comes to leveling guys it is short and simple first thing to know is whenever you've got cooldowns like blade fury and killing spree which you should be using together by the way obviously you need to be using them as often as you can so when you've got those cooldowns available especially with adrenaline rush if you have that too i would recommend pulling through to four mobs even just absolutely unleashing hell i'll show what that looks like now so i'm just gonna pull some mobs we've got three of them here so i'm gonna pop blade flurry i'm gonna pop killing spree i think because i haven't got slice and dice if i'm obviously gonna uh get a cheeky slice and dice up as you can see the mobs die pretty quickly with blade furry up and there you go shouldn't really be doing this when you have cooldowns available because obviously by nature the rogue is pretty squishy so you have to kind of like deal with that by doing loads of damage and killing the mobs quickly right when you don't have cooldowns it is pretty straightforward your first priority is to use riposte before anything else because it's such a short cheap energy consuming ability so you want to be using it as often as you can obviously the disarm effect is nice and then you maintain slice and dice i use it on five combo points normally so normally take your first mob they go i did that mob to get my slice and die so now i can move to the next mob i've got my remorseless attacks to use straight away you can also do throwing i'm not gonna throw in key binders right now but you can use throwing to get mobs into combat even sooner and they go i don't really i don't need to refresh slice and dice here so i can repost and just uh eviscerate hopefully don't actually die here don't don't do that don't don't uh don't you know leave it that uh close guys when you actually are leveling on a day-to-day basis i'm trying to record at the same time so not paying as much attention honestly guys i mean that's it it's pretty straightforward use your cooldowns when you've got them use repost as soon as it's available keep slice and dice up constantly spam strike and then use eviscerate to finish mobs off bob's your uncle there you go now guys let's go through some tips so as a rogue you've got a number of different tools to deal with multiple enemies so first one pretty obvious is your sap so you go up to the target sap won't break out of stealth anymore and then i can deal with this mob on its own you know without that much risk this is more useful you know when you're low level because when you're high level you can deal with multiple enemies fairly easily another good tip is obviously use evasion if you're dealing with multiple enemies you can quickly kill one mob so i want to quickly kill this mob and then i can vanish reset the whole fight and then go back and pick them off one by one you can also do cheap shop openers obviously it's gonna put them up in a stun which means he won't be dealing damage to you which makes things a bit easier just just be careful obviously because sometimes the mobs will have a higher chance to detect you when they're facing you can use abilities like distract to make them face away from you see for some reason this one has a really high aggro radius anyway so yeah even you know cheap shot can be useful in a number of situations you've also got abilities like gouge this will stop your attack so you can gouge into a bandage or you can gouge kite because obviously you've got crippled you can use crippling poison to uh kite enemies i don't actually have more weapons out now oh no i do actually have it so like i can infinitely kite this mob if i want to i can slowly take him down with gouge some reason gaussian work then obviously i just have a chance to get blocks and stuff so you know i can keep running away healing or if i you know eventually i will be able to reset combat although i don't have a keybind you also can now use the ability shiv to instantly apply any poisons that you have but as you can see here it will instantly apply the poison that is on your offhand now when it comes to poisons like most of the time you're probably better off just using two instant poisons for the extra damage but my personal opinion i always liked having crippling poison on my offhand just for well just for safety normally if you i do need to kite i do need to run away it's there already on the target and nice decent slow to make it easier to just run away get my health top top or just you know prevent me from dying and if you're looking to level your lot picking up very very quickly guys i made a guide way back in classic wow days still holds up and i have absolutely no idea how this caught 200 thousand views but it's relevant for both horde and alliance shows all the best locations where you can level up in every single level range and if you manage to get a you know fresh character leveled up in time for the pre-patch on a fresh service or boosting character or if you already have a character would obviously recommend getting 25 quests to turn in before you jump into northern for a little bit of an xboo you should be able to get over 300k xp i've got a little guide about this again if you subscribe to my channel have a look at it it is going to be in the description of that video and there's a few other guides here that you probably find useful at my gold investments too and if you are looking to get some really good gear in a pre-purchase guys i would recommend grinding battlegrounds for honor points because you can now buy over brutal gear and it has just been discounted by a blizzard in a recent pack change so that is great gear i definitely last you until you're doing heroic dungeons in wrath anyway guys that's going to be the end of the over my name is matt goblin into my next video ciao [Music] you
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 151,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk classic combat rogue leveling guide, wotlk classic, wotlk classic subtlety rogue guide, wotlk classic rogue leveling guide, wotlk classic rogue guide, wotlk classic rogue pve guide, wotlk classic weapon progression
Id: U9xAzfrFrF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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