WOTLK Classic: Sub Rogue Leveling Guide (Talents, Rotation & Gear)

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hey guys today a quick video guide um about wow world of warcraft leveling a rogue in that special special case a subrogue so that's a pvp rogue at the end of the day how you level it in wrath of the lich king classic two level 70 or lady 80 later 80 as i said but um this guide is more focused about getting a character to level 58 and then being able to go to the burning crusade areas regions and then going later on to the rough of the lich king areas and then being able to play usually pvp but also as a sub rock you can very nice level at the end of the day i prefer it because i play on a pvp server that means i have some pvp action on my server and it's also very nice if you only go mob by mob so but to be honest that's what you should do at the end anyways because rogue is not good in handling two three four five at the same time so yeah that's just the best uh way to kill your enemies one by one and it's also very fast so quick about me i started to play i played a lot of vanilla classic it was a very nice experience i rated but also with a very good guild we were like number two in germany at this time um now i'm playing on north america server because i moved to america so now i'm back here and playing ralph of the lich king my time in burning crusade was very limited i was not so attached into it but now i'm back in wrath of the lich king i want to go for pvp this time mostly that means yeah for sure some raid some dungeons it's necessary for getting the gear for making some friends and stuff like this but at the end of the day i will be focused on pvp that's why i also play rogue now i played warrior back in vanilla and in the burning crusade now i'm with rogue i want to play it on sub because that's the pvp spec and i also like to level it so that's what we're talking here about today you see right now i started on monday today is sunday so not even a week and i'm already level 47 close to 48. um yeah playing now like i said since a little bit less than a week one day less than a week i play on crobolus as one of the maker servers it's rp pvp it's an awesome server experience i like it very much so that's how we start um first of all when you start to play a rogue it's important that you start with combat at the start because sub is only playable uh in a normal way when you have the spell hemorrhage hey mo call it and that's very important to have this spell without that spell it's hard to play sub or you don't even place up so that's why i want to show you [Music] three talent trees first talent tree is the start till level 30 because 31 we swap to swap then i want to show you how to build the tree then following up and then also the entry but the end tree is for leveling it's not the entry for pvp and also not the end spec for being best sup broke possible in dungeons or raid usually you don't rate or play dungeon as a sub pro but pretty sure there is also a best spec best talent tree as a subpro for raids or dungeons so but what i want to show you are the part for the leveling today so that's why i'm focused on it um you start here like i said in the combat tree pretty easy you use a lot of sinister strike early on you are dependent on your offhand damage so you can you skill here you start with improved sinister strike then you go five in here you move forward you can put first three here or first three here doesn't matter you wanna skill both of them to come as fast as possible to repost repost is a very nice spell early on that gives you an extra attack makes also fun to play because you know it's getting like activated then you can can uh do it uh also then you go for increase the damage of his sinister strike backstep a risk rate by 15 that's just more damage at the end of the day what would be also possible is this here maybe maybe i would also put go lightning reflexes and endurance um it's depending on a little bit what you want i mean that also gives you damage here it's melee haze and dodge so you can maybe you get less damage and you can move more forward so maybe let us go here two and here three that would be level 30 and the moment that we hit 31 we respect because then we are able to go for hemo that's how we go then we go for two in opportunity five in a relentless strike three in camouflage three inserter plates one in ghostly strike it's like a little bit like repost uh that we will use like an extra attack at the end of the day that also it's uh giving us 15 dodge chance what is also good for continuing uh making mobs and we go for one of elusiveness two in ambush between its initiative gives you a hundred chance to add additional combo point and then one into hemo that what makes us at the end of the day a sub broke in that moment we keep the tree like this for continuing and we and just again we are focused here on leveling we are not focused on pvp we are not focused on dungeon or anything specific or later on so yeah we have to later on we have to unlearn all this and go in a different way but this is how we will continue we will continue i show you first the full tree so we are here at the moment on our tree this is this is here not so but we will go first and here into this one five here increase the damage done by your offend it's very important by leveling uh precision increase your chance to hit with your weapon and poison attack tax by five percent it's just gives you hit and poison you know how good the poisons are you will all we will always play daggers because we are very uh we we need ambush we need ambush to crit as often as possible so we get go on this gives you a chance to get a critical side with daggers and fist bumps first ones doesn't matter by five percent and then later on we go also here four times to be honest you could also go five times but we want to go here at the end of the of the the thing at the uh while leveling so we go only four here increase your critical chance by another four percent and then we go down here this tree like in a kind of normal way you have some diff changes here when you play play pvp you also skill not here when you pvp maximum the improved gouge and you have here a little bit more but that's at the end of the day the the bill that i prefer by leveling and i mean if you can see you you are right here now on level 30 because we are able to go for hemo and then we skill here and we are already talking about level 45 we play you pace put 4 here we already 49 and then like i said here you make this here you make that and we are nearly all already and this is already 58 usually where you go into the tbc regions and then you just continue to fulfill this build at the end of the day that's kind of um where we put something else uh here was it right oh yeah that's a very nice thing and then that's it so we get what we need here what makes us a little bit more strong but at the end of the day what is important for leveling is just going step by step every mob but you can see look at this i mean it's just an ambush and a ghostly strike and the mob is already down on 30 percent 40 you make one more hemo that's it the mob was three level b under me okay that definitely makes a difference i just went to teneris here to to level a little bit more the so my level is a little bit uh up here but at the end of the day it's the same with all the mobs yes when your ambush is missing definitely not the best time i have to admit that but you also see it here okay goes to strike miss but already it's close to 50 down we stack the combo points and usually then the risk rate is the finisher if you don't miss but that's also showing you how important uh the more um the hit chance is because missing and also on the ambush not creating are definitely scenarios that we wanna prevent as good as possible that's what it is about so yeah also now we're coming let us talk about the weapons weapons is very important you only use daggers you only use staggers because like i said we need the ambush ambush is only possible with daggers and the ambush is giving us a lot of saving us a lot of time because if you don't play against all the time mobs that are two or three levels above you then usually the ambush makes like 50 percent of the kills them uh 50 hp makes them down and that's it that's a big thing so you can save here a lot of time try to ambush always go stealth it also gives you a nice opportunity to learn how to play rogue because it's always important uh to go into the stealth and then making your normal opener your normal leveling opener um so like i said always staggers let us talk about it's not only about the weapon and gear what is very important with rogue all your other equipment items they don't matter that much they don't matter that much what you need and also you can see it here now i purchased this i got this thing here this these two daggers it's important that you have all the time weapons that are fitting to your level i don't mean if you are level if you are level uh 30 you don't need directly daggers for level 30 25 26 27 is fine but it should not come to a situation where you have weapons for 10 level 15 level below you if yes go into the auction house get a dagger a queen one is fine a green one that is fitting your level or maybe one or two level less and continue you know that from time to time you have to go to orgrimmar to to go to the class trainer and stuff like this so all the time checked in the auction house if there's something cheap these two blue daggers were very cheap they both costed like seven or eight gold that's why i bought them but definitely green daggers are fine as long as they have the level that you need that's very very important you're super you you're super dependent on your weapon damage um so if it's possible always the it's a little bit slower dagger with more max damage into the main hand the other one in the in the off hand and like i said it's very important rotation let us talk about the rotation the rotation at the end of the day is pretty easy uh you can see it here in the little screenshot uh usually you go to it doesn't matter like i said one by one you go behind the mop you can set them if you think it's necessary if not then you start with a ambush ghostly strike because oslo goes this way leads to that you get less damage from them you need usually like only one ammo to make the combo points full and then every square it i could even make it more fast i showed you here this now but you see one mob is taking like i don't know five seconds that's so it's annoying that you have to go one by one but this is the way to go with sub broke and it's leading to to be honest to a fast uh pace um that means so just again the rotation ambush goes through strike another hey more for having minimum four or five combo points and then it was great for finishing if the enemy is not finished you can go for another one two three hemos and then a whisker it you can also go for slice and dice but i would only recommend you slice and dice if you definitely know that the enemy is living 10 15 20 seconds when should that happen usually only when you fight elite mobs um that that's elite enemies that's the only thing that it could happen usually that you really need it maybe also when you fight two that you know you need a little bit longer that you can activate it but like i said try to go one by one if you cannot go one by one then you know you have a lot of things to blind an enemy or if you are still the proactive guy you can accept them first and then you only fight one by one like i said blind another stun kick whatever is necessary to make you at the end of the day only fighting fighting one enemy super important so rotation is pretty easy you see it's only one two three four four different button that's the standard rotation please don't get me wrong you have a kick you have a stun that you can also use i mean yeah the kidney shot takes some some combo points so only do it when it really makes sense at the end of the day you have a evasion for like a defensive cooldown yeah you have vanish use distract all this stuff but the standard rotation is the rotation that i said ambush ghostly strike jaemor whiskered emojimo that was great if they live longer than the first rotation and yes they will live longer when they are one or two level above you then you need to make another himohimo and then um it was great that's it let us talk about professions i mean if you want to go pvp then definitely you need engineering maybe you also need to truly think i don't even know exactly how this [Music] profession is called to be honest in english but you know which one i mean but i guess the most standard comp is mining and engineering but i also want to tell you that you definitely need with the rogue cooking for your swift uh swift diesel tea and definitely you need first aid i guess everybody is always taking first aid but with a rogue is more important than with every other class i would say maybe the only one that is the same importance is warrior if i'm not wrong because the other classes they can heal themselves or they have like mages mage that he can always directly eat his stuff that he can prepare by himself or yeah things like this but or a hunter has his pet that is tanking the damage same for warlock so yeah but you you cannot rely on those things you need you need to have a first aid and always keep it up to date so always check out what is necessary what do you need for the next for the next step for the next better bandage that you need to learn and then try to make that happen when you are in the city if you may be missing five six points and maybe buy some things out of the auction house and learn these five six points then to yeah um quick about the regions it's pretty easy as a hoarder player and i only go like till 58 or something like this because you know after this tpc is not that big on also rafter lich king regions are not that big so you just go the normal the normal way then when you reach them but i guess what is maybe important for you is till 58 so you make your starting region whatever starting region you have uh you see that i'm undead so my starting region was here on that on that side of the of the world here um yeah but then when you are level 11 i recommend you definitely to go to the parents it's just awesome a lot of mobs a lot of quests you can do a lot of different things here you have here flight point you have here flight point you have here flight point and you also have the stonetalon mountains right next to you what you will also need so yes you have to do a little bit of movement but the movement is very limited and then maybe you need also one or two quests to do in ashenvale it's also pretty nice it's very the fly point is very close when you're coming here so when you reached uh level 20 you know you can get a mount at level 20 then the epic mount on level 40 now also very cheap so that's what you need and then you make it here in this area barons stoned island mountains and ashenvale or this all very compromised and i don't even talk about the south of the barrens i only talk about this area i would say yeah this area i talk stone tall and mountains usually only around maybe all that's not that big to be honest and ash and whale definitely i talk old you see i don't even have this yeah i only talk about this area and then you're like 31 and the good thing is you are directly connected already if you go to redshirt uh ah no sorry you go with your rogue quests you go into the ill spread also very nice area for leveling you get a lot of quests here in torrent mill killing here a lot of things also gives you good money because the most are humanoids so here good good amount of quest you can do two or three quests here in in our rt if you want uh and then that's it you go to strangledon and in strangledon really you can be strangled on from i recommend going to 31 many people say 30 but i would say 31 and then you can be in strangle until i don't know 44 that's just what you need that that's it you go back you go back uh to to the barons and then you write south thousand needles you don't quest here you go pharah last fairlas here quests good good amount of quests you make here another two levels then you go teneris you make here another two three levels that's where i'm right now and then you go and go row and after on goro you're already ready for this you know the end regions here in the vanilla world like burning steps searing gorge let's just look at them yeah it's they are called you know how they are called our badlands you can also make an air not badlands sorry how is it called burning steps steering gorge correct correct and yeah well so that's it then you already uh around the level that you need for getting into the tpc world after the tbc world i guess everything is pretty easy because they are more they are not so you cannot go there they are there it's more linear you have one way that you usually go and don't forget i did not talk about any dungeons now for sure at any level that you want and are in a good mood maybe you have friends with you or whatever you can make dungeons they always help you because they always help you to get a little bit ahead because as a rogue you cannot fight minions that are and not a lot of minions that are two or three level ahead of you so try always to be on point with the level maybe they are one level down on the same level like you that would be the best for speeding it up and yeah that's it that's it um was a little bit more long than i thought but uh i just give i thought i'd give you a little bit of knowledge experience a way that you can follow and then later on like i said 58 it doesn't matter a lot anymore what is happening what you need then is the talent tree that i gave you uh that you will follow here that you will follow and that's it you can level very nice still in the new region standing tpc and wrath of the lich king just go your way make it step by step if you want to play dungeons do it but subpro is more good for outside of the world more by mob you can also the good thing is you know you have stealth sometimes you need to reach something in a cave you just go there pick it up go outside don't spend too much time that it's not necessary so yes you are slower than hunter mage warlock but you have things that can make you fast up you have stealth use it you can with ambush nearly every mob is on 50 60 already when you when you hit him from behind learn to play rogue because it's also important for later on when you want to play pvp yes they are only npcs but um at the end of the day they also have like abilities to use it or you can use your abilities to cc them blind this one take a bandage you know make rogue stuff happening and that's a lot of fun um only two and a half weeks left i think it's the 26th of september and roughly lich king is beginning so let's make it fast let's make it happen good luck guys see you in game and have a nice day bye [Music] you
Channel: mulltiy
Views: 12,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, wotlk classic, world of warcraft classic, wrath of the lichking classic, wotlk guide, wotlk classic guide, rogue guide, wotlk rogue guide, wotlk classic rogue guide, multiboxer wow, multiboxer, sub rogue leveling guide, pvp rogue leveling guide, sub rogue talents, sub rogue talents leveling, wotlk leveling guide 1-80, wotlk classic leveling guide, wotlk classic leveling guide rogue, best rogue guide wotlk, best rogue leveling guide
Id: qcGsba-Se0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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