Combat Rogue PVE Guide - WotLK Classic

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let's look at a phenomenal PVE Rogue spec for Wrath of the Lich King hello hello everyone it's ego welcome back to the channel today we're going to be diving into the Combat Rogue now I have played combat majority of my rogue experience starting of course with TBC where Combat Rogue shined but in Wrath now it has become a little bit more balanced between the specs so if you're looking to see what assassination is like I also have a guide for that I will leave a link down in the description but we're not here for assassination we're here to talk about combat so let's dive right into it today we're going to be looking at talents glyphs gear rotation and a bunch of stuff including a class overview and my opinions on the Combat Rogue so let's start with the guide hey everyone before we continue don't forget to subscribe it's free it's show support and it really does help the channel grow don't forget to also leave a like before you leave thanks everyone let's get back to the video so for an overview of the class Combat Rogue is still a very powerful choice in Wrath of the Lich King and is sought after by by many guilds for the Buffs that it brings to your party combat Rogues though they may not be the top of the charts still are able to pack a punch so they are still a viable Rogue spec in today's guide I'll be looking at the variation of Combat Rogue that uses fist weapons and daggers though if you are wanting to do swords that is absolutely okay too though I have seen a higher damage output from the fist weapon and daggers variation when you get to the talents you'll see where we talk about Close Quarters combat if you're wanting to do the variation with swords just put it into the hack and slash talents and there you go but we'll get more into the talents later so let's dive back into the class overview here now from what I've been hearing Combat Rogue will be getting better and better throughout the expansion so if you're looking to master a rotation and be good through multiple phases then Combat Rogue will most likely be the spec for you as I mentioned they both perform very well combat and assassination so ultimately what I have to say is pick whatever you feel is better for you now with all that being said let's dive into the first section of the guide and that's going to be the talents now if I do get anything wrong or you have anything to add please let me know down in the comments so let's get right into it let's take a look at the Combat Rogue Talent so you're going to obviously be in the combat tree so we're gonna go two out of two and improve Sinister strike we're gonna go five out of five and do wheel specialization we're gonna get that hit rating through Precision 5 out of five jump into improve slice and dice two out of two pop one point into endurance and then five points into Close Quarters combat this is what's going to allow us to use the daggers and fist weapons and give us increased Critical Strike by Five Points which gives us five percent we're gonna go down to lightning reflexes three out of three give us that haste we're gonna go to aggression 5 out of five which increases the damage of our Sinister strike we're gonna go to Blade flurry this is an amazing AOE capability that combat Rogues have which will also open the door to weapon expertise giving us that extra 10 weapon expertise our expertise by 10. we're gonna go to Blade twisting so a lot of the mobs that you'll be facing in raids are immune to the days effect however it does still increase the damage of 10 for sinister strike so we're gonna go ahead grab two out of two play twisting Adrenaline Rush increase the energy regeneration rate by 100 for 15 seconds you will see more of this in the rotation section of this guide however this is an amazing ability to increase your damage output significantly next up three out of three in Vitality increase your energy regeneration rate we're gonna go five out of 5 and combat potency we're gonna go all the way down to surprise attacks one out of one your finishing moves can no longer be dodged and the Damage dealt by your Sinister strike gouge backstab Hemorrhage abilities increased by 10 so again another flat out damage increase now this right here Savage combat is actually a big reason why a lot of people grab a Combat Rogue especially if you don't have a warrior in your group increase the total attack power by four and increases all physical damage caused to enemies with your poisons is increased by four so again I'm gonna just restate it all physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned and increased by four so this is really good it's gonna boost up any ferals that you're going with it's going to be boosting up dks it's gonna be boosting up other Rogues it's going to be boosting up Hunters anyway buddy who does physical damage they will benefit from Savage combat so you're gonna put two out of two points in there 5 out of 5 in prey on the week so your Critical Strike damage is increased by 20 when the target has less Health than you as far as a percentage of Total Health so this is pretty self-explanatory it's a 20 increase in your damage next up we're gonna pick up killing spree so this is another one of your abilities that you will see more in the rotation side but it is a 1.25 minute cooldown and it'll increase um all Damage Done by 20 for the duration while you are using your weapons to basically uh just do a Gatling gun of assaults on a Target so next up we're going to go into the assassination tree and we're gonna pick up 5 out of five in Malice which again increases our crit strike chance we're gonna pick up blood splatter which increases the damage caused by garrote and ruptured beliefs by 30 again more in the rotation on that but essentially what's going to happen is you're going to open with a garrote and you're going to constantly keep rupture up so this Talent is a must then you're going to be looking at ruthlessness three out of three gives your finishing moves a 60 chance to add a combo point to your target the less combo points you need to generate the more you can use your finishing moves right so we're gonna also go into 5 out of five in lethality we're gonna drop one into vile poison so we're gonna drop a four out of five into improve poisons now if you did want to you could also move vile poisons into improved poisons but I like the extra damage dealt by my poisons more than just going for that extra little percentage in uh in increasing my chance to apply deadly poison I think that this is going to be better to have that one point in vial you don't put anything in the subtlety tree for the glyphs you will be looking at Glyph of killing speed which reduces the cooldown of killing speed by 45 seconds that's why my cooldown is different than um what yours would be if you don't have this glyph so you're going to be looking at Killing Spree then you're going to look at Glyph of tricks of the trade the bonus damage and threat redirection granted by your tricks of the trade ability lasts an additional 4 seconds so this glyph can be swapped out for other glyphs if you so desire I've seen people use Vigor but honestly I don't see much of use in Vigor I prefer tricks of the trade and there's a reason for that it's because it's going to give more value to your party and then of course you're gonna go for glyph a fan of knives fan of knives is going to be huge for your AOA capability as a Combat Rogue that is what you excel in compared to other Rogue specs is your AOE so you're going to grab fan of knives increases your damage of your Phantom knives by 20 so again combat tree assassination tree and these are going to be your glyphs you don't touch the sub tree and that's going to be your talents for the Combat Rogue so let's have a look at the gear for the Combat Rogue now the Combat Rogue gear similarly to the other guide in the assassination Rogue is very similar so the only thing that's going to really be highly different is going to be the weapons that you're going to be using so obviously you're going to be using one dagger in your offhand but in your main hand you're going to be wanting a fist weapon or a heavy hitting dagger now the reason I went for a fist weapon is because greed is going to be your pre-raid biss and it also still benefits from the Close Quarters combat now you want a hard-hitting main hand weapon because that's what the Sinister strike unlike mutilate scales off of so it does not take into account necessarily your second Weapon It's your primary weapon that will be making you blunt of your damage the the good chunk of your damage will come from your main hand now for poisons usually when you're an assassination Road you're going to swap these out you're gonna have your fast and your um in your main hand with deadly poison but for combat it's reverse so you're going to actually nine times out of ten have instant poison in your main hand and deadly in your off the only time this was that this would change is if you're going against a large group of trash mobs then you would most likely switch to deadly on your main hand and you would go instant on your offhand that is the only time that you would switch your poisons but I haven't noticed much of a difference honestly so I would just stay instant and deadly for your sockets your meta is going to be again still the Relentless Earth Siege Diamond so the 21 agility increase crit damage um your enchants are pretty Universal just as they were with the assassination so I have expertise on a majority of my uh items that are enchanted and the reason for that is because I wanted to hit expertise cap same thing with my same thing with my gems I have expertise gems right now now if you did hit expertise cap let's say you got the chess piece that has um the expertise on it from malygos then you could swap out some of these expertise gems for attack power gems now for your stat priority what you're going to be looking at for your Combat Rogue is going to be again relatively the same thing as the assassination road going to be looking at hit rating being the first and foremost thing you want to get and then you want to go to expertise agility attack power armor pen case and crit that is going to be the list of stats that you're going to prioritize as a Combat Rogue okay so let's look at the rotation for the Combat Rogue so once again your poisons are going to be instant on your main hand a deadly on your off hand so essentially what's going to happen is you're going to come in stealth of course your target is going to be in front of you you're going to be behind your target you're going to pop a groat and you're gonna pop slice and dice you're gonna start building up your combo points and once you get four or five you're gonna go ahead and pop a rupture okay and then from there you again just keep spamming Sinister strike you're going to want to get your slice and dice back up and you're going to want to continue to just build your combo points with your Sinister strike okay and that's going to be the basics of your rotation now in the event that you don't have a warrior with you you could also start putting in some points uh into exposed armor so you can put some of your combo points into exposed armor but you do not ever want to let slice and dice drop always prioritize your slice and dice over your exposed armor or your rupture now after your slice and dice your priority is rupture and um or sorry after slice and dice your priority is expose armor if you don't have a warrior then it's going to be rupture and then from there you can um continue to just Spam and spam Sinister strike and keep those two up now in regards to the difference between eviscerate and rupture okay rupture costs less energy and the attack power scales better with rupture than it does eviscerate so if you're going against a single Target you're always going to want to keep your rupture up don't use eviscerate now if you're going against multiple targets so if you're using blade flurry for example you're never going to want to use rupture you're always going to want to use eviscerate now there's a reason for this the reason why is because when you're using blade flurry eviscerate procs off blade flurry so you can eviscerate multiple people or multiple targets when using blade flurry however rupture does not go to multiple targets so in the event that you're using blade flurry for multiple targets you're going to go of course for the eviscerate and not the rupture while always keeping up your slice and dice and spamming Sinister strike for your combo points now as a Combat Rogue you do get a few abilities like for example blade flurry like I mentioned adrenaline rush and killing spree so blade flurry is going to be your main source of AOE damage it's going to be what you really put out a lot of damage with when you're dealing with multiple targets so essentially what happens is blade flurry allows you to attack a secondary opponent with all of your attacks and increases your attack speed by 20 percent this effect lasts 15 seconds and once it expires you can only again Attack One Target at a time so that will be bladefully Adrenaline Rush will increase your energy regeneration rate by a hundred percent for 15 seconds now the key to using this ability is knowing when to use it properly now you don't want to use Adrenaline Rush when you're full energy ideally what you want to do to maximize the amount of energy that you get from this ability is use it when your energy starved so when you are completely low on energy pop an adrenaline rush get your energy back and you can start spamming up your combo points very quickly and get that burst damage and then of course you have your killings breeze so with your glyph you will have 1.25 minutes almost a minute and a half every time that you could use your Killing Spree so this is going to be again another burst damage opportunity for you as a rogue so in between let's say after using your adrenaline rush you still have your slice and dice up in your rupture go ahead pop your Killing Spree you want to typically keep it on cooldown and use it whenever it's free now for things like potions of speed and all that stuff you want to typically use it when you're in your high damage windows so for example when you have Adrenaline Rush up that's when you would put a potion to speed up as well because the more cooldowns that you use at one time typically the higher damage output you're going to bring to the table so that's just the basic of the rotation and if you master your rotation as a Combat Rogue you can compete with other Rogues in the damage meters that's going to be it for the Combat Rogue guide for Wrath of the Lich King if you made it to the end of the video thank you so much I absolutely appreciate it you're an absolute Legend and if you like the content of course leave a like down below before you leave and sub to the channel handle it greatly helps the channel grow if I missed anything let me know down in the comments below I always love to hear your feedback now with all my Shameless plugs out of the way and all that being said once again thank you everyone for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: itsego_tv
Views: 52,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath, wrath of the lich king, wow classic, wow, wotlk, wotlk pre patch, guide, what to do, things to do, wotlk classic wrath, wrath pre patch, wow classic pre patch, wrath prepatch, wrath guide, wrath pre patch guide, wrath patch, wrath release, wrath launch, launch, release, leveling guide, level guide, leveling, rogue, fast, level, classic, of, the, lich, king, malygos, naxxramas, kt, assassination, combat, sub, assassin, best, spec, talents, glyphs, gear, stat prio, stats, stat, priority
Id: eBvAnyCln00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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