WoW PLUNDERSTORM Ability Tier List

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hey hey guys mul here today super quick video tier list for blunder storm abilities is a new mode from in inside World of Warcraft pretty easy a battle royale mode 60 players UH 60 players on a map uh you could just level up by defeating um mobs or beast or mobs or um defeating other players uh as you can see here these are the basics wi by being the last one standing typical Battle Royale or if you want to do last two standing kill creatures and enemies to level up and acquire spells upgrade spells by looting more copies of them use your heal ability when low on health uh so that's makes it pretty easy so you have here your character you you always start uh level level one nothing you have nothing special just the basic attack and your heal pot and then you can acquire those abilities there is quite a difference in the abilities I think the game is not bad balance but definitely some abilities are stronger than the others we have offensive abilities and utility abilities so let's hop over quick I think uh we can maybe just have it in three tiers we have four or five very very strong abilities and the other ones are not that good so just let us start with all these things we first start with searing X is just a good at it's just fine to have it uh it's maybe better as far as you upgrade it but in general not a good thing it usually just slams down your x a little bit more lava speeding forward and you can knock up enemies with it um this is also not that good we have here slicing winds nothing nothing nothing crazy about it I want to make it quick the video so not taking too long I just want to talk a little bit about the four or five best spells then we have the star bomb Channel The Cosmic void compressing it into a bomb that explodes after a short delay anime struck are pulled into the blast can be good if you use it I think I saw some nice combos especially in Duo but also here in general not one of the top abilities and that we have toxic smel also not that that good just to make it clear next one that we have is uh let me see the name sorry I'm not familiar with the names lightning bullwark just a little bit of defensive also not that great usually don't go for it then the snow drift uh create a snowy blizzard in an area around the cter periodically afflicting enemies with a stacking slow so you can slow people with it around yourself but in general it's not doing a lot just to make it clear it's also easy for the others to get out to be honest uh and then we have the earthbreaker sers Earth around you and then knocking enemies up I think it's okay especially again with in duo with certain kind of combos uh single player wise for me one of the not so strong abilities uh honestly and then last but not least in the B tier I we have the Mana spere honestly it's good but it's very very easy to dodge if you are not directly in or super close in front of the of the enemy that makes it like I said pretty easy to dodge which then is if it gets dodged it's completely useless um next one we have the a tier a tier already uh uh pretty good things but like again I said four five specs are s TI these are much the best we have uh repel is an Arcane barrier pretty good uh for using it but also not quite strong as the as the top tier next one is holy Shield you can throw it in front of you and with a another click you can let it explode uh so if you use it quite well it can be be strong next one is how is it called leap something with leap uh quaking leap leaping forward in a large Arc that then crash down damaging and stunning enemies you land on recast while Airborne to crash down early so if you use it quite well it can be strong especially again here with a good combination of spells next one wind storm two blet winds form in front of the cter that search forward damaging and stunning the first enemy struck here again if you hit very strong if you don't H pretty useless uh that makes it for me if it would always hit it's clearly s tier but you will definitely not hit all the time with it uh next one is in utility the the the fairy how is it called fairy Chum fairy form transform into a fake creater gaining immunity to harmful debuffs increased movement speed and damage reduction for a short duration cannot attack while transformed but you can go come you can go away pretty quickly from any harm that makes it quite strong next one is Hunter chains chain yourself to your current Target while chain recast Hunter chains to advance to Target's position so a pretty good dep closer if your chain Target moves out of the chains range they will be pulled toward you so pretty good Gap closer and then we have the har to call this this grenades or explosive C drops evade backwards while spreading explosive C drops that slow damage enemies that trigger them pretty well known from other games I think Diablo had always play K drops in Rog builds so uh you can really just imagine that this a little bit of a jump with uh putting K drops down last one for the a tier is Storm archon call forth the elements unleashing a destructive barage in in front of the cter recast storm archon to call another element can be recast twice can be strong is pretty close to S tier but for me still not as good as the last ones and the last ones I can also tell you for me the perfect combination of spells that you should have to win a round in plunder storm at that moment they are very very strong they are very well uh Syed so we have The Firestorm I guess fire world sorry everybody knows it already you get like Flames around you you get a little bit uh movement speed and you can damage enemies that you passing through that means also it's AOE it's hard to get away from you because you are uh running faster so overall maybe the strongest spell in ability in the game right now I put it here in front then next one is the how they are called Ice uh Rim Arrow fire an icy arrow that seeks your current Target damaging them and nearby enemies um nearb they need to be super close just to make it clear so it's usually single Target I would say but canon in ad do also heard another one for sure and the good thing about is it's one of the abilities that you can really really poke with because um in blunder storm you usually don't Target enemies directly you you you you most attacks you are doing in front of even the auto attack uh but that uh the rim Arrow can uh you can just Target one you press it and it's going so it's a pretty pretty good poke if you can poke your enemy down to 50% and you go in with like fire firewall it's pretty e it's pretty it's Chi just to make it clear so that's a pretty pretty strong combination keeping it on Range the the enemy the opponent poke it down 50% 60% and whatever and then charging in with your with your firewall then both Best Utilities in my opinion we have the steel traps the steel traps just cluster around you when you press it and uh are traps if somebody's going in they they are rooting and damaging the enemies pretty strong pretty strong against anything of invisible uh pretty strong to go away pretty strong to engage if you are already closed if you don't want that your opening is going away it's just awesomely strong to be honest and then last but not least fate to Shadow I Read It Fade Into the Shadows teleporting in the direction you are moving while entering stealth for a short duration so with this combination you have disengage you can disengage with it you can engage with it you have the traps around you you have poke from distance you can super hard engage with the firewall you have AOE you have single Target with these four specs there's a high high chance that you win most One V one and you can even win a 2V1 or 1 V2 and yeah this for me with a quite a distance the best ability so far sure they will balance things I think they already tried to make a balance uh today if I'm not wrong but still they are by far the best and especially the Synergy is just awesome that's it for this video guys have fun in blunder storm if you play the game mode and see you [Music] bye-bye
Channel: mulltiy
Views: 1,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plunderstorm, best abilities plunderstorm, best plunderstorm build, plundstorm guide, supatease, best spells, spell changes, plunderstorm guide, 10.2.6, 10.2.6 news, plunderstorm abilities tier list, best plunderstorm abilities, wow, world of warcraft, mulltiy, asmongold, plunderstorm ability tierlist
Id: dJxbBJaP-ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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