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let's have a look at assassination Rogue leveling in Wrath of the Lich King hello hello everyone it's ego and today we're going to be diving into an assassination Rogue leveling guide now before we get started a lot of you watching my videos aren't actually subscribed so do me a favor hit that sub button down below in this guide we'll be looking at different aspects of the assassination Rogue such as talents glyphs rotation poisons and little tips and tricks to maximize your efficiency as an assassination Rogue if you want a specific section of the guide It's been broken down into chapter so just scroll along the time bar and you'll be able to find what you're looking for so without further Ado let's get started so I want to just start with a little talk about my experience so far as an assassination Rogue I started off wrath as a Combat Rogue and eventually switched out to assassination for the simpler rotation and the difference in play style both are very viable specs and I have a guy talking about combat row which I will link in the description I'll also be making another up-to-date guide on Combat Rogue sometime soon which I'll link again in the description I find that with the simple rotation this build is easy to pick up especially for newer players but that doesn't mean that it's Weak by any means I've been topping the charts in almost all of my dungeons even competing with big classes like boomkins so now with all that said let's get into the actual guide okay so now let's look at the talents for the assassination Rogue so we're gonna start off right in the assassination tree with two out of two remorses attacks so essentially this is going to increase the Critical Strike of your Sinister Hemorrhage backstab mutilate Ambush or ghostly strike and this is after you kill something wielding experience or otter we're gonna go 5 out of 5 malice which increases our Critical Strike Chance by five percent we're gonna go down to puncturing wounds which again increases the Critical Strike chance of our mutilate by 15 percent we're gonna go five out of five lethality which increases the critical damage of all combo Point generating abilities that don't require stealth so this again includes mutilate we're gonna go vile poisons which increases the damage dealt by your in venom ability by 20 and then reduces the dispel chance but we don't really care about that improve poisons increases the chance to apply deadly poison and also increase the frequency of the instant Poison by 40 so this is a good damage buff moving on we got Fleet footed which is just going to give us a movement speed increase by 15 similar to The Pursuit Of Justice talent that paladins have cold blood is an amazing ability so when activated increase the Critical Strike chance of your next offensive ability by 100 percent so this is going to allow us to get that big damage and Venom whenever we have five combo points moving up we have quick recovery all healing effects on you increase by 20 in addition your finishing moves refund 80 of their energy costs when they fail to hit so in the event let's say you completely mess up an N Venom then you get 80 of that um energy back seal fate your critical strikes from abilities that add combo points have a 100 chance to add an additional combo point which is great because we're stacking crit we're using mutilate and this is a combo generating ability so we're going to be getting that extra combo Point quite often murder increased all damage by four percent this is just a great damage increase Overkill is an amazing talent one that I absolutely love for assassination so while stealth and for 20 seconds after breaking stealth you regenerate 30 additional energy this is going to keep you at the top of the charts when you're doing any type of DPS in a fight especially long ones um and it's something that combat does not have they have their own you know generating uh energy talents and whatever but I like Overkill um and it also helps that even when you vanish it actually reprocs Overkill but we'll get that uh to that in the rotation part of the gut moving on we got Focus attacks your melee critical strikes have a 100 chance to give you two energy so again this is a energy generator so on top of Overkill anytime you do a crate you also get energy back which is great um find weakness offensive ability damage increased by six percent this is a nice uh again damage buff um for just in general for your Rogue Master poisoner increased the critical chance of all attacks made against any Target you have Poison by three percent which you will always have a Target poisoned reduces the duration of all poison effects applied to you by 50 this is just a quality of life and gives n Venom a 100 chance to not consume deadly poison so this Talent right here is what's going to really make your deadly poison one of your top damaging poisons um and it's also just your end Venom's not going to consume its Stacks which by default it does it says at the bottom here um it'll consume one stack of your deadly poison per combo point that you spend but with this talent that gets voided so you don't have to uh be worried about your poison stacks mutilate this is going to be your main damaging ability so instantly attacks with both weapons causing 120 weapon damage plus an additional 55 with each weapon damage is increased by 20 against poison targets which you will always have a poison Target we're going to skip over this one and go to cut to the chase your eviscerate and then Venom abilities have a 100 chance to reflash to refresh your slice and dice duration to its five combo Point maximum this Talent makes it that your rotation is just absolutely drop dead simple so your rotation will end up when you get this Talent just being mutilate mutilate and Venom you're gonna open with a gorilla but we'll get again into that with the rotation section and then we're going to pick up Hunger for blood which enrages you increasing all damage caused by five percent requires a bleed effect to be active on the target lasts one minute so this is again just a straight up damage buff that you apply to yourself and then we're going to go into the combat tree and we're gonna pick up some subtlety talents so we're gonna go to subtlety we're gonna click we're gonna get opportunity two out of two which increases the damage dealt with your backside beautifully grow in Ambush by 20 so again just an extra damage buff and now we're getting into the combat tree where dual wield specialization so increase the Damage Done by your offhand Weapon by 50 again this is just a really big damage buff then we're gonna go down to Precision so increase your chance to hit with weapon and poison attacks by five percent and then this is where I'm currently at at level 74 which is Close Quarters combat increase your chance to get a Critical Strike with daggers and fist weapons by two percent so we're taking advantage of you know the focus attacks which gives us a 100 chance to get energy whenever we get a crit um which is going to keep our energy levels up and then from here as I move down I'm going to want to max out five out of five in close quarters combat and then I might move into opportunity or sorry Relentless strikes um which our finishing moves have a four percent chance per combo point to restore 25 energy and this is going to what's really set to your assassination rope apart now for glyphs I'm looking at Glyph of slice of dice right now and Glyph of mutilate and then eventually I will put in Glyph of vigor to give me that extra 10 energy um in my energy bar so that's going to be the talents for the assassination Rogue now we're moving into the rotation section of the guide starting off with poisons so for your poisons you'll want to apply deadly poison to your offhand and then instant poison to your main Hand by having the deadly on your offhand you'll have an increased proc rate because the faster your weapon the more chance to proc your poison your offhand should always be faster than your main and so when deadly poison procs it also applies the poison on your other weapon which in this case is instant poison which is just a raw damage output your rotation is quite simple though the ramp up can be more complicated than your general rotation so when initiating a fight you'll want to be stealth to take advantage of your Overkill talent that we talked about which will increase your energy regen for 20 seconds after breaking stealth you'll also want to open with a garage so that you can follow up with thirst for blood which requires a bleed on the Target now be sure to note that thirst for blood doesn't actually consume your combo point so you can immediately put up slice and dice then start spamming mutilate the next thing you want to be sure you do is at least get one and Venom off before your slice and dice wears off because once you do it it'll refresh the slice and dice to five Cobble points of time thanks to the cut to the chase Talent even if it's not a full five combo in venom that's fine because in my opinion you don't want to have to put more calm double points into refreshing slice and dice if it happens to fall off so that right there is your initial opener after your opener next you move into your actual rotation your general rotation is mutilate twice for five combo points then and Venom and repeat the only time you'll differ from this rotation is if you need to put up a rupture which is a bleed effect to refresh your thirst for blood you should never have to spend combo points on your slice and dice during a fight the only time you'll ever need or should be needing to put combos into slice and dice is during your initial opening and that is your rotation it's very very simple and hard to get wrong there's other abilities that you will use such as cold blood during boss fights for Big 5 combo point and Venom that is a guaranteed crit but besides that and trinket use during boss fights alongside Cold Blood your rotation stays the same moving on to some tips and tricks for assassination rope one big trick that I use during boss fights to maximize my DPS is using vanish to reset at my Overkill buff and my thirst for blood so instead of having to use combo points to apply rupture to refresh my thirst for blood buff I can vanish and reapply garote which generates a combo point and allows me to refresh my thirst for blood the reason I only do this during boss fights is because vanish has a three minute cooldown so it doesn't make sense to use it outside of anything other than a boss fight another trick or tip that I found out is that if you're with a warrior or a feral Druid in your group and they're applying bleeds they actually can be used for your thirst for blood ability a bleed is a bleed so whenever you're working with a feral or a warrior that applies bleeds you don't need to be popping ruptures to refresh your buff and you can instead be keep pumping and put those combos towards more end Venoms increasing your DPS using their bleeds to keep your thirst for blood active now that will be it for this guide to assassination Rogue and Wrath of the Lich King I hope you all enjoyed and if I missed anything or if you have anything to add please mention it down below in the comments thank you so much for watching if you made it the end of the video You're an absolute Legend I'll be releasing more guides like this in the future so be sure to sub to the channel if you enjoy the content and I'll be seeing you all in the next video
Channel: itsego_tv
Views: 15,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath, wrath of the lich king, wow classic, wow, wotlk, guide, what to do, things to do, wotlk classic wrath, wrath guide, wrath patch, wrath release, wrath launch, launch, release, leveling guide, level fast, level guide, wrath rogue leveling, wrath leveling, level fast wrath, wrath fast leveling, class leveling, wrath level, top 5, top 5 things, top, wrath leveling fast, faster level speed, assassination, rogue, assassination rogue
Id: pHnMbT1T1FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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