Roll Hunting Pennies - 1909 Lincoln Cent Found

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it's been way too long since I've hunted pennies so in this video I'm gonna do two boxes Hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and that's right it's been way too long since I posted a penny hunt video I've been caught up on quarters and dimes and half dollars and nickels lately and I just haven't got myself to do a couple of penny boxes since they're starting to stack up Boxes I figured I'd do to this hunt and puppy to for the next several hunts over the next few weeks I'm really excited about this one cuz I picked this box up several weeks ago and I've been sitting on it and I forgot and this one has a beautiful wheat cent reverse ender can't get mad at that I'll be hunting these boxes for a wheat sense hopefully an Indian Head cent that'd be awesome anything that's an error variety as well as forints and any other odd or miscellaneous wines that I can encounter I'll bring you in when I get to one of those finds roll number five is gonna yield our first wheat cent bite of the box obviously not including the Ender yet we'll get to that later and this one's in 1953 out of Denver same roll a second wheats in 1956 Denver hole number nine wait cent number 356 Denver again roll Ted wait set number four nineteen fifty forty roll number fifteen and we've got kind of an odd thick one here and that's an oldie 1894 I don't know exactly what denomination this is I do have several of these type in my foreign coin jar but I have to do research and bring it back in either way 1894 and a foreign odd find let me bring it up and see if I can get some information and bring you guys back in all right we have looked it up it's an Austrian coin - Heller from 1894 made out of bronze ironically I found a Austrian silver 5 shilling in my recent quarter hunt so it's kind of cool to get a second coin from that country and one pre 1900s that's a good fun best find in the box so far compared to the 50s wheat sense and we're not even 15 rolls in roll 22 and I see the back of it looks like an older we'd sent older could be 40s for me let's see it's not just another 50 3d roll 23 we're closing in on that weight set ender and I've got a week's in here I already saw it was damaged so I flipped it and I saw it's a wheat cent but I haven't really inspected the date yet could be a damaged 53d we'll put it under the scope it's a damaged 50 70 looks like this one was roadkill for a while either way it's got a home now we'd sent number 6 pretty good-looking wheats a tender Jersey right what we're seeing here it's probably gonna be a 58 maybe a 57 we'll take a look I will let you know what it is just get ready to reveal that wheat sent ender and I noticed I had a 44 it looks like right there and another wheat cent right there so I haven't really done a good job of looking through the rest of the roll but we've got three wheat cents in the first half of the roll and that's cool the Ender which is a beauty is actually a 1954 Philadelphia I've been a 55 filly we can check for doubling and on that kind of condition you never know if you can get lucky still we've got a 54 right there we also know we've got a 44 right here 44 D we'll check it from the 44 D over S which is a pretty blatant one if you can catch it and that's not it just some damage on the deep all just wheat sent so far and one more right off the bat which is gonna be 57 D you knew we were due for a 57 d that was not in terrible shape still three in that role now we have two four five six seven eight nine for the box and I'll loop you in if I find another one in the rest of that roll roll 28 and we're going to have our 10th weight set of the hunt already and while we have found nothing old as far as we'd sense we do have that to hell our this from 1894 so I'm pretty excited to have 10 so far this one's gonna be another 1957 but out of Philadelphia 10 wheat cents not a bad start to the box now we just gotta get some oldies on the board rule 29 waits at number 11 another 57 d roll 33 is gonna a couple of fines we've got a Canadian right here fairly new 1999 first Canadian foreign of the box and spreading them down I saw a wheat set it's gonna be number 12 it's another 53 d though a lot of 50s Wheaties in this box what can you do you can't get mad at then I'll still stack them still looking for some oldies though rolled upper forties gonna have two finds flatten them out I see we have a wheat scent right here it could be another from the 50s it is 1956 out of Denver and we have a Canadian here 1982 roll 43 is going to give us our 14 sweet scent too bad they've all been from the 50s and judging by the condition that's probably another one in 1856 out of Denver rule 44 our 15th wheat cent 1952 do roll 46:16 tweets in the 1958 d roll 47 17th wheat cent facing us directly standing up 1958 out of Philly ha me Dad it's gonna be the DD oh that's super rare but since we have it we Moz will take a look and it is not roll 48 wheat cent number 18 and it's another 57 D but now I'm getting to look sighted cuz uh we might actually hit 20 for the Box roll number 49 and I'm kind of sad here because obviously there's no detail you can make out the Lincoln's bust right there so we know it's a Lincoln Cent 1909 to probably 1982 it's definitely a comprar cent judging by the back I don't see any detail but I also don't see any remnants of the Memorial Building which tells me this is probably a weed scent unfortunately no detail whatsoever can't get a date can't confirm it's a weed scent although I believe it is either way I can't count it it's just gonna be copper so they're going to copper draw knotweed scent number 19 to confirm rule 50 is gonna give us confirmed wheat cent number 19 which now makes that other one even more scary because technically we might add 20 they finish this rule and see if we get an extra one to confirm 20 well box 1 is done 50 rolls hundred we got 19 confirmed wheat cents mostly in the 50s and then of course this one which I'm pretty sure as a weed cent but we can't count it because we can't confirm it I also found a 1983 crack died take a look at this one it's pretty nice put it under the scope and that's a pretty good crack right there running through the Memorial Building just been me I don't think I have found very many or if any at all besides this one with the cracked I like that so I'm going to keep it as part of the collection we did get two Canadians in 259 s no really nice sense to pull out and no 69 s's as well as a to heller though that we did find in 1894 very excited about this one it's an awesome looking coin can't get mad at that it's the same year as an Indian Head cent would be wish it was an Indian Head cent versus a - Heller but says I don't have too many of these very cool find box one is in the books pretty good amount of finds nothing really old better than the two Heller so hoping this box can give us some goodies but some older ones if we can find them so I'll bring in on our first good find just getting into roll one a box - and we've got our second oldest we'd sent of the cubox hunt this is a 46 philadelphia good to see at least 140 so far in this second box rule 9 a box - gonna give us a 1958 we'd sent second 1958 out of Philadelphia not the DD oh no we'd sent 21 for the hunt roll 11 box - wait sent number 22 for the hunt is a 1955 Denver roll 12 for the second box is gonna give this week sent number 23 and it is in 1945 Denver second oldest of the hunt third from the 40s 20 in the 50s rule 68 is gonna yield weight sent number 24 another 50 60 goal 76 is gonna yield weight sent 25 and there's a hole in it hopefully it means it's old but worst case is it means it was somebody's pendant or charm who knows Berthier we've got a 1909 we've got a 1909 and I don't see VDB on it whatsoever unfortunately I'm gonna look at it under my loop I knew when I saw the hole it was probably gonna be old but that's a 1909 too bad it's got a punched hole in it it's not in that bad of shape although without the VDB it's pretty common and without a mint mark it's even more common still let me take a little time look under the loop see if I see anything and I'll bring you guys back in well I've studied it under the loop and definitely no MIT mark and definitely no VDB still judging by the detail on this this would have been a really nice find had it not had the punched hole in it that's gonna obliterate the value it's only worth $4 in g4 but this was definitely without the hole better than g4 unfortunately with that hole it's not even g4 what a shame yet what a nice find very cool hopefully that means there's some other oldies in this box rule 79 of the two box hunts gonna give us weight sent number 26 and it's a 46 pretty toasty but we'll take it nonetheless and add it to the board rule 93 of the two box hunt and we've gotten under foreign here looks like it's a one-cent with a starfish so it should be the Commonwealth of the Bahamas right there 2003 I believe forth for and because we got to include that old heller their rule 94 weight sent 2755 d just grabbed rule number 96 and notice we have a 1958 d weight set ender along with the damage sixty something let's see if there's any friends in there I was expected a damage 58 D Wade sent number 28 can we get to 30 well we finished the second box and all 100 rolls have been hunted we end up with 28 wheat cents that makes me happy but 24 were in the 50s three were in the 40s and we'll get to the find of the box here in a second we didn't end up with a couple of oddities here including a cracked die 1983 as well as an unknown likely we'd sent but we can't count it three forms we ended up with 959s I pull those aside just cuz I like collecting transition years one was only worth keeping in my opinion but I keep them all we did find three nicer sets in there 65-69 D and a 72d it's got some dings but I don't find a lot of nice 72 d so I pulled it aside it's nice overall we'll keep it and we did score 169 s out of the two boxes but not the d do the find of box one is the - Heller from 1894 really cool fine and the find of box two was in 1909 Lincoln sent in probably VF 20 condition had it not been for the hole that obliterates any value if it would have been without the hole it would have been about a 7 to $10 cent but it has the hole we can't escape that we'll take it either way two good finds overall a lot of side finds and wheat cents to add to the collection hopefully you enjoyed this - box penny hunt if you will if you do not appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 133,237
Rating: 4.8918414 out of 5
Keywords: 1909 penny value, 1909 s vdb penny found, coin roll hunting, pennies, penny, error penny, wheat pennies, bank rolls, hunting, rare pennies, error coins, coin roll hunting pennies, indian head penny worth, coin, Penny key dates, lincoln penny key dates, coin hunting pennies, old pennies, old coins found, wheat cent rolls, penny (currency), coin hunting, error, coins, penny rolls, lincoln pennies to look for, us coins, vdb penny, 1909 cent value, 1909 penny, i smell pennies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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