Nickel Hunt and Album Fill #33

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is one of these two boxes boxes 50 and 51 gonna add to our nickel hunt and album phil series album and get us closer to completing it hey everyone it's rob with rob finds treasure and that's right we're already on episode 33 of this nickel hunt and album phil series now this is boxes 50 and 51 and like i said in the intro i'm hoping we can add more goodies to the album now i want to remind everyone who hasn't watched this series from the beginning that if you wish to get caught up before you see this episode please check out the playlist i have both down below and up here so you can get caught up before you watch this one if you're already caught up you'll recall we were able to fill one more spot last episode and now that puts us at 136 of the 138 jefferson nickels in this album completed through 1999. now we do need two very tough dates a 43 d war nickel which is the lowest minted war nickel of the war nickel series and the keydate 1950d now i have found these nickels before in previous hunts but not since we started recording it for this series so i'm hoping we get one of those in one of these two boxes of course if we can complete the series right now with these boxes that would be epic now both these boxes were picked up from the same bank but they have different stamps on them so they're probably not from the same run also because of the type of boxes with the holes in the bottom i don't need to open up ahead of time because i could see they were circulated nickels so we definitely have 100 rolls to hunt and we have two boxes to open live let me go ahead and close up this album get it to the side and we'll do a live opening on box 50 next all right box 50 on the series is gonna be cracked open maybe if it doesn't tear into shreds and i can't open it with one hand it's got a lot of glue but we can still try to get into it maybe holy cow all right looks like i might have got just enough to pop it there we go let's take a peek here looks like we do have some newer nickels as i always see and quite a few of them so i'm a little concerned about that but i also see some oldies in here hopefully this is not another box that we've been getting lately where we have a lot of newer nickels and then it subsequently hurts the hunt yep we're gonna have lots of new nickel rolls either way you guys know the drill i'll push this box back we'll start the hunt as a reminder i'll be using my nickel coin hunts mat and if you would like to get one for yourself i have links to this mat both down below and i'll even put one up here all right let's get cracking rolls and hope we get some goodies we're on roll three we don't have a find yet but i just wanted to show you that roll three was an entire uncirculated roll i won't show all the uncirculated rolls to keep track of them this is just part of cornrow hunting it seems like for 2021 a lot more uncirculated coins for me than normal especially in the nickels but it probably will hamper this first box hunt for sure so i wanted to show you that fingers crossed we don't see a lot of that in that box roll four is going to get us on the board though because we got a 1949 nickel here 1949 and i think that's denver so we can check for the d over s and i don't see the d over s but i will definitely take a 1949 d in the box we don't need it for the album but we could always use it for the collection roll seven another 1940s nickel and this one actually is a 1940 a 1940 denver roll 16 is gonna have two finds we've got a 1940 right here 1940 san francisco which i'll take and then as i pushed him down i thought i saw 50 something back here 54. and it is it does have a scratch mark and i think it's a 54 philadelphia roll 17 another 40s find another 1940 as well denver roll 23 and apparently it's the box of 1940. it's our fourth from 1940 that one's a philadelphia roll number 25 and we've got another 40s nickel but this one is a 1947. 47 s one year off of a semi-key date find hunting roll number 27 and i've got myself one of my favorite finds slid him down and i see the back of a buffalo nickel let's see if there's a mint mark and i can't tell i think there might be am i seeing things there is we've got a denver mint mark on the back of this buffalo nickel not a lot of detail hopefully it's older like in the 20s let's see and i think it's been nicodated i think that's a 26 denver yeah 1926 buffalo nickel and i think it's been treated it's been nikkidated we'll take it though it's a buffalo nickel in the box they've already done the work for us to make sure the date was exposed 1926 d buffalo nickel let's get back to the hunt and find more goodies well that's going to do for that box because the vast majority of the last 12 to 15 rolls were uncirculated 2020 denver rolls as evidenced by the discard bin at the end of the day though it was still a pretty good box we did get seven in the 50s including a pretty nice 1958 philadelphia that might upgrade in the album we got six in the 40s although four were from 1940 alone and one buffalo we'll take it even though it's dated 14 total fines in the box it is a light box but considering almost a third maybe even half the rolls were new nickels we'll take what we can get thankfully that box is done unfortunately i don't know if anything is going to help the album maybe that 58. luckily we have another box left let me slide that over we'll bring that box forward and we'll do a live opening next box number two of the hunt 51 of the series do not show us a bunch of uncirculated nickels please let's see what we got on top all right we have an ender penny in the box we lost four cents and i do see a whole bunch of older jeffersons so we might have a full circulated box of nickels to hunt i do not see very many new enders that's a great sign we will hunt 50 rolls i wonder what year that penny is all right i'll push it back we'll start with roll one we'll work our way through the box and of course i'll let you know what year that penny is when we get to that roll roll two is gonna kick us off with our first find of box two and provide us with our oldest nickel of the hunt so far it's going to be a 1939 we need a d or an s mid mark to be a key date [Music] oh my goodness gracious and it is a 39 d denver mint mark right there 1939 right there and honestly it's not in that bad of shape and if i recall my 39 d is darkened or maybe it's a 39s we'll take a look at that in a second but that's a key date nickel found in the first find of the box could be a great box i took a peek in the album it was the 38d that was black and the 39d is not that bad but i think the one i just grabbed might upgrade it roll number three another 40s nickel and this one's going to be a 1948 48 i think that's just damage he had 48 philly and i saw a 58 in the back when i flattened him out and that's going to be a 1958 probably denver if i can get the gunk off it all right and yeah i don't know but it's definitely either a denver or philly and we already found a nice philly so it doesn't matter either way 58 probably denver same roll two finds roll number nine and that memorial scent ender is going to be a 98 d roll 16 had an ender couldn't see the exact year but i see now that it's a 1948 and i think i see a mint mark as well no it's just damage 1948 philly we'll take it roll number 20 is going to yield a pretty nice 1941 from the obverse 1941 philadelphia roll 29 is going to produce our first 46 nickel of the two boxes this hunt and it is a philadelphia 1946. roll number 32 is going to provide us with our second nickel from 1939. last one ended up being a 39d key date is this one a key date and it is not it's a 39p but we'll confirm it and check for any of the doubling on the reverse and i don't see the ddr 39 p nickel second of the box but the first one was a key date rolled 35 and we have a foreign coin it's actually a canadian nickel we haven't found a ford in a while and this one's a 1985 with a beaver on the back we'll take it roll 36 another 40s find 1947 denver roll 45 another 1941 nickel from philly roll 46 another 1946 nickel also from philly well we finished the second box of the hunt box 51 of the series and even though we're not gonna get either the 43d war nickel or the 50d key date we did have a pretty good two box hunt we got 17 from the 50s maybe a few upgraders 13 from the 40s possibly an upgrader two from 1939 one key date 39d a 1926 denver minted buffalo nickel that has been nikkidated a lucky penny and that 85 canadian nickel let me go ahead now and scour through all these see if we have any upgraders for the album and i'll bring you back well we've gone through and took a look at all the coins we found compared to the album and we didn't upgrade only but one that 1959 p didn't upgrade that 58 p didn't upgrade and that 53 s didn't upgrade and they're pretty nice so i'm going to hold on to them i did pull out the existing 1939 d that i had as you can see not in too bad of shape but the reverse the building the monticello building doesn't have a lot of detail the one we just found today has about the same obverse maybe slightly better but a lot more detail on the monticello so we'll upgrade the keyday 39d it is definitely an upgrade we'll keep this for our collection to the side and uh be grateful that we were able to hunt a couple nickel boxes because it's been tough lately at the end of the day all we ended up doing was upgrading one nickel although it was a more valuable nickel being a 39d key date nickel with only 3.5 million minted and finding that one gives me hope that we can definitely find one with 2.6 million minted that puts 51 boxes down stuck at 136 of the 138 nickels found so far we won't give up on this series until we complete this album if we can hopefully you guys enjoyed this two box nickel hunting album fill episode and if you did i'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching nothing for the 2021 silver jar this time and i know he's mad but the next two box hunt we have a war nickel ender
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 10,137
Rating: 4.9658766 out of 5
Keywords: 1939 Nickel, coin collection, coin roll hunting nickels, coin roll hunting, coin, hunting, nickel, nickels, silver, coin searching, coin collecting, coin hunting, silver nickels, nickels to look for, nickels worth money, nickels worth saving, silver nickel years, coins, key date nickels, rob finds treasure nickels, coin roll hunting rob finds treasure, hunt and fill, coins worth money, rob finds treasure, nickel boxes, nickel album, complete coin collection, buffalo nickel
Id: mV1cGzMKmKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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