1943 DDO Silver Nickel Found Coin Roll Hunting Nickels

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another day another two box nickel hunt... will I find more silver, buffaloes or that elusive v nickel... let's find out hey everybody it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and that's right I'm super excited today we've got two more boxes of nickels to hunt now these boxes are from B of A and typically my B oF A nickel boxes produce less overall finds but a few more silver fines now of course I am looking for silver and I'd love to find some more buffalos but the most important thing I'm on a mission for is to find my fourth ever v nickel we have not found one yet in quite some time what's good about these boxes is I don't have to do any pre-opening before the video starts I can do live openings as always if you're interested in any of my corner awning mats like my nickel mat I'll have a link to it up here or you can find a link to it in my video description I'll also be using my microscope today so if you'd like to see a link for that that's also down below because I love using it to get up close and personal on screen with any fines we need to scrutinize enough talk let's hunt I'll bring you back for the live opening all right box one let's open her up see if we have any really cool Enders I haven't seen an ender in a while so I'm hoping we have one between the 100 rolls either on the top that we check now or maybe on the bottom if I missed it through the holes here we go first box looks like your standard everyday box of nickels and I don't see anything fantastic Oh sticking out but that's not bad all we can see is 50 ends there's 2,000 nickels in there all right you guys know the drill I'll bring you in on my first good find roll number three and I'm recording left-handed because I did not want to take my hand off this rule but I've got a pretty odd second coin in right there and that's looking pretty silvery I did not want to do anything to the roll before I pulled it out and took a look let's see 1943 Philadelphia war nickel now there is a 43 over 42 double die obverse or over date if you will but this one's gonna be pretty toasty to see that or even a double to I it's pretty banged up and I don't think I see anything third roll in and not even a third role in finish two rolls in two coins and we've got a silver on the board B of a silver strikes again early on that's a good sign just cracked open roll number four and laid it out start to pull a couple of coins out and one caught my eye and I can already see it's gonna be a 40s nickel so I figured I'd bring in 1947 Denver to fines not even through four rolls roll 11 nothing spectacular but it is a foreign Canadian 1982 and if I recall this one's made out of almost pure nickel we'll be keeping that for the collectionn for sure rule 12 1941 Philadelphia roll 15 is gonna yield another find and this time it's another 1947 Philadelphia a little nicer shape to boot rolled over 21 and we've got a lot of different colors in this rule but what really stood out to me was a penny near the back what do we got here 1987 zinc and minted in Philly all right if Andy and this rule pans out to be something cool we'll bring you back little did I know those prophetic words would make this hunt one of my best you guys might have already seen it and I already took a peek but I'll bring you back on that one in a second because as I was panning the roll I saw something really shiny but the second coin in is a 1940 polished cleaned old Jefferson nickel minted in Philly now that we've covered that one take a look at this right here are you kidding me 1943 s war nickel in probably the best shape I've ever found one in a roll wow that's a beauty I don't want to touch it too much I don't even notice it by the edge and this one's catching my eye too so I figured I'll take a quick peek and it's nothing let's put this one on to the scope it's not gonna have any doubling but I just want to appreciate it really quick it's got some died at aeration doubling though doesn't it I don't know that looks pretty split to me that looks like there's a split serif on the T and on the Y I could be seeing things but that looks like split surface to me very interesting let me do a little research on this and get back to you guys that is an awesome war nickel and our second in the box through 21 rolls I'll be back let me see if I can find something out about that so I'm pretty excited you guys I went to variety visit comm where I always visit for the non-recognized varieties that you might find on PCGS or NGC so I chuck PCGS first didn't see a variety listing for the 43 s for a DD oh but on a variety Vista there's a D do number to 1943 SD do zero zero two a couple of telltale things I saw here I'll bring up the images first if you look at the s you can see splitting on this s right there for the example that they show and when you go to my coin scope you can see the split serif on the S as well the exact same split that they show there and just to show you that's my coin I'm moving it right now now we'll go back to the first thing that caught my eye which was the T in Liberty split serif there and if I go to their tea and Liberty you can see the split serif right there as well so both the s and the T are exactly the main guy markers of mine so we have just found in a bank roll a 1943's d do number two and despite the reverse having some dings around the steps this thing is probably a low mid state grade and I will take it all day what a find that is exciting we've got not only a second silver in the box but a variety to boot I'm gonna flip it up before I touch it too much more then we'll get back to this rule in case there's something else there was nothing else in that twenty first roll but I just cracked open roll twenty-two and I think we've got some more goodies and I'm pretty certain that that fourth one in could be another war nickel oh no 1980 well I'll leave the clip in because we do make mistakes but you know that I was looking pretty worn nickel like that's why I wanted to film it by the way that is flipped up and that's flippin amazing roll 28 another 40 is fine it was facing me 1948 and it doesn't really matter unless it's an S and I can't tell my mine wants to see an S but I don't see any clear example of a mint mark I say 40s cuz that be a semi key date but I don't think it is it's just a 48 Philadelphia roll 36 in the cool down a little bit but we will have another 40s nickel here in 1941 out of Philly well the first box of nickels is hunted and as is true for Bank of America light on the quantity of fines but we got some quality only five nickels in the 50s the best of the bunch is a pretty nice 1959 and it is a Philadelphia so it's a lower mintage not a semi key but close and in great shape I'll be holding on to that one we got seven in the 40s all pretty banged up none of them really keepers but as far as fines are concerned wanted to count them we did find a couple of really nice older Jefferson's pretty nice 1965 and even though it's very common it's a pretty nice 1964 figured I'd keep it as well love myself some older beautiful Jefferson nickels we got one 2009 and I'm excited because it's a Philadelphia I've only found maybe a dozen of these in all of my hunts I find a lot of Denver's just not Phillies we got that 82 nickel Canadian nickel if you will we also got shorted with a penny but I'll take it because we found ourselves 243 P trashy war nickel and as if to make up for it one of the nicest war nickels I've ever found in circulation and a DD o to boot 1943 s DD o 0:02 got today's date it is flipped up man it's a beauty you don't find them like that in circulation but we did like I said the Box got really cold the second half so it looks like maybe part of a collection dump in the first these are picked up together I'm praying that when we do the live opening we see something good in here but if not hopefully still part of this possible collection dump will be inside this nickel box next let me toss out the discards clutter the box away and we'll start a live opening next box two rolls 51 through 100 will there be something awesome in this box if I can open it alright well some more discolored nickels we saw a lot of those in the last box a lot of detector fines looks like with a couple right here as well but outside of that nothing is really saying if it's gonna be old or silvery or even Buffalo II if you will all right we'll get it set up I'll bring you in if I find something we're showing rolled overnight a box 2 or 59 of the hunt and we have not found an old Jefferson but this one is almost as old as they come 1939 Jefferson nickels 2nd year if it has a mint mark it's a key date if it doesn't have a mint mark we can check for the ddr so no mint mark on that one but do we have any doubling we do not have any doubling it would be on Monticello and 5 cents and you'd see it pretty clearly even on damaged versions so definitely just a 1939 philadelphia pretty common but still a good find nice to see a 30s nickel on the board same rule another 39 nickel Philly Denver or San Fran another Philly let's check it for the ddr again and not the ddr and definitely from philly 239 s in the same rule is the Box gonna get hot rolled thirteen or 63 at the hunt and they did it to us again this one might be copper at this time with a little bit of age there's also an odd colored nickel here I guess we'll grab this out first just gonna be a beat up something in the eighties alright let's take a look at the scent that we got in here 1978 copper well we didn't lose four cents because that's worth about two but we did lose a little bit of money in that roll roll nineteen to the box 69 of the hunt and take a look at this date first year jefferson 1938 and somebody has scratched it up hopefully it has a DRS so that it is a key date but a 1938 first year jefferson is always a fun find either way and it's just gonna be a philadelphia but still i don't find too many 38 they also made buffalo nickels that year and with 330s nickels in this box maybe there's a buffalo coming up soon 1938 philadelphia would have been nice without the scratches but it's still a good find either way roll 77 at the two box hunt and we will find a 1946 Jefferson nickel one year off silver well 78 1940 Denver same role 1941 Denver as well roll 95 of this two box hunt we will not go quietly into the night we will find a buffalo nickel does it have a mint mark no MIT more pretty worn probably dateless I think I can make out a date it's looking man that's tough to tell that is tough to tell it's almost looking 1930-something it's almost like there's a 1 9 3 and either a 7 or 8 man that's tough I'd hate to Nick a date a nickel with somewhat of a legible date let me see if I could zoom in just a little bit here for you oh maybe in 1928 yeah I think I'm gonna go with 1928 think I see the two holes for the eight and I think that third digit is actually a two not a three I won't know for certain but I'm pretty certain that's in 1928 Philadelphia 1928 Philadelphia is not a key date or a semi key date and in this condition it wouldn't matter anyway unless it was a key date I will not make a date it will call it a 28 if you guys see something else let me know down below but that my friend is our first buffalo nickel of the 95 rolls and we still got five and a half rolls to go rule number 97 1940 nickel facing us not in that bad of shape I've seen better but you know we've seen a lot worse as well run roll 100 and I just cracked it open and laid it flat and I see another foreign looks like a Canadian nickel here 1994 well we finished that 100 roll - box nickel hunt and it was a lot of fun we ended up with 13 nickels in the 50s and 11 in the 40s we also had two Canadian nickels here and two 2009's a Philly and a Denver one in each box we got two pennies a copper and a zinc one in each box and then I did pull this one out because I thought that toning was pretty crazy 2015 Denver probably gonna toss it back but I always like looking at pretty cool toners for the best finds of the hunt I had three really nice nickels here a 1959 Philadelphia under 30 million minted and then a couple of beauties 64 and a 65 I had three thirties nickels a 38 P and both 39 piece in that one roll no ddr's on those the three best vines of the hunt can never get mad at a 1943 P war nickel even though it's in bad shape second best vine is a 1928 I believe Philadelphia minted buffalo nickel and then the find a bunt is this beautiful 1943 s doubled Daiya verse number two can't get mad at that it is a stunner and I'm happy to add it to the collection hopefully you enjoyed this - box hunt I know I did we got some goodies if you did I would appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching we'll be adding some more silver to the 2020 silver jar but won't be adding that one I've got a stand-in can't get mad at that
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 25,399
Rating: 4.9530792 out of 5
Keywords: doubled die jefferson nickels, jefferson nickels worth money, 1955 nickel double die, 1942 nickel value, 1942 nickel worth, 1945 p nickel double die reverse, 1945 p nickel value, 1943 p nickel double eye, 1943 p nickel value, 1939 nickel value, 1939 nickel doubled monticello, coin roll hunt, rare jefferson nickels to look for, coin collecting, coin collection, silver coins, coin roll hunting nickels, nickels to look for, 1943 s nickel, nickel errors, jefferson nickel errors
Id: 6j8lPFZZZvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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