San Francisco Mint Pennies - Roll Hunting California Penny Boxes!

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I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't super excited to get into this box Hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and that's right I've been waiting for this box for over a week it is here it is here finally and I'll give you a quick background so after I did those three Hawaii boxes from silver nitrate I decided to call a family member my brother-in-law and I said hey brother I really want to get some California penny boxes can you find me three boxes of circulated pennies any bank will do I want three boxes put them in a large flat rate priority box and send them out to me I'll send you the money for him plus the shipping and some money for your time he said no problem Rob so he's from the Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area right out of Oakland right here this box comes from the Oakland hub right to Dallas I get to hunt it I'm gonna open it live we're gonna see what we got check for Enders and pray we get some s mint mark wheat pennies so no sense lollygagging we're gonna go right into this bad boy like I said I've been waiting waiting waiting it's not his fault he just had to make sure they were circulated so that I could hunt them and that's what he says we got I'm pretty sure that's what we got cuz that's what he says they are so I'm excited to take a peek inside little extra tape here can never be too safe when you're shipping heavy things pull this out right here we've even got a letter I'll read it off camera first he did pop the tops to make sure they were circulated ones so that's good we'll take a peek at the bottom real quick and see look and like circulated pennies to me so that first one is it good to go let's take a look at the second one right here I see some old ones and I see a lot of memorial box not a lot of shield backs so that's two and to make it officially died let's take a peek at the last one here yep we've got circulated pennies three boxes circulated California pennies right here and now I'm gonna hunt in this video Jordan if you're watching I'll read your letter offline I'll get these set up and I'll bring you guys back in when it's cleaned up up here so I've got three boxes set up here the one that's facing with the holes out figured I'd zoom in to show you what I see take a look at that wheat penny ender right there so I didn't see any weep in the end resign the other two boxes on the side with the holes but since that's got one why not kick it off with this first box man three California boxes all do myself can't wait to get the hunt going let me go ahead and get the top of this popped and we'll do a search together all right so I've done another ender search I went and kept that wheat penny under flipped around since I wanted to make sure I knew where it was it looks pretty old but then again they always look older in the role until you see the front of the date I'm ready to get the Sun started I know I've said that a few times now but I'm really just enjoying the fact that I've got three boxes from California all right hopefully we find lots of goodies but at worst case hopefully find a lot of estimates and I'm curious to see if I find any 69 s's because I'm currently on a five box drought without 69s is well I'm not gonna bore you with details every time I run across something it's kind of cool for me but I just opened up rule number one we're literally that many zinc pennies into it plus one copper and take a look at this a 1969's boom didn't wait long for us to find one let's put it under the microscope for funsies and see what we see that's an interesting mark there definitely postmen damage all thought it was a lamination air for a second but you can see the pinching on the rim and the first scratch contact point down then something kind of dragged across it kind of odd but either way it's not the DDL but I'll take a 69 s in this condition holy moly now I'm even more excited rule number 2 just grabbed a really nice 1972 Denver and we've got our first wheat penny 5070 second to the last year wheat penny as expected but gets us on the board rule number seven second wheat penny of the box and it's got a MIT mark and it's is that an S of course it's an S Rob it's a Bay Area certain Cisco box 1947 s I will take that all day do not see many of those and that makes me happy rule number 11 we're gonna have our third wheat penny in the box start to slide it down and I saw the back of it looks pretty worn and because it's a hundred and one years old holy cow 1918 teens we T in the box roll number 11 it's worn slick it's also a common date so it doesn't have any real value but always great seeing a hundred and one year old penny in circulation will take it and hunt for more roll 13 wheat penny number four it's a nice 1942 out of Philly well add it to the collection I'll point out too we are finding a lot of s-minted 68 through 73 so far not a 74 and only 169 s and that first rule so far so a little louder than 69 s is but we just barely got started roll number 14 boom literally almost an ender one penny right here wasn't ender 79 slid this one down and I see this and it's got a a hole in it and it's 1885 under the scope time 1885 holy cow and it is pretty trashy as expected a lot of corrosion might have been in the ground but it's been holed so it was somebody's pendant or on a keychain well I guess in 1885 he probably didn't have keychains but that is awesome 1885 Indian head I don't care the conditions not the greatest if this penny could tell me a story what would it say very nice Wow Indian Head Penny in the Box early on is there more rule number 19 we're gonna have our fifth wheat penny to go along with an Indian Head Penny you still can't believe it looks pretty good though and it's a 55 Denver man that'd have been nice and I was a 55 s but it's not and I'll still take it because it's a beauty roll number 27 and we're gonna have wheat penny number six of the box 1958 Denver rule 28 we're gonna have our first four and it's a Canadian and just missed by five years at being a young head still I'll take Canadians all day as well rule number 32 got another Canadian kind of chewed up a bit but I believe that the 1980 and it's our second of the box and we're a few rolls away from the wheat penny ender we're on roll 33 the wheat penny ender is coming next and I thought I'd point out that I was hunting this rule then I came across a wheat penny so I flattened him down and sure enough there's two in this roll so this is gonna be wheat penny number seven and number eight with an ender still to come let's take a look what we got here a 56 Denver and 44 Philadelphia pretty good shape too for a 44 I'll take it more finds equals more fun figure we would do the wheat penny under live you can see it right here one cent we'll see there's any extra goodies in this roll or if it's just the ender and what year it is all right here's the wheat penny under first and foremost what year is it it's just the 1952 and I believe that's a 52 s so that's a good fine we'll take a 52 s while I got you here let's just quick to a quick fast look I may miss one if there is one but I just want to see if I see one blatantly sticking out at me and I don't sow wheat penny number nine was a 52 s let's find more roll 35 is gonna yield our third Canadian 1994 so we finished that first San Francisco box and you know what I'm pretty happy overall we got four 1969's including a really nice one right off the bat got really hopeful we'd find a lot only found four box cooled off towards the end we had for after 30 rolls and we didn't find another one I kept several pretty nice earlier copper pennies some of these may not be good enough to keep but I don't see a lot of s min marks and some of these were so I had to pull him out I also pulled out a 1974 s because I very rarely see these so only one of the box that I saw but you never know I might of missed one a whole bunch of 1959 s say no Rob hasn't been hunting this area too often because I pulled those out three Canadians not too shabby for the wheat pennies we got stuck at 9:00 on Wheaties a 58 D of 50 70 a 50 60 55 D a 1952 s a 1947 s a 44 P and a 42 P as well only two s-mint Wheaties I thought I'd find some more but you know what that's only box one we also grabbed a 1918 out of Philadelphia good legible date and the fine of the box even though its hold is this 1885 Indian head and it is a better date just over 11 million minted too bad it's in terrible shape these fetch a lot in higher grades I mean all Indian heads do but 1885 is a tougher date to get I even may need it for my book now this would just be a holder but glad to have found it box one good copper in the books two more boxes for this hunt so we'll get this to the side will clean these goodies up well keep out the 18 and the Indian since they're the oldest finds and we'll kind of stack past that if we find anything else in those boxes let's get after it box to box to roll for first we penny find it's gonna be a 1944 Philadelphia roll number 12 a box to it took us a bit to get our second wheat penny but we're gonna get it right there hopefully the damage means it's old but you never know it's not old but it's a 52 and it's a 52 d so trashy 52 D but it is our second fine of this box and so far we've got a 69 s and a beautiful 64 D and I will say this 69 s does have some beautiful toning to it and I'll take it roll 15-time for wheat penne number three of the box and we've got a 1948 out of Philadelphia beautiful turning on it not in bad shape either nice find roll sixteen scared the living bejesus out of me but I had myself another Indian Head Penny at first glance but it's just gonna be a Ford but it's an old one 1881 and I am gonna have to do a little research on this bad boy you guys are probably already in the comments saying no no no Rob that's this but 1881 and I don't know if that says K and B just KB and I don't know why this is escaping me but I don't know what this is let me do a little research and I'll be right back alright we have done a little research on this bad boy I'll bring it up it's a Hungarian coin from 1881 it is made out of copper it was minted from 1857 to 1892 the average value is about four dollars u.s. for these so 12.2 3 2 million minted almost twelve point two three three million minted I have not seen one of these before and if I have I forgot about it mine's worn pretty good because the emblem on the front as you can see has been rubbed away it should look like that but it doesn't but what a cool find nonetheless but man when I first put my eyes on it at a certain light I saw the wreath first thought it was an Indian Head Penny and then I saw the date on the back I was like well up it's a foreign now is it rare or cool not too rare but cool same roles the Hungarian coin and we've got another 52 and this one straight out of Philadelphia and again not too shabby well add it to the collection for so far in this box bold nineteen first Canadian of the box pretty modern mm mm on the nose roll 20 another Canadian facing us 1988 roll thirty of box - we're gonna have wheat penne number five salt peeking out let's get a date reveal 1941 that is the oldest of this box so far and we pay number five hole number 38 gonna produce our third Canadian of the box 1981 roll 44th Canadian slow on the wheat pennies picking up on the forums but I want some more Wheaties roll 44 is gonna answer my request and give me another foreign we have a wheat penny here and we have a Canadian here the Canadian might be older the wheat pennies in 1956 Denver and the Canadian is in 1960 something 62 we've got a young head good to see one of those in the box six wheat pennies five Canadians well 45 is gonna give us wheat penny number seven of the box it's a 1957 out of Denver well box 2 is in the books and we did that up with seven wheat pennies including an 1881 Hungarian coin so that's cool but nothing old other than that no estimate Wheaties either we didn't end up with 369 asses albeit none of them great and a couple of decent coins along with 559 s and v Canadian so that was definitely a box similar to what I would hunt here now there was a lot of 1970 71 and 72 s is in there don't get me wrong I saw a lot more in there but I see in my boxes but the fines or the keeper coins if you will very similar what I would find here I really was hoping for more 69 s's and with over half a billion minted you would think my California boxes will put out some more we got four in the first box and three in the second I averaged zero to one sometimes two at best so we are getting more than I get but I was hoping to find a box with 10 in it will this be the box with 10 in it let's get it open and find out so we on the top of the box opened up I don't see any wheat penny enters but I do see a lot of copper enters so that's a good sign and I'm hoping like I said at the end of the last box that we find our fair share of s-minted pennies in this box I've only found 274 s's that that I've noticed at least I guess it's possible that I missed a couple of ones that I thought were Denver but not as many of those that like of course I never almost see those in my boxes so it's good to see him hoping for a handful of 69 s's be nice to find some more oldies or even some more goodies let's get this hunt going rule number 8 of box 3 and that's got to be a wheat penny it is I can tell by the patina on it and the date area looked worn almost slick so let's flip it around first obviously and because we had an odd verse showing that could be a 20s or a 20 D if I can get enough clarity onto the date so that's what we see right here from a distance my best guess judging by that midmark design it could be a mess but based on this damage right here I think it's a D that was damaged and pushed in and curled that part of D out pretty certain that's in 1920 d but to be a 1920s the good news is not knowing exactly the MIT Marcus doesn't matter because it is in 1920 whether it's a 20 D or 20 s it doesn't matter in this condition and not being a key date it's not worth much still another oldie in the box we'll take it actually here first fine of the box cuz that's the 1918 from one of the first boxes but my first wheat penny find is in 1920 almost a hundred year old penny tick kick us off roll number 16 I spy our second wheat penny of the third box looks like it's gonna be in the 50s likely no it's actually a pretty nice 1940 that back had me fooled I don't see a lot of early 40s looking in this condition but I like it and I'll take it roll number 21 and we're gonna get our third wheat penny of the box it was already facing me it's a 40 something looks like it's a 45 d 1945 do you put it under the scope confirmed 1945 Denver minted wheat penny in the box number three well twenty two back-to-back rolls of the wheat penny got one right here and it is a 44 s I believe yeah 44 s well number 26 wheat penny number five peeking out of this could it have some age it looks good if it does it's a 46 s and that's a pretty good-looking 46 s and once again it is good seeing some of the older ones with an S MIT mark and again of course it's not great but it's not bad whatsoever 1946 s wheat penny in the box and believe it or not we're headed this direction to the newer ones but they gotta estimate marks I'm happy either way we've got a 69 s as well let's take a little peek at it since it's in the box we can always dream not the d-do but ironically almost halfway through the box and that's our first 69s roll number 27 we're gonna have wheat penne number six now right here 51 out of Denver we're continuing to head this direction we went ahead that direction oh well we're still final we tease well thirty-one wheat penne number seven so the box is starting to heat up pretty well now and that's a 52 s so again we're continuing to move to the right side of the wheat penne board but I will take s mince all day roll 34 the trend continues another wheat penny number eight and this one's 57 d so I think they have ran out of ways to go this way well I guess there's a 58 left but can we get it going that way again rule number 40 is gonna give us our first Canadian buy into the box it's a common 1989 but it's always good seeing our friends up north in my boxes about 47 we're gonna have our ninth wheat penny of the box and will it be old we won't know just yet it could be in the 30s let's see if we can see they don't need the microscope so I've got under the microscope I spent a few minutes on it it's a 1950 D 1950 D so the good news is we would back the other direction the bad news is we didn't go back far enough maybe we could pull out one more for the 10th wheat penny of the box and one of those three rolls all right so we finished that third box of California pennies and you know what it was a fun hunt we got 9 wheat pennies all the way ranging other than the 1920 from 1940 to 1958 eight of those years and then of course the Warren 1920 which I believe could be a Denver or San Francisco but it's such a bad shape it really doesn't matter still three boxes we for all these a 20 with the midmark a 1918 filly an 1885 Indian head with the hole and an 1881 Hungarian coin really cool top of that we got a couple of 74 essence it even got a crazy dinged up 1961 d I thought was cool we also added another 3 1969 asses so the consensus is I thought I'd get more 69 asses than I did I think I got 4 in the first box 3 in the second 3 in the third for a total of 10 and 3 boxes still a lot more than I see but not as much as I wanted to see we actually picked out another 5 pretty nice coins and look at that 1959 denver amazing but the rest are pretty cool too some of these I kept they're not as nice but I don't see a lot of 1970 esses or 73 asses or that 75 d in pretty good shape so I figured I'd pull them out and roll about 5 more 59 s and one Canadian quite a bit of copper some of my final thoughts on all three boxes compared to my type of boxes is a lot of s-mint 60s and 70s pennies more estimate Wheaties than I normally see and ironically I saw a lot more of the 83 philadelphia's and the 92 DS then I see in my area but we hardly saw any 1995 piece and any 84 piece it didn't seem like there was very many of those in those three boxes from what I normally see still fulfilled took them to want to do for a while hunt some California boxes this was so much fun but how it has done is wet my whistle guy want to do it again so I'm probably gonna reach out to my five members and see if I can get three boxes a month so that I could rent these guys cuz I had a lot of fun hopefully you had fun watching it if you did I'd appreciate it thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching you
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 81,695
Rating: 4.9237876 out of 5
Keywords: san francisco mint, san francisco mint pennies, how many pennies in a roll, valuable pennies from the 1960s, valuable pennies from the 70s, valuable pennies, valuable pennies to look for, coin hunting, rob finds treasure, coin roll hunting, pennies, penny, bank rolls, rare pennies, coin roll hunting pennies, coin, Penny key dates, coin hunting pennies, old coins found, coins, penny rolls, roll, found, penny key dates, cent, penny error list, rolls, wheat pennies, indian head penny
Id: Z93HPgRiJ3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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