I Searched 10,000 Quarters for Silver

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it's time for another quarter box hunt box number 20 on the year going for silver number six hey everyone it's rob with rob finds treasure that's right we've got another quarter box hunt today now i'm fully expecting to marry this to another couple of boxes i'm picking up this week but since i've got this box sitting here got to get the money back at the bank i figured we'd go ahead and go through it as you know we found more silver quarters in 2021 five on the year through the first 19 boxes than we found all of last year only four through 60 boxes i will tell you that even though the silver is up the w's are down but that's okay i expected that they're being pulled out of circulation so any that we find is a bonus now i'll be using my clad coinage varieties mat for this hunt specifically because in addition to silver or w's or foreigns we'll be checking for the varieties that i have listed here still trying to find one of those ddrs or ddos from 65 66 or 70. and of course we'd love to find an 83 spitting angle minted in philadelphia or any of the more modern stuff as well now that i set the table i will tell you that i popped the top of this box and i did notice that we did have a good amount of circulated and newer designs as well and we even had kind of a false silver end here but it's like a 1992 denver not gonna be silver you guys know the drill i'll bring you in if and when we get a goodie in box 20. roll number 14 of this number 20 quarter box will yield a find and i already saw it it was reverse facing like this when i flipped it around i noticed there was a w 2020 v 75 privy w quarter minted in west point tallgrass prairie first find on the board now let's find more well we're back and that's going to do it for box 20 or the first box of this hunt we did find that tall grass w quarter which i'll take and there was a pretty nice 1983 denver i think it's been cleaned it has really great details but it's got some scratches and again i think it's been cleaned but the reverse is fantastic it's a shame i just wanted to show you this one probably won't keep it having looked like it's been cleaned but had it not been cleaned and it was in this condition i probably would keep it because in 1983 the us mint did not produce uncirculated scents so all your 82 and 83 quarters are worth more and fetch a pretty good premium if you can get them in the higher grades again just wanted to show you that one since i pulled it aside at the end of the day it was a tough hunt but we did get a w out of it no silver we're stuck on five through 20 boxes like i mentioned in the beginning i will marry this to more boxes when i get them and i should be getting them in the next couple of days i'll see you guys when i'm back with one or two more quarter boxes well i'm back and i was able to get at least one more quarter box for this hunt fingers crossed we get some goodies in it box number 21 on the year can we get that next silver quarter i already popped the top of it did double check we have a pretty good mix of new and old designs and we also have an oddity looks like i was shorting at least a buck when we get to that rule figure out how much money i'm not going to have in this box also had kind of an old ender right here looked a little suspicious but i think it's just because of the blue ink or whatever is on it around it that made it look funny but it did look a little silvery compared to the others although i believe it's clad you guys know the drills we'll start popping rolls and let's see if we can find some goodies roll number 16 of the box is that short roll and i'll open it up and see if we have anything with it but at the end of the day i'll let you know how short we are thirty quarters in that roll which means we were shorted ten quarters or two dollars and fifty cents on this box now we really need to find something for the board to get our money back well rule 24 is going to help the cause because we did just find a w quarter and it's going to be a 2019 w because there's no privy which one is it it's the lowell national park 2019 west point minute quarter circulated condition second w of the hunt first of the box well that's going to do for box 21 box two of the hunt no silver once again we did get a w lol quarter and that makes me happy and a pretty nice denver minted bicentennial i'll probably keep it it is not the ddo i already checked but it's nice overall worth holding on do since this is still only a two box hunt and we don't have anything really that fancy fancy for the board i'll be back when i get more quarter boxes well i'm back again and this time i have two quarter boxes i've got box 22 on the year and one of my subscribers traded with me and sent me a quarter box i had to peel the top off because they had their shipping information on it but it's intact and i do see a few damaged rolls but at the end of the day i also don't see any silver enders i'm pretty excited about getting into these two boxes one because we have one of my boxes and two i get to hunt another box from another state he said he gets some silver in his boxes more than i get which is not hard to believe because i don't get very much but i'm excited to get in that one just to see what kind of quarters we might find like some w's maybe some varieties you never know either way two more boxes we'll add it to the hunt and if i have enough finds we'll close the video out but if not i am picking up another box tomorrow and maybe i'll marry that now i've already checked the bottom with the holes in it on this box and it is circulated quarters but i haven't opened the box yet figured we'd do a live opening on this box see if we can get something fancy on the top let's go ahead and crack into it really quick and see if we have anything to get excited about all right maybe there we go well i don't have any silver quarter enders and i do see some 20 20 designs now i will make mention that the crossing the delaware quarters came out april 5th and today is april 27th so they've been out for three or four weeks but i have yet to see one maybe we'll find one in here we'll see you guys know the drill i'll bring you in if i have something else to add to the board besides the two w quarters i have found so far through two boxes well roll number four is gonna invite us another w quarter i already saw it because it was reverse facing it's the san antonio missions and when i flipped it saw the w it's got some circulation scratches and dings but i'll always take a w quarter and for those that don't know the w quarters were low mintage from 2019 and 2020 and they fetch between seven and twenty dollars depending on which one you have obviously the 2020s fetch a little more 2019's a little less they've been out in circulation for a couple years now three w quarters through two boxes and four rolls still no silver well we're on roll 48 of the box and if i recall the third roll in had a w and now the third roll from the end of the box will have a w that i have not seen yet other than the obverse and it is a 20 20 because we have the v75 privy on it let's take a look at which one it is it's probably kansas or marsh billings because i've seen a lot of those from denver and it is going to be the tall grass prairie kansas 2020 w quarter i'll take it we now have two of those as well as two from 2019 four w's in almost three boxes yet again no silver although i'm excited about that next box well that's going to wrap it up for box number 22 on the year we did get two more w quarters i'll take them can't get mad at four w quarters through three boxes but no varieties no foreigns no silver and no proofs yet will this wyoming box get a silver number six on the ear we are on roll number 40 and this box is in pretty cold well it's been very cold because we have no fines until now we are gonna have a 2019 w quarter because there's no privy but there's a w which one is it it's the american memorial park from 2019 so now we have three different ones from 2019 and two of the same ones from 2020. let's see if we can get some silver in the last 10 rolls box number 23 on the year has been hunted and again no silver it was fun hunting a wyoming state quarter box and we did find some things we found another w quarter and we have five for the four box hunt so far so that's definitely good that we got something pretty much in every box we also were able to pull out a handful of nicer state quarters and i think because maybe in wyoming the quarters circulate less we will define quite a few i also found a really nice 1983 denver and it's hard to find 82 and 83 quarters in great condition mainly because they didn't make uncirculated sets in those years so whenever you see a nicer 82 and 83 philadelphia or identity should always pull it out now there is a little scratch in front of washington's portrait but i'm still going to keep it we also found a nice pnd really nice denver bicentennial quarter and i collect the nicer ones of those i think because i am picking up one more box tomorrow we'll go ahead and wait to conclude this hunt until tomorrow's box and let me go ahead and pick that up and then we'll do one more box at five box hunt for this video and hope we can score a sixth silver quarter on the year i'll be back when i have box number five tomorrow well it's the next day and i'm back with another quarter box this is box five of this hunt boxed 24 on the year stuck at five silver quarters but that's one more than last year we need a silver quarter or it would be cool to find a river of no return and a water pacific 2019 w quarter to complete the 2019 set i've already popped the top of this box and i did take note that we have a pretty good mix of quarters here i have yet to see it crossing the delaware quarter so it'd be nice to find one in this box but it doesn't look like it'll be in the cards because typically if i see new release quarters they're usually in a fully uncirculated box either way box 24 on the year let's see if we got any goods first roll in second quarter into the roll i already flipped it it's my first denver minted tuskegee airman 2021 quarter i found in circulation now i have some uncirculated rolls that i have purchased or that i have been traded for but never found one in circulation so it's good to see some of the newer designs i have lots of these and this one's not in the greatest condition but i will put it aside as a fun little tally at the end to see if we get more than that in this box all right i'll bring you in if we actually have a find roll 44 and i just pulled a w quarter by the edge in a circulated quarter roll it's right here you can see that it's a 20 20 w quarter got the v75 privy i'll put it back in so you guys can see what i saw the best that i can you can see that edge i think you can see the edge is much more shiny and thicker in appearance so i went ahead and set it down pulled these forward and pulled it up and noticed it was a v75 2020 w quarter and it's going to be a weir farms i don't see too many of these so i'll definitely take it we finally got a w and our first find of the box and we're also sitting on five tuskegee airmen quarters as well let me hunt the rest of that roll and bring you in if we find something else all right we finished box 24 we got another w quarter and once again this five box hunt did strike out on silver so possibly my silver vein that i had beginning of the year is now back to like it was last year either way five box hunt yielded six w quarters and i'll take those all day we also added a couple of nicer older quarters for the collection and we found our first five tuskegee airmen denver minted porters as well on top of that i thought i was gonna have some luck when i found this coin all it said was yes and i even asked it after i saw it does that mean i'm getting silver apparently it should have been stickerized with a no again quarters are tough for silver i expect that we've already done better than last year we've only done 24 boxes and we have five silvers whereas last year we did 60 boxes for a total of four we've got a long way to go on the year we could still hit double digits we'll have to see how it goes hopefully you enjoyed this five box quarter hunt i know it was long and kind of dragged out but we still have fun doing it and you gotta hunt the boxes if you're gonna find the goods if you enjoyed it i appreciate it thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching you
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 11,731
Rating: 4.9589744 out of 5
Keywords: quarters, Coin Roll Hunting Quarters, coin roll hunting, silver coins, silver quarters, coin hunting quarters, coin hunting, coin roll hunt, quarters worth money, coin hunt, valuable quarters, coin roll hunting 2020, coin collecting coin values, coin hunting rolls, coin, coins, how to get boxes of coins, banks asking for coins, silver quarter years, quarter hunting, quarter hunt, how to find silver coins, rob finds treasure quarters, 10000 quarters worth money, 10000 coins
Id: S3kPuLgYw4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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