7 DROWNINGS: Live Search and Recovery at Fern Ridge Lake

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and bluetooth off disconnecting bluetooth good we got sound okay that's what happened good idea thank you for somebody you got to turn your volume down okay all right let's just turn around for you guys okay uh thank you for uh putting up with a little technical difficulty there it connected to the uh bluetooth on the sonar units uh i'm gonna start this whole thing over and that this past week um i was out of town with the family doing a quick getaway and my phone just started blowing up because there's been seven drownings in the state of oregon in this past week and they're all separate uh engines instances uh with that one we've seen our friend scott on the show as well he just let me know he just texted me earlier this morning also told me that him and his search team they recovered a 10 year old girl yesterday so this this has to stop you know and where we're at from ridge tonight looking for kevin carlia kevin carlisle 38 years old you know father husband and you know how how do we choose which one to go on first and we're running out of daylight we're gonna get out there but we're going to share this entire experience with you you know we just now put the boat in the water we've not even been out there yet and we're gonna bring you along for from start to finish so you know if you're like you know what i only like the edited videos or you know it's so long and it's so boring don't watch this because it's not for you this is a they're saying sound too though sounds too low yeah sound is super low a lot of people i'm so sorry what if i turn it what if i turn it this way if i go there's the sound better for some reason it's using this side of the microphone um so you know so how do we choose which one so of the seven we still have four that are missing and so i got home at midnight last night and i uh yes that's yes that's working better um so i got home at midnight last night i called doug and josh and i said hey you know are you guys available today and they said yes and from there you know with the four they're still missing like which one do we choose first and it's really based upon likelihood and that's why we're at fern ridge today is because we're dealing with the lake whereas the other three are in rivers for us to go look we have a semi location when somebody's in the water swimming towards shore and whatnot it's really difficult for them to really have perspective as to exactly where they were at so we have a huge lake the we've had the sheriff several different sheriffs organizations have been out here hundreds of man hours last three days kevin went missing on the 28th now with this one don't go to the news and look at the news be like and think that you know everything because in speaking with um you know a source that's that's close to the family they first of all they're really upset with the news and everything that took place um and the story was not told properly and for that reason you know they're not down here with us this evening and we are here to respect their privacy so you know if by chance you have any contact information for them don't use it don't post it we are out here this evening doing what it is that we do offering up our services and our time to come out and help these families you know in need so with that one we're not going to waste any more daylight because we are even when it gets dark we're not stopping like tonight we're going to be running until you know midnight one two three in the morning if we have to right now we're going to be starting with the our regular sonar units that we that we normally run and then if we're not able to identify then we're going to turn jump over to another newer unit that is similar to team waters a donation came in from atlas north america so you know thank you to them for donating the sonar unit however you know we shouldn't need it because we're only dealing with 15 to 20 feet of water um with that one doug you can uh turn and and chat and do your thing and kind of uh hold your phone up i'm going to get us out there why don't you let them know some of the uh the details that we do have okay and like where we're at and some of the different the other cases as well that we've got and then christina dj's mom also sent over you know we we really want to stress the importance of life jackets because each one of these could have been prevented if somebody was just wearing a life jacket and i found out a new statistics new statistic today from christina and do you know let's see you know real quick just off the top your head without googling it how many people a year pass away from drowning like it is a pandemic you know it's it's a big problem across the entire us so drop a number real quick before i even say what that number is i'm going to start the motor we're going to get going out there any guests coming in a hundred uh ten thousand hundred thousand twelve hundred five thousand four hundred ten thousand so thirty six hundred drownings a year that is 10 roundings 10 points a day and of those 10 drownings so in the state of oregon there were seven this past week okay so that means that across the entire us there and i might be coming in quiet again too because i'm on this side of the microphone so i apologize for that one so doug uh i'll let you do like multiple talking right now all right i'm gonna send this out to our location hey guys uh the volume is going to be somewhat uh muffled at the moment but uh on my side we started it so it's gonna be okay we're heading out here the motor's a little bit louder [Music] i don't know if you guys just heard the statistics about what jared was just saying 3 600 people drown every year and what i just read and those facts that 70 percent of them can be avoided when you wear one of these 30 of those are by confident swimmers over confidence swimmers so i mean to have a [Music] personal flotation device pivotal in survival [Music] we're gonna start searching so just enjoy the you know the sunset ride right now and uh like the point of that direction so we're gonna be we're heading right back up here to the north side this fern ridge reservoir and we're right outside of the city of eugene oregon not too far outside of oregon i mean eugene [Music] yeah i don't know if i mentioned this earlier whether when the uh phone was muted uh or not anyway if you enjoy our edited videos and you don't like the live streams click off of this this is not going to be the series for you this evening we're bringing you out here on like we just got in the boat you're with us live this is exactly what we go through this is real life okay if you don't enjoy real life don't hang out you know and if you need to go do something and make dinner and come back because you do like it we're going to be here for hours you know no matter what like if we were able to locate kevin in the next 15 minutes we're still going to be live for the next two and a half to three hours at least so it's going to be a late night for all of us we appreciate each and every one of you for being here with us um you know we're awp you know especially with purpose you know it's you it's us everybody's involved you know from those that donate to you know those that are books on the ground to those that you know are work on you know wishlist whatever that's why we share this with you you know it's for one because you are a part of the you are a part of the awc family but also for other families to actually be able to see this and reach out because the reason why we're here right now is because one of you i think her name was loretta or i really apologize loretta i think anyway uh you know she was the first one that reached out to me and said hey did you hear about fern ridge and i was like no because i just heard about um the two over at wheatland ferry as well and in two separate instances within a hundred yards about each other and then another one up in the sandy river as well so we know about those three and then this one just came across my desk last night so you know why are we choosing this one over these over the other three right now we're choosing this one is because it's not in a river you know where we're dealing with a shallow length 15 to 20 feet smooth bottom no rocks uh you know we have a 70 in my opinion what are our chances tonight our chances are 70 that we're gonna find kevin tonight i just feel very confident about it whereas the other ones like sandy river i'm gonna say you know a 40 chance and then the ones in the willamette just knowing the location knowing the river you know i'm putting out at a 10. but this is my backyard you know i just got home last night my phone was blowing up i can't say no 600 feet almighty my uh my family and my wife and everything but at the same time i just spent a week with them and you know i appreciate their support i know that my wife is watching i know my girls are watching so i appreciate their support and allowing me to come out here and you know help these families uh so we're actually gonna be coming up here in just a moment let me just turn this around [Music] so this this white buoy here is kind of the starting point that the sheriff felt that this is a starting point in the news you know the reports are roughly 150 feet offshore we have some other reports here's the right maybe maybe we need to be a lot further east maybe we need to be a lot further away from the dam maybe we're looking at four to 500 yards you know when you're in the water and you have rough winds and seas and you know you're panicking and things are going on perspective like it's so uh you know difficult to actually be able to identify so you know where we start searching from here doug i say that you know really you know i don't want to rule out the damn area you know so i think that what i want to do is i want to run the perimeter of the dam do two runs there and then we'll kind of come back to this area here with the buoy and then we'll just start working our way out that way and i want to go 600 yards out and start working towards the marina until we get to the other side of the dam or the other side of the spillway and then we could start working back to the east there the wind was blowing from this direction though that way but there's been a lot of search that's really been going on over here and so because they've not found anything maybe we need to go the other way again it's perspective maybe they were closer to the marina i don't know we're gonna cover it all yeah uh on that note i'm gonna put the uh sonar in so we're gonna today i'm because we're farther we're not looking for a vehicle so normally when we're looking for a vehicle we're going to be searching you know a nice pattern next to the shore and then we're going to be moving ourselves away from it but because we're going to be out in the middle of lake we want to be able to you know track our patterns so we're going to be using a different layout today one is going to be the map so we can see our our track pattern we're also going to be doing the down imaging and we're also going to be doing the side imaging see with the side imaging we have a very flat bottom which is going to make it really easy uh right now we're at 19 feet so from the boat down to the bottom there is you know it's the black is the water column same thing here the black is the water column and so you'll see these numbers on here correlate with the depth um this is going to be our live scope so anything that pops up you can see again how nice and flat it is down there so with that that's what i'm going to start running and then doug can talk to you more about uh maybe just read some of those statistics that and then how you guys doing so i don't know if you guys heard jared earlier uh right now in the state of oregon over the last few days we've had uh seven drownings uh four of which are still missing at the moment um and he did explain why why we're here at this particular location but some of the statistics in regards to on the water activity safety measures and why people drown and why people survive are pretty breathtaking ironically as that sounds breathtaking um i'm gonna read to you guys some of these statistics that just got delivered to jared and i it says in the u.s drownings take an average of 35 hundred to four thousand lives per year which averages to about 10 fatal drownings every single day two out of three drowning victims are also considered very extremely strong swimmers and 90 percent of drowning victims are not wearing a life jacket so 90 of 4 000 people a year aren't wearing a life jacket and you know i mean i i've been guilty of it at times as well you know i consider myself a very strong swimmer a capable swimmer i've swayed my whole life and another statistic here even touches on that that uh what is it here having a life jacket adult males from 18 to 30 are most at risk for accidental drowning because they're considered overly confident which is you know a huge statistic you know uh 20 of those uh 3 500 to 4 000 people that die each year you know are people that are considered strong swimmers approx approximately 375 children a year drown within 25 yards from a parent or adult it only takes a half a cup of water in your lungs to drown and that's literally one breath of water is all it takes and nobody's expecting it ever ever expecting it or obviously they would have a life jacket so it it it happens at the most unexpected time and uh right here what i'm wearing right here will save your life you know it it to a lot of people it would seem not cool or uh you know they're they're they're they're a strong swimmer they don't need it obviously these statistics show that we all need it while we're out on the water there's a lot of different types of flotation devices that you could use you know use whatever you're most comfortable with it's gonna save your life it's gonna save your children's life uh here's some more uh statistics for you guys paddle sports kayak raft canoe paddle board have maintained the highest outdoor activity growth rate in this country this also means an increase in accidents and fatalities because those primary factors are people being in those watercrafts without life jackets 70 of paddle craft fatalities could be prevented by wearing a life jacket that's crazy [Music] swimming in a pool is not the same as swimming in open water like this obviously um dangers of open water includes limited visibility depth distance drop-offs vegetation currents tides and fluctuating water temperature and you know in here you know and the day that kevin you know went missing it was a storm that came in fast you know in fact why don't you talk about the stand because even though you were two hours away from here yeah so the weather here um in in the valley of oregon i i live about two and a half hours away from here but where where we're at is in the same valley area and that evening you know we went from probably over 100 degrees to down below 80 degrees with extremely high winds within in a matter of like an hour it went with conditions completely changed with like no warning um you see here you know again it just goes back to the most important thing that you can do for yourself and your family your friends is to wear a life jacket wear a life jacket like it's it's super critical on the necessity of having a life jacket it's okay and it's another quick fact here i'm looking to bring up what i was saying earlier overconfidence can prove just as dangerous as not being able to swim at all like take a second to to think about that you know like i consider myself a very strong swimmer i can get out here and swim but you know your overconfidence you don't know your ability the water's changing you get tired and it's just one breath of water one mistake and you're breathing in water and you know you need that life jacket drowning is a deceptively quiet event and sometimes hard to recognize a drowning person is unable to call out for help just silent gasping for air 20 to 60 20 to 60 seconds later submersion you know so it it happens in in a matter of a minute it's very quick like life jackets ladies and gentlemen it's it's pivotal i keep saying it but we're going to be saying it all night wear your life jackets i can't speak and speaking of all night like like i mentioned we're going to be here night you know until we tire at one two three o'clock in the morning or we find kevin you know our goal is to find kevin but we are dealing with you know not just 150 yards that was in the news but we're dealing with the 450 to 500 but then you'll have to win you know now maybe another 100 or 200 yards past that so you know we're just we're just working this lake over kind of starting with that buoy we're working in the west right now and then we'll start working you know and we're going to work to the dam here is what we're going to end up doing so we're going to work to the dam from the buoy and then we're just going to keep running this out 600 yards out and then once we cover this side of it then we'll start working the other side of the boot uh you know and for some reason we're not able to identify and find kevin on this sonar unit and guess what we're not done we're gonna switch over to our other sonar unit in fact you know look this up uh atlas north america they donated an hds site scan sonar unit so thank you big shout out to them this unit is very similar to what tammy and dennis are using over team waters and so it's the you know 40 50 000 unit that they donated to us you know for the you know to help these families what we're doing um and if you did not catch the very beginning of this um we're not working with the family on this one um yeah right now that some families just want their privacy and we honor that 100 so what you see in the news don't don't repost anything or speak of what you see in the news uh it's i've been informed it's not accurate and you know and we've experienced that many times ourselves if you've ever been in front of the camera on the news you're like where did that even come from like in tennessee they're like oh yeah you know they're like oh yeah they found like 40 or they pulled 46 hearts no we found 46 cars we pulled 17 so if you know anything about the news the media is not always accurate so with that one um if you happen to know the family or find information on them respect them don't reach out to them don't say anything to them don't post on their facebooks nothing okay we're here to honor the family and we're here to find their lost loved one you know and who we're looking for tonight is kevin carlisle 38 years old father husband you know it is every drowning is a sad situation because the families have all lost somebody and not knowing you know is is horrible i mean it's horrifying for the families you know christina uh dj's mom you know she she's like my dj was found and i cannot imagine you know what would be like if you know who's not found you know the tamiya tammy episodes out right now you know it's three years before family is found um we don't normally as you guys know we don't normally do where we just have an individual that is not contained in something but this is our backyard i'm not going to sit at home and not do something when this is so close to my uh you know in my backyard here let me just kind of show what's going on here with the sonar [Music] so if you're just tuning in i've got side scan going on tonight 75 feet left 75 feet right i've got the down imaging going and tonight because we're not looking for a vehicle next to a shoreline we're actually running a track pattern and so we're going to overlap so right here we've got a 70 or 50 feet there so we want that that width is 50 feet and so we're going to track back that way we have a little bit of coverage on this and we're just going to run a grid pattern tonight and just keep this thing going so we've got the live scope going we got down imaging going we've got side imaging going and i'll just kind of uh pull it back and let it run for a bit what we're going to be looking for you know are shadows you know so we're dealing with a nice flat bottom tonight so these are rocks right here over by the dam so we've already done that and then this is the nice flat bottom so we're gonna run this pattern back and forth about that far back and forth back and forth and we're gonna be running this uh midnight two three in the morning we're gonna keep this thing going which means we're needs more bang or not bang we don't do bang rain rain we do stream orange dreamsicle is what we are addicted to that's what keeps us going so we appreciate it uh so which means we appreciate so if anybody's in the eugene area and would like to beat us this evening i probably won't say no my wife says it can't be homemade she can because we don't know what your kitchen let me turn this around not to discredit you or you but i don't know what your kitchen looks like i don't know if you have you know animals running around or what your hygiene is so no home baked goods moving forward we have enjoyed the ones in the past but now my wife says jared the last one gave me diarrhea you were not allowed to have anymore so anyway we are out here this evening if you happen to be in eugene area and if more than one of you show up with food i have the rv we're going to be out searching for the next couple of days because we have four missing persons cases i'll make sure the food does not go to waste just saying thank you questions if you want to um uh read questions oh you can turn it out on you okay um or me it doesn't matter but if you want any questions i can ask uh tasha says are all missing persons cases related uh no uh every case is different okay you want to kind of fill them in on the four cases that we okay yeah oh so so are the so right now we have in the in the past few days we've had seven people drown uh here in our backyard in the pacific northwest here in oregon wow there's another seven or eight in washington yeah so seven another seven and eight as well to our uh northern uh across our northern border in washington and so we have a 38 so we have kevin the 38 year old i think we have a 37 year old at wheatland ferry and 51. 51 years old i don't know i think the one in sandy river is a teenage girl or early 20s i'm not sure and then scott and his team just pulled a 10 year old girl yesterday so big shout out to scott scott just found the 10 year old girl yesterday who was missing as well it's a big big help to that family so the other the other three cases that will be working in the next few days will be in rivers which you know is a completely different ball game and those are all separate incidences none of them related however two of them happened i think within like 100 yards of each other on the same river so um and then that that's on the willamette river i can here take it here anyway we're circling back right now and the reason why we're circling back is because of this little uh anomaly right here i'm gonna go back over that path and the path that i'm hitting so i need to go to the right a little bit so you can see how i can track back over it and we're going to see if i can pick up the same anomaly and i just want to make sure that we rule this out and it was on my left so now if i track it right back over it it should be on my right if i see the same anomaly and it could have just been a fish the way that was uh popping up on screen here it didn't it the shadows were not enough for me to be concerned about it but we're just gonna go ahead and double check all right so right there so that looks like a just uh some bait fish right there but now what we're gonna do is let's go ahead at a different angle because i'm not seeing it on the down imaging okay so we're gonna go ahead at a different angle we just wanna make sure that we rule it out they found wait wait it says they found both men uh from by the wheatland ferry area maggie can you confirm that with us again watch to watch that and see and make sure that you're not looking at a 2018 article maggie make sure you're looking at a like today or yesterday or something article you want to make sure that we get that right hey yeah maggie if you could confirm uh what you just put on there as far as the two gentlemen uh uh two days ago near the wheatland ferry just to make sure that those articles are current um there's been unfortunately a lot of drownings in that area so all right so let me turn this again real quick so what i was looking at before is indeed bait fish so you can see that they're not touching the ground here and then you can also see the bait fish there so if the object is not on the bottom so that's just a school of fish is what that is all right there you go [Music] no gators in oregon none that i've ever heard of too far north does where the majority of these individuals that are missing alone during their disappearances no yeah as far as i'm aware none of them they were actually with their families uh friends so uh yeah none of them were alone and i'm confused on the 51 year old out of wheatland ferry uh because his hr department actually reached out to me um so his one of his co-workers from hr reached out to me to make sure that we were aware of his missing so i don't know if he fell off while he was working out there or if they were just making sure they spread awareness to uh put that on their radar so i don't know what that was maggie confirmed no i have not seen anything from maggie uh matthew right now we are looking for a gentleman that went missing on monday out with his family went into the water and was never seen from again so we're we're attempting to locate him right now we'll be out here as long as it takes to do so ham radio and north scale train said we had a family friends around to partner so like fight by chance i'm just gonna say fight camp if you are in eugene area there is a there's no this is like a hawaiian time or something where the old skippers used to be on the road in eugene that heads over the coast there's like a hawaiian barbecue place over there i'm just saying i like the macaroni salad with the rice and teriyaki chicken i like korean ribs too and here we are i think i take it you're hungry are you hungry jared you know i didn't eat i i've had two juices and i've had zero foods there all right i should be two so we should just call it tuesday you know we're 90 there you are not me yeah i think there's very hungry as well who's not we're always hungry oh and rain and rain yeah rain rain energy drinks great drinks dreams orange dreamsicle specifically those are great and before before you guys start saying jared and doug those things aren't healthy for you we understand the risk associated with drinking energy drinks we justify it by saying that they have zero calories in those that's our only justification we have no other participation other than it does help keep us awake because i'm only running on a few hours too many ways this is more important all right so there's the buoy so we're back to the buoy no yeah charity charity just said the sheriff's office posted both were found how about the one up in the san diego river the sandy uh fourth one yeah outside of this one and the other thing too i want to talk about or maybe you can talk about it too i don't want any of you saying hey where's the shares after they're not out there i need you guys to understand that they've been out here tirelessly first that first night you know late into the night now they're running regular you know hours out here 100 man hours have already been put in out here but here's the thing that i want to point out as well is that searching does not have to rely just on search and rescue teams if you have the ability to offer up your services locally within your community when you hear something like this get out there this is public water anybody can get out there you know there's another fishing team you know they had a nice big boat and they know sonar like the back of their hand as well and so you know they spent you know hours out here today as well and if you happen to have a boat in with sonar and you're in the area come out here come out here this evening and come be a part of this with us throw your sonar in the water because guess what two eyes are better than one um you know five eyes are better than the one you guys can do the math on that one um but here's the thing also you know the the boats that we run i mean this is the cheapest part of this this entire setup is that you know the boat itself you know we're looking at 1500 on the boat but then you know you're looking at this sonar unit here you know you're looking at four thousand dollars just for that unit there you're looking at thirty five hundred dollars just for this unit here you're looking at fifteen hundred dollars for that unit you're looking at another fifteen hundred dollars there for that unit uh you know we're into it for twelve thirteen thousand just on that and this is all made possible because of you guys but here's here's my i i don't know if i'll call a plea or a request or what we want to call this we have another boat if we had another sonar setup [Music] oh my wife just sent me a message about the willamette river you know if we had another sonar setup guess what we would have that unit out here on the water right now and some of you might be saying well terra you just mentioned that you have like that tow fish unit we actually kind of technically need a bigger boat for that so we're going to hijack another boat later we need to or if this doesn't work then we're going to figure out a way to make it work because that's just what we do all right so the second missing swimmer found in lima thank you honey for sending that over she just sent me the links on both of those um so anyway um if by chance you guys have a humminbird solex 12 sitting around that you are not using send it to us i'm just going to i mean if i don't tell you guys what we need then there's no way for you to help if you're in a position to help so this is like i said we're all in this together uh the garmin is an 86 12 is what we're using on the garmin also the panoptix live scope on the garmin and the mega 360 on the humminbird those are the units that the more we have the more we can put out there and the more all of us can be doing you know doug could be running a boat we could put josh in another boat doug was going to make no not doug but um sam was going to make it this evening but could not he had a family emergency come up so he is there taking care of that some of you've been asking about dan as well i actually have i'll be meeting up with dan on tuesday as well so anyway we're dan and i we're going to do a live stream together with you guys on tuesday so let's look for that coming up uh what are some of our other needs water we always need water so if you ever run into us you can have like a case of water with you feel free to leave it with us we can always use that what else we uh need a lot of these tires and you guys have been incredible tires we had tires on our amazon wish list and because of you guys we now have tires on the rv again that's not bald and getting flats also with the trailer so thank you for that as well yeah i'll turn that and turn you guys over here right now and then we're just gonna look at the monitors together so there's our first track pattern there's our second track pattern we're heading west again with our third track pattern again keeping it roughly 50 feet off so that we were overlapping on this so everything's nice and flat right now and really you know i kind of feel like we could be on the west side of the buoy on where we should be looking however the reason why i'm over here is because the fishermen that were here before like their fishermen with the sonar they're running the same sonar that we run i saw all the track patterns and everything they did i trust them 100 on what they did but at the same time you trust nobody as to what they did and so for that reason we're gonna go double do what they've already done but they said hey you know what we didn't do to the west also going off of perspective big waves you just never know so for that reason we're gonna get everything to the dam so that way i can say we've cleared this area all right you can have that again thank you everybody let me show you guys some of the conditions out here right now it's pretty ideal it's been a super uh cloudy today but we got here and it just opened up for us water for the most part is really calm it's not interfering with the sonar equipment at the moment what's the water depth right here 19. 75 degree water so you know it wasn't cold water on this one there is some of these why don't you talk about some of the other ones yeah yeah so uh and here in the pacific northwest a lot of our water accidents usually occur in cold waters most of our rivers come from the mountains a lot of ice melt so a lot of cold shock is involved in a lot of cases here in the pacific northwest um here in the springtime you know a lot of people try to get out early get out on the water as soon as we get good weather um the the rivers and lakes just aren't as warm as you would like them just because it's 90 degrees here uh in in the late spring the waters are still 50 in in the 50 degree range very easily so it's really our our our rivers and lakes usually aren't this particularly warm like we're 75 degrees right here but we just had uh we were above 110 degrees for a few days not too long ago so that that drastically helped us like these conditions that you're seeing right here at the time that this accident happened was not like this the conditions out here were pretty rough the wind windy very choppy we did have a front come in out of nowhere that day like i said we went from over 100 degrees and sunny clearer than this to complete overcast windy like major conditions out here on this lake so it's just another reason why you always have to uh expect the unexpected and have have one of these life jackets on you got to it's pivotal for those of you who didn't catch all the facts that i was reading earlier in regards to accidental drownings and how many of them can be avoided by wearing a you know personal floatation device go back and listen to all those stats that i've put out on here we're over here by the dam right now and we're just going back and forth our pattern through the area and then we'll expand it here past the buoy as far as we have to in order to find kevin and i'm going to say this also i'm going to say that you know stay with us this evening i'm going i'm going to say that we are going to find kevin you know because we are running an incredible grid pattern we have a 20 20-foot depth um i don't know if you guys saw the antonio uh lopez um you know the one from the uh oh well yes yeah 205 bridge on what's the valentine's day um you know we we identified that was 25 feet of water 15. no no where we found that tarp that was in the shape oh oh yeah you know and so that was run in this exact same setup where that was a little bit deeper and we were able to identify if you go back to that video and just go check that out you can see really what it is that we're looking for on sonar today yeah and so i'm gonna say that hang with us this evening this could be four five six eight hours but i'm going to say this this evening we're bringing kevin home i'm confident and for those of you just tuning in now we're uh not too far outside of eugene oregon we're in burn ridge lake um and uh this is sort of uh this is definitely our backyard so jared was saying we're not just going to sit around and let this go unworked you know at this moment there's nothing more important that needs to be done and we're doing this live um it's just to bring you guys in from from the beginning inside and out you'll be here with us to see the whole operation from beginning to end and uh and just for the record of those of you that know us and just just for the record as well those of you that know this know us already know this but those either just tune in like hey you know hell oh i'm here because they're going to find a party you know we don't show bodies just so you know we respect the families and those that have been lost and everybody involved and so if i even catch you know a glimpse of you saying oh i'm gonna delete you you're just gone like we what we do is humbling disrespectful have empathy for people serve your fellow you know your fellow neighbors that's what we're here to do you know so if you're one of those people i don't tolerate it i mean here's what i'm looking at here um to give you a little bit more of an idea so you know each one of these so that's a 50 foot width right there that we're tracking over so every time we move over we're moving over 50 feet which means we're overlapping like we're overlapping this at least two two and a half times because we're shooting 75 feet left and 75 feet to the right and so if i happen to miss something on one of these passes when i do a second pass and i move over 50 feet we're going to have another chance of picking it up so that means that i'm double searching everything is what's going on right now okay so this is up this is our track right here this is the down imaging this is our side imaging all right you might want to keep this uh plug in as much yeah [Music] and if you guys just want this uh focused on the monitor to stare at the monitor for a while let me know if you want us to answer questions like okay i was getting ready to ask everybody if they have any questions or yeah whatever you guys want to know this is the this is the long boarding boring tedious stuff that you don't see behind the scenes you know i was reading the comment earlier today and one of the comments was well you guys do a lot of talking you're talking about a lot of details i don't want the details i just want to see you guys out there searching and like they were mad because it was a 30 minute video and we only showed 15 to 20 minutes of us searching you didn't see the entire day this is this is all of the behind the scenes real life that's taking place that we're out here you know cooking in the sun and you know being beat down we're hungry and this is all the stuff that this is real life it's not scripted so that's my name there raw that's what you get we're honest if you guys have any questions yeah completely yeah complete purpose of live we're not hiding anything completely authentic nothing scripted or made up um if you guys have any questions go ahead throw them in the chat i'll do my best to answer as many as i can you know on here thank you sam [Music] seaforth at always channel from saudi arabia i love what you were doing thank you for tuning thank you speaking of uh saudi arabia it wasn't saudi arabia but it was a pakistan um two weeks ago a week and a half ago i had a bunch of pakistani is a pakistanian pakistani businessman reached out to me because they had a one of their heroes you know country here heroes actually was in an accident and i had to ask him i said you know was this a uh not a terrorist but what's it called uh when they take somebody out so i had to ask him if it was like intentional like somebody killed him as the country's hero or whatever they said no it's a straight-up accident two cars ended up kidding i think there was five or six people that went into the water and they were uh getting sonar information from maine they were asking if i would go over to pakistan as well but i won as i was really obligated to what we have going on with the family and then um just the travel restricted right now as well and i don't know if it's the safest sphere in america to travel to pakistan i just don't know um anyway so with that one i i got on this because you mentioned another country so anyway so uh the good good news bittersweet is that a couple days later they dislodged from the vehicle and they floated and they were found that was not a good thing but at least they were found that's that's what matters the most after a tragic event is getting people to where they need to be i mean they're failing around the world you know action from all kinds uh back to questions you guys uh uh kim wants to know do you have anything to retrieve him in your boat um so in this scenario um we once we identify um the target if we do when we do find kevin um we'll have to completely turn that over to the authorities um if and when they they want us to assist in the retrieval we we are definitely prepared to do so uh you know what turn the camera back on man then uh i'm just gonna be straight with you um yes we'll call them but i do have we do have our gear you know we never want to risk anything um you know this is a this is not a potential foul play on this one so that being said we will call them but at the same time we're here with all of our gear and i feel like time is not necessary of the essence but you know it's the it's the right thing to do not waiting when we're in a position to bring kevin to the surface so i'm just saying right now arrest me if you want it's not i'm not considering i'm not considering this a crime scene yeah so so um where jared's coming at with that is you know when we when we are doing a lot of our searches uh when we're we're finding vehicles with an occupant inside there is always that scenario where we have to take into consideration no matter what the aspect of foul play so that's when we do like to immediately turn over to law enforcement but jared was obvious pointing out the obvious difference in this scenario it's a clean cut and it's an accident accidental drowning um and and to us although it is a recovery it's also you know an immediate rescue you know uh adam says how long will that fuel tank last with the boat um adam you know at this speed it'll last quite a bit we also do have an extra tank on here so that we can refuel so we're healthy yes and no so this is going to last us probably about three hours is my guess which reminds me if you are an eugene if you can bring me some more uh unleaded premium or non-ethanol that would be amazing because i left town so quick today i filled up the rv but i forgot to build this up and so this may not last us through the through the night okay so thank you yeah so we're probably good for three in all four hours and i'll say this i don't want it like a whole bunch of people show up with gas but you know the first person that happens to show up with a couple of gallons of non-ethanol i do have some inserts in the rv and josh is over with the rv and i'm more than happy to exchange some fuel for sure there you have it fuel just delivered you get a t-shirt that would be a big one and you can keep your gas can too just for the record we have like a four or five gallon gas can in the trailer as well so we can transfer it to the other camp [Music] try to show you guys a leg here estimate how many yards right now 200 yards uh from from the shore from the shore i i would say close to 200 yeah so that means maybe you're probably right more along the lines what of 180 think i just want to take a second here uh thank you emily for your donation oh yeah hot rod adventures uh welcome to the team really appreciate you becoming a member uh maddie matt i'm an ems first responder in new york just stumbled upon your channel new subscribers love what you guys do how can i help you guys thank you maddie um you know what you just did helps uh as you know this is all 100 volunteer and uh you know even if you don't have the ability to donate um just subscribing liking the channel liking the video you know sharing the video um that helps that's support that's that's the unheard sport that that just goes a long way so anything you guys can do you know it's a lot thank you kathy for upgrading your membership you're an air sponsor now that's great thank you as you know air is pivotal here in all these missions we can try to get a few more here antoinette campbell thank you so much for your donation really appreciate it berita hello sir from indonesia hello indonesia thank you chris dixon um what doc are we at um we are at the north the northeast marina i believe it is if you're looking at the map it's the northeastern marina josh is in fact if you look at there dam there we are east of the dam yeah so we're we're on the complete north end of the lake in the northeast corner marina uh from what i'm able to see on the northeast side there's a marina and the northwest side there's a marina uh and where like like jared just said we're east of the dam itself uh the rv and trailer is parked over there near there yeah orchard orchard park marina yep that's it that sounds correct right jared yeah orchard park marina hello from toronto canada a lot of great supporters up in canada great country have you guys ever done search in michigan how many states have you been to michigan but somebody was saying oh thank you for coming to michigan to help look for somebody and we've not been to michigan thank you thank you christy peckston for becoming part of the team and becoming a member that's that's amazing thank you very much hello from costa rica slm crossbow sniper we'll give more tomorrow payday but wanted to help thanks for bringing suicide to attention and previous vids can't say how close it is to home you're very welcome crossbow sniper and thank you for your donation it really does help love from australia hello australia hello from london uh tom says already found the two in willamette yes we just got that confirmed that that was going to be probably our um next move after we find kevin because there's two in one area hello from new zealand have we ever been to kansas yes yes multiple times uh yep multiple times there's been searches by awp in kansas when when you're done here with this live feed go check those videos out how many people have you recovered so far jamin fluid wants to know how many people have recovered so far fact ask that question the first person and then like who who knows that number yeah so who knows how many cases have been solved uh by awp so far you guys want to go ahead and post that let's see who gets that correct um i'm such a that's all i can say i can't i can't say the rest of your remember uh ask jared if he wants to educate people about what dry drowning is please you know what dry drowning is right yeah i'd like you guys to educate me on that one yeah yeah yeah maybe that was uh hey jimmy jimmy carson out of nova scotia canada cape breton nova scotia canada yep uh jody hutchison says 10 wesley wesley says 10. wendy says 11. uh i love it yeah i i like where wendy's going with that i'm sure she did that for a reason uh but yes the official answer is 10. and let's see who got that first you don't win anything i thought this time sorry i'll give them a good shot out though yeah all right oh it comes by quick 10 10 overwhelmingly 10. let me make sure hello from michigan and thank you for helping this man's family hey sandra all right so i think i got the first ten here uh kathy snyder i believe great guess it has been 10 cases 10 cases in 14 14 and a half months so far 14 first one was actually in earlier january and that was before we actually like really started doing this like i kind of consider like my first official one uh december of 2019 or sam okay so we can actually but but i count the other one too because that was my first one okay so we do have some clarification here on dry drowning uh thomas d hart heart with so-called dry drowning water never reaches the lungs instead breathing in water causes your child's vocal cords to spasm and close up that shuts off their airways making it hard to breathe okay that's definitely yeah but not water to the lungs right right did more of an adverse reaction to the water yep you're absolutely right snow hoping to be 11 today um honest question isn't it along greater problem while performing diving nope not at all not yet it won't be a problem food at the docks somebody says tacos are at the dock uh by chance can you make your way down to the white buoy um i'm i'm seeing a crowd build up over here so i'm sure have you all been to kentucky yes we we've been to kentucky we're actually in kentucky in january uh was that was that the helicopter we were looking for in kentucky yeah we were looking for a helicopter in uh in lake cumberland yes lake cumberland in kentucky yeah cat toy lady she got it oh you know the other thing i need i'll trade a um i don't think i have one in the rv that works i have lanterns in the rv but none of them work um so here's the other thing i'll trade you for i'll trade you a shirt for a working battery-powered lantern because it's going to get dark tonight and i don't have a lantern on the boat so if you happen to have a small like um oh what's the uh brand like coleman yeah like a small coleman i think they're like 15 bucks or 20 bucks at the walmart which by the way the 20 bucks cheaper than the shirts and so that's why i'm happy to trade you or a hat if you want a hat i'll trade you a hat as well um the hats are 25. so i'll show you a hat for a coleman lantern because i know we're going to need it tonight and i need one for the rv anyway that works because the one that i have in the rv it's the bottom of it i think it's broken out before the bulbs are broken burnt out and i can't find any bulbs for it one of those two i can't remember which anyway i need one thank you let me show the screen let this run for a few minutes on the screen just kind of show you what we're looking at so i'm just keeping this as straight as i can 50 feet over from the last one and that way we're doubling like two two and a half overlay with all of our passes all right so here here's something that just popped up right here i believe it okay so that's a fish so let me just show you right here so see that fish right there it's casting the shadow right there so i spotted that first and then i saw that was actually up off the bottom so that is not what we're looking for so it just goes to show you like think about how small a fish is so if we're able to spot that fish we're gonna be able to spot kevin thank you thank you carol uh for your donation very much appreciate it it it's it goes a very long way thank you very much carol gary thank you gary uh beelin violin for becoming an air sponsor jody thank you very much cody for becoming a member let me explain um the memberships as well uh you know some of you are saying hey i wasn't able to like watch the next video of tammy you know like hey i'm you know i'm a subscriber i just want to explain the difference between being a subscriber and a member a subscriber on youtube is like hey i've subscribed to your channel that way you'll get notifications whether it's email or text or whatever however youtube does it whereas a member is just think of this as you buy me a cup of coffee every single month and with that cup of coffee i'm not drinking the coffee instead we're using those funds so that way we can buy gear we can pay for fuel we can buy food we can you know travel and help these families without asking the families for money so you've now become a member and a part of the awp family financially to help us carry this burden out here so that way we can be out here doing this so we're all playing our role with the memberships our only way that we have as as our way of saying thank you is to then give you videos early and so like cam with the tammy episode or any of our videos we released we released them a few days before we released them to the general public sometimes the general public gets upset with us and they say it's not fair i have no way to make the entire world a fair place for you that feel that way i apologize sorry not sorry sorry so that's what memberships are there's different tiers of memberships you know there's like a five dollar part of the team you're part of the family financially you're helping to pay the rent you're helping to pay the bills so and you don't have to nobody has to do this you know no we are not forcing anybody some people like oh you're forcing you're making this to i'm not making you do anything you just simply don't get the videos early that's your only thing that you're not getting but you do everybody does get the videos um so please don't complain anymore if you can't because here's the thing i appreciate we appreciate everybody whether you can or cannot simply be by being here and i want to continue to reiterate that is listen i understand being poor and broke because i don't know how many of you guys actually know or found like my other story like jaredlising.com forward slash my dash story like i was a bomb i lived on the streets for a year and a half i ate on a garbage can i know what it's like to be poor i know what it's like to have nothing at all and i am so grateful for the position that all of you have helped create here for for me to be out here with doug and sam and dan and josh and everybody that meets up with us along the way because we are all a part of this it's not just you know we've often said before it's not just sam and uh you know jared two guys on in a boat and it's not just doug and jared in a boat but like this is all of us it's the loretta i think that's her name you know that told us about this one that said oh hold on all right so that was just off to the left let me double check that one um what i'm looking at here just real quick let me switch this around i'm just coming back to double check that that's double it anyway and it was off to my left which means it's over here so we're gonna run a different pattern over here and then we're going to come here and we're going to cross over our line right there and then run towards the shore i just want to double check while i'm here it could have just been a fish swimming by like before my path is i just came out of here because i didn't hit this yet so i came out of here and then i looped down and that's when i saw it was on my left so now we'll turn and let's go hit that one more time it wasn't i don't think it's big enough oh it says we're buffering might have been too low to the thing um so anyway um as i was saying before so that's the difference in the memberships as opposed to a subscription if you can you're donating you're donating me a cup of coffee or tank of air or you know 25 dollars a month per gear or you know if you happen to have a little extra we also have the uh left message anyway all four of those levels give you access into our way of saying thank you with early access to videos this is completely separate from on adventurelesspurpose.com there's also a donation link that's a one-time donation whereas memberships are monthly donation and you can cancel at any time that's through youtube we don't have any control over uh who signs up we can't kick them off or anything else and that's just a like that's it's like patreon but patreon was so buggy so we tested patreon about a year a year and a half ago and it was terrible so that's why we don't use patreon we actually do like the youtube platform so they've been incredible and the youtube platform and the facebook platform and all of that has put us in this position here right here right now today because it's allowed us to spread the message as to what is we're doing what we're capable of to come out and help these families that that's why you know that's why we don't charge these families it's because of you because of the platforms with that always happy always grateful for that you're part of this with us no matter how subscriber or member anyway that's the difference in the two i hope that helps out so if you can become a member please do so all right so i got something right there to the left okay right here okay so that was to the left right there so we're gonna go back over it and so now we're gonna and it was to the left so it was like right over here based upon the 18 to 36 a six foot person would be like a third of that area so i think it's too small now what we're now what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to put us right over the top of it because with side imaging identified which direction i need to go on my track pattern and then the live scope and the down imaging is really what's going to tell me and pinpoint all of this so we're looking for a confirmation on it all right so right here that's only that's not wide enough all right so what that is is it's actually a hole in the ground is what it is and the way that it was uh casting shadows so it goes down and so that is not a person or a fish or anything so that was a void in the earth is what it was so you guys see that oops let me zoom in on that again right there so void in the earth is all that one was and we've been able to rule it out so if you saw we identified it on side scan and then we verified it with down imaging by putting ourselves right over the top of it oh and if tacos make it the tacos make it out onto the um damn over here reservoir yeah make sure you wave and get our attention because yeah wave i'll come to the shore wave to us if you could please like bring the food at the northeast ramp down the road here on the side of the reservoir we would definitely um come over there and grab it oh i'll definitely come over here question in a lake setting like this how far will a drowning victim float um there's a lot of factors that go into that um i mean i'm not an expert i i would say not far um you know it's not far at all a drowning victim first of all is going to sink um depending on water temperatures it takes quite some time for them to actually float once they do um there's actually two float processes that do occur if a body's not found however we're we're we're not that far along it's it's only been three days now here's the thing also is that remember we talked about the wind that took place that day so even with surface winds that surface winds are not really like five feet under water tan is not going to affect current underneath to where it's going to move a body that far and so that's not a concern of ours our our only concern is you know where's kevin and what is the actual perspective of where he sunk and that's where he's going to be so i hope that answered that yeah so i mean right now we are running our search pattern um over the area basically the local law enforcement has deemed the exact search area um you know we're going to rule this entire area out do our best um to also cover every area outside of this area in the nearby region of this lake you know we're not going to just go off of what what they've been searching for three days have been unsuccessful uh not that that necessarily means anything which is why we're here first we're going to rule this area cleared and then we're going to move to the areas before after and beside this area is to make sure we cover all our bases no stone unturned the conditions out here are great like i said weirdly enough man weather just opened up as soon as we got here it's been really overcast all day and yeah we couldn't ask for better search conditions right now we started the uh live stream right near uh six o'clock is what time we started it's 7 18 now and for as far as we've made it out we've covered roughly 300 yards out now we're going to go to 600 yards out with this current search pattern that we're doing once we cover that then we're going to start again at the dam and then start working our way east running the same search pattern out into the middle of the lake again and so that way we're going to cover 600 yards out news reported 150 we have some other you know information that says 450 to 500 meters which is 500 feet which is 4-500 yards so we're just gonna keep covering as much as we can anyway so where i'm going with that is so that roughly puts this one quarter of the way done for the entire first big search grid that i want to do actually this is half of this one but then you can take half and half plus the other half working the other side of the buoy that's why i'm saying that we're a quarter of the way done which means an hour and 20 minutes into it which means we have another four hours to complete our first big main targeted search area that we're after and with that there's over 5 600 people here this evening hanging out with us as we do this being a part of this thank you like it's just like that you guys would want to be here with us like that it's just it's kind of mind-boggling like i like to put people on the spot like when you like to tell them like what you've kind of gone through like it was recently like you really started to travel with us more as well and so kind of like the most recent yeah um you know this is this is all very humbling to be able to help families and um it's it's it's quite the task and uh you know if if you were to tell somebody you know we're gonna go out we're gonna solve a cold case we're going to do what other agencies have not been able to do you know to the average person to hear that or suggest that it thinks it's pretty far-fetched but you know i think time after time we've proved that impossible is not impossible it's absolutely possible you know they never say you can't it's one of the biggest things that that that people should lose is to say they can't when the second that you say you can't you can't because you don't believe you can't you're not going to put forth the effort i mean it's it's possible that this stuff happens so so answer this question for me doug i had a comment and we've seen this comment you know once or twice before oh don't touch my screen um so we've had this comment once or twice before and answer this question you guys should not be out there doing this you need to leave it to the professionals um you know i i love law enforcement um and you know not not to down any law enforcement agency um honestly what i've come to realize through my involvement with awp is that this is a huge area that agencies aren't specialized in um you know i mean i i just ran into that a few minutes ago um where we came across an agency that was here and uh you know they really didn't know much about the equipment on their boat um in fact they were looking at the manual yeah they were they were they had to look at the manual when i was asking more about their equipment and still didn't know um it's sort of an area that that they don't get a lot of training in and also you know we're we're also running multiple different types of sonar equipment right now and as you've just seen and they get jared referenced he's using each piece of equipment to reference the other so it's it it's technical it very it's like sheriff said it's an art to do this and unfortunately a lot of law enforcement agencies i want to say most they just aren't um in tune with what their underwater searching needs to be you know which is why you know we're we're able to come in like look at the antonio casey you know we we we were they were there for three days searching multiple different agencies and we came in with within an hour within 30 minutes you know we found what they couldn't find you know very quickly so it's not a why don't we sit around and let the law enforcement agencies do it we're able to do it you're able to do it get out like jared said earlier if you're able to get out there and do it do it you know go out and help volunteer this is this is no different really than having the ability to go out and help a search team search through the woods when somebody's lost it's just just a little bit more technicality to it but the principles are the same get out and help you know there's a lot of people that go missing underwater there's a lot of cars that you guys can get out of the river and a lot of you already are a lot of you are are jumping onto the awp movement and getting out there in your own boat your own search team your own dive crews and that's that's huge you know whenever i hear stories about cars being pulled out and you know it's been influenced by what we're doing right here that's that's heavy you know that's that's that's making a difference you guys are making a difference because without you guys all of this isn't possible but um but do it with a life jacket on yes life jackets are pivotal you know we uh we had a lot of good facts that i i'm going to go over them again we got we got 5 800 people on here again i'm gonna go into the facts okay look at this right here this is almost exactly what it is that we're looking for right here look at that okay off to the left see that i'm not promising anything i'm just saying that is yeah okay so now that was off to my left so now we're going to come right back over that track pattern and we're going to go right over the top of it okay so we're moving to the right of that a little bit and we're looking for we want to keep our speed up and you guys notice how that was but i mean you guys could see that plain as day and we had limbs sticking out is what we had what what appears to be limbs i'm not saying yay or nay right now i'm just saying it's very hopeful at this moment in time based upon the size and that it was out in the middle of nowhere okay so it's off to the right still okay so we're going back to the right here okay it is not a school of fish so now we're gonna turn it's roughly 30 feet to the left so we're going to go a little further to the left here we should be coming up on it in a minute we want to keep our speed up to you know two and a half miles per hour or so okay it was just popped up there just popped up there standing straight up look right there yep i'm not saying yes for sure right now but what i'm saying is i'm very hopeful on that one i don't know for sure but look look at the height on it the height is uh six feet standing straight up yep with anne's hands up yup okay so we're gonna mark this we're gonna get right over the top of it and we're going to mark it with lifescope so let me get this going again okay so now we know that we're right in this area right here do okay right it's off to the right okay back to the right so we need to go back over this line right here yep i wonder if there was any debris that was thrown from the boat as well like there's some other stuff right there some other debris okay right there right there okay drop here drop your marker right there uh right here drop it right there just drop it go hold on wait wait wait wait wait let me let me back up on it nope all right i gotta go forward uh that's 20 feet so don't don't yeah okay so there's there's the marker going down let me put her forward just a little bit okay somewhere i missed it again [Laughter] so and then once we once we mark it we have the buoy then we're going to hit it at some different angles and verify what we have okay so we're coming up okay drop it down drop it drop it and hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it and drop it drop it drop it drop it right a little more a little more and right there okay good let go all right so your triple hook is dropped no um you're you're like four feet from it see that so there's your there's your marker there's that right there so if we look at it okay so now we're going to hit it at some different angles and identifies now we're going to go north and south on it and yep and get a different read on it okay so it's off to the right which is right where the marker's at now we're gonna go back past it uh we're not gonna call it in yet um for that whoever just mentioned that i can't scroll i'm actually driving at the same time we're gonna have a gym jim if you're watching this jim's a local search and uh rescue diver that works with the uh sheriff's dive team and he's got all of his gear here jim if uh text me if you're watching this or jump him suit up and i'll come get him and let's put him down on the target here all right so we're coming up on it right now [Music] no that's sure yeah that's sheriff here yeah he's on there i think he's on the radio are you watching us nicest none of civilians so some different angles on this really i'd like to put this right over the top of it at a different angle the live scan no i want the uh down image down imaging so that just went over the top of it i definitely want to put it jim text me yet nobody's text you that i've saw if somebody put eyes on jim he might still be standing over here i can't remember what shirt he was wearing uh blue shirt right yeah i think he's over there though i'll wait for this uh he's he's over on the um the middle sewer they're not gonna be able to see it i don't know what he's reading so for those of you tuning in right now um we don't know what we have found but we do have an object marked that that fits what we're looking for um the width the height honestly it's in the exact location where we were told it would be where they've been searching for three days so we don't know what it is at the moment but uh i just dropped the treble hook we've got the buoy marked uh we're moving forward as we need to right now uh yeah the sun is going down uh just a quick side note if anybody does have a uh a battery-powered lamp that we can use tonight please it'll be very helpful yeah the marker is yeah okay i mean i can see your line going down that's your line right there right but i'm curious what you're seeing yeah i've got on live scope down and side that's what i've got done what's up here yeah enough so that uh if i don't know if they threw other debris or whatever but there's some other debris in the water that's roughly 30 feet away from it well look when we go over that right there what you're going to see is your line is what we're curious about i'm not saying nothing's there that you don't see but i don't know what you're seeing i'll take another shot of it or in fact just come right here i'll show you we haven't seen anything either this whole lake is here's my down let me go to my side so we had one that was like limbs come look at his dad come drive the boat take the boat back over oh we're just gonna hold on to them no somebody has to drive it i'm not gonna float away you know take the boat back forward i want to see if i can see it's what i want to see so that's that's right where your buoy's at and then what we've got is we've got hype over here as well but we had one that was like what appeared to be arms stretched out well but see you're looking at look how tall that is though is what we're looking at that's like a foot and a half tall wait you got three there but i don't know if you've ever seen a uh you covered somebody before i've never recovered so what ends up happening is it's almost like a clenched over position so they're not going to be six feet tall so are you seeing this on your scope or just your side yeah yeah so so stop us stop stop this right here like split our boats right over the top of that and just stop this this is my this is my light scope right here yeah right here i'll just go right over the top of it yeah just just pull us slow okay we need to go forward more [Music] oh hey let me turn it this way so see that's that's not our marker there so shut it off so what exactly are you looking at here so pull us forward we gotta move this around right see it over there on the right so you see how it's laying down so you're up two and a half feet eighteen inches and then you're stretched out almost six feet in that's oh so you're looking at that right there he's looking at well i'm looking alive here yeah is that your rope right there so you've got bubbles coming off right now because we're bumping up against it and then just kind of spin us a different look around again wow so we were looking for way too small but yeah let's see if we can pull over the top of it again anyway because we're not going we're not moving we're not gonna pick it up on the down imaging or the side i'm trying to get us a good read on it right here so you just have your down your live scope is just kicked at an angle then huh uh it's straight down okay so watch i'm going to push over right here and you can kind of see see see did you guys say you called a diver uh we've got jim over here i'm a diver but jim's also got his gear and he's actually part of the local search and rescue yeah i'm gonna go pick him up right now okay or if you guys want to go grab him you want to go pick him up dad i think he's see if that's jim over there too okay yeah go have gm suit up and then uh we've actually had terrible people pull our booze our buoys before yeah you guys are faster so yeah if you guys don't mind pick them up i know i'm jared trevor this is scott scott this is his brother scott see if that's jim over there on the uh shore across from the uh buoy okay and then uh yeah have him suit up um should we should we give them your cam airlands no no no this is uh just a quick side note okay so i don't know what your side note was going to be so getting stuck i was going to thank those members but you did you just pick up on who it is that's kevin's brother oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so um i have i have no words we're just gonna hang out here with it and we're gonna put a diver in the water and verify this um not saying yes or no just saying uh we're always hopeful it's it's a target it's it's the type of target that we're we're here we're looking out for um it makes sense where it is um if it is we'll know here i would say within the hour um if not we're gonna continue our search you know we're not leaving so um we know what we can do also is we can continue our search because they're going to go grab a gym there's no reason to waste time because if that is or is not at least we can keep covering some territory so that's what we're going to do right now i'm going to put a little more fuel in here and that way we're maximizing our daylight just in case that is not um you know uh everybody a lot of people are asking how come they didn't have life jackets on um you know i'll answer that the the reason for it is because until i've got a little bit of sun here um here the reason for it is because honestly until a year and a half ago when we started doing this i never wore a life jacket at the lake i wore life jackets like never like i would jump off of bridges i would jump off the boat into 300 feet deep water because i'm a strong swimmer and it's the strong swimmers that unfortunately you know i mean it's a terrible thing so you now see me in a life jacket all the time the only time i'm not wearing a life jacket is if i'm next to the shore and i'm it's a quick dip to refresh and i can still touch the bottom that's the only time that i'm in a lake or a river not wearing a life jacket and it's i mean it's a terrible thing in fact you go to high rocks all the time yeah and i mean there's hundreds of people out there and they have to stage full-time recovery people out there yeah so yeah i want you to talk about that so that's crazy yeah that's why that's why people don't wear life jackets is because you're strong swimmers you don't have to yeah and like i was telling you earlier uh what are the statistics here that are in regards to the 3 500 to 4 000 dive victims drowning victims that die every year um a huge percent of those are very confident swimmers between the ages of 18 and 30 years old um overconfidence is is one of the uh most dangerous aspects of drowning is overconfidence you know everybody we're strong we're we're good swimmers and um you know i'm i'm rope swings rope swings how many times have i been to the lake with my girls where they didn't even wear and i didn't wear like jackers rope swinging off of a tree into the lake that i know in that location is 80 feet deep and i've and i've had cold water shock before i've actually had hypothermia from the river before we just can't happen quick it happens quick yeah i mean are we passionate about it are we are we upset about it 100 36 3600 people a year are dying from drownings yeah and another aspect is having a having your life jacket readily accessible will kill you if it's not on you it's it's it's it's of no use to you um it's it's kind of like the the the live that we did the other day with the the seat belt stuff when that comes out watch that and the importance of why you don't keep uh you know window breakers and stuff like that in your glove box you know if if you can't access them they're no good to you you know so when you're on the water wear your life jacket um well that's that's where he was when we came out yeah um just a little quick note right here thank you everybody who has become members upgraded their membership donated thank you jw you guys everyone you know whether you've donated or not if you're here you're a subscriber you know all that helps this become possible uh just to bring you guys a quick update we have located a target um within our search area uh that's that's along the lines of exactly what we're looking for we haven't confirmed anything we're working on that now uh we're coordinating with the diver to get in the water we'll know here probably within about an hour we have 8 000 people on here right now thank you guys all for being here tuning in everybody uh old school gaming says why can't we just drop cameras on the targets to save time um that's that's a possibility i will say that there's a possibility equipment like we have the rov but the rov has been like a pain in my butt because like right now the charger won't even charge and then it just takes up room in the rv and it takes up room in the trailer and then it just becomes a frustrating tool to even have so i actually left the rov home this time because it's just simply it's it's not even charging you know then we also have the um extension uh pole and we just never even used it yet you know but this is down you know 20 and it goes down 20 to 24. so i mean that's absolutely a possibility for sure um i don't know if i uh have everything i need on that one but yes i mean it's we just don't always have the right equipment with us all the time yeah i i would say definitely uh some type of uh you know wired camera with wireless capabilities so that we can see top side in lifetime it would would be great to have um like like i said we didn't have the correct equipment in that scenario that's you know if anybody wants it has anything like that that would help us reach out to send it over we definitely put it to good work uh sherry jacobs said wi-fi doesn't work underwater so we there's there's there's a wire that you can put and attach to something that it'll give signal but i mean if i'm going to the boat then i might as well just suit up right right so i just need confirmation if jim is there and suiting up or whatever josh are you watching if you're watching yeah josh text jared if you're watching uh if jim is there let us know text me matter of fact [Music] ah [Music] no josh has no gym at the rv all right let's pull up let's go find out what's going on all right we're gonna thank you chris harris for your donation [Music] so [Music] was that jim yeah is he going to go suit up [Music] say again yeah that's what he said he had to wait for the sheriff you might vote over there and ask him all right well i think he was unsure okay well i'm under no obligation to anybody except the family to identify and help out so we don't keep them waiting scott so we're going to go shoot up unless for some reason you as the family member you say jared you go by the book and you wait for them so i'm here to wait for them that's what you want to do okay all right we will honor that request but just know that we've recovered more people around the us around the world than any other team this year i appreciate it because this is awesome all right not a problem in the meantime then if you can stay with the buoy we're going to continue running patterns out just in case that's not it so we're not burning daylight we're going to keep searching [Music] what'd you do [Music] uh so right now let's see we've got 8 300 people on here just just to recap where we're at we're at burn ridge lake right outside of eugene oregon uh we are searching for kevin carlisle who went missing about three days ago fell overboard and uh was never seen from again so we're here we've been searching here for about uh two hours now we have located uh a target underwater that's along the lines of what it what it is we're here to find we have no confirmation yet with that target with that target kind of explain the debris field also near the target so in in searching the previous two hours this lake is very flat very clean not hardly anything on the entire ocean the river floor lake floor what sorry um so in this target that we have found what's unique about it is that it fits the description of what we're looking for like i just said as well as there's some debris nearby uh which would be indicative of uh an accident a struggle uh maybe people throwing objects into the water to try to save someone etc so right now we're just waiting for confirmation right here the buoy we're at drop the treble hook uh what we believe to be the target um if not like we're going to continue to search but that that should give you guys a you know um a rundown so that you're caught up with exactly where it is we're at right now um and uh yeah hopefully that described exactly what we're doing where we're at right now in this and at the request of the family member um they don't want us diving on it and i will honor that 100 and you can appreciate that even though with my earlier statements like i don't care about the sheriff however a family member will always override my decision for anything else i will always honor them regardless of what their request is and so with that one you know of course they don't want to be on camera they don't want anything to do with the news and i completely understand that based upon what i heard had happened yesterday um they're coming over to protect the buoy now because all these spell boats as you can see are moving this way with the evening and we're going to continue running the grid if this is not the right if this is not the target what we're looking for we don't want to waste any time we're going to keep this thing going for you know hours and you know midnight one two three o'clock morning we're gonna continue doing what needs to be done to help his family out um yes you know unfortunately yes we are uh they say could a gopro be lowered for yeah we with the with the right wiring rigging uh yes it it could be uh done with that um yeah we we have we have it marked uh we have a a treble hook dropped uh within four feet of the target with a buoy it's marked uh it's being protected out there now uh by that boat right there um so it it is the family's you know wish that we would wait on the sheriff's department i don't know how long that's going to take we're going to continue with our search pattern just not to waste time um and we're going to keep going until that's confirmed and uh yeah we'll be here for as long as it takes thank you amy william for becoming part of the team coming to member awp fan thank you thank you guys so much for uh you supporting the channel supporting this this is 100 all you guys from just subscribing just from liking the channel you know on facebook whatever go to all of the platforms and and you know follow them like them watch the videos you know watch the ads the little things matter you know in this it's what enables us to to get more air with the memberships to you know to put gas in the rv to travel around the country it's it's pivotal just trying to read some of these notes here comments i have a um uh well it's on the top of my head i want to say thank you to everybody that's already watched the tammy golf series episodes one two and three episode four is coming out tomorrow morning for everybody for free six a.m pacific standard time on youtube if you are on facebook um know that because this took priority i am not uploading until monday tuesday episode three and four on facebook so if you're waiting on facebook for it to come out it's not going to until next week this takes priority but it's already uploaded over on youtube so just know that i don't like complaining you're like hey where's it i can't find it on facebook i'm working i'm working okay i'm out here serving is what i'm doing okay so those of you who are followers understand that so that's roughly 300 yards out from this road yeah i i i would like to like i was saying earlier i think that that that particular target is is in the right spot yeah um and i don't know i don't know if whoever was on the boat was trying to throw things also to help the other people and that makes sense but the stuff that was out there i don't have i've not spoken with family members about it if anybody has any information or anything i have absolutely no idea if that's the case but like i said there is debris that is out there it looks like it was tossed out there intentionally near the target is most likely most likely yeah thanks jacob with uh chaos divers for uh posting all that stuff man it's a huge help yeah big shout out to the uh mediators yeah big big big shout out to the mod mod mods yeah all of you guys help a lot you know modifying everything yeah if mod any mods that are on here if you can put how to uh how to join uh drop that on here it'd be great you guys can look in in the description uh go to the home page as well all that information is on there would a aqua duck be too small for a sonar my local dive team removed 16 stolen cars from there uh no no nothing is too small for for sonar um i've seen uh sonar and kayaks before news i think that he's referring to aqua duck like a very small like pond shallow pond you know yeah yeah we we were we were up near portland the other day uh a few weeks ago i mean uh running sonar in like three feet of water so i mean it it works it definitely works we ran in 1.1 feet of water in montana yeah there you go see if you'll see it in today's episode uh when we were searching for tammy that river was crazy that that missouri river we were searching in the montana yeah the whole thing was shallow yeah and even in the missouri river like it went from just a few feet to 10 feet to you know it was crazy so yeah definitely run sonar and as long as there's water there to float a boat and to clear your equipment under your boat you can run it yeah it it it's going to be a while i mean in my experience um it's probably going to be uh several hours before the dive team can be you know brought together and get out here actually when we arrived they were leaving for the day so which is terrible it was disheartening because we have all of our equipment jim is here with all these equipment jim actually works directly with the local sheriff's dive team but unfortunately he's under red tape because he's technically under their jurisdiction i'm not under their jurisdiction but as i mentioned i will always honor the family's request as much as it pains me to just get in the water and know within 30 to 45 minutes from now so we're not going to waste any time in our day or evening we're going to continue searching i mean scott's intelligent brother's intelligent um he knows exactly what it is i'm saying you know he has some understanding of who we are and he also understands that we have done more than any other agency across the us with this is that's not not the point the point is we're here to find the target who gets to recover kevin and we're just we're just here to find him and let's say yeah your name if that is kevin we've actually done what we've come here to do but like i said it's going to take another couple hours we're going to continue to search while we're waiting for sheriff dieting and if if something happens and if they tell the family you know they can't do anything until tomorrow and the family wants us to get in the water you guys believe jared and jim will be in the water this target but for now we're going to respect what the brother wants to wants and that is the weight of the sheriffs i think that's kind of clear enough i know you guys all sitting at home you guys want to know right now you guys want us to get into the water right now and um got to respect the families oh you're on the quiet side of the microphone i'm sorry all right i totally messed that up all right so if if you could not hear doug and what do you just say all right so because of the mic yeah all right so if you didn't hear what i just said because of the microphones on this side um what i was just saying is that you know a lot of you are commenting you know uh about you know we're really wanting us to explain it better to the family so that we can get into the water and confirm this uh but you know we did uh did jared which you did not see would jared get off the boat into their boat and speak with the brother directly um the brother's fully aware of who we are what we've done more than any other agency around um brother wants us to wait on the sheriff's team um as much as we would like to just get into the water right now and confirm this target but we do have to respect the wishes of the family that's that that's we're here to serve the family that's what they want and that's that's exactly what they're gonna get outside of that what we came here to do if this target ends up being kevin we've done what we've came here to do to be able to get into the water and recover him you know it's not really about who gets to do the recovery we were here to help find kevin so if this is indeed kevin we've really essentially done what we've come to do so that's that's where we're at with that like i said i know you guys are sitting there and you want it done right now yes we can do it we can have this confirmed within you know 20 30 minutes from now but we're going to respect the family as always that's that's their wish that that's what it's all about it's just not about you know just being gun hoe with it it's we gotta do what the family wants but in the meantime like i said the sheriff's probably gonna take about i would estimate about two hours three hours they could possibly say that they're not going to come until tomorrow um if if that's the case um we'll we'll we'll revisit that when that decision is made um as the night goes on but until then we're going to continue running our search pattern uh we're we're not going to rely or waste any time just because we found that target we're going to keep doing what it is we're doing so thanks you guys for tuning in thank all you guys that are that are that are donating and becoming members um it's it helps a lot i know i keep saying that but it is it means a lot yes you're right legally technically nothing can stop us but it's it's about doing what's morally correct and that the brother has asked us to wait on the sheriff's team so at this moment that's what we're gonna do but we're also gonna continue to search just try to give you guys a side of the area here you see the mountains clear across the lake thank you uh debbie campbell for your donation again thank you to all the mods in here that are uh helping with everything posting all the links uh is the lake very deep no the lake where we're at right now is is only about 20 what is it 24 or 25 feet 20. 20 feet so the target that we found uh is about 19.7 about about 20 feet too as well so uh oh lights ken said lights are at the dock for you um ken if that is you're doing thank you so much uh it is hi i'm josh yeah have to have josh give you a shirt josh if you're watching please make sure the responsible party for bringing those lights to the dock get a shirt josh or ken if if you can find josh at the rv josh is back there the food we will eat the food uh right now we're we're working on the if the food can make its way right here down to the white buoy out there flag us down when you're there we'll come out there and i appreciate it i don't mean to have you take extra steps but like i said i don't want to waste time out here as well but we can zip right there because we can also search as we're going over to the dock or over to the uh damn right there yeah so if we can have the food brought out onto the reservoir over here we'll jet over real quick and and grab it wear the white thank you thank you brian uh dysart disart i apologize if i pronounced that wrong uh thank you for your donation uh pamela methvin methvin says that this was actually drained in 2013. really yeah that's uh that's pretty cool fun fact to know uh i would have loved to been here to see it being trained that'd be pretty crazy did you know that in some lakes in some lakes if a item is over 50 years old uh they have put regulations on not removing them most of it though across the u.s is if the item is over 100 years old it becomes a historical relic and you are not allowed to remove it not supposed to wow yeah for those of you have who have questions on uh the fact that it's getting dark right now you know it's not gonna affect us one bit it's definitely gonna make a few aspects of it a little bit more challenging but sonar doesn't care if it's lighter light or day out light or night whatever diving you know diving we have lights for the divers you know divers are very used to low visibility anyway so it's uh especially when when you're diving on a target that's marked it's it's uh it's not going to be as hard as you would suspect yeah it's uh what time is it here 8 11 here in oregon we are i would say we're about 15 20 minutes out 15 minutes outside of eugene we're at fern ridge lake reservoir uh just to bring you guys up to speed uh i would say probably about 30 minutes ago we did um locate a target uh that is similar to what we're searching for the target hasn't been confirmed and we're waiting on it now um for some formalities to come about you know one we're waiting on the search team uh the sheriff's to be to see we're gonna see what they're gonna do you know is the sheriff gonna make the call to come out here tonight and dive or is the sheriff's uh going to have the resources enabled to just get them together right now and come out and dive on they have the resources they know that they know that jim is out here and the gym is one of them okay and again as far as i know red tape though they would never let him die alone right correct so what they will do is they will make sure they do it by the book which means that they're going to tether him off they're going to have they need to get the boat back out here they have to tether him off you know they have to have a backup diver all part of their team because of the insurance and liabilities which also means that because we're not on their rolls we may not be able to be a part of that which is okay because as doug was saying we came out here to identify and help in the process it doesn't matter who puts hands on and does the actual recovery at the end of it we just want to make sure that the family has their loved one and as soon as we find uh mac salad from hawaiian time and dreamsicle just arrived from cat wow oh wow yeah um kat thank you so much uh for the food it's if you take a few extra steps yeah i really appreciate the extra steps out on out onto the uh levee on the dam over here there's a white buoy between us and the marina there there's a white buoy there head over there and then we can continue our search pattern back and forth making our way over to you and we really appreciate it before you before you make your way over here though search and rescue voters are right oh that's actually there's josh josh just uh texted us that the search and rescue vote has arrived okay so uh we just got confirmation from the ramp that wait wait um no no yeah do your thing yeah so we just got confirmation uh from josh who is at the the main dock here um that search and rescue boat has just arrived so we'll uh we'll know we should know more here shortly as far as what they're going to do moving forward i don't know if they have their dive team with them or if they're just coming out with their boat to confirm the target that that we have right now uh or to order give us the green light to to go ahead and proceed with the rescue recovery and yes we we are doing this live this is uh um not something that this is you know this is in our own backyard you know right now there's seven people have died within the last few days drowning here in oregon this this is a gentleman that just you know he drowned he he was with family uh you know they haven't been able to recover him in three days and we were we weren't just gonna sit around and wait uh we were gonna you know come out here and serve and offer our services to help make this possible for the family so i mean that's why we're here we decided to go live every the whole entire time you know whether this target is kevin or not we're going to continue to keep searching like i said and we're going to keep you guys here from start to finish and the live you know and the purpose of this life here is because you know you all of you are awp you know and this is what awp goes through this is what we go through on the boat searching is it you know it's not a cutesy little you know 20 or 30 minute video that we release once a week this is what happens behind the scenes and the you know getting beat to death by the sun or getting held on or rained on or you know farmers tans or what you know all of that is what takes place and it's not just that 30 minutes is like hours and sometimes days and um so anyway so we appreciate you allowing us you know time time is the only thing that you can never give back and you've chosen this evening to be a part of this with us and uh that you know it's mind-blowing it's humbling it's we're honored by it and we don't take it lightly that you're here so thank you very much for being here with us um so i just got a lot of comments in regards to what i just mentioned about the seven uh drowning victims here locally um so three so yes so including kevin we are down to two um that have not been found uh when we set out this morning we we were at four um so what we've learned since is that two other down near salem uh have been recovered and and those two drownings were within like a football field of each other on the willamette river both you know one was a 31 year old no 38 year old 37 year old and the other was a 51 year old neither had all seven of these victims didn't have a life jacket so again life jackets personal floatation devices use them whether you're you think you're a good swimmer or not i frequent one of the probably the most dangerous river areas in the northwest called high rocks and they stage five rescuers there all day long with hundreds of people hundreds of kids that just don't wear life jackets and you know hey when you're swimming in a river you know you know you it yes it's not comfortable but you know you you can't expect to survive in in the event of an emergency if you don't have one on so wear one wear one wear one uh you know i don't know why it's not a law you know it is it is a law to have a life jacket in a vessel it's not a law that i know of for you to be wearing it they have to be accessible a lot of municipalities have aged if you're under a certain age you have to wear it yeah okay i don't i don't i'm not sure but that makes sense okay jared thinks it's 14 and under can somebody confirm that for us so we can educate everybody obviously a lot of people a lot of different agencies have different rules but uh yeah if anybody i confirmed that here is it a usda i think it's been adopted across they should be like drinking age or uh legal age i think it's just been adopted across the u.s 14 terry howie says 14 and under in oregon yeah there you go if you're 14 or under and you're you're on the water you're supposed to be wearing it yeah and you're right i mean technically the law should change you know i mean it's you got to have it you know especially with the statistics being you know the it's the conf 30 of drowning victims are the strong swimmers the the overconfident swimmers that die under california law every child under 13 years of age on a moving vessel of any length must be must wear a coast guard approved life jacket in serviceable condition can we buy awp life jackets no um so we had a couple of things going on hold on a minute that was on the right right hand side okay let me circle back i'll get jared to uh elaborate more on that particular question he's uh got another target he's trying to confirm at the moment what it is we don't know yet but he's he's doing his math his science his wizardry right now on the sonar in missouri if the boat is moving everyone is to have a life vest i like that that's the way it should be uk 16 and under here in the uk yeah you know and and you know like jared told you until we started this he didn't wear one you know it's through through the what we've come across and what we're more aware of now you know what you won't catch him on the water without it um see we got it on yeah you know some people might say oh it's not cool to wear one or it's not comfortable yeah well you know um you want to live you want to live i'm not going to say anything uh insensitive all right so to answer your question about the uh life jackets so uh the uh custom life jackets idea had started with christina dj's mom dj into the he had a life jacket in his kayak and unfortunately you know he when he needed it most it was not on him and so christina has started a uh organization uh not one is it not one more i think it's hashtag not one more christina if you're in here or jacob or anybody um okay post the link to her website we were collaborating together to help christina out to help raise funds for four new loner life jacket stations and in that process we were also in the process of having custom manufactured life jackets that said memory of dj and adventures with that purpose on there we ended up running into manufacturing issues and they would not uh coast guard certify them and so instead of us working through that and spending another two three four months and missing the opportunity to launch those life jacket stations and have life jackets there we opted to simply we took all the all the proceeds that were donated for the life jackets and life jacket loaner stations and we sent that over to christina so christina has all those funds and she was able to move forward and get them in the process in time for the spring and summer season so with that we thank everybody that participated in that now that brings us to these life jackets these ones are the uh i want to say hydrostatic so these ones are not manual i i did not get the manual because there's been instances where somebody's falling off their boat they've hit their head they passed out and they were not able to manually pull the pull tab for these that auto-inflate that for these the inflate so i want to auto-inflate so this is you want to know what we do with some of our you know the donations that come in thank you very much because these are the uh i'm not gonna say like a top top of the line of mustang but these are the top of the line recreational mustang hydrostatic auto inflates we can either manually inflate it or it will the moment it goes like a couple inches under water it will auto inflate for us i took their logo off and stitched it i put our search team on there by the way we have these iron on stickers that's an iron on i'm sorry an iron on patch so we have those that are going to be available however time has brought me out here instead of taking time to put things on the website some things are more important so eventually i will get a lot of iron on patches onto the website and you can buy whatever life jacket you want and iron it on and you can have yourself a real authentic adventure with the purpose search team lifejacket so i hope that answers the question as to what's the story with the awp life jackets will we continue the process of manufacturing some in the future i'm going to say no we were doing it as a special collaboration with christina and now that the ball is moving forward on that one our time is better spent out here doing other things and also limiting our liability on that one so that's my answer the family just went back out speculating i'm guessing that he wouldn't feel picked up i'm not sure i don't know okay for those of you who just got here um we are in on fern ridge lake uh we are about 15 20 minutes right outside of eugene oregon to the west of oregon i mean to the west of eugene um we are searching for kevin carlisle who went missing about three almost four days ago um he drowned uh while with family uh unfortunate circumstances he has not been found yet it's been three days so we're here to serve uh the family and volunteer our services to help in recovery of kevin um about 45 minutes ago we did locate a target underwater um that appears to be exactly what we're looking for we have no confirmation on it yet however the search and rescue team has been called out per the family's wishes and we're just basically right now we are continuing our search pattern in the area until that is confirmed um as being kevin or not kevin um so that's that's pretty much where we're at right now and for those that are just getting here as well if any of the mods or anybody that's been on has like a minute marker that's like kind of the beginning of it you know do some paper and those they're just coming on so you can kind of drop that for them so they can go back and view that and then come back and get caught up with everything that's going on uh that'll help them out so thank you for everybody that's on here that's helping the process your battery's going dead why are you going dead you better turn turn that around get a charge going on it is that working now um yeah yeah charging them yeah it says it's charging okay i thought it was charging before yeah for some reason and like the other way though okay all right so that's weird all right hopefully it worked out if it gets down to like 10 minutes okay here's a different cord all right um mama wants to know why is the family even being allowed on the water near you guys and in the water during a possible recovery this is this is a public lake um you know the the actual search and rescue mission for today with several of the local counties that were here is over um you know the the the family is here on a boat with a friend of theirs searching as well uh you know it's been three days so it's it's a pretty grave pretty grave situation so it's it's like us being out here you know no is public water nobody can say hey you know jared doug you can't be out here same with the other boat that was out here searching today that was a civilian you know they have the same sonar we do or for one of the units that have the same center we do they're fishermen they know how to read their sonar and so it's incredible when you get fishermen that know exactly how to read their sonar that they come out do a lot of searching and because of their information if they're watching by the way thank you very much because of their information they said hey you know what we started the marker we worked from the shore out we did everything to the east over there we think because we know how to read our sonar and it's a flat bottom we don't feel like he's in the area that we covered so he gave us a uh some screenshots of the area that they had searched and that's why we chose to start searching this direction first because they said you know maybe it's closer to the campground it's closer to the dam and that area has not been thoroughly searched by them because they're confident in the way that we're confident if we say that we've searched an area and i tell you that i've cleared that area i have to be able to tell you and be confident that you're never going to find anything there so they were also confident but of course i never searched what they did they never searched what i did and so it was a good place for us to start uh thank you to jax max for becoming a member thank you rhonda newman she says thank you for all thank you guys for all you do thank you for your donation uh jess bishop thank you for all you do uh we just lost a young man 17 years old drowning r.i.p will hook thank you melanie duncan very much for your donation um thank you very much again uh i know we haven't we haven't been able to make it over there to the ramp for the food the drinks the lights um it okay i see over here on the reservoir they're trying to wave us uh over here yep yep i see the cooler uh cool thank you guys so much so whoever's at the buoy will make our way to you in a moment all right we're gonna come over there right now thank you guys so much it's a big help uh thank you becca for your donation she says thank you for all you do for everyone okay yeah all right we're gonna be passing the family in the boat here in a few seconds so i'm gonna um if the family doesn't want to be recorded or anything so i'm gonna be putting this down when we do pass them so if you guys see the screen you know look at the sky or something like that you'll understand why um so whoever's at the white buoy thank you we're going to make our way down down to you just a moment we're making our way over here as well so it looks like we might have a little buffet selection so we do thank you for that because jared's hungry i don't know if you guys notice either i eat a lot i had one video when i was with you yeah it was on your video the peanuts yes so if you've not seen doug's video when i was teaching how to do sonar on his channel if the mods can drop his link is doug bishop on youtube anyway i peanuts like the entire for like three hours straight is what it looks the way that you edited it i'm telling you i didn't eat peanuts for three hours straight i kind of sort of did though i was again i was hungry that day like you didn't bring me any food that day [Music] all right let's pop sonar for a few oh uh becky just brought seven gallons of gas in kfc uh maria just brought case of water thank you guys so much for helping and have him uh put that away yeah please find josh he'll take care of josh josh is saying that so he already found hey how are you [Music] hey thank you for your thank you for your support you can you guys don't mind being on life thanks to these guys for hooking us up thank you very much we appreciate it yeah yeah yeah i mean you wanna hold this i'll take it i'll take it out of the cooler and man thank you guys right yeah man i appreciate you guys being out here we really appreciate hearing bonita man yeah you know it it happens too much out here and it takes a real team to get out here and you know put in the real world and so often it goes without being said or known about because it doesn't get brought up a whole lot and not a whole lot of people really go in depth with you know missing people that have drowned or gotten lost yeah so there's a lot of times you don't ever hear about it and it's a sad deal it's never a good deal and you know we wish that people didn't have to come out and do this but it's cool that you guys come out and do it yeah well you know and what's great too i mean you know as part of it you you said team and that's what this is we you are a part of this team i mean you guys showed up tonight to feed us yeah so i mean that means a lot of ten minutes away yeah ten minutes away yeah i jumped in the truck man i saw i popped up on my youtube you know and i've been following you since ben you know in sunglasses and whatnot and yeah i've been watching oh you're you're you're in og then oh you guys i've been watching you guys like two years and you know and there's this wonderful lady up here in the black that actually brought all this stuff for you guys thank you very much well i waited i was waiting in line for that hawaiian time stuff watching you guys oh thank you so much thank you very much i wanted to give you guys this i know it's not much but oh thank you very much we really appreciate it whatever it can help you guys with like i said it's not much but a little bit can help yeah really appreciate it and your name uh cat cat thank you very much thank you so much make sure that you track josh down and grab yourself a shirt okay well you see adventures oh i like that there you go that's a seat belt cutter and a window breaker i know and i also have one of your space dive whatever on my car oh nice yeah we've got uh the video for how to actually use those is gonna be coming out in a few weeks we went to the junkyard and did a real video mandatory yeah well thank you very much we're gonna somebody else is down by the buoy so we're gonna head down there and see what they've got as well and we really appreciate it thank you yeah you know thank you guys for coming out and doing this i know you guys travel all over like i said i've been watching for a little over two years so i've been watching quite a while wow well thank you two fans man all right man we all appreciate it and i know there's thank you plenty of people around the country that yeah and your names elaine lane jesse thomas corwin pleasure to meet you guys yeah man thank you very much how do i send you off thank you cat thank you just push it just push it go all right man safe night thank you all right see here is oh you got one over there let's go see who else is down here first and then get back on track and then keep things [Music] moving okay will you read that to everybody and let them know what's that um oh so yeah if you guys are getting inadvertent weird requests from mr isaac you're already following the facebook channel don't accept any additional requests those are scams thank you mark for uh letting us know about the uh it says here that uh he got a weird request uh from mr isaac it's it's not mr liza i accepted and immediately got a response that i want twenty dollars and i have a feeling it could be a scam yes it is a scam uh if you're already following the page you will you will not get any additional requests whatsoever so yeah maybe this is on facebook so if you guys get weird requests like that don't don't accept them delete them report them if you guys are getting that report them uh jay reads jared and doug curious on your thoughts frustration level knowing there's a target and at the family's request have to wait for the police department that is that is him on the boat as he went by yeah so just so just to bring you guys up to speed the search and rescue boat the sheriff the lane county sheriff's department just passed us their diver jim that was here with us earlier out with us um in here with support is on the boat he's suited up he's going to go confirm the target that we found um let's see we have 8 700 people on here now so we're here 15 minutes right outside of eugene we're west of eugene and uh we're here looking for a young man that drowned several days ago almost four days ago been searching they haven't found him we did locate a target in the search area that we suspect to possibly be kevin uh we don't know yet but we've been waiting uh not long though how long was that where were we waiting that was pretty quick yeah yeah so it's been about an hour since we found it um it it looks like the the gym that was out here with us they're gonna let him go ahead and dive right on it so that that's a great thing so we should know here soon what this target is and like i said if not we're going to continue our search through the night so glad jim is out there yeah swing this game good how about you so jim i've got you within like two to four feet so just yeah you also have like a debris field so i don't know if they were throwing stuff at the time but yeah there's a lot of stuff yeah but yeah right congregate right at least 20. yeah it's going to hold for you would you guys give them some space while we're doing this absolutely thank you yep so then the sheriff is here there are two divers on board they did ask for a little bit of space uh we did give them the specifics on exactly how we have it uh marked uh and yeah we should know here soon what this target is and we do that's the uh sheriff's boat right here and that's the family um back there on that boat i'm gonna turn this around to show the boat there's the two divers getting ready to go in the water right now there's a buoy in reference to where they're at the history on the gym hold on one second yeah there you go yep hey and are we still charging i just want to make sure that we're i just want to make sure we're charging i'm going to bump real quick we want to make sure we don't lose you guys so hold on a minute i'll be right back yeah we're good um the story with jim uh him and i met last year if you guys remember abigail bellows i think that bill was his last name she's the college student from eugene and that's when jim and i initially met he had done the initial search with lane county search and rescue team and then he came out on his own and met up with me and we did the additional search um and then that's how we initially met each other so um as occurred you see anytime you go into another territory and you know that there's a diver there especially if they're on the search team you let them know so as i was made the decision to come over today i got to hold a gym and to let him know we were coming into town so he came out and he met up with us and he's been up on the dam uh this entire time why we've been out here searching so that's who jim is and why we're addressing him he's the only one that we know on the boat the reason why he ended up in the in the water um with that one in speaking with the family at this moment in time based upon the information that's on the news they said don't pay any attention in that the news our liars is the information i have and please don't ask us any more questions at this time so in respect for the family we're not going to press it we're not going to speculate all we know is the weather that we can comment on we can comment on um we're not going to comment on as to who he was with who he wasn't with all we're going to say is that we do know that it is kevin carr carlisle um 38 years old husband father and that the day that he uh went missing the weather there was a lot of waves and that somebody else there was another person that also ended up in the water so that's the information that we will share at this moment in time again honoring the family i'm gonna turn this around so you guys can see what the sheriff's uh divers are doing right now at the moment thank you guys for all becoming members up there in your donations [Music] [Music] thank you curtis so they're they're they're going through their checklist their prep uh you know there's two divers there so that's good it's a buddy system right there it's a buddy system for them especially when you have agencies yeah like jim's an incredible diver and he has no problem when he's not on the clock you know solo diving as most of us but when this is like i said you have the red tape that you have to follow on this one there's the buoy out there that we have who is this uh jay reid curious on your thoughts frustration level knowing there's a target at the family's request have to wait for the people for the police department um you know um like i said before for those of you who who didn't catch that and who are on here now uh there is no frustration the the family requested that we wait for the sheriff's department so that that's what we're here to do um we came here to to find kevin um and that's what we're here to do we found the target we don't know for sure exactly what this target is yet you know the divers are going in right now we'll know here shortly and if not we'll continue to look yeah but uh we're here to help on any level and that's the bottom line so there's no frustration then now would we like to get into the water would we like to have already been down there yeah of course but um and in this moment it's it's what the family want wants is what matters the most not anything what we want has nothing to do with this right now thank you ashley thoughts and prayers are with you good luck thank you ashley for your donation thank you rhonda newman for becoming a gear sponsor hopefully that uh jay reid that uh um that answered your question there everybody keeps asking if i dive so i just booked with sarah at central oregon dive shop your dive shop um for nick's class august august 28th so i decided to go with nick's class i've done all my schooling for diving and i've just been waiting to do my uh in the water training i did have a volunteer that that is willing to help me there's just been a lot of roadblocks with that but i i am set in class in water to go august 28th uh there's actually two weekends involved so uh september the 12th i will have my certification according to sarah uh let's do this the first person that can name that knows not only knows nick that can name two of nick's been on like a lot of my videos actually name three i want you to name three videos name three videos that nick has been in with me and the first person to correctly do so i'll give him a hat now you can watch and you gotta keep up with this all right i'm gonna i'm gonna spin this back around so you guys can see the divers in water now yeah i spoke with sarah today and set that all up yeah yeah he posted last week um that he just got his uh instructor certification you're killing me sorry about that guys jared spinning the boat is yeah what happened nothing now i'm oh no and they're down divers are down you'll know in three minutes yeah sorry for the shakiness but the more i zoom in the less the uh the iphone has the ability to help hold it still uh it's about 20 feet deep 19 to 20 feet deep right there where that marker is oh sarah lorenzen thank you so much for becoming a member uh josh tasinger said hey recently there was an accident in the dan river near danville virginia nine people went over the dam i heard about that all from the same family four have been rescued and four have been confirmed dead and one is still missing wow the uh the daughter or somebody um the daughter of somebody was i want to say it was like 12 hours or something overnight and she had like her finger pinky or something like in a hole in the dam your hand is still facing you oh yeah okay and um yeah if you've not seen that news story go watch that news story but yeah she spent the night with her finger in the damn until the next morning when light started to come and they were yelling and yelling for help like almost ready to give up and then finally somebody came by and was able to help rescue them what if they have topside cams ashley may thank you so much for your donation she said i admire what you all do i watch all your videos thank you you guys will put this to better use than me thank you so much i feel like they're down longer than if it was a yes not the right target yes like right now i'm feeling very um encouraged right right now based upon the amount of time that i've been down i'm feeling very encouraged that we may have the correct target because normally if it's not at 20 feet it's just a quick drop down and up i'm holding my breath right now i we until they come up and they say yeah you know we don't know so and again if it is kevin just know that we will turn the camera away we are not going to show anybody um that's that's that's tim that's on the boat tim chase oh okay i've not met him he's uh in the uh no the other one i was gonna reference that hat but i'm not sure what kind of hat that is fishing yet yeah yeah they've been down there for a while um looks like some bubbles are coming up they're definitely circling the buoy oh i don't know if they took a body bag down with them or not yeah if they did that would explain why they're down there so long yeah and then they may have took them rigging i mean it it it hasn't been that long so they probably feel confident and you know that the ability to i don't want to talk too much about you know the stages of all of that vixi girl uh she says you guys are the best there are so many families that have been helped uh may the great creator bless you with much in your life thank you for your donation i mean i i don't like jesus and say i'm confident that kevin's coming home right now but i'm fairly confident and gm's still being down there i'm very confident in the kevin's been found i ain't until they're up we don't know do you think that they have top side comms no they don't if they did they wouldn't be circling yeah the boat would be off and they would just be positioned yeah they'd have an anchor down and just sit in there yeah they've been down there for a while man and just to bring you guys up to speed let's see there's over 10 000 people on here um we're here at fernridge lake uh we're out here looking for kevin carlisle uh he's been missing a drowning victim been missing for almost four days now uh about an hour into our search we did discover a target on through our sonar about an hour 40 minutes we did discover at target what we believe is along the lines of what what it is that we're looking for we have search and rescue sheriff the divers are down on the target that we found and uh they're underwater and they've been down there for a good five minutes and um typically that is uh for a 20 for a 20-foot dive if it was not our target in my opinion based upon previous experience for diving it would have been a drop identified no up out done move on you need to keep searching my opponents now says something mark higley thank you for your donation a little something to keep that glory beer glorious love your work keep doing what you do thank you guys for your donations your memberships subscribing um but like jared was just saying uh yeah in his experience you know for this is this is kind of a shallow dive it wouldn't have taken long to um go down and discover what it is that we found and say no they would have been right back up in our experience is that a definite that it is kevin we don't know yet but we should know as soon as the divers come up uh a five-minute dive at 20 feet directly on a target it's it it's very promising that kevin's probably about to come home i would say so let's get this so wow i've definitely been down there for a while definitely very tense moment we're coming up on 10 minutes now uh at this point we we can pretty much rule out that they they have direct comms communications with the divers as jared said this is why they're circling uh they would be sitting still if they did i think another reason why they're circling too is that he's running the side scan so he can continue to keep eyes on the divers to see about their movement and their position yeah because they're both looking at the screen over there i do see a lot of bubble movement here at the buoy thank you carol w for your donation she said great work so proud of you guys for what you do keep the faith there are still wonderful human beings out there thank you carol so look at the size of their monitor too i think they only have a seven inch screen we have a diver here way off target so there's definitely a lot of movement here they've left what we have marked well there's one diver right at the buoy the other diver i don't know okay if you want to position me so that that boat isn't in the background say again you want to position me so that their vote isn't in the background the warfare we're not close passing close by so yeah i'm gonna move you over a little bit but just don't zoom in on them so so i think he's coming over here for us no we don't we go to the shore we'll go to shore uh uh josh if if you can bring the lights down here to the reservoir that were left please bring them uh to us as quick as you can actually we'll we're good so been down 14 minutes they're keeping track josh says there's lights on the way to the levee we got we got lights coming we got diver up okay he gave the okay sign just he's okay i'm gonna pull up next to them so just don't show them okay i'm getting yelled after not having likes are you cool if we just hang here it sounds like they're not finding it i didn't care it's a stump is it really i mean they were down for 15 minutes yeah and they never circled out from it here [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'm gonna take another pass by with the sonar the thing that i marked the waypoint just continue running you have to have red the pattern we don't have red and green otherwise they can heal at us um so we don't get like ourselves in trouble we're gonna head back to shore um if this is not then we have the rv we're gonna spend the night here and we're gonna continue tomorrow so yeah we'll know will you guys do me a favor and grab that booby for me tonight yeah let's pull right up i've got location so if anything i never trust anybody else so i will dive on it first thing tomorrow if they say no if they say it's not so you're okay with that scott if they say this is not our target i want to confirm with my own ice inside spotted this one say again if that's yours we never cared thank you we'll see you back um what he has red and green oh we have to have red and green though um i'm bringing it i have red um so just uh real quick i don't understand why jim was down for you know 10 to 15 minutes if that was only a stump and there was never any search out i wasn't down there i don't know in speaking with the family um in the morning because we don't have the proper lights i would i wanted to run until one or two o'clock in the morning but right now we need to get off the water we're going to stay in the rv and we're just going to wrap this up right now we'll let you know one way or another if this is a yes tonight if it's not a yes first thing in the morning we're coming back out we're going to dive ourselves just to confirm so we put our own eyes on it and if it does not then we can continue running our search grid and pattern and everything tomorrow so um we appreciate everybody being here with us on this mission to you know to serve and to help these families on that note thank you very much we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 952,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: larjqOTVMQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 11sec (11471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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