Bro Cody Zorn "Blessed Because of Another"

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thank you for that good preaching brother Terrence what a blessing how is your dad doing it by the way okay good I appreciate that message life does go on might as well figure out how to go with it just gonna go home with your without you [Music] the Lord has blessed me in so many ways that I could not begin to tell you just how good he has been he's my friend he's my kind he's my Shepard my life the Lord has blessed me in so many anyway now I've been blessed with my family who has felt God's great touch he's been present and all of my trials and he loves me so very much and though we stumble and though we fall on his word we will stand and I know he'll be faithful till we reach that Fairlane hole but the greatest of all his many blessings I ever received it was his saving power when on his name I believe [Music] I had nothing to offer but my guilt and my shame it was all through his precious blood and his holy name [Music] the Lord has blessed me in so many ways that I could not begin to tell you just how good he has been he's my friend he's my God he's my shepherd my life the Lord has blessed me in so many anyways and now I know that I'm not wealthy and my clothes they're not new I don't have much money oh but lord I have you and to me that's all that matters though this world may not see you Lord for your blessings on me the Lord has blessed me in so many way [Music] amen brother Cody Zorn you come preach to us thank you brother Jordan I appreciate that alright good to be in camp meeting tonight thank the Lord for the good preaching we just heard that blessed me and thank you brother Terrence as a blessing and some people just don't see Mike ever get over it my kids watch that cartoon the other day and that girl son let it go let it go I said that's the sermon title right there praise God well I know some of y'all to spiritual y'all didn't watch it but we watched it praise God some think we need to let it go for so long and brother Gary when the Tigers loose tonight doesn't let it go I don't figure I got a time limit tonight brother mark BAM I ain't playing tonight BAM I don't play tonight and the dogs don't play tonight but the two Tigers play tonight and you the only Cajun I know of care about watching the ball game even wearing his tie praise the Lord sure good to be back in Shady Acres and thank the Lord for the opportunity to be here and I'm gonna try and preach without getting in the flesh they lost my bag I'm here with it without any clothes praise God and but hopefully they'll get them to me before in the morning or I'm gonna wear them twice so Genesis chapter 27 tonight so we're going to draw our text from Genesis and chapter number 27 should you appreciate brother Farley he came and did missions revival for us at the church and I believe it is after he was gone it's the most money the church has ever taken up to give to missions after the three nights of missions preaching and appreciate the good preaching that we heard there that helped our church and give us a desire to want to do more for missions I appreciate this church and their testimony that you have nationwide for what you do for the work of God and it's encouragement to people like us that if y'all can do it we can do it and I appreciate you and I thank God for what you do you may not realize it but people know about Shady Acres and know what kind of hearts you all have for missions and it blesses us and helps us to want to do something for the Lord too and even just watching the offering that you take up before service just absolutely phenomenal I thank God for it real familiar portion of Scripture here in Genesis chapter 27 will not take time to read the entire text but I would like to dive into it and verse number 18 read several verses of Scripture in your hearing and and will give you what the Lord has put on my heart and on my mind for the ride over here and we'll be done Genesis 27 verse number 18 he found you please say Amen the Bible said talking about Jacob that he came unto his father and said My father and he said here am I who art thou my son and Jacob said unto his father I am Esau my firstborn I have done according as thou beatest me arise I pray thee sit and eat of my venison that thy soul may bless me and Isaac said unto his son how is it that has found it so quickly my son and he said because the LORD thy God brought it to me and Isaac said unto Jacob but come near I pray thee that I may feel the my son this is the second time now that Isaac is suspecting that something is not quite right he asked the first time are you sure you really saw he says yea and I said let me touch you I want to feel you whether that be my very sunny sew or not verse 22 Jacob went near into Isaac his father and he failed him and said the voice Jacob's voice but the hands are the hands of Esau and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy as his brother Esau his hands so he blessed him he's gonna ask again the third time art thou my very son Esau and he said I am he said bring it near to me and I will eat of my son's venison that my soul may bless thee and he brought it near to him and he did eat and he brought him wine and he drank and his father Isaac said come near now and kiss me my son and he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his raiment this is the fourth time now he's checking to make sure he smelled him and blessed him and said see the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine let people serve the nations bow down to thee be lord over thy brethren and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee and here's that great Abrahamic blessing that passes from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to the 12 tribes and right on into eternity cursed be everyone that curseth thee and blessed be he that blessed thee father we thank you so much for the good sweet things our ears have heard and our hearts have experienced up to this point in the service God has been good to sit here tonight and hear what we've heard God be around you people Lord I appreciate this place and a good sweet Spirit of God that we'll always feel when we come by this way now Lord I realize I need you and I can't do this without you and Lord these people needs you so god I pray that you would give us anointed preaching but don't just give us a known in preaching give us an only listening as well help us to hear what the spirit would say unto the church god I pray you deliver us from the curse of our generation whereby we come as we are and we leave exactly as we came service after service meeting after meeting week after week god I pray it would not be so with this crowd this week I pray that you'd grab ahold of us turn us every which way but loose and shake us tonight god I pray we look toward heaven we'd get some help we'd get some encouragement we get some reviving in our soul we'll give you all the glory for it in Jesus name our Savior we pray amen and a man here in Genesis chapter 27 you're well aware what's going on Isaac is going to call his eldest son the one that even though they are twins he's technically the oldest Esau he's calling me me and he wants to bless him he's going to give him that great Abrahamic blessing that God gave to Abraham Abraham gave the Isaac and now Isaac wants to give it to Esau he's going to get it he has said he saw out into the field to go get him some deer meat and said as soon as you come back I'm gonna give you exactly what I've planned to give you which is the blessing of God on your life Jacob's mother overhears this transaction she runs back and being Jacob is mama's favorite and he saw his daddy's favorite she says Jacob I want you to get the blessing I don't want he saw to get the blessing I I want to dress you up like he saw I want you to talk like he saw well give you some meat kaki sauce and I'm gonna send you in before your daddy and I won't let you get the blessing Jacob wants the blessing but he cannot have the blessing tonight who wouldn't want a blessing like blessing me either bless with you and Kirsten be either cursed yeah that's an awesome lesson I'm so good in right tyre and Jacob said I'd like to get it but I can't you say preacher how come Jacob cannot get the blessing tonight and I hang with me I'm gonna throw a real quick little introduction out at you we're gonna dive off into the main thought tonight the reason Jacob cannot get the blessing is he has no ability to get the blessing he has no ability it is not he is it doesn't belong to him it belongs to Esau it belongs to the firstborn it don't matter how hard Jacob works for the blessing he can't get the blessing it don't matter if he out works he saw it don't matter if he outlives Esau it don't matter if he out loves Esau he can't get the blessing cause it ain't his tonight it is Esau's and not only does he not have any ability to get the blessing he is aware of the fact that he cannot get the blessing look what he tells his own mother here in verses 11 and verse verse 11 jacob's got good sense he said unto Rebekah his mother in verse 11 behold Esau my brother's a hearing man I'm a smooth man my father peradventure will feel me I shall seem to him as a deceiver and I shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing mama I'm aware of the fact that I can't get this I'm aware of the fact that if I even try and get this that is gonna slap me on my head kick me out to tent and I'm gonna get a curse on my life instead of what I'd really like to have which is a blessing you say preacher he doesn't have an ability to get a blessing he is aware of that fact a preacher how can he get a blessing like this I tell you the only way he can get a blessing like this you got to be Esau well it just can't happen he ain't he's tall he's Jacob but even though he has no ability to get this blessing and even though he is aware of this fact yet in the end of the story he gains acceptance he does get the blessing at the end of the story the fella that has no ability to get it the fella that is aware that he should not get it gets accepted and he won't sin before the father and by the time the story is over the hand of the father's on him the blessing of the father's bestowed upon him and he walks out with something he should not got and you say why is it that he was able to get acceptance when he had no ability didn't matter how much you work didn't matter how good he was didn't matter how wonderful to Daddy that he was didn't matter how much better than he saw he was how come he ain't gonna get it but he does get it because he goes he'll not as himself he goes in and he assumes the identity and the person of somebody else tonight you say preacher what in the world are you talking about why are we preaching about something like his goods don't make no sense to where we're sitting out at all it makes a whole lot of sense to me Fred may I say I'm connected up with Jacob I know what it's like to be Jacob tonight you say what you told my preacher as I have no claim to the blessing of the Heavenly Father I have no reason I can come before God and say God you are to let me be one of your children because I'm a church member you ought to let me be one of your children cause I've been baptized you're to let me be one of your children go to your heaven live in one of your mansions walk on your Street of gold you are to give your blessings into my life you are to give me the Holy Ghost you are to give me peace you are to give me joy you are to give me some good things because I'm a pretty good fella brother the only thing that it gets you as a slap on the head and a kick in the pants out the door but brother I got the blessing because I assumed the picture and the identity of somebody else tonight may I say I didn't have any ability and let me say this it was a good day in my life when I got aware of this fact as a matter of fact Jacob didn't get the blessing till he was aware he didn't deserve the blessing may I say tonight you don't get nothing from God if you woke up in there and say well I deserve the answer and I'm a pretty good ol boy and I'm gonna get to heaven all I know you ain't never gonna get nothing from God but it was a real good day of my life as a matter of fact I don't care whether you'll have a good time tonight I don't have a good time today's my spiritual birthday today is the day I got born again and way back as a teenage boy I will have a good time here for just a few minutes I remember when the preacher preached and I got aware that I was lost and going to hell didn't have no claim to God didn't have no claim to heaven didn't have no claim to the blood didn't have no claim to the good things of God but thank God I got accepted anyways as a matter of fact the Bible said I have been accepted into you don't believe it's an ID you say how did you gain this acceptance when you didn't deserve it how did you gain this blessing when you didn't deserve it I got it cause I got Ian Christ I got it not because of me but the clearance of the first begotten of the Father the woman tell Jesus I want to use this text tonight and preach just for a few minutes Don blessed because of another blessed because of another ain't blessed because of me brother Nathan every good thing in my life I'll tell you exactly where it come from every good thing in your life let me say this tonight the only thing you are entitled to is for God to chunk your rotten good for nothing sorry wretched soul off into the darkest part of hell lock the door throw away the key but here you said tonight with Jesus in your heart a Bible in heaven your home dump your father Jesus your savior we got a shout on our lips a song in our heart get to hear preaching like that get the ear singing like this you say where'd it all come from I can trace all the blessings back to the doorstep of heaven and to the nail-pierced feed of the one that hung on Calvary I like what the preachers saying he will write every good and every perfect yield comes down from above from the Father of lights whom there's no shadow neither Bible disappeared and tonight blessed because of another I want to show you several ways that this fella gets accepted there are several reasons how and why this guy Jacob gets acceptance and gets blessed can I throw him out till you wanna be done number one he got blessed because he came in the title of someone else he got blessed brother green because he came in the title of someone else look at your text verse number 18 Jacob comes before his father in verse 18 he came on this far said my father he said here am i but who are you I'm the father we know this but who are you causing other words to get what I'm trying to give out I ain't giving it to everybody I'm only giving it to somebody you got to be right somebody if you're gonna get what I'm giving out and Jacob said unto his father he didn't say I'm Jacob that won't give him nothing his own name won't give him anything his name brother Jackson we understand tonight literally means supplanter deceiver shyster conniver everybody in the building can recognize and identify with that name didn't see an ad heart full of deceit and wickedness we all bear witness to that right there was born that way we know something about that and when he comes before the Father the father's not listening for the name Jacob that won't get Jacob nothing you got to come in the right name oh there's a name that sets Isaac off there's a name that Isaac loves I can see old blind Danny Isaac sitting up here in the tent an old blind daddy Isaac sitting there saying there is a name I love to hear I love to sing it's word that sounds like music in my ear the sweetest name owners oh how I love he so that's what he loves he loves Esau that's the only one in Isaac's mine let's go get this blessing and so Jacob knows this and when Jacob comes in he don't say Here I am blessed Jacob no sir he says daddy hears he saw and when Isaac hears that name when Isaac hears that lovely name when Isaac hears that name that in Isaac's world it's the name above every name when Isaac hears that name he says come on in I've been awaiting on you come on in you can sit right on down and have fellowship and the father's gonna bless you not because of who you really are but because of the name you have come to me in tonight can I say I like little Simon Peter said in Acts chapter 4 when he got to preach in the house a fire over there and all them people got saved Oh Peter said neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given under heaven among me and whereby we must be saved tonight thank God when our Savior was born and prophesied the angel came to Joseph and said thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sin wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father there's a reason why we begin our prayers in Jesus name and we walk out of the throne room in Jesus name because the only name that gets the father's attention is not st. John it's not st. Joseph the only name against the father's attention is not Muhammed is not Allah is not Buddha is not preacher coda here the only name that gets God's attention is that high name that holy name that lives leave Ava that wonderful name that precious name that blood-stained name that name of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus tonight y'all hear me friend you don't stand up at a football game and pray at 50-yard line and you say any other name and it will ruffle no feathers you can stand up and say in God's name we pray amen nobody else a thing that's real good engineering you can stand up and brother days enough even simple-minded Christians won't raise enough fuss you can say in Allah's name Amen you won't hear nothing but boy you let somebody stand up and pray in Jesus name son there's something about that name there's something wonderful about that night and I know I know follow you real deep deep theological students things just real big movement going around now we're all these bunch of left-wing hippie liberal churches they all got to thing let's call it hits yes you are let's say yes you are yes you are can I just say house raised on Jesus I'm American I'm English and I like Jesus if you don't like Jesus hey something wrong tonight they some about that name you say preacher you mentioned that name and it makes me just a little uncomfortable Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus that's the name that makes all the heavens hear that's the name that makes all of hell tremble that's the name that makes my heart skip a beat that's the name our cold old but not I got in the family and when I called that name when I call them [Music] Jesus blasts his holy night I read a story one time years ago bless my heart during during the days and in the middle of the civil war there was a man that came to the White House and preacher cops come to light house he wanted an audience with President Lincoln and when he walked up to the doors to the gate leading up to the path to the White House two great big guards in them blue coats stepped up lowered their guns down the X and said what's your business here he said I have an urgent matter that I really need to talk to President Lincoln about I need to have an audience with the president they said you have papers do you have credentials do you have something that shows you shouldn't be here he said no I just have this tremendous burden I must see the president please I'm a citizen of this country I want to see the president they said sir you cannot come in without some representation or without some credentials that fellow walked away walked over to the side of the street and sat down next to the street on the curb and sit there and put his head in his hands tears right off his face he thought I'll never get to see the president I'm a nothing I'm a nobody I'll never go and get in to get to see him they won't let me and about that time this was a boy come humming and skipping down the street and they said this little boy walked up and said hey mister what's wrong with you he said son I've been willing to go in and see the president and I've really got this pressing mean and he'd talk to him about it but didn't big fellas over at the door they said I couldn't get in listen I had some representation or less than I had some papers at home I got nothing I nobody said I never gonna get in to see the president but going play you wouldn't understand this now little boy said sir give me your hand that fella reached out grab that little boy's hand he said follow me and he walked him right back over to them saying game's word him fellows wouldn't let him in before and as soon as he got to the gates them guards back pulled up dirt dirt their muskets back and push the gates open that fella walked in with him and he looked and he thought what in the world happening here he walked on up and they come in through the front door one of those servants open the door brother Shirley and walked him down into the corridors of that austere Hall in the white house and they made their way through those little rooms and finally walked into a back room into the most powerful office in the world and behind the desks at that tall gaunt figure Abraham Lincoln and when they walked in the man was so awestruck he could not believe I moment ago he said on the curb and now he's in the Oval Office with the president about to get his matter heard and he felt how in the world did this happen and just as they walked in that little boy dropped that man's hand ran around behind the desk hopped up in Abraham Lincoln's lap and said daddy daddy this man wants to talk to you son a fella got his audience with the president not because of what he'd done but because the son got him in to see the mayor may I say when I want nothing nobody I was kicked to the curb Wellston going to Hale there was a nail pierced hand reached out the glory world grabbed ahold of my hand and walk me to the holy place I've been blessed because of another hearing bliss because you were Baptist god forbid you blessed tonight because of the best he came in the title of another I got to hurry can I give you another little thing here he didn't just come in the title of another he came in the threads of another the threads of I know you young people sitting there saying what's he talking about threads but all you old people out there know what threads are closed that's what y'all used to call them my friends in common his own threads he come into threads of somebody else where you find that a preacher looked down in verse number 15 if you would verse 15 Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau which were with her in the house put them upon Jacob her younger son and she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands and upon the sleeve of his neck Isaac is not only concerned about a name he's concerned about what he feels when he gets in there and if this more comes in feeling like Jacob and looking like Jacob he ain't gonna get an audience with Daddy so if he comes in daddy starts saying you feel like he saw it feels like his clothes it feels like his hair the only way he's gonna gain acceptance is he's got to feel like he saw but he can just feel like he saw he got the smell like he sold - can I pause real fast for gold any further and say this you are not allowed to approach God come before God get the blessing of God or have fellowship with God with your own rotten filthy rags of your self-righteousness the pattern for this we understand was already said in Genesis chapter number three Adam and Eve messed up sinned against God and they're gonna try and pass off their self with their fig leaf clothes and their fig leaf religion only problem is God didn't want something they made God wanted something he made problem is God didn't want what they had done they wanted what he he want what he had done and the first person ever killed something in the Bible wasn't a man it was God God killed some lambs and skinned the lambs and brought the coats of skin and draped it on their back giving us the picture that the only covering God accepts is the covering of the lamb tonight I love this he he leans over and he says was it not bad night for you where's your wife was it not bad night for him tonight Ray's going I'm gonna smack you again anyways no you don't smell it man that's the voice sounds like Jacobs but I'll be doggone yeah you smell just like my boy that I love you say pretty lady ain't got no Bible with that I beg to differ could I bore you with some Bible just for a minute would you take your Bible look at Ephesians chapter 5 with me I hold your place we're coming right back hope on boring it with some Bible here but Ephesians chapter number 5 look at what your Bible says here about coming into threads this male Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 2 he said walk in love as Christ also loved us and has given himself for us and offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour we know Jesus smells good we get that the problem is how am I supposed to smell good in the nostrils of God coz I give off a pretty rotten odor my sense takes brother Thomas in my life stinks my works stink how do I got them smell me brother waters and say that smells like Jesus it's impossible but something happens and it does look at second Corinthians or to go to the left second retinues Chapter two and look what your Bible said in Chapter two second Corinthians in verse number 15 I love this 2nd Corinthians 2:15 for we second Corinthians 2:15 for we on to God what are we to God you and I us a sweet savour of who when God catches a whiff old Cody's Lord he said you smell like my boy that smells like Jesus you don't smell like you you smell like my son I was reading a story a while back to bless my heart they said back over in the old country Ireland Scotland where they do a whole lot of shepherding dealing with lambs and things of this nature they said that there are many times during the year when those mothers will come to give birth to their babies and many times in the birthing process the mother will give birth to stillborn lambs dead lambs dead in birth that don't survive and then there are times during that same birthing process with other of the lambs that the mother will die giving birth to a lamb and it will leave the lamb orphaned with no mother no sustenance no milk no way to survive pretty matters they said they try and take those little orphaned lambs and push them into the mother's family that can keep that baby alive but they say when that baby walks up into the family of that mother that lost a lamb the little orphan walked something that mother goes smells on it she smells immediately it ain't mine and she violently runs the baby away and it'll die because it gets no help and no health and no sustenance so this is how they get the orphan lamb into the lamb of the family that lost the lamb they take the dead baby lamb that was stillborn and they skimmed the coat off the back of that lamb and they take that bloodied coat and tie it to the back of the little orphan lamb and push it back towards the mother again and now when that little lamb brother Lutra comes walking back scared and sheepish afraid of rejection the mother leans down again and this time we she smells it ain't no longer the smell of the stranger it's the smell of her own blood it's the smell of her own child and she brings it in the family and it becomes her own I may I say on Calvary when I could not get in God's family God's Kindle I am and God applied the righteousness of the Lamb to the back of an old rotten sinner and when I come before God he smells Jesus tonight looking down through the ages God beheld some dying Souls sin had brought separation and Nevermore could man behold there must come a lamb what his blood alone redeems bringing gifts to the father of souls made white and clean so Jesus left his home in glory and traveled on to the cross just to bridge the gulf to glory and to rescue all the lost by his blood he entered into the throne room of our God and build the Mercy seedy place did salvation for us all and when God sees me he sees the blood of he sees me as worthy as I God use me in garments as wide as the snow for the Lamb of God he is worthy and he washed me this I know he not only came in the title of someone else he came in the threads of another thirdly can I say this he came in the tribulation of another he came in the tribulation look at chapter 27 watch verse number 13 somebody else was going to take his tribulation for him chapter 27 verse 13 it's just something when you read this story Jacob don't do nothing he just has to come everybody else does everything for him to get the blessing all Jacob's got to do is come you want God's blessing tonight you want to get morning in you won't go to heaven you'll be saved you ain't got to do nothing just come looks at my own stakes this takes this tribulation verse 13 chapter 27 and his mother said on him upon me be thy curse my son only obey me and go fetch me them she takes his curse for him she says Jacob even if it goes wrong I'll take the curse for you Jacob you ain't even gonna have to bear a curse oh you gonna bears a blessing I'll take the brunt end of the curse for you I love what Paul said galatians 3:13 and 14 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree and it gets better than that this ties back in with Jacob you know what the very next verse says the very next verse verse 14 Galatians 3:13 said he took the curse you know in verse 14 said that the blessing of Abraham he took the cursed verse 13 and all we got to do is go obtain the blessing God got something for you you just got to come get it friend just come just come just come he don't want to get all of them for you to think that God would take my curse to think that God would bear my punishment blows my mind I know what I deserve I know what hard to get and that God would take all of that lay it on Jesus and take all of Jesus righteousness and put it on me blows my mind one author said it like this God treated Jesus like me on Calvary so that God could treat me like Jesus that's pretty good friend I'm done I'm done I got a couple of other points but they don't mount up the whole lot someone throw them out be done he comes the tribulation of another the threads of another come in the title of another he come in the toil and the tokens of another he didn't even bring his own works somebody else set him up with the works his mother gave him some meat and took it in lastly I say this he walked away in the triumph of another look look at what he gets look at what he gets I like this the triumph of another verse 28 and 29 therefore God give the other dew of heaven fatness of the earth plenty of quart of wine let people serve the nations bow down to thee be lord over thy brethren let thy mother's son bow down to thee here's that great national blessing cursed be everyone that curseth thee blessed be he that bless thee now listen what I'm fixing to tell you that blessing that Jacob gets is a national blessing that is still in effect today and will be in effect in the future as a matter of fact that blessing God gives Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 that goes from Abraham to Isaac Isaac to Jacob Jacob to the 12 tribes and older brother that thing goes right on into eternity as a matter of fact when the Lord Jesus comes back in Armageddon and sets down on the throne of his glory Matthew 25 he divides the sheep from the goats week talking about saved people lost people the qualification for the sheep and the goat May since our did you do good to my people did you bless them or did you curse them did you visit them in prison did you feed them when they were sick did you call them when they was naked if you didn't often the fire you go if you did go get the kingdom that blessed he's talking about right here it's an eternal blessing y'all check this out Jacob didn't do nothing to earn that blessing and watch this Jacob can't do nothing to lose that blessing listen one thing to tell you if you think Jacobs shyster in days conniving days messed up days are over with you need to read the rest of Jacob's life Jacob does a whole lot of crooked things after he gets this eternal blessing Jacob messes up Jacob fails Jacob shames God he does a whole lot of messed up stuff after he gets the blessing but brother it just stays with him as a matter of fact when them children of Israel brother Saunders have come marching up out of Egypt and get out there in the wilderness headed toward the promised land and they've already messed it up to that I made God mad they go under for 40 years and while they've already made God mad wondering for 40 years Balak gets Balaam to go up on the top of a mountain and curse them and when he gets up there the blessings still in effect even to a people that ain't all the time ride o Balaam walks over and said the shout of the Kings with him blessed be them that bless you and curse beat him the curse you and it goes better than that this is what Balaam said he said God ain't even beheld iniquity in Jacob what read the Bible God I can point you out to some iniquities in Jacob if you'd like to see them I'm pulling them out they in there but God said he's got the National eternal blessing and to me he looks pretty good can I tell y'all something the night I got born again in Pembroke Georgia as a lost teenage boy when God put the blessing in it you say how'd you obtain the promise it was like this it was a real easy promise but mine International blessing mine's a spiritual blessing but mine is an eternal blessing too and is how I got it whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord chao-li and when I call in that name I got the eternal spiritual blessing of God and I've messed up a bunch since I got the blessing but I still got it and I can't lose it and it's going with me right on out into eternity and as far as God is concerned practically I'm still a rotten rascal but positionally I smell pretty good to him practically I still mess up but positionally God hasn't beheld one seeing in Cody's horn Wow it's good to be blast tonight friend my brother my sister you ain't got a thing in this life because you're bullying every blessing you got you got it through somebody else how dare us think that we can ascribe the blessings of God to us I'm look I'm not against clean living holy living and all that but you'll realize this the only way I'm able to leave clean live holy it's cause somebody's living it through me so essentially you're my clean living holy living somebody else's helping me do that I'm getting blessed from God because he am doing it for me through me only I've been blessed by another father I pray that you'd bless the message tonight we thank you Lord for what you've done for us God I don't think I got to reiterate and I believe this crowd is full in full agreement that Lord we don't deserve nothing from you we didn't deserve the father's touch the father's hand the father's blessing was sure to appreciate our Savior tonight oh god them do sense got to singing that song a minute ago about the Savior giving him glory God I was welling up inside thank you for what you've done for us and who you are you took our curse you took our sin and you gave us your righteousness Lord we pray these things we come to the Father in your son Jesus name I don't come touting anything good a Cody's or name then the tout oh but his name his works we thank you for him Lord we ask these blessings and we thank you for these blessings in the name of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ amen would you stand with us tonight when I look around and see all the good things that he does for me [Music] of them all but here's messy [Music] my life to Him Oh God so much do you thing he in pain [Music] and I've got so to thank him for so much with the team for you see so much me so good to me [Music] and we're not what he's done and way here he's brought me from ah not so much [Music] heeey me and sir Wow on this way me I stop and say Oh Lord me [Music] and someday [Music] oh please let me me you what's more I've got so much [Music] and not so much today thank him for so to praise him [Music] so good to me what he's done and way he's brought me from [Music] got so much [Music] heeey don't miss his chance to get some help tonight don't miss your chance I've got so much today for so much to praise him for he has been so good to me and Oh [Music] it's done and way he's brought me from God so much [Music] you can be seated brother Jesse you go ahead and sing another one [Music] don't miss your chance tonight as I look back on this road of travel I seen so many times he's carried me through and if there's one thing that I've learned in my life my redeemer his faith and everything he said he will do every morning his mercies are new my redeemer is faithful and true [Music] my heart rejoices when I think of the promise there is a place for you I know someday I'll see my lord face-to-face this my redeemer is faithful and true my redeemer is faithful and true and everything he said every morning his mercies are new my redeemer is faithful and true Annie every situation he has proved his love for me and when I like the understanding he gives more grace to me my redeemer is faithful and true and everything he said he will do every morning his mercies are new my redeemer is faithful and true Jesus is faithful and true that's sure the truth right there India we'd all went to hell after we got saved if he hadn't hidden faithful and true Jacob got what he didn't deserve he didn't earn it and he couldn't lose it that ought to make you want to just worship the Lord and praise he would thank him thank you brother Cody that's where you'll find preaching right there on a great subject I believe will dismiss right here we'll be back here at 10 o'clock in the morning we'll also have a meal right around noon and then back here tomorrow night at 7 o'clock every morning 10:00 every night 7:00 through Friday night we'll be right here to see what God has to say that books just full of good things in and I like it when God touches a man's heart and mind lets him get it out where we can hear it and get it our school to be selling hamburgers and hot dogs and french fries across the parking lot you're welcome to go over there it's a fundraiser for our Christian school and if you're not hungry just go over and give them some money that'll help too amen let's stand together Leeroy Dalrymple would you dismiss us in prayer please brother Cody you're gone for the move Lord how we enjoy hearing the Word of God I'm in warned to be lifted up by the word of the Holy Ghost of God I pray for every service every mother got the wind blow up let the whole flow God may have to swore on down the road I'm sorry we snagged thank you brother Polly shaker
Channel: SABC Video
Views: 3,522
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: Shady Acres, Shady Acres Baptist Church
Id: mtzScn5GbX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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