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i appreciate what brother skip was saying a minute ago he didn't know the device that i'm dealing with this evening but i appreciate what he said about restoration getting on the outs with the church with the lord and then finding forgiveness we've been coming now for this is installment or part number six of these different devices of the devil we'll read our text verse again ii corinthians chapter 2 and verse number 11. you should be able to quote this by now paul said lest satan should get an advantage of us for we're not ignorant of his devices we've dealt with five other devices away from this text away from second corinthians and chapter number two we've dealt with discord and with lust and with pride and with self-pity and with fear but this was simply our diving board to jump to a different spot of the bible but tonight i would like to for us to examine the device that comes out of the text what what what is paul really i've been saving this and waiting on the timing of the lord what is paul really talking about in the text when he said unless satan should get an advantage of us there's something in the text that this church was or was not doing that the devil was using as a beach head in their life the devil was using as an advantage to get over the top of them what is it the devil was using and the device i'm going to preach on tonight is the device in the text of unforgiveness the device that i see the devil uses in so many christians lives tonight is the device of unforgiveness that's what chapter 2 is talking about that's what paul is really dealing with in second corinthians 2 11. could we read the first 10 verses of the chapter would you be willing to read these first 10 verses so that we might set the context of dealing with this thought of unforgiveness second corinthians chapter 2 and verse number one paul said but i determined this with myself that i would not come again to you in heaviness for if i make you sorry who is he then that maketh me glad but the same which is made sorry by me now i'm going to give you what he's talking about here in just a minute bring you up to speed let's read the verses he said and i wrote this same unto you that's the what he wrote was in first corinthians lest when i came i should have sorrow from them of whom i ought to rejoice having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of you all for out of much affliction and anguish of heart i wrote unto you with many tears not that you should be grieved but that you might know the love which i have more abundantly unto you but if any have caused grief he hath not grieved me but in part that i may not overcharge you all sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many verse seven so that contrary-wise you ought rather to forgive him and comfort him lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow wherefore i beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him for to this end also did i write that i might know the proof of you whether you be obedient in all things watch verse 10 to whom you forgive anything i forgive also for if i forgave anything to whom i forgave it for your sakes forgave i it in the person of christ and then there's our text verse that is the context see what is paul talking about in those first 10 verses if you go back and read first corinthians chapter number uh chap the first book of first corinthians and read chapter number five i believe it is you'll find that this church at corinth we talked about it just for a minute again this morning church of corinth had an individual that was living a wicked immoral lifestyle paul told the church this is what you do to this individual put him out of the church deliver him to satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit should be saved in the day of the lord jesus church him judge him he won't get right he won't repent so kick him out of the church he's fornicating with his stepmother according to first corinthians his father's wife put him out of the church so the rest of the church doesn't take a black eye and that sickness of sin doesn't infect everyone now that's what happened in first corinthians obviously we get the second corinthians and the man repented the man came back he confessed he repented and he wanted to get right and now paul is writing back to this church telling them look what i wanted to accomplish by removing him from the membership has been accomplished he felt guilt sorrow godly repentance not to be repented of he wants to get right now because he's confessed because he has repented of this sin forgive him but now he's running into a different roadblock in first corinthians this was the roadblock in first corinthians the roadblock was they wouldn't do anything about the sin and the devil was beating this church up because they were allowing open sin to stay in the congregation then when they did something about the sin and the sinner who got right came back then they wouldn't forgive him when he came back in second corinthians so you know what i found out if the devil can't get you one way he'll get you another way in first corinthians the way the devil was getting them was by harboring sin in the congregation then when they finally got that right the way the devil started getting over on top of them is that when the guy did get right and came back and confessed then they wouldn't forgive him if the devil can't get you one way the devil will get you another way tonight and paul said to this church if you're not willing to forgive an individual who genuinely repents and confesses what he's done the devil will get an advantage over you in your life now listen to what i'm about to tell you tonight unforgiveness is a bitterness that will suck the joy and the freedom and the life not only out of you but out of people around you tonight unforgiveness is something that is a cancer that eats not only at you but at the person you direct it towards this evening i was reading something the other day there was an article that said this it said end of life caregivers people that give care to people at the end of their life they said end-of-life caregivers listed the number one regret of those who were about to die was this they regretted that they did not forgive people in their life the number one regret they said that many people had at the end of their life was the regret of unforgiveness can i say i don't want to die this evening i don't want to be laying on my deathbed having ought and bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart towards individuals that truly deserve and need forgiveness this evening unforgiveness is the device we're going to look at here for just a few minutes i'm going to show you three things about this device of the devil of unforgiveness and we're going to be done let me say number one i'd like to show you the misconception about forgiveness and unforgiveness there's a misconception about it there are some wrong ideas about it the first wrong idea that i'm going to tell you about is this the first wrong idea about forgiveness or unforgiveness is people say this well you should just forgive people with absolutely no strings attached on their part somebody does you wrong somebody does the church wrong somebody does wrong you're to just forgive them and and just no strings attached whatsoever may i say that's not bible tonight people say well you should just forgive me you're a christian aren't you you should just forgive me yeah but biblical forgiveness hinges on repentance did you know this look at luke chapter 17 with me go to the book of luke and chapter number 17. watch what your bible said i mean nothing like a king james bible to clear up a whole lot of bad doctrine luke chapter number 17 and verse number three there's a misconception about unforgiveness he will say well you got unforgiveness in your life you you won't you won't let somebody back in your circle you won't let somebody back in here there in your life or whatever what have they repented watch what your bible says luke 17 and verse number three take heed to yourselves if thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him there's one thing that's missing in a lot of baptist churches there's absolutely no rebuke whatsoever and a lot of times if you do rebuke somebody for a sin in their life they generally don't do the next part and that is repent generally when you do what the bible said in section 4 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke when you start rebuking people for their sin you know the first thing that a lot of people do in 2021 they just leave they just get mad they get ticked off they won't get right so he said this rebuke him and watch the next part and if he what forgive him if he repent forgive him can i say this full and free forgiveness requires repentance for it to be full and free forgiveness it requires repentance now i'm going to give the other side of this in just a second just hang on don't run ahead of me you say well preacher what about that verse over there that says this ephesians 4 32 be you kind one to another tenderhearted forgiven one another even as god for christ's sake hath forgiven you that's exactly right let me ask you a question when did god for christ's sake forgive you i know exactly when i got god's full and free forgiveness for christ's sake when i repented you know when i got god's forgiveness the night that i sided with god against myself the night brother randy when i come to god and i said lord i'm a dirty rod and low down filthy sinner i have sinned against heaven i deserve to go to hell save me when i repented of who and what i was then god gave me his forgiveness ain't nobody in this building saved tonight that didn't repent repentance is an essential part of salvation paul said paul said i preach this i preach repentance toward god and faith toward our lord jesus christ oh look that's why i'm scared about some of this stuff today let me just pause right here and say some of this conversion experience stuff where it's things like this it's things like this don't you want to receive christ into your life don't you want a better life don't you want to go to heaven not go to hell well naturally yeah i want a better life yeah i'd like to have somebody like jesus no i don't want to go to hell okay repeat this prayer after me lord jesus lord jesus i'm a sinner i'm a sinner someone hard to say come hard and save me okay now you say was there any real conviction or dependence now i'm not saying somebody can't get saved like that if they had genuine repentance and forgiveness in their heart desiring their heart to get forgiven but a lot of that stuff is i just i just want some get out of hell free insurance i just you know want you know better life better this better that brother real forgiveness requires repentance and when it comes to church level or individual level there must be some repentance by the party that has done the offending there must be some repentance some broken heart now here's now here's where the rubber meets the road let me ask you this suppose they don't repent to you personally suppose you got somebody that has offended you done you wrong slided you and they don't come to you in repentance that let me say this that does not give you the right to be bitter angry hateful and live the rest of your life with no joy and constantly ticked off about it and lose your fellowship with god just because a person does not repent that does not absolve you from keeping your spirit right and continuing to walk with god this evening i'll give you this illustration my wife not long after we moved up here was driving around over in salisbury in our van and uh she was over there um near like where the petsmart is over there in salisbury and the zaxby's is and the lows and she had pulled out of that lowe's parking lot there or there's a food liner grocery store or something right there she pulled out anyways and by the time she was pulling out somebody else pulled out totally illegally from some directions i forget exactly where it was and sideswiped my wife i mean tore up the front of her van about knocked the bumper off dented the whole front fender and you know what that person did they just kept right on getting it brother chip they didn't stop they didn't exchange insurance that's probably why they kept going they didn't have insurance they just kept right on getting it she she called me all tore up i said is the van drivable she said yeah it's making some noise but it's still drivable i said take it easy drive it onto the house she got to the house she got here you know what i did i did not waste all my time and effort trying to go find out who it was that did the hit-and-run you know why i didn't waste a lot of time and effort on it because if i'd have caught them they wouldn't have done nothing about it no ways they didn't have no insurance to do anything no ways but you know what also i did not do i didn't keep riding around with a dented fender and a busted van i chose to listen to me i chose to get my stuff fixed even if they weren't willing to fix it i made sure my stuff was right even if they weren't willing to make it right now y'all listen to me they're gonna be times in life people's gonna do you wrong people's gonna hurt you people's gonna dent your offender and smack into your life and they're not gonna repent they're not gonna ask for forgiveness they're just gonna keep right on getting it that does not mean you should ride around the rest of your spiritual life with a dent in your spiritual fender ride around with your heart tore up and your mind tore up let it go go to god get it right say lord whether they ever get right i'm going to keep my spirit right before you this evening those are the misconceptions the pattern for restoration and forgiveness is this can i tell you what the pattern for restoration and forgiveness is whether here's the pattern for restoration and forgiveness private sins should be confessed to god only sins against an individual should be confessed to the individual they were committed against sins against the church and the congregation should be confessed publicly before god in the congregation i've always been taught believe the bible bears out that private sin requires private confession and repentance and public sin requires public confession and forgiveness amen that's bible those are the misconceptions you'll know why the devil beats so many people over the head it's just the things i just got done dealing with it's the device of the devil there's not only the misconceptions of forgiveness let me hardly say this go back to our text second corinthians and chapter number two there is the means the means of unforgiveness or forgiveness what are the means that we can use to forgive people so the devil does not have a device in our life to beat us over the head with how do we avoid unforgiveness here's how you avoid it second corinthians chapter 2 and verse number 10 watch what he said ii corinthians 2 10 to whom ye forgive anything i forgive also for if i forgave anything to whom i forgave it watch what he says for your sakes forgave i it in the person of christ you say what are the means that i can use to forgive somebody here's the means use when somebody comes to you in repentance somebody comes to you and asks confesses and repents how am i supposed to forgive them when they do that you forgive them like jesus forgives you when a person comes to you and they have sincerely repented and they genuinely want forgiveness and they genuinely won't confess their sin to you and genuinely want you to forgive them then your job paul said i did it in the person of christ in other words i forgave like jesus forgave how does jesus forgive when you come to him and repent i tell you how jesus forgives when you come to him and repent he forgives you fully and freely he forgives it and he forgets it that bible said if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness yeah listen here this evening when you come to the lord jesus and repent and for and ask for forgiveness aren't you glad that two days later aren't you glad that two days later he don't come back by and say hey remember what you did the other day i'm still ticked about that no he's letting go aren't you glad when you come to the lord and ask for forgiveness he don't keep coming around a year later and bring it up say hey remember a year ago what you said remember a year ago what you thought and what you asked for forgiveness i ain't forgot that i just want to let you know that i still got that held in my back pocket that's my ace in the hole for any time i really need to yank that out and show that to you saying look at that no no no he does he he our sins and iniquities he remembers no more so you say preacher how should i forgive when somebody genuinely like this fellow in second corinthians genuinely wants repentance and forgiveness you're to forgive them like jesus now i'm not telling you what i'm preaching is easy preaching i'm just telling you it's bible preaching i i have i since i have been at the church here i have counseled multiple multiple uh couples and husbands or wives or just couples and things of that nature and families some been you know married a long time some married a short time some weren't even married yet now i've counted so many different ones right over there in that little prayer room several times me and my wife and here i have counseled some i've counseled some that there was issues from the husband to the life then i've counseled some there were some issues from the life to the husband and others and can i say the thing that i always go back to at the end of any of our counseling sessions or dealing with is this always go back to this and this is the way the lord forgives i always go back to this i'll either look at that wife or look at that husband say all right this is where this is basically where we get to are you willing to stay with him yeah i still want to stay with him or you want to stay with her yeah i want to stay with her all right then here's the job for the two parties the party that did the offending it is your job to repent and make restoration the party that did the offending the party that did the sin it is their job to not only repent but then go overboard in restoration prove yourself paul talks about in saint corinthians they proved their self in this matter prove yourself that you're trustworthy that you want things right prove yourself but on the side that's been offended my advice is always this if you're willing to stay with an individual that has repented and making restoration then your job is you have to forgive it and you can't keep bringing it back up it's going to be impossible for things to work if every time he does something wrong there's a trump card that she whips out and says uh-huh but remember what you did to me that won't ever work or he keeps swimming a trump card i say uh-huh but remember what you said remember this that brother that's not real forgiveness and it will not work this evening the means for real forgiveness so the devil doesn't get an advantage in your life and keep beating you over the head it's not only must it be repentance and restoration but there must be an absolving of it hey i'm going to you say you say but preacher i can't forget it y'all realize tonight that only god can forgive and forget i can forgive but ain't no way i can forget brother john it's impossible for me and bless you ladies hearts praise god they say an elephant never forgets i think they stole that from ladies praise god ladies never forget amen i mean they praise god oh you oh i seen that glory god you're in trouble now praise god i mean it's like a rolodex they hold stuff i mean they got more they got more storage in their in their head than the cloud praise god whenever they need it it's like ding ding bling remember that i don't know what you're talking about listen to me i can't forget you can't forget so i'll tell you what you do i tell you what you do when the devil brings those things back up in your mind to try and use it to bludgeon you or somebody else does what you do you remember it forgiven amen when it comes back up and it will come back up in your mind you simply tell the devil i cannot forget that but this is what i remember about that i remember that i forgave it and that's all there is to it it's forgiven and it may not be forgotten but it is forgiven those are the means what are the that's the means to avoiding unforgiveness the misconceptions about forgiveness and unforgiveness and then lastly we find the mess made there is a mess made when dealing with unforgiveness what's the mess made well there's there's two messes that get made in this thing one it messes and can make a mess in the person who repents and needs forgiveness look at what your bible said it makes a mess in the person's life who does repent and they need forgiveness watch what it said in ii corinthians two six and seven second corinthians 2 6 he said sufficient to such a man is this punishment what was his punishment he was put out of the church first corinthians 5. sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many the whole church put him out but now he's getting right now watch verse seven so that contrary wise y'all rather to forgive him and comfort him why lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow this individual that sincerely repented sincerely sought restoration sincerely got right if the church was not willing to forgive him you know what would have happened to that guy he would have just run out gender in the world and said well if that's the way them bunch of christians are i guess i don't need to yoke up with them no way i'm going to tell you all this tonight i believe there's a whole lot of people sitting on bar stools tonight back up i believe there's a whole lot of saved born-again redeemed blood-bought children of god sitting on barstools tonight instead of church pews tonight because they sought forgiveness and repentance and found none down at the local church [Music] they messed up and they messed up and they messed up and you know what they ended up finding out there was nobody there when they repented to say look i'm a man just like you are i'm a woman just like you are i made mistakes just like you do and you want to get right let's get up let's go on together instead instead when some young man or some young lady messed up in a youth group or messed up in a church instead of helping them up when they repented now listen to me acknowledge what i'm saying here now i'm not talking about somebody that walks around proud of their sin with a stiff neck and is unrepentant i'm talking about when somebody sincerely seeks repentance there is something wrong in the heart of a church when somebody sincerely seeks repentance that instead of forgiving they kick them down and say i ain't helping you something wrong with that so what's the mess that's made the first mess that is made is it is a mess and hurts the person who is seeking the forgiveness but then secondly it only makes a mess in the person who repents and needs forgiveness it also makes a mess in the person who won't forgive what does it do to them here's what it does to them go to mark chapter 11 with me mark chapter 11. now we're not going to take this thing out of context i realize where jesus is preaching and who he's preaching to but we're going to put this thing right where it belongs and use it devotionally for you and i tonight watch what it says in mark chapter 11 and verse number 25 and 26 mark 11 25 and 26. watch what jesus says to this crowd mark 11 25-26 it causes not only a mess in the people who desire forgiveness through repentance but also to the person who is unwilling to give it in forgiveness mark 11 25 jesus said and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses now i realize we're not dealing with salvation we're not talking about well if you don't if you don't go forgive that guy you're going to hell that's not what that's saying it's simply saying as a child of god if you want god on a practical daily walk basis to grant you forgiveness then you should be willing to do it to others who have repented and that's in the same boat with you don't y'all remember that illustration that jesus gives about that fellow that owed a debt to his lord and he couldn't pay it and he came before his lord and he asked for forgiveness and said lord forgive me i can't pay it and the fellow forgave him the whole debt but that fellow turned right around and walked out and caught somebody who owed him just a pittance of what he owed his lord and called him by the throat and said pay me and the fellow said i can't pay you and instead of showing him the compassion that that guy showed him what he asked instead he chunked him in jail now listen to me in much the same way i as a christian i as a christian on a regular basis y'all brother fred i as a christian on a regular basis get down on my knees daily and say lord i am sorry for that in my life god i'm sorry i said that i'm sorry i did that i'm sorry i didn't do that sins of omission sins of commission and you know what i want when i do that before the lord i want the lord to forgive me when i'm asking bro travel when i get on my knees and i'm telling god i'm doing that lord forgive me you know what i want i i don't just want it can i be presumptuous can i be presumptuous i got bible for this can i be so presumptuous that when i do that i expect the lord to forgive me i'm not trying to sound cocky arrogant or presumptuous but the book said he would i'm just taking god at his word so when i come and repent i expect him to do so but now listen to me according to that if you're unwilling to do the same to somebody else i'm talking about somebody that genuinely repents like you're doing before god if you're unwilling to generally forget genuinely forgive someone when they've repented then brother you might not want to keep on running back and forth and asking for much cleansing because it might not be there now you say a preacher you get your dispensation right here dispensation right there you can put that wherever you want to i'm just telling you what the book said right there the best way i know to apply it is that it's dangerous this evening to get to a place where you let the devil hold that unforgiving spirit over your hand like i say we're back to the other side now we're back to the other side you say but preacher they haven't look look i'm not i'm not negating no bleeding here's here's where this stuff gets sticky here's where this stuff gets sticky and i feel for people like this i feel i feel deep in my spirit for people like this brother bill i know people that were molested by their parents dad molested them or mom ran off and left them and never repented for it never came back and told that little boy that little girl i'm sorry for beating you i'm sorry for abusing you mentally physically sexually i'm sorry never did i feel for those people and you know what a lot of folk will come by and say they'll just try and make it all light and easy and say well you just should forgive them you should just forgive them that's tough my wife my wife can speak to some of this right now not about the abuse but some mental stuff man of what happened her in her younger years some of you ladies know about this if she's talked to y'all about it in ladies meetings and things like this before and there was absolutely no repentance and never has been never has been but you all know what she's chosen to do what she has chosen to do is she ain't gonna run through life with her offender dented the person that sideswiped her might not ever come back and ask for forgiveness that's not gonna hinder her from getting things straightened out in her heart where she can enjoy god and live a full life for the glory of god listen i'm not telling you that it's going i'm not telling you well you just just forgive him just forgive her and they done this and they never ask forgiveness i i don't know how to reconcile that what i am telling you is whether they ever come back or not you can at least fix your spirit between you and god where that's not a dark cloud hanging over your head where the devil beats you up with it every day you can walk on in the victory of god how does the devil use this unforgiveness i'm done esther help me over here i believe we're going to give an older call in just a minute sometimes i feel led to sometimes i don't i feel led to tonight so i'm going to i'll never forget 12 to 15 years ago in evangelism i was really young in it and i went to west virginia preaching and a dear friend of mine up there in west virginia said let's go do something you probably ain't never done before i said what we're going to do he said we're going to go um break rocks i got huge rocks up there he breaks a lot of these rocks and uses them around his property and in his yard and such as that and i'll never forget we walked up in there with these these large wedges and a sledgehammer and we got up on top of one of these great big old boulders and you know what he started looking for he started looking brother john for just one little crack that's all he looked for and i thought this is the dumbest exercise brother chris i've ever seen this is a great big old rock brother doug and we're going to break this great big rock with nothing but a hammer and this steel wedge he's crazy but he found a little crack he stuck that wedge and he started hitting it with that hammer and the more he started driving that wedge in that little crack i started watching in that great big mighty rock brother blackwelter little crack started running everywhere and after 15-20 minutes of hammering on that wedge in that little small crack it turned into a bigger crack until finally big chunks of that rock broke and fell off you know what i'll never forget watching that it taught me a valuable lesson in my christian life it don't matter how mighty a christian you are and how big a rock your life seems to be oh the devil needs that's all he needs that's all he needs and you know what he'll do he'll beat you and beat you and beat you until finally something breaks so you say what i'll do about it preacher the best way to avoid the device of the devil of unforgiveness is if somebody sincerely repents and comes to you in repentance and wants forgiveness give it to him give it to him you say but preacher they never did they did me extremely wrong and they never did what do i do about that you can't do anything about them let them go you can't do nothing about them i'll tell you what i can do what i can do something about i can't control them i can control letting god fix me [Music] and say lord what happened in my heart because of them people's wrong it's wrong but god fix me help me don't let me get to a place where i where i where i get to a place to where god it hinders my walk with you because that's what the devil wants y'all what is the devil looking for he's looking to try and put the wedge in in the crack because he wants to separate you from him and if he can use some third party to do it he'll do it he'll do it so this evening just warn you of this device of the devil is dangerous and we've all battled it and maybe you're battling it tonight won't you come ask the lord if somebody's truly repented help you to forgive like jesus if they have not then god you deal with that end but i'm going to make sure my hand's right with you make sure mine's right with you let's all stand tonight heads about knives are closed father i pray that you take this simple little message from the word of god lord this has been stored up in in my file bank now for several weeks knowing that this was the context of what we've been using god tonight whether this is the last device of the devil will preach or not i'm not exactly sure we'll try and seek your face and see what you'd have us to do but lord i know this is a big one this may be as big as any that i've preached so far because it's so easy to let this get a grip in our life i i know from experience i've had people do me wrong i've had people hurt me i've had people betray me and lord it would be easy to focus on that let it come out in all of the preaching that i do become a recluse and never open up to anyone ever again for fear that they may hurt me like those people did but i realize that's not right either i ca i can't live like that lord help me tonight father help your people tonight help us not to give the devil a crack to drive a wedge between us and our savior in jesus name amen if you need to come tonight that'd be a good time sister esther i wish that i could roll the curtain back again and rewind the hands a further time there's so much more that i would do and i would say but all i really have is today so here i am use me lord give me words to see and say let me love let me live let me give myself away use my hands ears my feet all i have is yours complete let my love be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you today there are so many things i wish i could redo and lord i've even failed you too if life was just a show i think i'd hit rewind but i can't refill the hourglass of time so here i am using me lord give me words to see and say let me love let me live and let me give myself away use my hands use my feet all i have is yours complete let my love be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you today so here i am use me lord give me words to see and say let me love let me live let me give myself away use my hands use my feet all i have is yours complete let my love be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you today bro skip quote reverse it it never ceases to amaze me how the lord orchestrates things him having no idea what's gonna preach on he just quoted a verse earlier proverbs 17 17. i got it marked in my bible i have a man's name out beside it with the date with it i'll not tell you the name the verse is a friend loveth at all times and the brother is born for mercy the date is june the 30th 2005. this is a pastor that was a former friend of mine [Music] that hurt me bad and the night that he was about to hurt me even worse and cut me off and kicked me and my family off he walked up to me in that meeting we were at hugged my neck and quoted that verse i went back and i marked it in my bible [Music] that was the last time i saw that cat for about five years actively him working to hinder my ministry and such as that about five years later this would have been 2010 preaching in colombia first time i'd seen him walked up shook his hand i preached he got up right behind me and preached against everything that i preached [Music] now most of that whole crowd in that packed out place were all friends of mine that i ministered to and they were like hot because he had a vendetta just simply against me that he used that meeting just to shoot at me with 250 people in the house say what about that guy well you never heard me mention him i'm not going to mention him or not his name's right there you know what the holy ghost made me do brother john you know what the holy ghost made me do he made me pray for that guy [Music] i don't want to not in a good way anyway i'll pray lord kill it pray one of him judgment prayers call down fire but he wouldn't let he said won't you pray won't you pray this zorn tell me what you want me to pray lord i'll pray won't you pray i bless him [Music] i don't want i don't want you to bless him i'm kind of ticked at him yeah but that's not your business to figure out how we're going to fix that this is what i was orn heating never going to come ask for forgiveness he never has and he's not gone and that's fine that's fine [Music] don't tell you this i ain't got a dent in my offender about it say why do you keep it in your bible right there well i wrote that thing down right there to just remind me about human nature really give me an insight into people saying one thing doing something else all at the same time i ain't carrying that thing around set that down a long time ago don't let the devil load you up with something that you're going to carry [Music] don't don't let somebody like that be the reason why you can't worship or you can't enjoy the presence of god or you even drag people around your children down because something that some somebody else did release it it'll kill you if you don't they'll kill you if you don't yes ma'am [Music] bruh [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] sure sure [Music] that man says [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] amen we appreciate you jumping in here sis both feet both feet well glory to god you know what i appreciate about the lord he just he he he'll treat you so many different ways you're bound to like one of them this morning was totally different than tonight but did you feel that right here toward the end the service there that just wind that's is different than this morning but it's still his presence i like it i like it church i love you be in prayer for one another reach out to each other this week let let somebody know you love them praying for them come back thursday night seven o'clock ready to worship meet with the lord and and then we'll have sunrise service on sunday morning late uh joshua circle 5 30 thursday night young ladies class 5 30 sunday night or i'm sorry thursday night and so uh we'll be looking forward to what the lord's going to do i hope you have a blessed week and uh we're going to dismiss you in the blessings of the lord all right so let's pray and we'll let you go father thank you so much for what you did this morning thank you for your sweet abiding presence this evening lord it kind of felt like elijah in first kings 18-19 lord this morning you came in the fire and tonight just came in the still small voice but we like them both and we appreciate them both now god i pray you'd send your people out here with your blessings watch over and protect them guide them lead them direct them in jesus name we pray amen god bless you church
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 456
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fIzL27XeYpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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