8-24-17 God is So Good - Mark Stroud

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dear so you [Music] my strength my shield [Music] may my spirit [Music] do [Music] the manager [Music] my shield babe [Music] more than any other so much more [Music] oh my my [Music] to [Music] my my [Music] - [Music] Oh [Music] tonight too don't you girls y'all come on up tonight brother John if you would one of them's gonna be on the piano though and be singing let's get the camera on them good we're folks who can't see over back there we'll be able to and also let me meet some real quick don't forget tomorrow night 7:30 7:15 prayer rooms last night of the schedule meeting tomorrow night then also please don't forget homecoming for our folks here this coming Sunday morning it's homecoming and we're going to be having a 50s theme for our homecoming and it's always a lot of fun to see people dress up and things in the 1950s and we have a good day in the Lord and so don't forget that the tents are already set up in the backs gonna be a beautiful day about 78 degrees for a high and so it's gonna be a great day for a good old-fashioned homecoming a man and girls if you would and brother John can you can see wrote in on the EM I think you probably already have back there and I'm gonna get up here on the side so we see them sink tonight you enjoy these two young ladies god it's really really using matter of fact I have one of their CDs or I guess their CD I have their CD in my truck a lot of times riding down the road I'll listen to it I get a whole lot of help a man and so I hope you enjoy [Music] I never said that I would give you silver gold morning here we never feel the fire or shaver in the cold but I did say you never walk through this world [Music] don't make this world I never said it fear wouldn't find you in loneliness with something you never have to fight I'll be right there by yourself and I did say [Music] always cuz you know I made a promise that I ain't in icky my grace will be sufficient every time of me my level be now you get on onto this is the promise this is the promise I made to [Music] ever said that friends would never turn their backs on or that the world [Music] you wouldn't see you as [Music] like me you'll surely be [Music] I didn't say you never taste the bitter kiss of dead I have to walk through Chile George dinner into it I'd be waiting right on the other side and I did say I'll driver easier you cuz you know I made a promise that I'll prepare two places someday sooner than you think you'll see me face you babe you'll sing with all the Angels and it can be small t2 this is the ramen this is the promise me spinning on the promises of Christ my just keep on walking don't turn to the left around [Music] hell can't separate us we're gonna make it this is the promise this is the promise Oh [Music] let's make the devil good mad and y'all stay on get y'all no soul for the preacher preaches I'm gonna break some more young people up I want I want to hear complete in thee tonight girls y'all come on up and we're just gonna make the devil mad we just gonna have some teenagers just brag on Jesus a man that be all right tonight thank God I'm glad the devil don't have all these kids aren't you a man this song's years going by old I appreciate it they selling it for me many times in meetings like they've been in with me they're here from Calvary but I just love this song and then I'm gonna get the nun sisters back right for the preacher but you like to hear them is that good listen what I love I love canal system so no they I guess she wrote how the babysitting Roberts usually singing that's on the other day I was about to have a conniption man I thought my soul I'm glad she's not saying something like that for America's Got Talent I'm does she saying it for Jesus a man I tell you what lord have mercy I don't do that ma'am sir I had surgery I'm kidding I guess your oldest girl is one-seventh she's 17 and in other ones 17 and 15 was you a nurse it's not your normal preacher hey man this song right here goes way back years going back called completing the we like it here Calvary for your vision with us I mean you like it we just bring some of these teenagers up here make the devil good man sometimes he thinks all that was going the other way but I Got News for him that's crowd that that's not going the other way there's a crowd still loves God and now I appreciate that so we'll enjoy this song then we'll come back to another one then brother Mark maybe he won't preach to our hey man I'm just kidding preaching you know you've got literally preaching hey smoke it here we're in old fashioned Bob believed in terms hey man listen that shops not screaming that shout but why not talking about that day live this world don't know a lot about it but I got useful we shout for that other crowd ever came along they met we got some cash out about Jesus said rejoice cost names are written down heaven I'm grabbin H in the Lamb's Book of Life [Music] no work of mine could take dear Lord the place of mine thy blood hath pardon bought for me and glorified I too shall be yeah justified no blessing and sanctified salvation right the blood had worn and bought for me and glorified I too shall be [Music] I'm feeding me each one supply and no good thing to me tonight since now my portion Lord will be I asked no more completely yay justified a blessed blood and say my salvation Rock thy blood hath pardon bought for me and glorified I shall be completing be no more chefs in my Grace has ate with him that I shall bid that tips our fleet and I shall stand complete yay justified o blessed thought and say to my salvation wrought by blood hath pardon bought for me and glorified I too shall be you save your wind before the war all tribes and tongues a simple door among the truths in I shall be and the right hair completely hey Jessie Fido blessed by and say to my salvation rod God blood have gone for me and glorified I did shall be yes and glorified I too shall be thy blood half but for me horrified [Music] eleven young lady playing a piano while ago singing 11 years old the nun sister 17 and under these girls 17 and under a man old-time religion still works still reaching a young generation I praise God for that a man all right miss Abby come sing one song for me get on the piano sing something for me all right you're looking sadder you said are you gonna sing for me okay you come on sing she's old she's 18 hey man be alright we've been good every night we're fine you're not gonna get over Church no box a man know about you but I'm just feeling real good about feeling good it's God man I'm not just feeling good in here I'm feeling going to leave here I'm feeling good you're not I'm feeling going to get a morning I mean feeling better I want to get back I won't miss Abby just to sing some for you then none sisters gonna sing some for you then he's gonna preach and then we might sing some more we might shout run around the building grab a flag run up the road seem so big they hide the light of day sometimes so deep that I can't find hardik seem to be much more than I can stand that's when grey seems to take me back [Music] Cary's [Music] everything just remember when it seems you can [Music] can't make it Laurie knows what I can handle [Music] he's great [Music] and [Music] to carry the he's everything [Music] we say it seems you can [Music] grace will help you stay [Music] seems every time oh he's great [Music] the Carey's [Music] everything [Music] when it seems you can't [Music] just when it seems you can [Music] I guess [Music] you know that we believe that we can reach a generation get them around old-time religion and let them know listen young people come to me all the time right here in this Minister in other places and say preacher we like it this way we like it this way a man don't let the devil lie to you listen we like it this way All Right girls y'all sing another song for us and we'll just go from that all right we were to see what the Lord does and I love these young ladies I don't know I'm just I guess real closely I've known this in meetings we've been but I've never heard him saying that God didn't help me and I know they love Jesus that means that's the biggest thing to me and I know the mom and dad loves Jesus and and just a real blessing to have them with us tonight you'll enjoy another song and I trust it'll help us and preacher we'll just kind of see what God does [Music] you it had pain three days his parents couldn't find him but the scribes and the Pharisees we're all gathered round you as a boy in the temple speaking with such wisdom they were all amazing one [Music] Oh Oh [Music] there was Jesus crying Ernest John the Baptizer spoke of one who was to come baptizing with your website's here the base were and God easy diva I did Oh [Music] a wedding it can one made from water to [Music] to bring my days off these were Quinn straight from the flood no I explained away and in the middle of it there is Jesus well the hill just outside of town home they're bleeding dying for the souls of men to captives break free days later he's surmise the empty he conquered ma emigrate in the middle of it oh Jesus so no matter what you're facing no matter where your bed meeting hard times or a good chums keep your eyes on him even in the heat of battle her but less and melty Sharif's he'll be right there that's where he's always beers to be strong and take courage we need big you're gonna fall [Music] Oh Baby Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] their head I've been trouble yes they're happy in tears oops plenty door time [Music] over the [Music] Oh [Music] so I see we're gonna miss my so good see like now enjoy trouble Oh it is my it is Dona [Music] me through my filly sweet mercy is my three rough stormy places there's grace every time if we see boredom [Music] the king he's gone [Music] it's me so good in the sea Loic now juicy in trouble it is is for nerds you bet but [Music] Oh he's [Music] my greatest on too bad [Music] [Music] good night somebody all agree that a word a man means to let it be so that's the truth good night hallelu man the rivets are about to come out in my soul I mean I ain't got that outside of town park react where he was dying for our sin good night then they gonna sing about God's been so good it is my greatest honor good night Tuesday night we got talking about thinking and thanking didn't we you know if you're not careful we'll let folks criticize our way of worship and say oh it's just emotionalism let me just say something I used to get nervous about that till I read my Bible and I'm not dear nervous about that anymore I've got more Bible for the way we act in the way they act haebang hallelu man he ain't done nothing brother grim that saved me from hail hallelujah brother man glory to God he ain't done nothing but forgiving me am i see I thank God I'm no longer under the condemnation of my SIA but I being born again forgiven by the grace of God have a born-again spirit filled a child of God that's headed to another world thank god I've got something the shadowbox hallelu y'all ain't never really just seen me get real happy praise God tell me why is it we can go everywhere else and get excited about temporal things that aren't going to last about a ball that bounces about a ball that's cold or throwing about some money that's going to go away but only when you get to talk about something that happened to me that's going to last forever I'm glad there's a spirit on the inside of me or that bears witness thank God it's gonna be wonderful in that hour I like that just because it doesn't say God's been good but it's God's been so good I wonder why maybe it's because for God so loved that's what made him so good [Music] hallelujah do you realize there's churches that would give everything they had to have it was really young people that are still on a platform and saying tonight which a sub you ain't got to get a rock band you ain't got to get a praise and worship leader you ain't got to cut the lights down low and sing some song out of the pit of hell I'm glad you still get some kids on the Holy Ghost preaching under the Spirit of God and it'll still change their life and they'll like it praise God [Music] hallelu God's been so good well let me say a word about that he's in the middle of it all well Genesis 1:1 said in the beginning god why don't we just take time out right there and run down the road shout that in the beginning God not in the beginning of planning or in the beginning a scientist but in the beginning God and then that's Old Testament what about will endure my John Warren walk he just wouldn't in the middle of the Old Testament he was in the middle of the news in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God I like at 14 a man had the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory even the only begotten of the Father thank God he was in the middle of it all that's the front that's the middle sent light revelation five-city was in the middle of it at the end revelation 20 and 21 and 22 he's in the middle of attack he's just gotta weigh a bit in the middle of it oh hi man thank God it'll be a glad day would you realize the Christian life's about Jesus would utilize some ministries about Jesus would you realize me it saves about Jesus and heavens about Jesus had the Bible's about Jesus I'll never forget I went to pick up one of my little girls a friend of ours we were keeping her for the weekend before me saving I ever had children I went picked her up and she's sitting in the back of a car brother Graham she was she was in a car seat when she reached over he got my preaching Bible pulled it up in there and I heard the play just turning and I said Caitlyn what are you doing sweetheart she said brother Mart I looking for Jesus and I knew what she was telling me because I knew she had one of them little blue back picture Bibles they had all those pictures throughout the Bible I had one of them a nice little and it wasn't just a minute brother Clark I heard this in the back I said what is she Caitlyn she said I paddled him I bailed him I bailed it I failed him can I tell you thank god there's been some times I've set down on the study I've laid by Bible Oakland and somebody said what are you doing I said I'm looking for here on my and then what law praise God Oh God the Holy Ghost step down I'm another world and I could rejoice and say I found it I found if I found him it'll be a glad day when we realize that book is a hymn book it's about him [Music] brother Donathan if you read that Bible and you miss it you don't find him you need to read it again what about old fare what about old very dim Emmaus - I've missed quoted that where is that that's the last last chapter of Mark or Luke somebody find that for me I'm Bob let's go preaching about five messages right here amen hey man I can't help it they singing them good songs and get me tore up I'm still glad I don't ever want to become a trafficker of unfair truth I don't ever want to get to the place riding crates what I'm not feeling praise God have we got to Luke 24 there's a verse in there that I miss quoted through these years kept me right to point it to me all right here we go let's see let me get up here my Bible I've got it underlined I can't see without my glasses when I get happy Luke 24 y'all okay we're going somewhere [Music] sometimes along the way we got confused about what this thing's all about look at verse 27 a King James said that and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded now I've quoted this backwards I said he's expounded under them all the things concerning himself in the scripture that ain't what he said he said he expounded unto them in Oh [Music] hey brother pockets you helped me he expounded under them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself [Music] sell lies to me peace in all of them glory to God Hey when Moses was over there praise God me had that staff that's Christ when Noah was getting in the ark that was Christ that scapegoat was Christ that burnt offering was Christ that meal offering was Christ praise God he's the wheel within the wheel he's the one that's altogether lovely he's the chief shepherd and the great Shepherd thank God he's the son of God he's the great I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah he's the door he's the captain of my salvation he's the son of God and the son of man beats the King of Kings and the Lord of lords he is the word of God thank God Jesus is in the middle of it all it's not about a meeting it's all about Jesus you ready to help me right here that's the first song I want to say a word about now I want to say a word about this one look up first Thessalonians 5:18 Ephesians 5:20 some 103 verse 1 all right hey my brother Dermott 1st Thessalonians 5:18 standing up here read it 1st Thessalonians 5:18 yeah I'm looking at that first fight you got 1st Thessalonians 5:18 yes I quote it but I want you to read it it's just helping me thinking about it I ain't even said it yet hey man yeah go ahead be careful you might get happy if you run I'll run with you praise God they may take off in everything let's just hit that one more time in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning me man some of y'all trying to figure out what the will of God is let me help you let me just help you young me up there's so many young preachers I know and young men and young ladies I know they're trying their best to find the will of God for tomorrow find the will of God tomorrow where they are sacrificing the joy of today let me judge so when God gets ready for you to have the will of God tomorrow he'll tell you if you can I how old are you 16 Twitter let me help I've simply not ignorant but understanding let me help you can see what the will of God is for you right now on August the 24th 2017 you ain't got to pray about it you don't have to feel it you've got King James Bible black and white that's telling you what the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you y'all ready it's hard boys gotta have you gotta have a master's degree of doctor to get this in everything give thanks they ain't but one to set up a word in that statement can you think of anything you ought to give thanks for everything that's pretty good how about you son everything how about it my dear brother groom up in Lexington is that something you can think of y'all to give thanks to God for word that you ain't going to hell like you used to be good man hallelujah yeah and everything some of you are waiting for the stars to line up your wait till all the bills are paid you're waiting till all the children are back here I think what that Bible saying that it said here and everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you how old are you baby seven is there anything you can think of that you ought to thank God for everything what about you something specific about it brother Clark anything you just think of in everything [Music] you say preacher Alma children ain't in yet that ain't what first let's note is fine you can thank God just like that and you ought to thank God because there's me to give every dime and their bank account opal to say that right there but can I tell you he's good whether they're in or whether the pact Hey he woke up his Smalling and he was good by nature he was good by act because he's God Ian hey I could have my tea and everything because even when it seems like the waves are coming against us at least thank God were not any myself and we kept in everything give thanks now fees is fine torn is a little more difficult the stand-up read that given thanks always for all things [Music] and so more difficult you say how let me I subsystem pocket the events of in the last months and just absolutely when you woke up that morning how your life was changed hardly give thanks right the elliptic hard to give thanks you could give thanks in it quicker than you could give thanks for it I could handle first Thessalonians 5:18 but can I just tell you I have struggled with Ephesians 5:20 because Ephesians 5:20 for me is all those hands and a mother that doesn't know my name I face cider and day and I said mama I love you she said thank you but for me to preach this message I've had to get into where I could thank God [Music] you say how in the world can we live Ephesians 5:20 the answers two verses earlier be not drunk with wine where is it exists but be ye filled the only way that you can live Ephesians 5:20 and you can see God's being so good with things are going wrong and when things seem like they're coming apart at the sea the only way you can do that is to be filled with the Holy Ghost [Music] in four I wonder if some of you could have personal revival if you could get past that roadblock of for everything because - you can get around that roadblock afore everything you might be careful you might be bitter at God I thought for some time brother none why my mom had to get sick but I couldn't have been some doper or some drunk that's never loved you never sort of God I mean I've never heard my mother raised her voice to my daddy I've never seen my mother immodest ever ever I mean those ladies at the nursing home didn't realize I said ma'am I can't take her in the restroom I said I've never seen her in less than a housecoat I said why does it have to be her the Lord spoke to me some night I said why not and he told me said maybe I could trust her to suffer and bring glory to Maine [Music] and in the middle of the night at a secret place God put his finger on me he's selling you all another little church he said you go had to start giving me thanks for everything and I remember the night me sweetie when I got down in my secret place and I said Lord I just come to tell you tonight thank you for Alzheimer's and what you get to do in my heart [Music] and there was something that came from another world [Music] and everything for everything hey Psalm 103 preacher verse 1 [Music] what's that second verse and all the Sycamore that verse and all that is in everything forward everything [Music] have you ever left the church service where you felt like with everything in you you bless them I'm talking about with every ounce of strength with every ounce of love with every ounce of gratitude from the deepest recesses of your soul have you ever walked out of the house of God and felt like with everything I had I bless the Lord but Kevin you might have been there the night I don't know I might have been y'all I don't know if y'all started coming to camp yet or not we were at the new kid it was Riley's first year at camp and they were singing Lord give me a drink of that fountain oh the living fountain let it flow from me that everlasting life young preacher that surrender which brother Willers in our youth group and I was there he looked over at me as passing the church been fighting hell by the acre this is what he told me he said preacher it's been a long time since I had a real drink he said that I've been sippin he said I've just been sipping till I could get another drink well I done got I'd done got turned over right there while they got the singing I looked over on that front row and there was writing 12 years old my oldest boy and I I mean Riley's like his mom he's not very outwardly emotional now Carter my little one he's a chip off the block if he gets happy he'll testify four times in a good service he gets happy he's like me he don't know what to do he ain't learn how to run yet he ever does that he won't testify as much you'll get something out taking a lap praise buddy but I looked over there at a 12 year old boy and I saw him I saw them shoulders begin to quiver and then I saw him I saw him double over and I could see the tears dripping off his face I'd never seen him run I never seen him gotten the glory I looked at that principal shot me I said he's about to take his first lap in shirt I mean a 12 year old boy first year at Camp 500 teenagers there and then say something they don't want to embarrass their self and put all them other boys but sudden problem was he had stepped off into another area code he had stepped off onto another Shore he didn't give a rip what she looked like he didn't give a rip to what's looking at he wasn't looking all of a sudden God Almighty I got the squeeze in him and all of a sudden hip hands went up and airy when he took over there with them how you say what you knew I jumped off that platform it's about that tall I didn't take one step off I went and I was running behind him he took two laps and around that place you might have been the Holy Ghost if you go run two laps in that place it's that same Tabernacle y'all come to he took one extra but I got so full about the time I made that curve around that first about that first pew on that left side God I think for one time in my life [Music] let me wait off for about two hours you said in moderating I don't know and I don't care brother Dean was there and brother Dwayne was there where the lead Davis was there and they was plenty to moderate but for about two hours for the pluck yeah just me and the Lord if everything I had when I got done there was no towel my shirt tail was out the coat was off I'd shout until I couldn't talk and we're up til I couldn't cry every handkerchief that I had every Kleenex I had was used and nerdy I had prayed I had shouted I had ran I had wept I'd shouted some more and preached a little bit had sung a little bit I've done just about everything that I could think to do [Music] laughs I remember what service was over that night I was gonna go try to change clothes from went down to the cafeteria and I tried to step up in the camper and I put my foot on that bottom step before God is my witness Ron Clark I didn't have the strength to step up on that bottom step to get my Kippur so I just sat down and mama said daddy why why are you sitting down I said mama I said I'm wore out I said I gave it tonight everything I had I sent there for about 20 minutes before I could get up and walk in that camper and I don't know if I did it with everything I had but if I didn't that was the closest I've ever been you said what would you want with some other preacher a thought let me just let me just say this is respectfully as I can I don't give a rip he said might have cost you a meeting if that kind of worship cost me a meeting I don't need to preach that meeting because I'm just liable to get that way again at any time [Music] you you say well would that not embarrass your children I ain't changing now I wouldn't changing then and I'm not gonna change when they're grown last time I checked it was Jesus it died for me it was Jesus that sent me a love letter it was Jesus that walks with me and talks with me and tells me that I am his on it's with Jesus it says you wait right here let me take care of this devil and he takes care of that devil says now come on it's safe it's Jesus it goes before me hey I'm glad thank god he's God where I was he's God where I am and he'll be God when I get to where I'm going praise God hey everything how you doing [Music] I'll be honest to God when some of us can't get revived because we're bitter at God because something turned out the way we didn't think it did and the Bible talks about it I believe mark 6 that you are offended in Christ you say how do I get unoffending in Christ learn how to say thank you for all [Music] what's what's blocking you I've had to see Sir I've had to see some of my bus kids get past being bitter at their mom and dad for living like hell around them you know what I watched it when they got on bitter about that they can start training for him [Music] how about it mom and dad's some of you raised two kids serve God and they've gone the world and you just can't understand why God let that happen [Music] you've got better at him don't you think God's got the ability to bring them you might do that if you start saying thank you I'd rather say thank you and not mean it than to mean it and not say it nine lepers ten lepers were healed nine left one came back you know what the Bible said about that one that came back said he was a Samaritan I wonder why he had to come back because they put no self-respecting Jewish priest that would have pronounced them clean because he was a half-breed dog so all I believe that's the first place in history were they saying where could I go but to the Lord some of us struggling with in everything some of us struggling with forward you how about it [Music] there's my young preacher man on the Bible College if that kind of worship harelips your professor he's just gonna have to get harelipped don't let me tell you something that Professor ain't gonna be with you when all hell's breaking loose in that church you're pastoring when you get a little older but that one you're worshiping [Music] and none of them fellows that you're reading on that book on that bookshelf that you got none of them I wonder I wonder how many how long you been saying 32 I've been safe since I was 13 I'm on 30 years what about in 30 years maybe one time I feel like I've got that close I've got I've got pretty idea other than that but that night probably the closest you know what tears me I I like you getting taller and you come hear me preach and we go to Taylor's via words the kept meet and you get happy I mean praise God she had better most preachers she gets happy I like it you know how many years you've been saved 50 something years you know what that encourages me when I get to where you are I don't have to be dead I can still enjoy after all them years I mean you remember that more inside of there that little you got happy and there was a little white headed lady over and aside it was just a couple four years in a mortgage service she got so happy on I mean I'm talking about my 80 years old got happy I mean she got so happy some young ones had to go stand up there and make sure she didn't fall and break her hip I don't think she was in danger of falling I think she's probably assured owners of fee that she'd probably been in ten years I got on the conviction watching that saying that God worship that mind I thought there she is a weakened body and Here I am strong not about when picked her up took a land someone should preach on to all the one you might all a wall collapse [Music] I'm talking about with everything in everything and for everything I think one of the greatest hindrances to a viable in our modern churches is a lack of gratitude and lack of gratitude is pride pride says I deserve gratitude says I'm worth so you know what we're gonna do when I was a bully and we'd play ball be playing baseball out in the yard if you didn't do good you could say can I get a do-over can I get a do-over it's golf thank God for Mulligan's why limit yourself to two how about two per hole I mean ever one I can kit now them houses I'm hitting with them balls don't need me to have Mulligan's I want you to come back soon you already piano players just love to see me coming cuz if I get happy they'll play for an hour while I pray your daddy I'll buy you a bigger ice cream on the way home some of us need to do some eating everything some of us have graduated from the end everything and we need to pass the test of for everything and some of us have got past in and for need to weight off in that with everything they don't say he's been so good why don't you think for just a minute and then you might be able to thank for a whole long time they don't say we're standing y'all to mind God maybe it's even for you maybe it's for [Music] the trouble yes they're happy plenty George [Music] runners uber so I see we're good [Music] [Music] have you got something to say thank you for sure whoever one of us has gotta reach to the god of [Music] too bad [Music] y'all just started going down the list [Music] until you hit one of the other just grabs you soul at the foundation just realize all that he really has done just everything that he has done some of you got saved children all over me unsurveyed God not fighting me not patting the wolves and she put in place to protect the up you oughta thank God that God's given you God dear children [Music] they won't let a cop [Music] Oh to [Music] I want you to go back and get that in and then hallelu don't get no her the piano just they're just switching so we need no we're not even want this revival meeting like this we don't have it much don't get in a hurry take your time you might have just I mean just sit in there with him for a few minutes fellowship with it you realize he's just in the middle of it all for you hate preachers he'll be in the middle of all with your ministries on the mountain he'll be on the middle of it all when it's in the valley he'll be the middle of it all when it's in between at all when preaching CEC's he's in the middle of it all and preaches a path as a boy [Music] speak English and I like insult each other lunch they were all [Music] Oh there and SWAT will appear more thank you head back in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus not concerning your neighbor not concerning your smiles not concerning you preacher but concerning [Music] were a bit hey God [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] that's what she told straight from the bus oh no I can explain away in the middle of it there was Jesus [Music] Oh Oh [Music] is my to stop Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] no matter where we see the chaplain acts place God [Music] Malati [Music] [Applause] just lucky to walk the wedding and all that largest yelling - sneaky oh man hey man you sell us don't know about that you might all embarrass your flesh it might just help you would you just embarrass your flesh and say hey man say hallelujah get a little bit happy you might just realize hey there's somebody from another world that'll field you and bless you and touch you place die single bout that wedding [Music] to bring light he's work with the blood straight from the no I and in the middle of it there was Jesus on that hill just outside of town - a man hug their weenie dying for the soul hey but we've got sherry he's too much energy he conquered death the gray [Music] no matter what you're facing no matter where you keep your eyes on him even in the heat of battle but let's imagine streams he'll be right there in the Mesha gonna push the Jets where he's always been servi strong as day courage you're gonna fall babies Jesus Jesus about that woman girl those ladies see from Alabama everybody walks out he walks he's mustard you don't know that one saying whatever is only hard we're not gonna rush out [Music] we're not gonna rush out I mean last night it was tender God let us pray to Him God let us talk to him God let us bear our requests to it do you know what my favorite class in high school elementary school middle school was recess I didn't fit in a desk and every once in a while they'd say just go play just go run around and have a good time can I say something there's gonna be plenty enough time to cry there's scope be pitied enough time to weep there's gonna be plenty enough time to serve and with God opens the window lets you worship a little bit you ought to take advantage of that hey man y'all take a little time and say thank you or you say well I just don't feel it let me deal with that for a minute well I just don't feel that preacher I just don't feel it Philippians 4:4 rejoice and again I say rejoice I don't find any feeling or emotion attached to Philippians 4 folder matter-of-fact Philippians 4:4 is a command thank you hallelu I don't need you're a man to know i rightly divided that if some of you wait till you feel it I'm not trying to work anything up because I don't have to work anything up that Holy Ghost inside of me works itself up I remember brother Rudy saying years ago I believe it was brother Curtis McCarley said brother Billy Kelley was preaching for him they were trying to build a new church that had been fighting hell by the acre fighting hell by the acre he said brother McCullough brother Kenneth I was trying to have church and said brother McCarley got some burned about building that building they were fighting hell old every had it said one night with him a car to that old preacher a man of God said brother Monty got up to church he started walking and started praising on this is what he said he said feeling or not a man feeling or not glory to God he said feel it or not hallelujah feel it or not bless the Lord he said after about 10 minutes of the feeling or not the field or not stopped and it was hallelu bless the Lord glory to God praise His name worship ought to be an act of our wheel the love of God in our King James Bible it's never an emotion he said for God so loved the world that he came he said Christ loved the church and gave every time the love of God is mentioned in that Bible it's always taxed to an action not an emotion see I told you what if we read our Bible we wouldn't have to be intimidated about the way we worship [Music] hey man they say the cultural choice it's a biblical mandate hey man somewhere along the way God's gonna get in you so that you ain't no have to feel it or not you'll just get so full you can't do nothing but worship Him but probably until then I might just try it a couple times feel it or not hallelu feel or not baby baby you baby all you do is quote Psalm 103 1 bless the Lord O my soul and all that's within me bless His Holy Name I mean men we can we can quote Psalm 103 1 103 - and 103 3 and get happy on those three verses who forgiveth all thine iniquities and who healeth all thy diseases that's not feeling that's black and white King James pal what about as a grandfather getting to sit in the house of God with your boat watch him worship and listen to your two grandbabies singing in the power of God please tell me what's better than that I already sing another some of you didn't somebody didn't get through thank you somebody got you you might have got the end right but I wanted to get that forward right best I can tell ain't none of us got the wheels right I have literally almost crawled off of football fields I've been carried off a football field on a stretcher with a second-degree concussion and three crack ribs but I play till the end of the game that I was shaking hands I passed out cold turkey if I ever played a ball game with everything I had that one was probably yet I'd sure hate to give a pigskin more than I gave the Lamb of God I'd sure hate to give up back I mean then I've crawled up basketball courts till I had run so much that I couldn't I mean I was too sick I'd puke cuz I so tired I'd give everything I had couldn't walk up steps the dressing room I'd sure hate to give some cowhide with some laces on it more than I gave Christ man I've been hit with baseballs and beat like a backstop catching and pitching in baseball I'd sure hate to give a little Kowhai with some red laces more than I give him I've worked 70 and 80 hours a week for a bank before I went full-time in the ministry I'd sure hate to give a Board of Directors more than I gave the Rock of Ages you say you try nowhere I ain't trying to work a thing though I'm happy whether you are or not can I tell you I could have Church all by myself and you ought to learn how to do that on y'all you ought to be able to have church without a quartet without a special song without a meeting you're just young man there's been times going home from meetings hitting my trunk that he gets surreal I'd stop pullovers before I killed somebody and shout on the side of the road till I calm down you say I would be embarrassed about that man I look for it to get like that if I couldn't get happy by myself I'd be ashamed to get happy in church y'all ready we're gonna sing one more song right now worse back to the wheel I don't know what that is [Music] in the cross on Kel puffer Hill the nails that Pierce easy listen who they're singing about and said I've won I told you listen evolution and how do you know because I know what the Corps says [Music] for three days but Sunday's coming Sunday's coming Sunday's coming tonight but something's coming the chief said I can't find him and death said I could not watch him and when he left he took my keys [Music] for Satan could not be Danielle could not defeat him dead good me Wow i taketh away for saison could not be [Music] in depth good mommy here it's a Wow the reason [Music] [Applause] about how to love your to sing them listen to me we're not telling you no sad stories I ain't told you about grandma or grandpa we're worshiping about the lam John the Baptist made more the greatest statements in John 1:29 that's been made in your Bible Wow while the Passover lambs and then bringing in than a sheep gate he can probably hear the bleeding of those place over lambs in his ear when they look down that road and said Behold hallelujah behold the lamb of God that taketh away not the sin of a race not the cinema state not the cinema country but he said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world [Music] it was told that he would come he would only know but when they play a tune ever [Music] slang applause a tree by stripes we are healed by his blood we are seeing to the lay my girl here's what you're sure she's coming back some day maybe two [Music] we never should be bad [Music] lord I feels unworthy that you allowed us to be in your presence Lord not even just tonight but every night and how you've manifested your person in multiple ways Lord in Monday night it was in preaching in the Word of God Lord tuesday night how you came in and tenderness and the grace of God Lord last night how you came in in conviction and spoke to our hearts and then Lord you just set out in fellowship with us as we bowed at your feet but then tonight you've let the glory of God sit amongst you people Oh blessed God I don't take that for granted what I appreciate you touching me and helping me Lord sometimes it gets difficult when it's every night that you just don't go through the motion but thank you for a place where it's genuine and the move of God is desired and Lord how you've waited off in the depths of my soul tonight thank you lord thank you for the Calvary Baptist Church thank you for helping us Lord I pray you'd help us in everything and for everything and with everything thank you for the choir that's why there was a calvary lord thank you that you did say and thank you that i'm complete in Christ and thank you that there's grace and thank you that you're in the middle of it all and that you've just been so good to me and worthy is the Risen lamb and thank you that one day we will see hallelujah to the lamb in white rooms pure and white in the righteousness of the son of God will be clothed thank you for that promise thank you for moving in our midst thank you for this church and this dear pastor thank you for our friends that have traveled in and Lord their love and support of the work of God glory that Lord you know I don't want any glory I wouldn't put my hands on your glory for nothing in the world scares me to death or what I'm glad it's all about you help me to do all I can to point others to Christ in Jesus name
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 2,732
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel, revival, Mark Stroud
Id: Eic2rNSsO7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 47sec (5507 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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