Death Valley Gunfighter (1949) Allan 'Rocky' Lane

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you you didn't say nothing about the sheriff coming shut up keys that's sheriff mixing business with pleasure why don't I go play pattycake someplace else yep hi les Oh Keith afternoon Judy hi Matt I brought the payroll out thanks Keith I need all your broad I didn't like the idea of all that cares getting lonesome I got a report the death valley crowds been sniffing around up here thought it might be dangerous so you brought Trudy Lord huh please knocking mega Keith didn't bring me I was out riding and ran into him he wanted me to go back and I wouldn't go so Keith's not to blame he's not to blame Keith not to blame sounds like a Mozart refrain Mozart was a composer a great one hey you wouldn't know but that would you leave the lab alone nugget Keith doesn't mean any harm nugget he's just wrong I already know what you think about me nugget but right now that doesn't matter I'm sheriff and you got a payroll and it's my duty to stay around here until it's paid off you're any good as a lawman you do about personal property well that's what this is I'm the manager and I'm ordering you all now get go be gone scamper that's clear enough hey Trudy home leave with her listen you bigoted old fossil because of Trudy I would argue with it it won't do any good scientists nearly might fall yep - Leon before dark all right let's let's go good night sweetie what do you know they're going back yep you'll bring the horses closer and stay with them let's go yeah Dennett that's just right okay I'll get the boys until my pace here alright leave the boys alone mister they're paid gonna be here over there and play statute your ranks you'll never get away with this statues don't talk the money i keith was that tone higher or lower than the last one higher wrong again wrong again oh it's no good Trudi I'm tone-deaf I can't tell one note from another and never will anyway what difference does it make I could sing like a bird nugget still wouldn't like it you heard him at the mine he's so stubborn he won't at the sheriff he'll do a sheriff's duty just because I happen to be sure oh listen Trudy let's elope and elope now nugget never will give his consent I'll say it for you as sheriff I ought to know about personal property and that's what this is this is yours and now you order me off gold get begone scamper it's clear enough I'm glad you got that far straight only I got more to see not that it'll do any good Lester was murdered at the mine by two masked bandits they grabbed the pay room got away uncle what Oh Trudy last year bandits killed my father now I'm blessed next it'll be you I'm getting rid of that mine get rid of it Rudy I know how you feel but I can't close the lookie brothers mine well honey why do you spoil your dad less and me started their mind for you so that we could send you back east where you could really study music honey you're going to New York Boston maybe Vienna even but I don't want to go no no no we're not losing the lucky brother mine now or ever I'm Nadia come here morning Richard morning dug it permit me to offer my deepest sympathy sit down thank thanks Thanks hey I got to get it alone enough to replace the payroll that was stolen from that's a goodly sum nugget but licking alone is a banker's business you have ample security the Mucky brothers mine Lulu if what else what else ain't that enough we just dug into rich pay dirt I don't doubt the quality of your or nugget but I have every reason to question your ability to transport you mercury once you find it lying to brain because the outlaw has been a hitless find responsible for all this murderers it isn't a question of blame nugget it's simply a question of sufficient security to justify excuse me just one moment sure yes miss Trudy sheriff how can I serve you tell uncle nugget that you'll give him alone I'm afraid my dear that you're asking the impossible half the community has agreed to back the loan and they've signed this people they know what it means to the town of the lucky brothers closes hmm well I've also sent for outside help for a fellow called Rocky Lane rocky lay I don't believe he's a man who cleaned our Deadwood do you know the gentleman are you certain he'll come well no I've never met him but my dad once did him a favor and I was sure that he'd remembered he did he answered right away and he's coming please don't tell uncle Margit you know how stubborn he is about accepting help especially from Keith of course of course well I'm pleased that your presentation of unknown collateral forces or uh permits me to authorize an affirmative reply good day what you mean yes her over here Benson I just got to have that money after due consideration nugget I've decided to grant your request Lloyd but remember this is purely a business transaction you ain't trying to do me no favor no no not you cuz I don't take help from nobody indeed not the papers will be all ready for your signature the first thing Wednesday morning and I'll be here oh dear we just saw nugget leave but he was asking for a loan huh cheer up McKnight you look like you gave a talk I did well there was nothing else I could do most of Panamint Wells agreed to co-sign the note try and appreciate my position under the circumstances it's my position I'm worried about that mine is worth over a quarter of a million dollars I want it and I'm gonna get it when's nugget picking up the payroll early Wednesday morning but things are not going to be as simple as they were the sheriff is secretly calling in help from the outside a gentleman he's never seen but who's supposed to be was the guy Rocky Lane was the name he used did you say Rocky Lane I believe I did you no no I I cracked his safe in Wichita one day Lane slaps me in jail the next I ain't the only one you heard of my brother snake only one lawman ever made himself Tom Rocky Lane you get any ideas to meet hanging with Lane forget him besides I got a heavy date out of town remember I wasn't thinking about you I was thinking about that brother you're yours maybe he'd like to settle up with Lane like it yeah he'd kill him on sight that's what I had in mind if snake came here pretending to be Lane and nobody knew it nobody but us it'd make things a lot easier oh dear where is it little town in Arizona caught for your flat all right snakes got himself a job you go ahead and get out of town I don't want both you and your brother around here someone might spot the toy and jam things up confound it sir oh sorry was the habit that's far enough well well snake Richard hi Elaine just fine up till now thank you how am I gonna be I'd say dead get out how'd you know I was gonna be coming along here this isn't your territory nor mine this says I'll do the talking you just do as you're told now get down off that horse you hey there partner ridings better than walking anytime here's a present for you go ahead take it is yours ruin the suspect sheriff oh no that is can I help you stranger sir I thought it was the other way around the other way around well I don't see your Rocky Lane yep that's right Keith Judy here he is this is Trudy Clark she's the niece of the reason I wrote you how do you do miss Clark how did you he's enough reason all by herself is the real reason look anything like her anything but nugget Clark's a shrunken nasty thick-skulled old kudu never means is it but uncle like it's a bit stubborn but down deep he's really very nice and he's in an awful lot of trouble mmm bad trouble bubble-like holdups and murder I'm sure someone's after the lucky brothers all that's nuggets Quicksilver mine they make matters worse he won't take any help least of all for me and that's why Keith sent for you this wasn't by any chance am I getting the job of the mine sure there is most of the men have quit and been paid and they're afraid of another shooting Oh your uncle doesn't know what yet but he's taking out a brand-new employ I'll see him tonight right now I want to find a stable for my horse want myself to see you folks later bye dealing even stranger are you nugget Clark yep I'm David Clark well my name's Rocky Lane I wanted to talk to you I wanted to talk to you about a business matter I'll come around in the morning businesses for business hours he benches for relaxing no music yeah a little it's fine what are you brave little no but I don't play anything well it's a business matter come around in the morning good night I guess I better look someplace else it's just that I was trying to find a job that's all what did you say just said I was looking for a job well well come right in sir come right in take that sear that's one of the most comfortable know anything about mine and Quicksilver well I don't need that how much pay do you want well I'll double it they're just one thing you gotta remember I'm the boss I give the orders I don't take them I don't take orders I don't take advice and I don't take help from nobody got that straight yes I think so dick so uh you want to work for me huh no let me sink just might be an open for ya but on second thought I think your pay is too big for a beginner oh let us see we try out for a couple of weeks that'll give you a chance to learn a little and earn a little then we'll talk salary well sir I guess maybe I'd better try someplace else thanks just the same mr. Clark on third thought you're hired original salary yeah I got a great big burst of heart meet me here tomorrow morning before 9 o'clock and when I say before 9 o'clock I mean before 9 o'clock I want to beat the bank when it opens yes sir good night Green goodnight good morning mrs. Murphy I'm glad to see you up so early look who's coming was that McNugget i don't know if he goes by the name of lane that's our man snake Richards oh dear one invention oh good morning nugget well I'm on time open ain't no slip-ups everything's ready and awaiting your signature I I don't believe I've had the pleasure Oh Vince McKnight me rocky lean Dodgers my pleasure mr. Lane now if you'll just step in the office here's your lone nugget now if you'll just sign right here glad Jeff you're a stranger in town with Wells mr. Lane yes I am he just went to work for me and right here you're gonna drive wagons for mr. Clark or working the mind wherever he tells me he's the boss I suppose he'll want me to ride with him and the sheriff to help guard his money here supposing wrong young man that good-for-nothing sheriffing the Hammond this I already gave him right here already hired a guard he said them crooks won't jump me off in the open if they try to grab this case you've tried at the mind like they did before that's where I want you to go any arguments you're the boss maybe remember we'll get along and here I'm only making one loan you know yeah that's all now the money's yours for 10 days stop wriggling Vincent I always pay my debts and the fame wouldn't do you're wasting time on the pier Oh get out the mine tell them in the money to come and tell them I'll be there for noon now you go on yes sir that's better glad of metru mr. McKnight thank you goodbye I suppose I oughta confiture of course of course that's standard procedure you look awful worried as though you were expecting something to happen somewhat if you are call it a hunch Keith there they are all bad now we got a nasty crack on the head it's the horses back to the buckboard will you alright how is he he'll be all right it's got you to sank that was mighty fine work when he does come to get him back in that wagon and drive him onto the mind don't say anything about seeing the sheriff or me understand I'm a stinks thank you walk Sam you can start unloading them supply and Sam maybe maybe it'd be just as good if you didn't say nothing about that little Frankie's we had out there in the road nowadays there's no sense of worrying folk yeah I know I'm a sphinx man here's your money back I in all feet start cutting it up alright boys now today's our third we got 10 days until the 13th before I have to pay that money back now that means we've all got to work twice as hard as we ever worked before it means we've got to pour Quicksilver and twice as many friends now how about it I don't know what's the matter you do a little hard work it ain't that nothing in the first place there ain't as many of us to do all that work and in the second place you're asking for awful hard work for awful little pay god dangit are you trying to tell me how to run my own mine now if you got any idea telling you metal button end men but I don't think you understand what nugget means he's not being selfish nor is he wanting overworking he appears to be mighty generous to me sure he's not the kind of a fellow who'd want you to do double work for single pay for double work he intends to give you double pay and a bonus a bonus to boot of course hey naturally there's just what I was going to say well how about it well that's different it's a deal huh alright be start counting out that money well Elaine I'm glad to see that you got here I would I'd bring you here here for the same reason nugget I'm the lawman here and you've got this other payroll and there are bandits about that all adds up to me how if you're gonna throw me out no no you can stay I'm feeling pretty good today at least I know you're not with Trudy Elaine your step over here I'll explain your duties and what we do here now you got the worst click and you got to learn quick no fooling around cuz we gotta make payment by the 13th now they are we digging it's here mind school cinnabar that's it now we take it to the smelter outside the heat makes the Quicksilver very then it's condensed and cooled now that gives us crude mercury or Quicksilver then we bring it in here and put in two flasks like these course we have to screen it first now then flash looks small but don't let them fool you when each one of them is film they weigh over 70 pounds like I said don't don't let him fool you every gold mine all moose in the country needs quick soap that's what makes it so valuable well that's what makes it so valuable then what then you turn around hmm well at least I can say is thank you you heard from Tony oh why would I your friend not mine what about the repossession of the money why don't you do with it where is it I got a seat Tony well he's of no consequence but the money is just to keep the books balanced McKnight we didn't get it you didn't get we did Tony's brothers the reason snake teamed up with the sheriff and jumped us from behind oh dear this is terrible what do we do now find Tony find him and tell him to drop a little hint and his brother's ear a hint about what happens to snakes a rattle on the wrong side oh dear this is frightful that gal that Tony had a date with of course of course cherchez La Femme I mean to find a woman Tony said she lived out of town I don't know where but I'll find out oh dear open up McKnight or up blaster lockout oh dear what are you doing in here darker than the inside of a grave a grave oh dear don't think of things like that now that don't lead to conclusions I I just thought I'd take a little trip go away for a few days I have a sick brother a very ill man hey well I kind of thought South American nice listen McKnight you got any embezzlement ideas forget them you're in this with me and you staying in until after I take over the mine of course of course but how are we going to get hold of the mind but nugget comes to pay off his loan with all that Quicksilver he and snake Richards have Tony we're gonna have a little talk with that brother of yours he's gonna see that that Quicksilver don't get here in time to pay off that loan you stay here and put things back where they belong let's go save this the trip rocky Lane what did you say that ain't snake that's rocky Lane over dere are you sure sure I'm sure I don't know my own brother and that ain't him I don't know the guy that throwed me in jail and that is him listen shad I'm gettin out of town so fast shut up I got it figured now instead of snake blessed and Lena was the other way around Lane took care of snake we're playing right into his hands but we're gonna change things you're gonna fix Lane me you even mr. Lee good evening thanks for where you been out in the desert what are them saying markers how do you can she answer simple question you know nugget I've heard a lot of things working for you watching the careful way you think and plan things out here you're true judge of character young man you go far I began to wonder how you'd work things out tomorrow you know you got to get that Quicksilver safely to town probably ducking outlaws and bandits I suddenly realized you'd be too smart to use the regular road true true enough but if you don't use the road I'm gonna get how are you going to get the Quicksilver in hi uh I'm his Trudy I've been trying to figure does like your uncle would and he's got a mighty fine idea he's gonna send those wagons across the desert completely fooling the gunslingers there's no Road across the desert that's right but nugget allowed for that and he came up with a perfect answer no uh let me tell her will you larget just to see if I'm right about what you do ed thanks he's gonna put flag markers across the desert markers that will show the wagon drivers a safe way across Oh uncle nugget through marvelous it wasn't much you've got a good head on your shoulders and smart enough to learn from an older and a wiser man I already put the markers out tonight I hope you don't mind oh not at all not at all now that's not all you're awful figured out he knows that if he sent the wagons out early in the morning it would help to have me leave later with some dummy wagons only I'd be using the regular road a kind of a decoy right absolutely lane absolutely all right here he comes yeah I don't like this me and rocky lane just don't mix quit stopped us you don't have to see Lane all you got to do is talk to the sheriff like I told you give them a chance to get inside then get busy hello key alright ready Rocky's idea worked uncle nugget swallowed it whole he's out of the mine now rocky told me I'm riding the decoy wagons with him if our hunch works out Trudy this will be the showdown we'll catch the outlaws cold stop worrying William once the killers are caught in luck it's paid off alone we'll talk to him again if he still says no I'll get it Oh chef I've been looking all over boy what's on your mind Tony well I just want to tell you I got nothing to do with my brother nothing at all come in you mean snake Richards oh why bother me master tough snake was in Arizona well he ain't now he's right here in Panama Wales Oh how do you know well I saw myself coming into this house last night here you must be mistaken rocky came in last night nobody else look miss I don't know what name he's using only I know my own brother when I see him he was wearing a dark shirt lied hat and riding a satin black horse Tony you've just described Rocky Lane have it your way only I just described my brother if anything goes wrong I mean the snake pull something I just want to make it clear to you I got nothing to do with it suppose this man drive suppose rocky is snake and suppose he's tricked uncle nugget into crossing the desert so that his gang can ambush the Quicksilver well suppose anything you want I don't care but just remember sheriff I got nothing to do with snake yeah I heard you here he comes shuri's rocky Lane I still think he's alright but I can't afford to take any chances come in morning Trudy where's Keith he's getting late we better ride here and turn around slow what's going on here that's what I aim to find out lane if that's your name ever hear of a man called Tony Richards yeah he used to be a small-time safecracker why he was just here he says he's your brother that would make you snake Richards all right hold still - snake here read this here's a chance to kill Rocky Lane and get paid for it he'll be coming along that's enough for now mourn enough so I trusted snake Richards your brother Tony just crossed you why are you too much for even him to swallow you're making an awful mistake Keith just one thing did that Tony find out the Quicksilver was crossing the desert yeah he did don't worry about Tony he's not man enough to jump the wagons maybe he's not but that gang he's tied in with can and will somebody's got to get out there and warn the only place you're going is to jail you almost got away with it snake but almost isn't good enough sorry Keith I'll do my explain it later I've got enough to nugget that wagons right people was hand passed they're coming Tony like you said at the boys ready yeah they're spread all over the pass yeah I mean my ideas working out fine we're almost to the pants and not a sign of trouble yeah but there's gonna be your bandit friends found out you're crossing the desert how do you know never mind how tell your drivers not to follow the flag tell them to cut out tell em quick young man hired this is serious turn offs and queen they turn it off get your horses the sheriff and a posse let's get out of here wait here men you're to come with me even covered Boise's tricky I gotta hand it to you snake you keep trying what do you call him his name is Lane even you ought to know that his name's Richards snake Richards now we just beginning to appreciate you here boy snake Richards is an outlaw UH one of the worst and he's standing right there beside you I found this on him yeah sure blind to the facts Keith I came out here to warn nugget that Tony for wagons weren't headed for town why but he told me to turn off said there was outlaws ahead did you see any outlaws no well just the same right now you better get this Quicksilver in a safe place and lock it up I'm putting you in a safe place and I'm locking you up he can cover it nugget will escort you to tom he didn't had wagon oh dear South America would have been so nice listen McKnight the game ain't over and it won't be until nugget sells a quick silver and hand you the money which he ain't gonna who is it very far oh dear let's hear what he's got to say ah dear angel well how did I get I suppose you heard I got the Quicksilver here enough to pay off your loan tomorrow well I'm very pleased nugget but you understand I'm not in the Quicksilver business you'll have to pay me in cash don't worry about that I got a buyer arriving here in the morning he'll pay me off the knot fill you up just one thing I'm worried snake Richards is in jail but he's gang is still loose now I gotta find a safe place to store my flats in and the safest place in town is your bank vault here well the bank vault is for money I don't see how however it would seem that the bank's interest are identical with yours because of the loan so bring your flasks in you can use the vault tonight thanks Benson I thought you'd see things my way now see care if you're developing the theory that I'm going to rob my own vault tonight you're wrong a successful in bezler never puts himself in the position where the authorities won't blame you they'll blame snake Richards alias rocky Lane shad you're tired you're forgetting things Lane's in jail he won't be oh dear I didn't think I could ever be so wrong about a person I'd have gone all the way down the line for you Oh Nuggets right I oughta turn in my badge you're feeling bad too soon Keith a telegram in the morning will prove my identity the corner in the next town didn't tell you about sneak Richards sheriff I like to report a theft just a minute stand still and put your hands up all clear here's the keys whether you like it or not Lane you're breaking jail your horses outside get him out I'll take care of the sheriff nice work boys there's your horse get on take him out to the old Dempster place don't bring him back end of the line lane get down over there I'll take care of Layne Tom you keep your eyes open over the back you here let me untie it you listen to me snake Richards did try to kill rocky lane like I said in the note only sneak on it instead I decided to play along just to see what would happen do the rest yourself snake Richards rocky lane whoever you are I'm gonna try to hold you here and took untie your feet now listen to me Keith and listen hard that gang that bust me out of here get it so I'd be blamed for something they're aimin to pull tonight that something is probably the Quicksilver if I wasn't Rocky Lane why'd I come back here whether your rocky lean or not I can't believe you I can't take the chance you can't take the chance of not believing me you'll feel awful sick in the morning that Quicksilver is gone because you refused to accept the truth I don't know you chew away on the same thing the way my dad chewed on his cigars I never mind about what you mean cigars your dad never smoked a cigar in his life he smoked a pipe an old corncob pipe I'm a dope rocky a stupid dope if snick riches isn't running this gang who is that's what we're gonna find out where is the Quicksilver in the bank vault bank vault nugget put it there for safekeeping Tony Richards know where he hangs out sure or why never mind why just kidding get in quick this no.3 bitten house shuttle company meet even nugget evening how about you and me taking a little walk where are we going that way that in your hand I I guess you're the boss all right open it up oh dear something alarming just occurred to me how do we know that people want accuse me of robbing default because I'll bang you in the head and tell you you can say snake Richards and his gang force to open the vault wait a minute how hard hard enough to raise a bump don't worry now come on open up you got to move that quicks over and we ain't got all night oh dear we'll save you the trouble get over there yeah get over there cuz I'm just itching to get at you midnight shad don't blame me they made me open the vault my cookie but lolly gang in the end huh guarding a tree if this tone-deaf cub wasn't such a good Sheriff I might present this but it don't well folks I gotta be moving along but nugget huh before I go how about playing this piece are you Rocky hey dreadful yes sir Lancer no not for me for them you trying to trick me well it ain't gonna work I don't play nothing I know you're not gonna play anything you don't life you're too big a man to wise and fair there's a grudge rocky I never made a finer judge of character well here goes you
Channel: Nevada Jane
Views: 721,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allan Lane, Allan Rocky Lane, Rocky Lane, Full Western Movie, Nevada Jane
Id: vxF5YQ_lL8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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