Aces And Eights (1936) TIM McCOY

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] so uh after our civil war the pioneer spirit of america revived and once more the tide of civilization began to flow westward long wagon trains bearing men women and children slowly crept over the barren wastes of desert and across miles of wild unsettled territory danger confronted these hardy souls during their westwood march of empire builders not only from the elements but from the indians who were savage and unrelenting in their attacks on the white invaders [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] uh [Applause] and in the annals of western men no lester condemned the record of wild bill hickok adventure gambler gentlemen his word was as true as his aim and when he made his shoulder draw to let a sixth gun do his talking the lead in conversation brought law and order wherever he was marshalled [Music] [Applause] and so bill hickok made enemies but in the boom town of deadwood south dakota while bill was tamed bill always sat with a wall behind him but this night he was plated to overlook all caution and his back was to adore jack mccall came in but the instinct of the gunfighter almost triumphed over death his gun was drawn some had cocked the hammer his cards were neatly stacked he had held two pair and so it was from then on aces and eights were called the death hand cast in the same mold was another who however unlike wild bill never carried a sick shooter preferring to let agile fingers do his talking from the missouri to the rockies he was known as gentleman tim madigan and these eights that spelled death for wild bill wrote a different fate for gentleman team [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a long way tim from deadwood gulch to here i hope my reputation hasn't preceded us anyway we'll go in and see what this town has to offer [Applause] another temple a chance [Applause] look at those chips is music to my ears ah lucky day [Applause] well my reputation has preceded me that's just the price of fame that marshall ain't exactly flattering i'll give you a break spanish your money's not three queens three kings another one you don't object if i sit in here do you [Applause] morgan clearing up some titles on a mining deal this is no limit not too big for you just right what do you do all right [Applause] i'll raise five ten twenty [Applause] i don't see it i've got no business i might as well train along cards two i was always taught in a case like this to draw one card two to the dealer it's going to cost you just 50 more i'll just call that aces and dates mister when you dealt yourself that pair of aces your forgotten dealt me three are you suggesting that i'm cheating well there are five aces on the table and you're dealing that i end up dead misting you and i have got some talking to do we certainly have seen that my money's in the pot hello tim well marshall we meet again yeah you boys do your talking outside and then both of you get out of town throttle just as you say we're entitled to tim's steak ain't we go ahead help yourself but make it honest all bets are off i was gone before that happened i was broke when i told you to stay out of nevada i meant it i'm interested in some mining property at roaring gulch i had to come across a line to fix up some deeds in future do your business in california sam marshall who was that man just went out that's gentlemen tim madigan another one well you call me out here mister let's get down the cases what's the idea of making a monkey out of me you're a disgrace to our dishonorable profession i slipped in that extra ace because i caught you dealing from a stacked deck banish boy's money away from say how'd you see me i'm pretty fast not fast enough and although it's against my principles to cheat you palmed off an ace on me [Music] well i guess we can accept that marshall's invitation now you cheated me singer trying the crawfish huh bad enough to lose when the play is fair nobody squawks when he's the winner i have never before as you say squawked at losing what do you want of me i'll trouble you for my money where did that shot come from down there it's a ten horn yeah and he's been robbed slug went right through him 45 the six shooters are 45 too looks like he was shot with his own gun there's only one man i know who can tear a deck of cards four ways i want gentleman tim madigan my name ought to be pretty well known around here before long who did you murder and when i don't seem to remember and i'm not going to hang around nevada to find out ouch box cars it's an unlucky day and the dice never lie much we're separating here i'm crossing over into california did you hear about the gold stack at roaring ghosts i'll meet you there the first of the month well pastor lavista [Applause] looks like madigan's horse that sure is come on so uh [Applause] well i i guess that's the end of gentleman tim madigan anyway he skipped out of that over to california before he cashing these chips well if you're asking me he's a pretty live corpse well he may be safe for a while but i've got him tagged so that i'll get him in california or kingdom come i'm getting on that card sharps trail right now and i'm not coming back alone [Applause] [Applause] oh hello hon well hello morgan any election reno i've got a set of documents here that'll open from andy's eyes joe springer says they'll even fool a philadelphia lawyer good come on into my office who's that i don't know showed up yesterday i guess he's hoping to get his yellow lead without using thicker pan from your look you but i ain't craving to renew our acquaintance just yet well looks like look is changing your way again spanish perhaps this time senor my luck will [Applause] hold so i've been hoping that i'd meet up with you give me your gun you know i never carry a gun the tin horn you took out of the last chance was shot better than a micro you can't do anything about this in california oh i got myself deputized without your wrist i didn't shoot that gambler i had an argument with him but that's all are you sure you didn't use a little derringer not even a little danger and if you didn't kill the tin horn why did you take the shortcut out of nevada to save my neck first i knew of it was when i saw your advertising and the miners in nevada don't care much about the law now i've crippled my horse i know you won't mind if i change and take yours now i'm going to pay you the courtesy of trusting in your honor don't pick that up last time gone and i hope we won't meet up for a long time let's see here stand up straight there ah let's see you're superb you know your patrol we sure do captain you'll bet your haha my little pigeons vamos when i was here last flippy i don't remember any of them pigeons flooding around roaring gulch the patrol is only six months old and i'm very proud although organized by americanos they have elected me felipe ricardo rodriguez hernando de lopez their captain how about having your pigeons scatter these or as soon as you assign your name to them uh my friend your wish is a command i will scatter them me myself in person i hope this isn't an example of california hospitality it wasn't there when i rode out to meet you this morning look so it's about time for me to change my identity from now on tim madigan becomes tom harrington well i wish you the look of the irish and i'll probably need it but i don't think i'll ride into rolling coast all right into town and see what's what well good luck here [Applause] [Applause] one is this amigo good afternoon to you perhaps you don't remember me i remember you very well but why do you call me friend when you slip that fifth face in the deal and expose that card sharp up in nevada you did me a good turn what makes you think i did that i wasn't dealing well i i i just guessed it that game taught me a lesson i hope it did you too i hope what you did for me didn't get you in any trouble forget it maybe you learned that only easy marks play for high stakes with strangers [Applause] the marshal told us your name after you left for the gambler that reward would give you a good stake at the gold dollar i don't believe you did this thanks goodbye just a minute the rancho of don hernandez lies just over the valleys it's his habit to welcome the traveler a very good and spanish custom which unfortunately i have nearly forgotten no one will ever think to look for you at the rancho hernandez adios i do not understand senor the rancho hernandez has belonged in my family for generations this documentary proves what i see it doesn't prove anything now i went to the capitol and checked up like i said i would it'll take years maybe to straighten out the deeds and transfers involved in the original grant and what must i do to keep what little i possess um twenty five thousand dollars in gold will satisfy the parties bought this claim including the land on which the oscendo stands it's a great deal of money so i mean amigo i'm a stranger i have quite a ride ahead of me tomorrow and i wondered if i might spend the night here perfectly willing to welcome to rancho hernandez i am juanita and in this come i will take you to my father thank you [Applause] i will have the money by an excuse they all give up the rancho hernandez for this pledge i would much rather deliver a quick claim on tuesday who is the young man in the picture my son he has not been home in years i do not know where he is well good day and good hasta la vista amigo someone waits father you are welcome senora thank you perhaps you have some baggage well only my saddlebags and blanket roll on the horse i will look after them father did you receive good news from senor morgan it is as i expected the documentary is not sufficient proof you have met my brother perhaps in your travels oh no senorita i've never met your brother your horse will be fed i'll show you to your room well this is very pleasant after a hot dusty journey the only dust in my house is on that little jar la copadoro the cup of gold eh yes it is for those who stop by the way and might need a little help stays in the embarrassment of asking for it anyway doesn't it you know you californians are very generous it is nothing and you can see by the dust it is long since anyone needed a coin i can think of a lot of places where a cup of gold wouldn't get much chance to gather any dust it is the custom that only the needy touch la copadoro not even a thief with pulses of money refresh yourself senor we dine in an hour thank you we'll lose a prospect that's worth a fortune if hernandez manages to raise that money don't worry he'll never redeem this pledge but suppose he does yeah we can fix that oh you know that boy that hangs around here that one he calls spanish yeah that's andy's son jose oh i begin to see what you mean better get to work on him hello i'm warren glad to see you come on in i didn't know that you were down on andy's son when we met nevada shake hands with amos hogg he owns the gold dollar glad to know you your dad's a friend of mine we'll drink to this meeting no senor whiskey is worse for me than cars you plan on hard luck again yes annie hernandez is a friend of mine here your credit's good with me [Applause] just sign this and give it to the cashier yeah better luck this time you see my father don't tell him you saw me of course not how can i ever thank you for this don't try [Applause] you've been very kind to me i wish i could stay longer perhaps we may see you soon again if you should pass this way i'll never forget your hospitality my father asked me to wish you well for him he rode late last night to his brother in capistrano and your own brother you haven't seen him for some time please thank you father for me and thank you i say that tim the marshall's in town i've got a date at the gold dollar and if i'm not on the highway at three o'clock near the rancho hernandez you can make your own plans [Applause] wake up no i'm not asleep that marshall from the daughter's in town well i just think of my signature how can i ever redeem those receipts i gave senior hard you sure took advantage of his good nature but he's your friend too don't let them wash over you i won't tell a soul what i saw what do you mean what i saw you do in nevada after that card sheet knocked you down jose hernandez i want you you broke your promise you talked to them about me to learn my name come on along with me hey wait a second none of your business you're not taking advantage anyplace you're forgetting that this country's plastered with your advertising so i told you once before to put away your hard work mister gentlemen tim madigan is in roaring gulch he just left here thanks age you aroused my curiosity curious about me no about that derringer you can put that away now ace why should this pistol interest you ace you were cold decked by that gambler in nevada and he's deader now than my aunt emma's hopes of matrimony are you hearing that i had anything to do with shooting him well i don't recollect that i said anything about the tin horn being shot oh i thought you said he won say what were you doing in the valleys when i run you out of there i have to see lawyer joe springer in reno hmm that checks up all right well thanks tell me about madigan i'll get on his trailer right aways all right you better send one of your pigeons flooding around the rancho hernandez because i got an idea that tim found out something there last night that might interest us say do you think that one of your pigeons could fly across the nevada line and uh give this to my deputy i'm leaving you here how can i ever face my father and my sister they want you why are you so kind to me after you heard what ace morgan said when's jose and never mind what he said forget it how can we ever thank senor harrington no man could ever do more for a friend than he's done for me hey you can't stall around here i thought there was a woman mixed up in this thing somewhere so that spanish captain has been plastering these things up faster than i can tear them down [Applause] hey what are you doing you ain't picking on going back to work are you i'll never need that back again oh you've been square you never use the money when some tin on tried to beat you are you gonna be square and gamble you ain't got religion have you [Applause] maybe hope he's headed for the i'll trail him and find out this is a great day for us my brother and friends at capistrano have loaned me the money to save our home and my son has returned senor hardin is here to see you don hernandez welcome to rancho hernandez senor a chair pedro and uh some wine senor i can do without either i own the gold dollar and i'd like to know what you're going to do about these but just what are these senor nearly eight thousand dollars in promises signed by your son is this true noah hernandez has ever dishonored his signature there is enough help yourself it's a pity i didn't get you out of the gold dollar sooner uh you have returned senor i am glad you must pardon me sir but i overheard everything and i'm wondering if the paying of those notes is going to interfere with your redeeming your pledge tomorrow this will be our last night in the rancho perhaps you will remain with us nothing would please me more may i have the same room the same room me amigo thank you father why not use la copadoro [Applause] now if you're looking for more credit i'm just sorry this is a surprise i didn't expect to find any friends here the pool they'd only hang up now go back home no matter what happens keep your mouth shut well i'm sorry you can't sit in my poker [Applause] game [Applause] everybody [Applause] another one well we left take a look at these wait this is a five dollar limit game excuse me i didn't know there's a cycle okay we can accommodate your craving for excitement limits off boys let me out feel me in gus [Applause] sure another one hell let's see here [Applause] what do you got well they're races four of them no one could have steer on a luck on the level well we're using a house deck and you're dealing half the time aren't you i'll see that and raising i'm clean you don't deserve a break but i'm going to give you one i'm betting the works [Applause] and if you're not afraid to gamble with a square deck you'll call me i want you tim marshall i'm giving hardener and if you're as interested in a square deal as you are making an arrest you'll give me one what's on your mind i want the gold dollar and everything in it i'm betting harden all of my chips against the place providing he'll play with a square deck are you suggesting the house deck is crooked everyone in its mark ace of spades queen of hearts jack of spades ace of clubs ten of diamonds juice of spades tray of hearts and here's four of a kind nines four nines why you're loco trying to ring in marked cards on gentleman tim madigan i broke my word when i sat in this game with hardin i had a good reason for it but i'm through with cards after tonight you're free to go to eight o'clock tomorrow morning i'm trusting you to show up at the captain's office at that time thanks i senores will provide the honest deck me myself in person how about it harden you can't bluff me it's a bet deal one cold hand after the captain cuts the deck two pair aces and eight you'll win come in my office i'll give you the deed i know he is super ha we agree on everything there's a deed to the gold dollar you can keep your saloon i don't want it all i want is the gold you stole from don hernandez by cold decking his son but you can tell ace morgan for me that i'll get back that pledge of don hernandez if it's the last thing i do ain't interested in the gold dollar but i am and being partners i'm moving right in come around and see me once a while you're gazing at the new boss of this temple of chance the drinks around the house [Applause] [Applause] yes i am very happy in your heart and to put you on the arrest you can't get away with this i am sorry i cannot redeem my pledge with gold when must we leave our home oh you won't have to hurry i'm sure you can have until tomorrow gracious senor where's your father he's gone but i haven't you're a little late madigan was the money you stole from the gold dollar oh no i'm not i understand you never carry a gun that's right throw me those bags come and take them what ride can you have to that money as much right as he has he's stolen he's not only a card cheat but a thief his name is gentleman tim madigan i'm tim madigan all right show me those bags give them to him please throw me those bags [Applause] what's the matter it's the american and morgan start riding tim the marshall's headed this way and he ain't giving you till tomorrow morning i'm staying go out the back way please everything ace morgan said is true i promised myself i'd square a count so i'm staying well marshall i'm ready but you said i have a warning well yeah well i had to change my mind you know how it is i do not know of what he is accused but he has done more for me than i can ever repay all right marshall one moment saying yours it's my turn to talk keep your mouth shut come on wait a minute i killed that gambler in nevada tim the day you took my horse away from me i believed every word that you told me and i swore that i'd square you i've just been hounding you to cover my tracks where did you hide the derringer you used well i never had a derringer no i followed the card sheet and asked him to return my money he knocked me down and my hand encountered the gun on the ground i fired and he fell shucksan the lead from that gun never killed anybody but that slug did and it came from a derringer pistol i heard you threatened jose hernandez you said you saw him kill that gambler and you described the scene perfectly would you like a bullet from his pistol yeah sure would help they are those two slugs came from the same smooth bore all right morgan let's go i'll never forget that you kept silent after hearing what ace morgan said about me and you were close to hanging for it too forget it ah lucky day it is indeed a lucky day for the house of hernandez [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 76,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, classic movies, Movie, Cowboys, filmstruck, Tim McCoy, #classicmovies, CLASSIC, WESTERN, FREE, FILM, PUBLIC DOMAIN, Aces And Eights (1936), Luana Walters, MOVIES, Rex Lease
Id: G78XTpk4iFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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