Coco - I Cant Handle These Animated Movies - Movie Reaction

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what's up it's jv and today we're checking out coco so this movie came out in 2017 it has 97 rotten tomatoes all right so coco let's see the profit in box office numbers um if they made any money or not if there was a good return on investment let's see okay so box office made 807 million dollars so that is really good um compared to some of the other movies i saw it was only about 225 million to make so they made four times the profit that those four times return on investment so that's really good so that shows me a sign that there might be a sequel to this i don't know if there's gonna be part two and three if they're gonna do a trilogy this came out fairly recently in 2017 so we've seen in the past that if movies make a lot of money make a lot of profit and it's a good investment for these guys then there's a high probability that there's going to be a second one we saw that in toy story they made a part 4 and pretty much i'm guaranteed they're going to make a toy story five because of how that ended so it looks like this might get a sequel if you let coco um be on the lookout because they made a lot of money and 800 million is is is a lot and still growing to this day so yeah that's good news i'm really excited for this one guys let's jump straight into it check out patreon for the full reaction if you want to watch this movie along with me every step of the way uncut patreon is the place to go let's go oh yeah youtube you won't be able to hear this they remixed the walt disney thing the disney thing nice you know when i start doing if there are any like animated movie or movie live action movie musicals that's going to be really difficult for youtube i'll have to figure out how to do well i can't have the music on youtube there'll be patreon exclusives i don't know we'll see because these animated movies they have a lot of music in them i've noticed so i have to mute it a lot of the times for youtube so highly recommend you check out patreon if you want to get the full reaction coco he left with his guitar and never returned what the heck his wife and daughter he just left what the hell man and the mama she didn't have time to cry over that walk away musician and then mama yeah forget that guy all music from your life i don't know about banning on music but music had torn her family apart shoes brought them together help them all together you see that woman who's my great great grandmother mama ripped out the father oh she's dead oh every year and her little girl she's my great-grandmother coco so this is that what the movie is named after coco no music what still music holy it's been like uh 200 years no one listens to music that's horrible the new drake album just came out oh man there's a lot of music in this guys i'm probably gonna have to mute a lot of it so he loves music and he listens to music outside of the house that's what i would do i would sneak music in my house because it was filled with it's filled with profanity [Music] and he wrote the best songs [Music] wow huge entertainer we abandoned his family until 1942 when he was crushed by a giant bell holy crap that guy killed him got it leaned on the bell oh my gosh maybe someday he's your like great great grandfather wasn't for my family sees your moment show me what you got what's easier moment miguel let's see oh can he play come on miguel let's hear it this guy's cool i like this guy oh shoot what are you doing hey that's the granddaughter of the the woman that was left by de la cruz there's a bunch of lessons in here right away about like tradition and stuff some kids don't want to be part of like pass it down the business right whoa cool whoa he worships this guy this is where he learned it from so he was gonna be really good at it the rest of the world i love the animation style it has that like you know that feeling like there's a song in the air like the shine or something it looks real you know this is how he learns he's gonna be just as good as uh uh ernesto wow he's so good i gotta watch that movie seoul with jimmy fox i gotta watch that one too guys stay tuned for that wow it's so good and like the the focal the focus points the blur in the background beautiful grab it tight and make it come true and make it come true but don't leave your family behind okay you can pursue your dreams but don't abandon your kid and your [Music] wife oh it could still be fixed there's a lot of candles so this guitar oh he didn't know oh he didn't know i assumed that he knew what the heck wow he he didn't know that it was his great grand great great grandfather our great great great grandfather i just missed it darn it i'm gonna be a musician [Music] oh what is all this you keep secrets from your own family no more music just listen to me please end of argument holy jeez don't break the guitar family i don't care if i'm on some stupid ofrenda don't no mama there no guitar no music oh come on no way better after you eat with your family i don't want to be in this family yeah he's too much passion and he's too good at it you can't stifle that i know that's their tradition and all but where's he going to find the guitar at the free at a funeral oh he's shrine is he going to steal to like cruise his guitar from his grave [Music] oh my god there it is you can get in big trouble for this miguel there and everyone's gonna know that you you have his guitar because it's like legendary right you can't do this what uh this is a bad idea what dude it's like stealing a famous guitar everyone's gonna know that it's he stole it uh he's a kid he doesn't know oh your great great grandson i need to borrow this whoa if it's all right with you i'm gonna play the plaza just like you did [Music] whoa what in the world it's magic oh the jig is up miguel get out of there [Music] stole the heck happened oh no oh shoot grave so they're the ancestors they get to come and hang out with them oh dante can see him are we on the other side again oh hey i have a feeling stuck on the other side what are you talking about whoa all of the the pedals need them come on it's like a barrier but how come dante can just come in and out of this oh that looks so nice geez what a cool effect whoa what the hell it's a whole s freaking city oh he's like a human so they're all like what's going on with this guy dragons how to train your dragon they make kakitas everywhere like poop everywhere so if their photos aren't there they can't go back oh no one rem like no one's uh putting up pictures of him or remembering him oh that sucks they have a fail-safe for that i did not expect all this pulse upgrade system and transit system everyone's like what is happening this never [Music] they wouldn't let me cross the bridge oh the picture fell what we ran into uh um yeah he's got the photo me mama emelda what is going on what dia de los to the dead you stole from the dead oh he stole yeah oh he's cursed whatever he is i am that's you terribly he's allergic but dante doesn't have any hair and i don't have a nose and yet here we are [Laughter] that's true you took my photo of your friend it was an accident how do we send them back to undo a family curse is to get your family's blessing that's it oh no he's dying or turning into yeah there we go i give you my blessing to go home oh no never never play music again what she can't do that well technically she can add any condition she what oh no come on he's not don't do it don't do the music thing oh shoot he's going to play music and then it's going to go back oh what you're going to immediately right back oh come on already break your promise this isn't fair it's my life you already had yours yeah that's true i asked for your blessing the same path oh he needs his blessing he's gonna find his great great grandfather i'm gonna get a sweater i'm cold i'll be right back so he's a fugitive he's on the run falsifying a unibrow that's illegal very illegal falsifying a unibrow he knows de la cruz you're alive even the phone is shaped like a skull that's weirdly specific you know what maybe this isn't something maybe someone could put his picture up you can help me we can help each other but most importantly you can help me oh no they see him do that edgar's he said did he say he is going to get himself killed i mean you are you're the one that's give him your blessing he's going to die whoa whoa what the heck holy moly she's got like a griffith that's not a griffith but i don't know what to call it oh it's got horns too that's so cool got wings horns and it's like a leopard type of thing there we go that's way better this place runs on memories you get me to my great great grandpa then i can go back and put up his picture yes okay okay kid fine fine i'll get you to your great great grandpa the kid is pretty miguel's pretty smart he knows he has the upper hand busy man he's trying to be like a skeleton [Laughter] yo is he you think or he's just a dog or maybe he's just a dog [Laughter] he's biting his own legs i can't believe he died from food poisoning and they're all laughing at him that sucks [Music] because eventually you'll be forgotten about in like you know four five six generations down the line right back all the junkies bring back my lasso my fever oh so after a while you fade away no you you know i don't play anymore cheech the guitar is for the kid play anymore so he he was one too he was a musician but he hates musicians oh man he's fading what happens you die like for real like juanita it was pretty good gracias oh that's it thank you he's going away [Music] wow when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you you disappear from this world we call it the final death the final death hey it happens to everyone eventually it's true yeah so i said earlier like eventually after so long you're gonna be forgotten after so many generations unless you're like some historical figure or some big entertainer or athlete you know i need more subs so i could last forever so i can i can be famous right i want to hear this kid play like solo for real like i want to hear how good he is [Applause] at least like they get to have fun this is just like being alive they're just like hanging out oh cool they're pretty good [Music] that looked like uh what's his name skrillex oh yeah 80 holy crap it's like 80 over 80 percent of you guys are not subscribed all right 88 are not subscribed so guys only 12 of you guys are subbed please subscribe because a lot of you guys are watching a lot of videos and you're not clicking that subscribe button so subscribe i'm going to be dropping like a lot of movies all the animated movies i'm going to get to eventually so subscribe hit the notification bell oh shoot he's up i'm nervous [Music] your life depends on it [Music] [Applause] there you go loosen up his hands are fully skeletonized now [Music] there you go you loosened up pretty fast [Music] they even did the makeup nice yeah dance oh shoot he's here he's close oh my gosh what [Applause] he's proud of him [Applause] have taken my photo uh-oh this whole time they hate music i need a musician's blessing you lied to me about some stupid musical fantasy it's not stupid i'm taking you to your family let go of me later you don't want to help me you only care about yourself yeah it's true oh you need him he's screwed up edgar you need him you need miguel you gotta be nice to him don't think about yourself only help the kid stop oh no the real boy put your hood up you lost dante too oh nonsense ends now miguel her spirit animal is amazing oh no oh no yes get in there music's the only thing that makes me happy and you you want to take that away you'll never understand just give him your blessing [Music] holy crap i thought you really hated music oh i loved it now you must make a choice but i don't wanna pick sides yeah why can't you be on my side that's what family's supposed to do yeah man come on just give him your blessing he's gonna die just because he wants to you just sang so ass oh they're showing footage of him they have footage of him cool and it's the shape of a guitar nice of his guitar to music oh he's going to play [Music] wow that's so loud [Music] hey there he is oh no oh cool he went to save him holy crap oh no his makeup is going to come off human boy it's you you you are that boy that the one who came from the land of the living i'm again your your great great grandson i have a great great grandson holy come on be a good guy don't be a jerk yours how could i not listen [Music] watch out kid he did abandon his family i don't know if he had a change of heart or he regrets his decision but we shall see whoa they leave everything else it was hard saying goodbye to my hometown heading off on my own what about your kids miguel we cannot belong to one family the world is our family the fireworks have begun when is he gonna turn dark he's gonna turn like he's gonna really be evil or something i don't know i hope not but usually that's what happens there is a bad guy i can't i have to get home before sunrise boy i really do need to get you home oh he's gonna do it just like this wow sorry to see you go miguel i hope you die very soon know what i mean hope he gets to see him again i give you my blessing who are you what is the meaning of this wait the flower is not going like all sparkly take back my photo you promised miguel you know this um hector please miguel put my photo up my friend your actor please those were my songs you took my songs that made you famous what i only sang your songs because i wanted to keep a part of you did you kill him generous you really did play together look miguel can put my photo up hector and i can cross over the bridge that's all he wants i have a feeling something bad is going to happen movie what that's don't need algos toast in the la i'm talking about my real life miguel no it's in there look at night poisons ah the night i left we'd be performing on the road for months i got homesick and i packed up my songs he killed them with food poisoning do this without your songs hector i'm going home ernesto then i'm i'm sending you off with a toast oh no okay to our friendship i would move heaven and earth for you me amigo salute what did he do to that drink but i felt a pain in my stomach i thought it must have been something i ate perhaps it was that chorizo my friend surely something i drank holy crap it died died right there on the spot oh and he made it he put it in the movie how messed up is that killed him for his songs security security it's not well i just wanted to go back home no oh my gosh it's freaking horrible good guy oh god he's not going to do it for him you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to seize your moment there it is the big villain reveal holy crap just threw him in there whoa that water looks real holy moly what in the world how do they do that you can simulate water that good now oh my god this was 2017 too the the oh he's here too that flying cat thing can come down here and get him right scared boy oh oh no there's not much time left he's a daughter too she said he had a family no you wanted to apologize i wish i could tell her that her papa was trying to come home that he loved her so much my coco coco what he's the father holy crap he was the father that was his guitar it's his grandfather oh my god our great grandfather where did you get this great great that's my mama coco that's my mommy melda is that you where [Music] now they'll know if he goes back then he was trying to come home oh my god and that guy killed him i'd see her again his daughter but she'd miss me maybe put up my photo but she's the last person who remembers me the moment she's gone from the living world you'll never be able to see her his daughter oh my god you know i can't go there we used to sing it every night remember me oh jeez i have a little you guys know i have a little girls so i'm proud we're family i'm proud to be his family [Applause] [Music] all right now get out of that hole come on the bird uh dragon lion thing oh dante what's dante gonna do he's too small yeah there we go uh doesn't she know that he he got killed he was killed though like it's not his fault he left to make money and then he came back because he was homesick oh [Music] whoa what the heck he was [Laughter] this look he can fly he's all right there we go all right pull yourself together jv let's go movie's not over yet does that mean dante's dead did he die i'm ready to accept your blessing and your conditions hector should be on our offender he left this family try to go home to you and coco but de la cruz murdered him you didn't know that so what if it's true you leave me alone with a child to raise and i'm just supposed to forgive you i'm running out of time come on coco she's forgetting you i can't forgive you why but i will help you he tried to make money for the family and then he he tried to come back but he was killed so why is she so upset at him i don't i guess she didn't know he was killed until just now the papaya or the fire however she was like everything's on fire that's really cool though it's so bizarre i'm the love of your life i don't know i'm still angry at you and that's for trying to murder my grandson grandson she's talking about me you yeah you're related to actor there it is get him get him get him yeah get these guys oh num chucks get the photo don't rip it i got it go go get out of there oh shoot yeah dante uh that's not enough though but she could sing remember she could sing security wow yes she's really good and she has the photo [Applause] [Laughter] oh there it is this is it the blessing i give you my blessing to go home to put up our photos and to never never play music again forget about your family do never forget how much your family loves you yes yes you're going home oh he's gonna be exposed now not one more step stop oh you're just the guy who murdered him yes classic whoa jesus christ threw the kid over oh my god miguel come on that that the spirit animal is going to catch him come on where's the big lion what dante come on come on hold him hold him oh the picture oh shoot oh where's the big lion guy oh whoo [Music] yes got him [Music] oh crap it's in the water oh no oh murderer yeah murderer put him in jail go to jail straight to jail oh yeah oh [Laughter] oh the bell again oh it's gonna follow them again [Music] how he died in real life what did i miss he missed everything he promised i'd put your photo up i promise we're both out of time because come on come on don't holy look at this skeleton coming through wanted her to know that i loved her victor you have a blessing no conditions you have to take it you have to go [Music] oh he's got to go to he's got to go to coco quick get out of the way come on come on miguel you can do it it's miguel i i saw your papa remember if you forget him you'll be gone forever sing a song come on sing it sing it [Music] what are you doing to that poor woman it's okay man what's gotten into you they have no idea what what happened come on play that song remember from the the memory oh god if they play that song i'm going to lose it he wanted you to have this mama wait remember me yes oh holy crap she's seen elena what's your own but makeup used to sing me that song holy i kept his letters oh poems he wrote me his photo yes his photo oh yeah there he is the missing piece i think he's gonna be okay now right one year later oh coco would pass too they all remember edgar now he's okay hector sorry not edgar hector and they're okay oh they're back together hey hey coco so the age you die is the age that you are there he's going back he's still alive okay good oh that's the cat the giant cat holy oh my god that was amazing oh wow uh wow hold on give me a second that was incredible jeez sorry i'm a mess that was uh really really good wow the um got very uh hold on a second okay all right i'm back that was uh extremely emotional at the end i got really uh with the whole um hector i can't remember it's hector edgar i think it's hector uh him being the actual great grandfather great great grandfather of miguel the whole discovery of that and how um ernesto killed murdered him he thought he had food poisoning but he was actually murdered from his best friend and dylan cruz and he was like this famous singer and entertainer and he was really a murderer and he put his music above everything and he killed his best friend and hector didn't like he he left initially to sing to make money for his for him and his family right but he got homesick like he was on he was touring like basically musicians have to go on tour and um he uh he wanted to go back because he was homesick but then um dylan cruz killed him so he couldn't go back he really wanted to go back and see coco that was extremely sad obviously guys you guys know i have two daughters and that part was really really got to me when he was like singing to his daughter in her room remember me and they never got to see each other again well he does eventually get to see coco again in the afterlife but the coco as his little girl like as the three four-year-old girl all of that time he he lost like he he get like yeah he gets to see her in her 90s but he missed all the time after that or before that so that still you know it's still really really sad because dylan cruz killed him because he wanted to to steal his songs and keep going it's just uh there's a happy ending but it's still there's still a lot of track like it's still tragic in there there's still a lot of tragedy in embedded in there but there it was a nice ending and miguel was just real a really good kid he just um he really wanted to be a musician like he had it in him and he wasn't gonna stop and uh he stole the guitar and then he went into that like afterlife and in between it was cool um the visuals obviously were amazing the uh the cultural stuff it was so so awesome to see like i'm not familiar with that at all so it was really nice to see some of that stuff and if you guys know more about that um this what they were showing um let me know in the comments like educate me on on this stuff because i really would like to know let me know any backgrounds or anything you know about about this um yeah i would just really like to know it's it's really cool i'm really uh yeah it got to me it got to me i guess i don't know if this is like a universal thing but it was uh it was really good i'm having trouble getting my thoughts together uh the animals were cool to spirit animals i liked the big lion guy with the horns and the uh the wings and it turned out to be like the cat so i thought uh dante died and then he turned into a spirit animal but he was still alive dante's still cool um yeah the great great grandmother was like a really good singer it was just all-around good movie the music was amazing um the story was great the visuals very emotional so yeah i'm sure you guys all you everyone who's watching has seen this already and you know maybe you expected this from me if you know my my reactions but that was by far the most emotional i've gotten so far so uh let me know what you thought in the comment section if you want to watch the full movie with me if you're just like you know chilling at home and you love this movie and you want to watch it alongside me check out patreon that's where you can go to see the full reaction that lives there that's the best place to watch these movies in my opinion it's the best place youtube is great as well but patreon is the place to be so like and subscribe let me know any other suggestions you have for movies maybe in this tone like this is a this is less of an action you know oriented movie there was action in there there's action comedy everything there was it had all music it was it had everything in it um if you know any other movies like this that you think would get me emotionally that would be cool to suggest that or anything anything just suggest leave your suggestions in the comment section because these animated movies are amazing and i missed out on so so many of them i just did like a top 100 list i looked up how many and there was like 90 percent i haven't seen of all these animated movies so we gotta i got a ton of content coming out i'm gonna try to drop them five days a week we'll see how that goes but subscribe comment share if you like animated movie reactions join me on my adventure here ding the notification bell and uh that's about it i'll see you next time i'm outta here peace [Music] foreign
Channel: JV's Galactic Adventures
Views: 45,918
Rating: 4.9724064 out of 5
Keywords: anthony gonzalez un poco loco, coco, coco un poco loco, gael garica bernal, miguel un poco loco, mama coco, hector, dias de los muertos, day of the dead, disney pixar, coco song, animation, leo, cartoon, disney, frozen, parody, comedy, tangled, moana, disney pixar coco, benjamin bratt, antonio sol, gael garcía bernal, anthony gonzalez, remember me, la llorona, remember me reunion, remember me lullaby, proud corazon, proud corazón, the world es mi familia, un poco loco
Id: KbED2D5VZ50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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